Bøger af Franz Hohler
388,95 kr. Når man er syg, har man brug for omsorg fra sine forældre og hjælpsomhed fra sine venner. Det lille vildsvin er anderledes end sine fem søskende. Han går gerne sine egne veje. Når de andre roder i jorden med trynen, vil han hellere kigge op i himlen og lytte til sangfuglene. Han begynder at grynte sammen med kragerne i fugleorkesteret. Hans forældre må bare ryste på hovedet af det. Selv majskolberne deler han med sine fuglevenner! Indtil han bliver syg. Og der åbenbart ikke er noget, der kan hjælpe ham – kun venner, som kan flyve …
- Bog
- 388,95 kr.
173,95 kr. A not-so-scary ghost story about a little ghost who learns that she’s better at making people laugh out loud than faint from fear!Little Ghost is learning how to haunt, but nothing goes right. Her ball and chain run away with her, her clanking armor falls on top of her, and instead of terrifying people, she just makes them laugh. “You must go to the ghost of Whistlefield,” says Father Ghost. “If anyone can teach you to be scary, he can.” When Little Ghost goes to Whistlefield, she sees the villagers shaking with fear as blood-curdling shrieks echo from the gloomy castle. But when Little Ghost arrives there, she does not find at all what she expected.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
153,95 kr. This beautiful and melancholic novella, set in the Glarner mountains in Switzerland, is told from the viewpoint of a child whose innocence of the world is combined with an acute sense of the danger present beneath the harmony of nature.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.