Bøger af Gaelle Tertrais
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78,95 kr. Min lille messebog har svar på alle de spørgsmål, der dukker op, når man er med til at fejre katolsk messen. Teksten er let at læse og de svære ord forklares. Bogen er en god hjælp til den, der er i gang med at lære den Katolske Kirkes liturgi at kende.
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- 78,95 kr.
138,95 kr. In this new series on "How to Handle My Emotions," join Charlotte and Elliot as they discover the virtues that make life better. In this third book in the series, three engaging stories on the subject of joy with valuable tools to help children share their joy with tact and generosity.Through guided steps, children will learn to recognize their emotions and to manage them with the aid of good habits. Written in language children can understand, with explanatory pages for adults to help the children they love.
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- 138,95 kr.
213,95 kr. Paul the Apostle, Martin of Tours, Augustine of Canterbury, John of Montecorvino, Pedro de Gante, Junípero Serra, Lucille Mathevon . . .Follow the inspiring adventures of 15 great men and women who traveled to faraway lands, often risking their lives, to share their love for Jesus. Discover how they overcame great challenges to spread the Gospel. Full of fascinating stories, beautiful illustrations, maps, and historic information, this captivating book will inspire children to be a great missionary too!
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- 213,95 kr.
138,95 kr. In this new series on "How to Handle My Emotions", join Charlotte and Elliot as they discover the virtues that make life better.Of all the emotions that we have, anger is the most powerful. If we let it boil over, it can cause real harm. But if we learn to channel anger, it can be a powerhouse for doing good.These three engaging stories on the subject of anger offer valuable tools to help children transform their anger into positive energy. Through guided steps, children will learn to recognize their emotions and to manage them with the aid of Christian virtues.Written in language children can understand, with explanatory pages for adults to help the children they love.
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- 138,95 kr.
173,95 kr. In this lovely book, prayer is presented to children as a heart-to-heart talk with God: to be with him, to speak to him, and to listen to him. As a child does with a loving father.It introduces to children the reasons for prayer, how to pray, where and when to pray, and then offers many different prayers for all occasions and church seasons.It shows children how we can tell God everything: our joys, our sorrows, our love, our gratitude, our trust, our needs, and even our weaknesses. And why we all need to communicate with God, to pray every day, for ourselves, and for others.To help children in their daily prayers and to learn a love for prayer, My Prayer Book brings together many of the great prayers of the Church, prayers for the whole liturgical year and seasons, prayers for every day, and prayers to love Jesus.A must have prayer book for all Catholic children!
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- 173,95 kr.
193,95 kr. - Bog
- 193,95 kr.