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Bøger af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve

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  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve & J R Planche
    168,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    88,95 kr.

    "But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense""하지만 내 추함은 차치하고서라도, 나는 감각이 없다""I know very well that I am a silly creature""나는 내가 어리석은 피조물이라는 것을 잘 알고 있다""It is no sign of folly to think so" replied Beauty"그렇게 생각하는 것은 어리석은 일이 아닙니다." 뷰티가 대답했다"Eat then, Beauty" said the monster"그럼 먹어라, 뷰티." 괴물이 말했다"try to amuse yourself in your palace""당신의 궁전에서 자신을 즐겁게하십시오""everything here is yours""여기 있는 모든 것은 당신의 것입니다""and I would be very uneasy if you were not happy""네가 행복하지 않다면 나는 매우 불안할 것이다""You are very obliging" answered Beauty"당신은 매우 의무적입니다." 뷰티가 대답했습니다"I admit I am pleased with your kindness""나는 당신의 친절에 기뻐한다는 것을 인정합니다""and when I consider this, I hardly notice your deformities""그리고 이것을 생각할 때, 나는 당신의 기형을 거의 알아차리지 못합니다""Yes, yes" said the Beast, "my heart is good"그래, 그래," 짐승이 말했다, "내 마음은 선하다"but I am still a monster""하지만 난 여전히 괴물이야"

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    88,95 kr.

    "But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense""लेकिन मेरी कुरूपता के अलावा, मुझे भी कोई समझ नहीं है""I know very well that I am a silly creature""मैं अच्छी तरह से जानता हूं कि मैं एक मूर्ख प्राणी हूं""It is no sign of folly to think so" replied Beauty"ऐसा सोचना मूर्खता का कोई संकेत नहीं है" ब्यूटी ने जवाब दिया।"Eat then, Beauty" said the monster"फिर खाओ, सुंदरता," राक्षस ने कहा।"try to amuse yourself in your palace""अपने महल में खुद को खुश करने की कोशिश करो""everything here is yours""यहाँ सब कुछ तुम्हारा है""and I would be very uneasy if you were not happy""और अगर आप खुश नहीं होते तो मुझे बहुत बेचैनी होती।"You are very obliging" answered Beautyब्यूटी ने जवाब दिया, "आप बहुत उत्सुक हैं।"I admit I am pleased with your kindness""मैं स्वीकार करता हूं कि मैं आपकी दयालुता से प्रसन्न हूं""and when I consider this, I hardly notice your deformities""और जब मैं इस पर विचार करता हूं, तो मैं शायद ही आपकी विकृतियों को नोटिस करता हूं।"Yes, yes" said the Beast, "my heart is good"हाँ, हाँ," जानवर ने कहा, "मेरा दिल अच्छा है।"but I am still a monster""लेकिन मैं अभी भी एक राक्षस हूँ"

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    78,95 kr.

    "But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense""لكن بصرف النظر عن قبحي ، ليس لدي أي معنى أيضا""I know very well that I am a silly creature""أعرف جيدا أنني مخلوق سخيف""It is no sign of folly to think so" replied Beauty"ليس من الحماقة الاعتقاد بذلك" أجاب الجمال"Eat then, Beauty" said the monster"كل إذن ، الجمال" قال الوحش"try to amuse yourself in your palace""حاول أن تسلي نفسك في قصرك""everything here is yours""كل شيء هنا لك""and I would be very uneasy if you were not happy""وسأكون غير مرتاح للغاية إذا لم تكن سعيدا""You are very obliging" answered Beauty"أنت ملزم جدا" أجاب الجمال"I admit I am pleased with your kindness""أعترف أنني سعيد بلطفك""and when I consider this, I hardly notice your deformities""وعندما أفكر في هذا ، بالكاد ألاحظ تشوهاتك""Yes, yes" said the Beast, "my heart is good"نعم ، نعم" قال الوحش ، "قلبي جيد"but I am still a monster""لكنني ما زلت وحشا"

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    88,95 kr.

    "But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense""Ama çirkinliğim dışında hiçbir fikrim de yok""I know very well that I am a silly creature""Aptal bir yaratık olduğumu çok iyi biliyorum""It is no sign of folly to think so" replied beauty"Böyle düşünmek aptallık belirtisi değil," diye yanıtladı Beauty"Eat then, beauty" said the monster"Ye o zaman, Güzel" dedi canavar"try to amuse yourself in your palace""Sarayınızda kendinizi eğlendirmeye çalışın""everything here is yours""Burada her şey senin""and I would be very uneasy if you were not happy""ve mutlu olmasaydın çok tedirgin olurdum""You are very obliging" answered beauty"Çok zorlayıcısın" diye cevap verdi Güzellik"I admit I am pleased with your kindness""İtiraf etmeliyim ki nezaketinizden memnun kaldım""and when I consider this, I hardly notice your deformities""ve bunu düşündüğümde, deformitelerinizi neredeyse hiç fark etmiyorum"

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    88,95 kr.

    "But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense"Но кроме моего уродства, у меня нет и разума"I know very well that I am a silly creature"Я очень хорошо знаю, что я глупое создание"It is no sign of folly to think so" replied Beauty- Так думать не глупо, - ответила Красавица"Eat then, Beauty" said the monster- Тогда ешь, Красавица, - сказал монстр"try to amuse yourself in your palace"Попробуй развлечься в своем дворце"everything here is yours"Здесь все твое"and I would be very uneasy if you were not happy"И мне было бы очень не по себе, если бы вы не были счастливы"You are very obliging" answered Beauty- Ты очень любезна, - ответила Красавица"I admit I am pleased with your kindness"Признаюсь, я доволен твоей добротой"and when I consider this, I hardly notice your deformities""и когда я думаю об этом, я почти не замечаю твоих уродств""Yes, yes" said the Beast, "my heart is good- Да, да, - сказал Зверь, - у меня доброе сердце"but I am still a monster""но я все еще монстр"

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    88,95 kr.

    "But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense""但除了我的丑陋,我也没有意义""I know very well that I am a silly creature""我很清楚我是一个愚蠢的生物""It is no sign of folly to think so" replied Beauty"这么想并不是愚蠢的表现,"美女回答说"Eat then, Beauty" said the monster"那就吃吧,美女,"怪物说"try to amuse yourself in your palace""试着在你的宫殿里自娱自乐""everything here is yours""这里的一切都是你的""and I would be very uneasy if you were not happy""如果你不开心,我会很不安""You are very obliging" answered Beauty"你很热心,"美女回答"I admit I am pleased with your kindness""我承认我对你的好意感到高兴""and when I consider this, I hardly notice your deformities""当我想到这一点时,我几乎没有注意到你的畸形""Yes, yes" said the Beast, "my heart is good"是的,是的,"野兽说,"我的心是善良的"but I am still a monster""但我仍然是一个怪物"

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    88,95 kr.

    "But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense"「しかし、私の醜さは別として、私にも意味がありません」"I know very well that I am a silly creature"「私は自分が愚かな生き物であることをよく知っています」"It is no sign of folly to think so" replied Beauty「そう考えるのは愚かさの兆候ではありません」と美しさは答えました"Eat then, Beauty" said the monster「じゃあ食べなさい、美女」と怪物は言った"try to amuse yourself in your palace"「あなたの宮殿で自分を楽しませてみてください」"everything here is yours"「ここのすべてはあなたのものです」"and I would be very uneasy if you were not happy"「そして、あなたが幸せでなければ、私は非常に不安になるでしょう」"You are very obliging" answered Beauty「あなたは非常に義務的です」と美しさは答えました"I admit I am pleased with your kindness"「私はあなたの優しさに満足していることを認めます」"and when I consider this, I hardly notice your deformities"「そして私がこれを考えるとき、私はあなたの奇形にほとんど気づきません」"Yes, yes" said the Beast, "my heart is good「はい、はい」と獣は言いました"but I am still a monster"「しかし、私はまだ怪物です」

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    88,95 kr.

    "Ond heblaw am fy ngwendidau, does gen i ddim synnwyr hefyd""But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense""Rwy'n gwybod yn iawn fy mod yn greadur gwirion""I know very well that I am a silly creature""Nid yw'n arwydd o ffolineb i feddwl felly," atebodd Beauty"It is no sign of folly to think so" replied Beauty"Bwyta yna, Harddwch" meddai'r anghenfil"Eat then, Beauty" said the monster'Ceisiwch ddiddanu'ch hun yn eich palas'"try to amuse yourself in your palace""Mae popeth yn eiddo i ti""everything here is yours""Byddwn i'n anesmwyth iawn pe na baech chi'n hapus""and I would be very uneasy if you were not happy"'Rydych chi'n orfodol iawn' atebodd Beauty"You are very obliging" answered Beauty"Rwy'n cyfaddef fy mod yn falch o'ch caredigrwydd""I admit I am pleased with your kindness""A phan fyddaf yn ystyried hyn, prin y byddaf yn sylwi ar eich anffurfiadau""and when I consider this, I hardly notice your deformities"

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    88,95 kr.

    "But, tell me; do you not think I am very ugly?"- Але, скажи мені; Хіба ти не думаєш, що я дуже потворний?"That is true" said Beauty- Це правда, - сказала Красуня"I cannot tell a lie"Я не можу збрехати"but I believe you are very good natured""Але я вважаю, що ви дуже добродушні""I am indeed" said the monster- Справді, - сказало чудовисько"But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense"Але, крім моєї потворності, я також не маю сенсу"I know very well that I am a silly creature"Я дуже добре знаю, що я дурне створіння"It is no sign of folly to think so" replied Beauty- Так думати - не дурість, - відповіла Красуня"Eat then, Beauty" said the monster- Тоді їж, Красуне, - сказало чудовисько"try to amuse yourself in your palace"Спробуй розважитися у своєму палаці"everything here is yours""Все тут твоє""and I would be very uneasy if you were not happy""І мені було б дуже ніяково, якби ти не був щасливий""You are very obliging" answered Beauty- Ти дуже зобов'язуюча, - відповіла Красуня"I admit I am pleased with your kindness"Зізнаюся, я задоволений вашою добротою"and when I consider this, I hardly notice your deformities"І коли я думаю про це, я майже не помічаю ваших каліцтв

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    88,95 kr.

    "Pero, dime; ¿no crees que soy muy feo?""But, tell me; do you not think I am very ugly?""Eso es verdad", dijo la belleza"That is true" said beauty"No puedo decir una mentira""I cannot tell a lie""pero creo que eres de muy buen carácter""but I believe you are very good natured""De hecho, lo soy", dijo el monstruo."I am indeed" said the monster"Pero aparte de mi fealdad, tampoco tengo sentido""But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense""Sé muy bien que soy una criatura tonta""I know very well that I am a silly creature""No es señal de locura pensar así", respondió la belleza."It is no sign of folly to think so" replied beauty

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    88,95 kr.

    "Aber, sagen Sie mir; Findest du nicht, dass ich sehr hässlich bin?""But, tell me; do you not think I am very ugly?"Das ist wahr, sagte Schönheit "That is true" said beauty"Ich kann nicht lügen""I cannot tell a lie""Aber ich glaube, Sie sind sehr gutmütig""but I believe you are very good natured""Das bin ich in der Tat", sagte das Ungeheuer"I am indeed" said the monster"Aber abgesehen von meiner Hässlichkeit habe ich auch keinen Verstand""But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense""Ich weiß sehr wohl, dass ich ein dummes Geschöpf bin""I know very well that I am a silly creature""Es ist kein Zeichen von Torheit, so zu denken", erwiderte Schönheit

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    88,95 kr.

    Mais, dites-moi; ne pensez-vous pas que je suis très laid? "But, tell me; do you not think I am very ugly?" C'est vrai dit la beauté"That is true" said beauty Je ne peux pas mentir "I cannot tell a lie" mais je crois que vous êtes de très bonne nature "but I believe you are very good natured" Je le suis en effet dit le monstre"I am indeed" said the monster Mais à part ma laideur, je n'ai pas non plus de sens "But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense" Je sais très bien que je suis une créature idiote "I know very well that I am a silly creature" Ce n'est pas un signe de folie de penser ainsi répondit la beauté"It is no sign of folly to think so" replied beauty

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    88,95 kr.

    "But, tell me; do you not think I am very ugly?""Ale powiedz mi; Czy nie uwäasz, ¿e jestem bardzo brzydki?""That is true" said Beauty"To prawda", powiedziäa Pi¿knö¿"I cannot tell a lie""Nie mog¿ k¿amä""but I believe you are very good natured""ale wierz¿, ¿e jeste¿ bardzo dobroduszny""I am indeed" said the monster"Naprawd¿ jestem" - powiedziä potwór"But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense""Ale poza moj¿ brzydot¿ nie mam te¿ sensu""I know very well that I am a silly creature""Wiem bardzo dobrze, ¿e jestem g¿upim stworzeniem""It is no sign of folly to think so" replied Beauty"To nie jest oznaka g¿upoty, aby tak my¿le¿" - odpowiedziäa Pi¿knö¿

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    88,95 kr.

    "Ma, dimmi; non pensi che io sia molto brutto?""But, tell me; do you not think I am very ugly?""Questo è vero" disse la bellezza"That is true" said beauty"Non posso dire una bugia""I cannot tell a lie""ma credo che tu sia di buon carattere""but I believe you are very good natured""Io sono davvero" disse il mostro"I am indeed" said the monster"Ma a parte la mia bruttezza, non ho nemmeno senso""But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense""So benissimo di essere una creatura sciocca""I know very well that I am a silly creature""Non è segno di follia pensarlo" rispose la bella"It is no sign of folly to think so" replied beauty

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    98,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    284,95 kr.

  • af Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
    93,95 kr.