Bøger af Friedrich Nietzsche
- Lydbog
- 107,95 kr.
- Lydbog
- 153,95 kr.
5.113,95 kr. - Bog
- 5.113,95 kr.
- I. Richard Wagner i Bayreuth II. Tilfældet Wagner III. Nietzsche kontra Wagner
258,95 kr. Bogen indeholder den første samlede danske udgivelse af Friedrich Nietzsches tre essays om Richard Wagner, oversat af Jacob Jonia.Nietzsche mødte første gang Wagner ved en middag den 17. maj 1869 i sidstnævntes villa på en halvø ved Vierwaldstättersees vestbred i Tribschen, der er forstad til Luzern i Schweiz, hvor Wagner opholdt sig i årene 1866-1872. I de følgende tre år, inden Wagner flytter til Bayreuth i forbindelse med påbegyndelsen af arbejdet med opførelsen af sit festspilhus, besøgte Nietzsche ham og Cosima Wagner treogtyve gange. Nietzsches første besøg hos Wagner blev en livlig og interessant aften hvor han både fik talt med Wagner om deres fælles interesse for Schopenhauer og hans hovedværk ”Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung” og oplevede Wagner folde sig ud da han gengav udvalgte passager fra ”Mestersangerne”.Nietzsche anså Wagner for sit livs største velgører, og især operaen ”Tristan und Isolde” betog ham. Han anså denne opera for at være Wagnes højdepunkt som komponist, og at han senere blot ”forfriskede” sig med værker som ”Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg” og ”Der Ring des Nibelungen”. Nietzsche bryder med Wagner, da han modtager teksten til ”Parsifal”. Nietzsche mener, at Wagner med denne opera ophøjer de kristne kyskhedsidealer. Nu var Wagner ikke længere en visionær komponist, men – mente Nietzsche – kun en tyder og forklarer af en fortid.Bogen – der er illustreret – er redigeret og kommenteret af forfatter og filosof, mag.art. Jens Staubrand.
- Bog
- 258,95 kr.
153,95 - 298,95 kr. - Bog
- 153,95 kr.
183,95 kr. La obra capital del filósofo más influyente del siglo XIX Introducción de Fernando Pérez-Borbujo Álvarez y traducción de Juan Carlos García-Borrón. Obra capital de Friedrich Nietzsche, Así habló Zaratustra recrea los trabajos y las palabras del profeta persa Zaratustra en el momento en que desciende de las montañas para revelar ante el mundo que Dios ha muerto y que el Superhombre ha de ser su sucesor. Con un discurso de gran intensidad que combina la ética, la narración y la poesía, Nietzsche sostiene que el sentido de la existencia no se encuentra en las viejas ideas religiosas ni en la sumisión a los amos, sino en una fuerza vital todopoderosa que puede identificarse con una nueva forma de ser libre. La presente edición, a cargo de Fernando Pérez-Borbujo Álvarez, experto en el autor y profesor de filosofía de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra, cuenta con una magnífica introducción sobre la vida y obra de Nietzsche y un aparato de notas que ayuda a la cabal comprensión del texto. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Friedrich Nietzsche was one of the most revolutionary and subversive thinkers in Western philosophy, and Thus Spoke Zarathustra remains his most famous and influential work. It describes how the ancient Persian prophet Zarathustra descends from his solitude in the mountains to tell the world that God is dead and that the Superman, the human embodiment of divinity, is his successor. Nietzsche's utterance 'God is dead', his insistence that the meaning of life is to be found in purely human terms, and his doctrine of the Superman and the will to power were all later seized upon and unrecognisably twisted by, among others, Nazi intellectuals. With blazing intensity and poetic brilliance, Nietzsche argues that the meaning of existence is not to be found in religious pieties or meek submission to authority, but in an all-powerful life force: passionate, chaotic and free.
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- 183,95 kr.
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183,95 kr. - Bog
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384,95 kr. The reference to the Antichrist is an attack on the "slave morality" and apathy of Western Christianity. Nietzsche's basic claim is that Christianity is a poisoner of western culture and perversion of the words of and practice of Jesus.
- Bog
- 384,95 kr.
183,95 kr. German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche was one the most controversial figures of the 19th-century. His evocative writings on religion, morality, culture, philosophy, and science were often polemic attacks against the established views of his time. First published between 1883 and 1891, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" is a philosophical novel which details the fictional travels and teachings of Zarathustra, known also as Zoroaster, the Persian prophet and founder of Zoroastrianism. Nietzsche's portrayal of Zarathustra is not strictly historical but rather an unconventional one which turns traditional morality on its head. Utilizing a unique and experimental style, the work presents in narrative form the beginnings of Nietzsche's moral philosophy that he would address more explicitly in "Beyond Good and Evil" and "On the Genealogy of Morals." The work also addresses many of Nietzsche's other philosophical concepts including that of the Übermensch, or a self-mastered being who has achieved his ultimate potential; the eternal recurrence, the idea that the universe has some self-repeating quality; and the will to power, or the concept that ambition is the primary driving force in humans. As thought-provoking as ever, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" remains as one of the most unique philosophical works ever written. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper, is translated by Thomas Common, includes an introduction by Elizabeth Forster-Nietzsche, and notes by Anthony M. Ludovici.
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.
145,95 - 213,95 kr. - Bog
- 145,95 kr.
138,95 kr. "Ecco Homo: How One Becomes What One Is" is an insightful reflection by Friedrich Nietzsche upon his own life and his impact on the world of philosophy. The work, the last original work he wrote, was written in 1888, weeks before the onset of the insanity that would plague him until his death in 1900. Not published until 1908, "Ecce Homo" is an autobiography of sorts and Nietzsche offers his personal perspective and criticism on his various philosophical works, such as "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", "Beyond Good and Evil", "The Twilight of the Idols", and more. In this revealing and self-aware book the reader gains great insight into how Nietzsche weighed his previous works and their significance in history, as well as an intimate look at how he saw himself as both a human and a philosopher. He is surprisingly self-deprecating and sardonic and refreshingly does not take himself as seriously as one may imagine. He gives his last opinions on his many enemies and ends with a final reiteration of his core philosophy, a rejection of the Christian ideal that asserts suffering as a noble necessity of life and of Christianity as the bastion of supreme morality. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper, includes an introduction by translator Anthony M. Ludovici, and an appendix of some of Nietzsche's final poetry.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
163,95 kr. First published in 1882 and revised in 1887, "The Gay Science" was written at the peak of Nietzsche's intellectual abilities. It includes a large number of poems and an appendix of songs, all written with the intent of encouraging freedom of the mind. With praise for the benefits of science, intellectual discipline, and skepticism, "The Gay Science" also exhibits an enthusiastic affirmation of life, drawing from the influence of the Provencal tradition. Nietzsche additionally explores the notion of power and the idea of eternal recurrence, though not in a systematic way. This work is noted for one of Nietzsche's most famous quotations, "God is Dead", a phrase which figuratively expresses the idea that the Enlightenment had killed the possibility for a rational belief in God by modern society. Described by the philosopher himself as "perhaps my most personal book", this work is worthy of attention from anyone with an interest in moral philosophy and the most essential themes and views of Friedrich Nietzsche. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper, follows the translation of Thomas Common, and includes an introduction by Willard Huntington Wright.
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
123,95 kr. German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche was one the most controversial figures of the 19th century. His evocative writings on religion, morality, culture, philosophy, and science were often polemic attacks against the established views of his time. First published in 1872, "The Birth of Tragedy" is the author's classic work on dramatic theory. It was the author's first published work in which he exhibited his enthusiasm for the dramatic works of Aeschylus and Sophocles. In the dramatic works of classical antiquity, Nietzsche found a life-affirming philosophy arising from what is otherwise a tragic and meaningless world. Introduced here is the intellectual dichotomy between the Dionysian and the Apollonian dramatic traditions. The sons of Zeus, Apollo and Dionysus, respectively represented the traits of reason and emotion. Nietzsche argues that the conflict between these two characteristics is central to the human condition and the brilliance with which the Ancient Greeks dealt with this conflict was the principal quality contributing to their excellence. Harshly criticized in its time, Nietzsche would later recognize, in a prefatory essay, the work as a product of youthful naiveté when he reissued it in 1886. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper and follows the translation of William A. Haussmann.
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.
343,95 kr. Gennem en række "taler", lagt i munden på den persiske vismand Zarathustra, beskriver Nietzsche sine tanker om herre-slavemoralen."Nietzsche er digter og tænker, forkynder og fornægter, sandsiger og seer, der med profetisk kraft tordner og lyner og ind imellem lokker fløjtetoner så liflige som spovens og søndenvindens." - Søren Noe-Nygaard, Vestkysten"Der findes i denne bog nogle af Nietzsches skønneste billeder og dybeste tanker, ligesom den indeholder de mest ejendommelige vidnesbyrd om hans sinds mægtige grebethed." - Professor Harald Høffding"'Således talte Zarathustra’ er Nietzsches berømteste værk ... I Zarathustra-bogen folder Nietzsche sig ud i mægtige visioner, i billeder af høj digterisk kvalitet." - K. Grue-Sørensen, Berlingske Aftenavis"Dunkel og dyb, højtflyvende og virkelighedsfjern, profetisk og fremtidsdrukken - en opbyggelsesbog for frie ånder - en god bog er det. En bog, der er lys ved sin livsglæde, dunkel ved sit gådesprog - en bog for åndelige bjergbestigere og vovehalse." - Georg Brandesidden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlFriedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) var en af de vigtigste filosoffer i moderne filosofi. Han var stærkt kritisk overfor herskende samfundsnormer og skrev kritisk om blandt andet moral, religion og kultur. Nietzsches udtalelse "Gud er død" er blevet ikonisk og betragtes i dag som et udtryk for filosoffens bekymring over Vesteuropas udvikling i hans samtid.
- Bog
- 343,95 kr.
139,95 kr. Zarathustra on profeetta, joka on elänyt kymmenen vuotta vuorilla yksinäisyydessä. Nyt on kuitenkin tullut aika laskeutua vuorelta alas ja kertoa ihmisille kaikesta siitä, mitä hän on vuosien saatossa ajatellut. Onko Jumalaa olemassa? Tarvitaanko kirkkoa ja kristinuskoa? Eikö ihmisten pitäisi olla itse vastuussa ajattelustaan? Mitä moraali on? Entä täytyykö ihmisen ylipäätään olla moraalinen?Näin puhui Zarathustra on Friedrich Nietzschen tunnetuin teos. Se on kirjoitettu kaunokirjalliseen muotoon. Zarathustra nähdään yleisesti Nietzschen alter-egona. Kirja esittelee Nietzschen käsitteen yli-ihmisestä – ihmisestä, jonka ajattelu on vapaa yhteiskunnan, uskonnon ja kasvatuksen tuomista normeista.Saksalainen filosofi Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) on yksi maailman tunnetuimpia ajattelijoita. Hän tutki niin moraalifilosofiaa, estetiikkaa kuin myös metafysiikkaakin.
- E-bog
- 139,95 kr.
223,95 kr. - Bog
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198,95 kr. - Bog
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168,95 kr. La Généalogie de la Morale appartient aux oeuvres de la maturité de Friedrich Nietzsche, puisqu'elle a été publiée en 1887, après Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra. Dans cet essai, le penseur allemand traite de philosophie morale, cherchant à retracer l'origine de nos conceptions morales : selon lui, les valeurs prennent leur source dans la morale chrétienne, qu'il tient pour une morale du ressentiment, une morale d'esclave, dont il faut se libérer : la morale du surhomme sera ainsi une morale de la libération.Le livre est structuré en trois essais, ce qui le rend un peu plus accessible que certains oeuvres écrites en aphorismes et déliées, comme le Gai Savoir.
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- 168,95 kr.
143,95 kr. - Bog
- 143,95 kr.
253,95 kr. First released in 1901, about one year after Nietzsche's death, "The Will to Power" is a collection of Nietzsche's unedited and unpublished writings. Though the title and all of the ideas are of the radical philosopher's own invention, the order and selection of Nietzsche's notebooks are due to the organization of his sister. As a result of his poor health, Nietzsche used his remaining energy to write a different work, leaving "The Will to Power" in the earliest stages of writing. The topics he explores vary widely and include nihilism, religion, morality, the theory of knowledge, and art. Some ideas are reflected in the works Nietzsche managed to complete in his lifetime, while others show his progression from those ideas in his earlier life. Overall, "The Will to Power" is an opportunity to read the intellectual journaling of one of the nineteenth century's most brilliant thinkers. Collected together here are both posthumously published volumes I and II as translated by Anthony M. Ludovici. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper.
- Bog
- 253,95 kr.
253,95 kr. "Human, All-Too-Human (Parts I and II)" is a collection of philosophical aphorisms by famed philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The first part, originally published in 1878, is a collection of 638 aphorisms in which Nietzsche discusses metaphysics, the Christian idea of good and evil, religious worship, the idea of divine inspiration in art, social Darwinism, the respective roles of men, women, and children in society, the power of the state, and in a final section "Man Alone with Himself". In the second part we find what were originally published as parts II (1879) and III (1880), which contains 408 and 350 aphorisms respectively. Friedrich Nietzsche is widely regarded as one the most important philosophers of all time and that impact is ever apparent in this book, an accessible volume of thoughts upon social, religious, cultural, political, and psychological issues. Part I follows the translation of Helen Zimmern with an introduction by J. M. Kennedy. Part II is translated with an introduction by Paul V. Cohn. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper.
- Bog
- 253,95 kr.
188,95 kr. German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche was one the most controversial figures of the 19th-century. His evocative writings on religion, morality, culture, philosophy, and science were often polemic attacks against the established views of his time. First published between 1883 and 1891, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" is a philosophical novel which details the fictional travels and teachings of Zarathustra, known also as Zoroaster, the Persian prophet and founder of Zoroastrianism. Nietzsche's portrayal of Zarathustra is not strictly historical but rather an unconventional one which turns traditional morality on its head. Utilizing a unique and experimental style, the work presents in narrative form the beginnings of Nietzsche's moral philosophy that he would address more explicitly in "Beyond Good and Evil" and "On the Genealogy of Morals." The work also addresses many of Nietzsche's other philosophical concepts including that of the Übermensch, or a self-mastered being who has achieved his ultimate potential; the eternal recurrence, the idea that the universe has some self-repeating quality; and the will to power, or the concept that ambition is the primary driving force in humans. As thought-provoking as ever, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" remains as one of the most unique philosophical works ever written. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper, is translated by Thomas Common, includes introductions by Willard Huntington Wright and Elizabeth Forster-Nietzsche, and notes by Anthony M. Ludovici.
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
128,95 kr. "God is dead," Friedrich Nietzsche unflinchingly declared in this famous work of philosophy. It is one of the boldest statements ever made, and garnered far-reaching, strong reactions. In addition to being the book containing the words that shook the world, The Gay Science includes Nietzsche's arguments on ethics and knowledge. It is no wonder The Gay Science is known in some circles by the title The Joyful Wisdom.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.