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Bøger af Francesca Cavallo

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  • - 100 fortællinger om exceptionelle kvinder
    af Elena Favilli & Francesca Cavallo
    299,45 kr.

    Godnathistorier for rebelske piger er en fantastisk bog skrevet af den talentfulde forfatter Elena Favilli. Denne bog, udgivet i 2017, er en samling af inspirerende historier, der er designet til at opmuntre og motivere piger til at tro på deres drømme og stræbe efter storhed. Bogen falder ind under genren 'børnebøger', men dens budskab er universelt og kan nydes af læsere i alle aldre. Favilli's skrivestil er engagerende og let at forstå, hvilket gør denne bog til en fornøjelse at læse lige inden sengetid. Denne bog er blevet udgivet af People'sPress, en forlag der er kendt for deres dedikation til at fremme kvalitetslitteratur. Hvis du er på udkig efter en bog, der kan inspirere og motivere, er Godnathistorier for rebelske piger det perfekte valg.

  • af Elena Favilli & Francesca Cavallo
    139,45 - 229,45 kr.

    Her kommer opfølgeren til bestselleren GODNATHISTORIER FOR REBELSKE PIGER, som inspirerer piger til at drømme større, sigte højere, og kæmpe hårdere. Godnathistorier for rebelske piger 2 er en hel ny samling a hundrede små fortællinger, der hylder exceptionelle kvinder fra Nefertiti til Beyoncé, fra Oprah Winfrey til Angela Merkel og J. K. Rowling. Mød både dronninger og aktivister, ballerinaer og jurister, pirater og computergenier, astronauter og opfindere – sammen skaber deres historier en inspirerende og fascinerede verden af modsætninger og muligheder. Velkommen til 100 nye portrætter af usædvanlige og exceptionelle kvinder, der har haft indflydelse på deres tid, og som har inspireret andre. Hver eneste kvinde præsenteres med et smukt maleri samt en lille historie formet som et eventyr. Bogen er bygget op som et opslagsværk, og den er rigt illustreret i farver med 60 smukke malerier malet af kvindelige kunstnere. Bogen er en spændende og inspirerende rejse gennem meget forskellige kvinders historier på tværs af tid og landegrænser, og den fortæller om astronauter, forfattere, politikere, kunstnere, økonomer, videnskabskvinder, aktivister, musikere, opdagelsesrejsende, sportsudøvere og så videre og så videre – hver og en udfordrer kvinderne de klassiske kønsstereotyper og inspirerer børn og unge til at gå efter deres drømme. Forfatternes projekt er at skabe fokus på stærke kvindelige karakterer, dels for at fortælle historierne og dels for at inspirere børn over hele verden med stærke kvindelige forbilleder inden for alle felter.

  • - en dagbog der kan forandre alt
    af Elena Favilli & Francesca Cavallo
    169,45 kr.

    Forfatterne til Godnathistorier for rebelske piger har nu lavet en udfyldningsbog, der tilskynder piger i alle aldre til at nå deres fulde potentiale. Det er en bog med attitude – den er både skarp, direkte, kærlig og opmuntrende. Og fuld af kreative indslag. Forfatternes projekt er at inspirere til selvværd og mod gennem en række opfordringer til læserne: Vær dig selv! Elsk din krop! Protester mod uretfærdighed! Drøm stort – ikke begræns dig! Og lad være med at give op, når nogen forsøger at stoppe dig! Denne inspirerende udfyldningsbog indeholder over hundrede kreative opslag, der bare venter på at blive udfyldt. Bogen er et stærkt og sjovt redskab til at ændre pigers holdninger - til sig selv og til omverdenen. Alt kan ændre sig! Alt kan vendes rundt. Bogen indeholder også masser af gimmicks, f.eks flotte klistermærker med stærke slogans. Lige til at pille ud og dekorere tasken, bøgerne eller værelset.

  • af Elena Favilli & Francesca Cavallo
    298,95 kr.

  • - 100 fortællinger om 100 exceptionelle kvinder
    af Elena Favilli & Francesca Cavallo
    169,45 kr.

    100 fortællinger om 100 exceptionelle kvinder fra hele verden, der har drømt stort og har bidraget til at gøre verden til et bedre sted. Godnathistorier for rebelske piger genopfinder eventyret og inspirerer piger overalt til at gå efter deres drømme.Mød Kleopatra, Astrid Lindgren, Coco Chanel, Aung San Suu Kyi, Michelle Obama, Malala, Marie Curie og mange flere enestående kvinder med exceptionelle liv.Dette er en ebog med såkaldt fixed layout. Den er velegnet til læsning på læseapparater som tablets og smartphones. Den er uegnet til læsning på ældre eller mindre avancerede læseapparater.

  • af Elena Favilli, Francesca Cavallo & Rebel Girls
    284,45 kr.

    The Rebel Girls ConsumerGirls ages 5 - 10The Rebel Girls Buyer88% femaleAges 34 ? 44Highly Educated (47% Graduate Degree, 37% Bachelor's Degree)22% are NOT parentsMajority purchase for a child, 30% buy as a giftSTUNNING ARTWORK: Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls features stunning artwork created by over 60 female artists from all over the world to bring these real-world fairy tales to life.ETHICAL CREATION: Features beautiful illustrations from up-and-coming female artists around the world, produced without harmful chemicals, uses Forest Stewardship Council certified paper, and more!CROWDFUNDED SUCCESS: Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls is the most successful publishing project in crowdfunding history. Both volumes have become New York Times bestsellers. Volume 3, Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Immigrant Women Who Changed the World will publish in October 2020.GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE: The women featured in Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls come from all over the world. The book itself has been translated into 49 languages and is available in over 70 countries worldwide.STAR AUTHORS: Authors Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo won the Publishers Weekly's Star Watch Award in 2018.

  • - 200 Tales of Extraordinary Women
    af Elena Favilli, Francesca Cavallo & Rebel Girls
    529,45 kr.

    THE REBEL GIRLS CONSUMER:Girls ages 5 - 10THE REBEL GIRLS BUYER:88% femaleAges 34 – 44Highly Educated(47% Graduate Degree, 37% Bachelor’s Degree)22% are NOT parentsMajority purchase for a child, 30% buy as a giftENGAGED COMMUNITY: Thanks to a supportive and active global community, Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls broke crowdfunding records. Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 2 followed in 2017, and broke the record set by the first, making the series the highest-funded publishing project in crowdfunding history. Since publication, both books have become New York Times bestsellers, have sold over 7 million copies, have been translated into 49 languages, and are available worldwide. STUNNING ARTWORK: Both volumes of Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls feature gorgeous artwork created by over 60 female artists from all over the world to bring these real-world fairy tales to life.ETHICAL CREATION: Features beautiful illustrations from up-and-coming female artists around the world, produced without harmful chemicals, uses Forest Stewardship Council certified paper, and more!DIVERSITY: In 2018, according to the CCBC, only about 25% of children's books published in the US featured diverse characters. The stories that children read at a young age tell them how to view themselves in the world and inform their hopes and dreams. The women featured in the two volumes, along with the activity prompts in the journal, offer a diverse representation of what women can do, no matter their race, origin, or ability. STAR AUTHORS: Authors Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo won the Publishers Weekly Star Watch Award in 2018.

  • - A Journal to Start Revolutions
    af Francesca Cavallo
    145,95 kr.

    An irresistible interactive journal from the creators of Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, designed to encourage readers of all ages to explore their rebel spirits!I Am a Rebel Girl: A Journal to Start Revolutions is filled with activities that challenge perspective, inspire thought, and prompt action. Readers can write love notes to their favorite body parts, draw themselves climbing a mountain, write a letter to an elected representative, and interact with the beautiful, original artwork throughout, which was developed by the same female artists who illustrated the iconic Rebel Girls books. I Am a Rebel Girl is the perfect companion to the book series. It is an action plan that creates space for BIG ideas and helps girls develop the tools they need to lead the revolution of our time.I Am a Rebel Girl includes full-color layouts that will turn the dreams of rebel girls around the world into inspired works of art. With a stunning cover that begs to be personalized, high quality interior printing, and fun stickers, I Am a Rebel Girl is sure to excite the millions of fans Rebel Girls has gained all around the world and welcome new audiences.

  • af Elena Favilli & Francesca Cavallo
    87,95 kr.

    Í bókini kanst tú lesa um 100 kvinnur úr allari verðini: journalistar, politikarar, drotningar, rithøvundar, rokkstjørnur, teldufrøðingar, ballettdansarinnur, vísindafólk og mangar, mangar aðrar. Hon er egnað sum lesnaður hjá bæði smáum og stórum.

  • af Francesca Cavallo
    172,95 - 213,95 kr.

    妈妈,病毒是什么?"当梅听说了有关在世界各地传播的新疾病的消息时,她和她的妈妈开始着手尽可能地多了解这一种传染疾病。 她们发现第一个对新型冠状病毒发出警报的人是一位名叫李文亮的中国医生。梅知道了为什么戴口罩很重要,以及大家要怎么做才能帮助阻止病毒感染。她还学会了在感到伤心或孤独时该怎么做,以及一条彩虹可以走多远!通过讲述团结合作及人与人之间的联系,这本书可以帮助孩子们了解这种流行疾病,以及他们如何能为建设更美好、更平等的未来社会贡献一份力量。本书由畅销系列图书《献给特立独行女孩的睡前故事》(Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls)的合著者 Francesca Cavallo(弗兰切斯卡-卡瓦洛)撰写,由Claudia Flandoli(克劳迪娅-弗兰多利)画插图,后者致力于通过插画作品将科学带入生活。

  • af Francesca Cavallo
    169,45 kr.

  • af Francesca Cavallo
    147,95 kr.

    From Francesca Cavallo, author of the NY Times best seller Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls.This is the true story of Beatrice Vio. Paralympians is a non-fiction picture book series telling the stories of four champions who do things their own way and are reinventing sport.

  • - La historia de Jean-Baptiste Alaize
    af Francesca Cavallo
    164,45 kr.

    Escrito por Francesca Cavallo, autora de Cuentos de buenas noches para niñas rebeldes, uno de los libros más vendidos según el New York Times.Esta es la verdadera historia de Jean-Baptiste Alaize.Ahora, un atleta excepcional y saltador de largo, Jean-Baptiste perdió su pierna derecha cuando tenía solo tres años durante la guerra civil en Burundi. Cuando conoció a su padre adoptivo, Robert, Jean-Baptiste nunca antes había visto a un hombre blanco. Pero crearon un lazo porque también su padre había perdido la pierna derecha en un accidente años antes. A través de la historia de este atleta extraordinario, The Long Jump aborda temas como la adopción transracial, vivir con una discapacidad, encontrar el propio propósito y alcanzar sus sueños.Atlelas Paralímpicos es una serie de libros ilustrados de no ficción que cuenta la historia de 4 campeones que hacen las cosas a su manera y están reinventando a los deportes.--From Francesca Cavallo, author of the NY Times bestseller Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls.This is the true story of Jean-Baptiste Alaize.Now an exceptional sprinter and long jumper, Jean-Baptiste lost his right leg when he was just three years old during the civil war in Burundi. When he met his adoptive dad, Robert, Jean-Baptiste had never seen a white man before. But they bonded over the fact that his dad too had lost his right leg in an accident years before. Through the story of this extraordinary athlete, The Long Jump tackles themes such as transracial adoption, living with a disability, finding your purpose and achieving your dreams. Paralympians is a non-fiction picture book series telling the stories of four champions who do things their own way and are reinventing sport.

  • - The story of Jean-Baptiste Alaize
    af Francesca Cavallo
    194,45 kr.

    From Francesca Cavallo, author of the NY Times bestseller Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls.This is the true story of Jean-Baptiste Alaize.Now an exceptional sprinter and long jumper, Jean-Baptiste lost his right leg when he was just three years old during the civil war in Burundi. When he met his adoptive dad, Robert, Jean-Baptiste had never seen a white man before. But they bonded over the fact that his dad too had lost his right leg in an accident years before. Through the story of this extraordinary athlete, The Long Jump tackles themes such as transracial adoption, living with a disability, finding your purpose and achieving your dreams. Paralympians is a non-fiction picture book series telling the stories of four champions who do things their own way and are reinventing sport.

  • - La historia de Tatyana McFadden
    af Francesca Cavallo
    164,45 kr.

    Escrito por Francesca Cavallo, autora de Cuentos de buenas noches para niñas rebeldes, uno de los libros más vendidos según el New York Times.Esta es la verdadera historia de la campeona paralímpica Tatyana McFadden.Tatyana nació con espina bífida en Rusia y se crió en un orfanato donde caminó con sus manos durante los primeros seis años de su vida. En 1994, fue adoptada y se mudó a los Estados Unidos. A la edad de ocho años, Tatyana comenzó a competir y batir récords. Hoy en día, es considerada la mejor corredora en silla de ruedas de todos los tiempos y la mujer más rápida del mundo.El primer libro de la serie Atletas Paralímpicos, una serie de libros ilustrados de no ficción que cuenta la historia de 4 campeones que hacen las cosas a su manera y están reinventando a los deportes.From Francesca Cavallo, author of the NY Times best seller Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls.This is the story of 17-time Paralympic medalist Tatyana McFadden.Born with spina bifida in Russia, Tatyana was raised in an orphanage where she walked on her hands for the first six years of her life. In 1994, she was adopted and moved to the United States, where she started racing and breaking records; and is now considered the best female wheelchair racer of all time, and the fastest woman on Earth.First book in the non-fiction Paralympians series, a picture book series telling the stories of 4 champions who do things their own way and are reinventing sport.

  • af Francesca Cavallo
    219,45 kr.

    From Francesca Cavallo, author of the NY Times best seller Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls.In the city of R., nothing bad ever happens, because the residents maintain the status quo at all costs. But the children of R. have had enough. When a new family¿two moms and their three kids¿arrive just before Christmas, they team up with the local kids on a magical adventure to save Christmas and bring community back to the city of R.

  • - The story of Tatyana McFadden
    af Francesca Cavallo
    194,45 kr.

    From Francesca Cavallo, author of the NY Times bestseller Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls.This is the story of 17-time Paralympic medalist Tatyana McFadden.Born with spina bifida in Russia, Tatyana was raised in an orphanage where she walked on her hands for the first six years of her life. In 1994, she was adopted and moved to the United States, where she started racing and breaking records; and is now considered the best female wheelchair racer of all time, and the fastest woman on Earth.First book in the non-fiction Paralympians series, a picture book series telling the stories of 4 champions who do things their own way and are reinventing sport.

  • af Francesca Cavallo
    199,45 kr.

    From Francesca Cavallo, author of the NY Times best seller Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls.May, a seven-year-old brown girl in the United States, learns the story of Chinese doctor Li Wenliang, the first hero of the Covid-19 pandemic. Dr. Li¿s bravery and perseverance inspire May as she navigates many of the challenges millions of kids around the world are facing through this pandemic.

  • - 200 Tales of Extraordinary Women
    af Elena Favilli & Francesca Cavallo
    259,95 kr.

    The beloved New York Times bestsellers and Kickstarter crowdfunding sensations are available on audio for the first time, read by a star-studded fierce female cast including Alicia Keys, Ashley Judd, Danai Gurira, Esperanza Spalding, Janeane Garofalo, Mozhan Marnò, Phillipa Soo, Rowan Blanchard, and Samira Wiley!Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, Books 1-2 is packed with 200 bedtime stories about the lives of extraordinary women from the past and present, from Elizabeth I to Beyoncé. Painters, scientists, dancers, chefs, astronauts, jazz singers, pharaohs, boxers, writers, political leaders...from every corner of the globe! Each short biography is written in the style of a fairy tale, filling listeners with wonder and with a burning curiosity to know more about each hero.Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, Books 1-2 will inspire young girls (and their mothers, their aunts, their cousins...) to be confident, to dream big, to cultivate their strength. Trade in princesses for presidents. Swap out Cinderella for Cleopatra tonight.Includes a PDF of two written exercises: "Write Your Story" & "Draw Your Portrait"