Bøger af Gabriele
208,95 kr. A book that teaches us about the spiritual causes of illness and health. This all-encompassing revelation given directly from the Christ of God gives detailed knowledge about the processes taking place in the inner being of a person that lead to illness or to health. Regardless of whether it is about the effects of thoughts and feelings on the body or about the effects of the disturbances of the magnetic fields of the Earth on the human being, or about the harmful parasites and other pathogens created by the actions of human beings themselves, all this and much more has meanwhile been confirmed by science, which, almost three decades ago, would have been unthinkable. Correlations between the human being, the material world and the cosmos. Through what does illness or health emerge? What influence does our way of living and our thoughts have on whether we are healthy or sick? What is the effect of the destructive behavior of human beings on nature, on the animals, and not least, on their own state of health?Samples passages:"Increased performance and equilibrium by positively charging the magnetic field. Targeted magnetic charging of the soul and body brings about a healing success and increased performance, among other things. A positive magnetic field also results in harmony and balance. ...""Every cell is life and, as stated, has three aspects of consciousness: the spirit consciousness, the subconscious and the consciousness. Each cell belongs to a cell formation, which, in turn, has a spirit consciousness, a subconscious and a consciousness.""If the cell tissue has a high frequency of vibration because a lot of spirit power flows into the body via the soul, it repels negative energies. It protects itself by giving corresponding signals that are received by an alert person who then heeds them in thought and action. The organism is always a mirror of what people once thought into their soul and into their organism-and how they think today." ...
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
145,95 kr. Cada día podemos aprender a conocernos mejor a nosotros mismos, podemos recorrer el camino para encontrar la paz interna, controlar nuestros pensamientos y así contribuir activamente a que pueda haber paz y unidad entre las personas, pero también con la naturaleza y los animales -en toda la Tierra.Un libro con muchas informaciones para descubrir el sentido de nuestra vida, para experimentar que Dios está cerca de nosotros, en cada momento -en cada uno de nosotros. Son horas de enseñanza dadas por Gabriele, la profeta y enviada de Dios en nuestro tiempo, que reflejan la verdaderas enseñanzas de Jesús de Nazaret, el Cristo, la enseñanza del amor a Dios y al prójimo.
- Bog
- 145,95 kr.
133,95 kr. A book about the Ten Commandments of God and the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth have nothing to do with religion! They are excerpts from the eternal law of the love for God and neighbor - given for every person regardless of culture or nationality. Discover the offer of God, the Free Spirit, to learn how these simple instructions for life can change our life to the positive. Read the explanations on the Ten Commandments, given in the words of our time, and immerse yourself in the explanations that Christ Himself reveals on the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount - given through Gabriele, the prophetess and emissary of the Eternal Kingdom.
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
168,95 kr. Un libro sulla vita dopo la morte che risponde a tante domande: come continua la nostra vita nell'aldilà? Come prosegue il cammino dell'anima? Come avviene il decesso? Qual è il senso della sulla Terra, che è una grande scuola di vita.
- Bog
- 168,95 kr.
488,95 kr. Un libro che parla della vita e dell'operato di Gesù di Nazareth, il Cristo, in modo totalmente nuovo, libero da tradizioni, dogmi o concetti di fede prestabiliti. La verità sulla Sua vita e sul Suo operato, con molti aspetti che non sono stati riportati nei vangeli tradizionali. Gesù di Nazareth non ha portato agli uomini una religione esteriore, ma interiore: ci ha insegnato che Dio è un Padre colmo di amore, che non castiga, ma ha indicato ai Suoi figli la via per vivere in modo consapevole e appagato. Dio non si trova in chiese di pietra, ma è in ognuno, in ogni creatura.Il testo di un vangelo apocrifo viene spiegato, rettificato ed approfondito tramite la parola profetica dei nostri giorni, dando una visione globale di quanto avvenne 2000 anni fa. Il Cristo stesso risponde alle domande più profonde in merito alla guarigione, al rapporto con gli animali e la natura, alla vita dopo la morte, alla pace, al futuro dell'umanità.Gesù ci ha insegnato che Dio è un Padre colmo di amore, che non castiga, non si vendica, non invia gli uomini alla dannazione eterna, ma ha indicato ai Suoi figli la via per poter vivere in modo consapevole e appagato. Dio non si trova in chiese di pietra, ma è in ogni uomo, in ogni creatura.Gesù si impegnò in ogni circostanza per gli animali, spiegando alle persone che gli animali sono i loro fratelli minori e insegnando loro come vivere in unità con tutta la natura. Per questo motivo gli apostoli, i discepoli e i primi cristiani erano vegetariani e rispettavano la vita in ogni essere.Nel libro Questa è la Mia parola viene spiegato come Gesù guariva i malati, si parla inoltre della legge di semina e raccolta, della guarigione di fede che proviene dall'interiore e della reincarnazione come possibilità per purificare l'anima nella scuola di vita terrena.
- Bog
- 488,95 kr.
172,95 kr. What would you answer if you were asked what Jesus of Nazareth taught the people of His time? Love of neighbor, love of enemy, peacefulness, lack of violence, forgiveness and asking for forgiveness - simply: everything summarized in His Sermon on the Mount ... But He, the Son of the Eternal Father, also taught much, much more! What most people know of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth is but a thimbleful from the unending fullness of teachings, exercises for self-recognition and insight into the true life of each soul, as He taught it to the inner circle of His disciples.Today, through the prophetess and emissary of the eternal Kingdom, Gabriele, this ancient knowledge is again available to all people. It is the law of the All-Highest, which helps us understand the cosmic correlations of all life and makes us familiar with our origin as the sons and daughters of God.For example:"If you have found yourself, then you have found God, and you are at home in the All. Then you do not need to look around for the All nor look to the right, or to the left, nor upward or downward - the All is in you; God is in you; your neighbor is in you; all the forces of the kingdoms of nature are in you. If you have found yourself, then you behold everything in you, because you are everything in all things, yourself. ..."
- Bog
- 172,95 kr.
431,95 kr. This book explains the transition from early to later European Middle Ages and how ideas can move history. By looking at the long lines of intellectual traditions back into Late Antiquity, Gabriele demonstrates the dynamism of medieval Europe's intellectual life and how much we can know about the period by listening closely to our sources.
- Bog
- 431,95 kr.
263,95 kr. - Bog
- 263,95 kr.
198,95 kr. A nonfiction spiritual book on how to stay healthy and spiritually active, about self-healing and spiritual vegetarianism. Learn about the consciousness centers, the switching points of the spiritual-divine life-forces. The human being is an energy field of the Spirit. A weakening of this energy field through negative thinking and living leads to illness. The right way of living and positive thinking, on the other hand, allows us to be healthy and remain spiritually alert.Find the way to your soul, and become acquainted with your consciousness centers, which are the switching points of the spiritual-divine life-forces, the link between soul and body, and experience the self-healing forces ...Reading Samples:"The human being is a vibrating body of energy. Thousands of rays hit this body every minute, which may either keep it healthy or harm it. It all depends on the person's behavior in his everyday life, and especially, on how he programs himself in the morning., shortly after awakening. ... As soon as he awakens and his senses become active.""Your present way of thinking, living and acting determines your future. It can become a curse or a blessing for you. ... Therefore, know, O human being, that upon awakening, a heart-prayer awakens the holy powers slumbering in you, and that they will influence you positively throughout the entire day, if you include them in your life again and again ...""The human being is a vibrating body of energy. Thousands of rays hit this body every minute, which may either keep it healthy or harm it. It all depends on the person's behavior in his everyday life, and especially, on how he programs himself in the morning, shortly after awakening. ... As soon as he awakens and his senses become active."
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
157,95 kr. W cäej przyrodzie ¿ywa jest kosmiczna Wszech-Komunikacja; widzimy to na przyk¿ad w stadzie ptaków, które potrafi¿ latä w ogromnych formacjach, nie wchodz¿c sobie nawzajem w drog¿. Jak to jest mo¿liwe? Gabriele wyjänia, jak królestwa przyrody, mineräy, ro¿liny i zwierz¿ta, a tak¿e czyste istoty boskie, s¿ po¿¿czone ze sob¿ i z Bogiem Stwórc¿, Wszech-Jedynym, poprzez Wszech-Komunikacj¿. Daje nam wgl¿d przez duchowe drzwi do siedmiowymiarowego królestwa Boga i pokazuje, jak my, ludzie, mo¿emy równie¿ odnale¿¿ drog¿ powrotn¿ do Wszech-Jedno¿ci ¿ycia. Otrzymujemy konkretne ¿wiczenia.
- Bog
- 157,95 kr.
117,95 kr. - Bog
- 117,95 kr.
233,95 kr. - Bog
- 233,95 kr.