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Bøger af Felix Guattari

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  • af Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari
    193,95 kr.

    "Hvor mange mennesker lever i dag i et sprog, der ikke er deres eget? Hvor mange kender ikke engang deres sprog længere, eller kender det endnu ikke, og kender kun dårligt det større sprog, som de er tvunget til at benytte sig af. Det er indvandrernes og specielt deres børns problem, et minoritetsproblem. En mindre litteraturs problem, men også et problem for os alle: Hvordan kan man fravriste sit eget sprog en mindre litteratur, en litteratur der er i stand til at grave i sproget og få det til at fare ud ad en nøgtern revolutionær linje? Hvordan kan man blive sit eget sprogs nomade og indvandrer og sigøjner? Kafka skriver: ved at stjæle barnet fra vuggen, ved at placere sig i en prekær situation." – Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari"I Deleuze og Guattaris egen skrift er der tale om en litterær maskine, der tænker hurtigt og virtuost og sjovt, også Deleuze og Guattari skriver afsindigt godt. Ud over at bogen er fuld af begreber som rhizom, kollektiv sammenpasning, territorialisering, deterritorialisering og deterritorialieringskoefficient, bliven-dyr – alene kapiteltitlerne: Indhold og udtryk; En alt for stor Ødipus; Hvad er en mindre litteratur; Udtrykkets komponenter; Immanens og begær; Seriens prolifereringer; Konnektorerne; Blokke, serier, intensiteter; Hvad er en sammenpasning – så bliver man i det hele taget i bogen fra første sætning bevidst om, hvor vigtig stilen er. Guattaris stil er blevet beskrevet som fuld af konceptuel overraskelse og selvtillid, Deleuzes som en kiks uden smør, tør men god. Vigtigt er det vel, at det er deres stil, vi her læser. At også den er en kollektiv sammenpasning." – Anders AbildgaardKafka for en mindre litteratur er et af de tidlige værker i den franske filosof Gilles Deleuze og psykiateren Félix Guattaris kollektive forfatterskab. Bogen udkom i 1975 og har tidligere været udgivet i dansk oversættelse ved Boj Bro & Antonio Mendes Lopes (Sjakalen, 1982). Bogen er gennemrevideret, sprogligt såvel som bibliografisk, af redaktør Mathias Ruthner og suppleret med et efterord af digteren Anders ABildgaard.

  • af Felix Guattari
    158,95 kr.

    Den franske psykoanalytiker, filosof og semiotiker Félix Guattari udvider i sit essay De tre økologier definitionen af økologi til at omfatte sociale relationer ogmenneskelig subjektivitet, samt naturligvis miljøhensyn. I essayetargumenterer han for, at de økologiske kriser, der truer vores planet,er et direkte resultat af en ny udvidet form for kapitalisme, og at dermå etableres en ny økosofisk tilgang, der respekterer forskellene mellem alle levende systemer. Bogen rummer en markant kapitalismekritik og eret manifest for en ny måde at tænke på. Desuden er bogen en ideelintroduktion til en af Europas mest radikale tænkere. De tre økologier blev udgivet 1989, og er på 30 års afstand uhyggeligt vedkommende ogprofetisk, set i lyset af datidens økologiske kriser og de aktuelleproblemstillinger i 2019.*De tre økologier — Félix GuattariappendiksEfterord — Anders AbildgaardEksistentielle territorier — Peter BorumMaskinel Animisme — Angela Melitopoulos & Maurizio Lazzarato

  • - Texts and Interviews 1977-1985
    af Felix Guattari
    208,95 kr.

    A new, expanded, and reorganized edition of a collection of texts that present a fuller scope to Guattari's thinking from 1977 to 1985.This new edition of Soft Subversions expands, reorganizes, and develops the original 1996 publication, offering a carefully organized arrangement of essays, interviews, and short texts that present a fuller scope to Guattari's thinking from 1977 to 1985. This period encompasses what Guattari himself called the "Winter Years” of the early 1980s—the ascent of the Right, the spread of environmental catastrophe, the rise of a disillusioned youth with diminished prospects for career and future, and the establishment of a postmodernist ideology that offered solutions toward adaptation rather than change—a period with discernible echoes twenty years later. Following Semiotext(e)'s release last season of the new, expanded edition of Chaosophy: Texts and Interviews 1972-1977, this book makes Guattari's central ideas and concepts fully available in the format that had been best suited to Guattari's temperament: the guerrilla-styled intervention of the short essay and interactive dialogue. This edition includes such previously unpublished, substantive texts as "Institutional Intervention” and "About Schools,” along with new translations of "War, Crisis, or Life” and "The Nuclear State,” interviews and essays on a range of topics including adolescence and Italy, dream analysis and schizo-analysis, Marcel Proust and Jimmy Carter, as well as invaluable autobiographical documents such as "I Am an Idea-Thief” and "So What.”

  • - Essays in Schizoanalysis
    af Felix Guattari
    198,95 kr.

    An early work that lays the foundation for establishing a "polemical” dimension to psychoanalysis.We certainly have the unconscious that we deserve, an unconscious for specialists, ready-made for an institutionalized discourse. I would rather see it as something that wraps itself around us in everyday objects, something that is involved with day-to-day problems, with the world outside. It would be the possible itself, open to the socius, to the cosmos...—from The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in SchizoanalysisIn his seminal solo-authored work The Machinic Unconscious (originally published in French in 1979), Félix Guattari lays the groundwork for a general pragmatics capable of resisting the semiotic enslavement of subjectivity. Concluding that psychoanalytic theory had become part and parcel of a repressive, capitalist social order, Guattari here outlines a schizoanalytic theory to undo its capitalist structure and set the discipline back on its feet. Combining theoretical research from fields as diverse as cybernetics, semiotics, ethnology, and ethology, Guattari reintroduces into psychoanalysis a "polemical” dimension, at once transhuman, transsexual, and transcosmic, that brings out the social and political—the "machinic”—potential of the unconscious. To illustrate his theory, Guattari turns to literature and analyzes the various modes of subjectivization and semiotization at work in Proust's In Search of Lost Time, examining the novel as if he were undertaking a scientific exploration in the style of Freud or Newton. Casting Proust's figures as abstract ("hyper-deterritorialized”) mental objects, Guattari maps the separation between literature and science, elaborating along the way such major Deleuze-Guattarian concepts as "faciality” and "refrain,” which would be unpacked in their subsequent A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Never before available in English, The Machinic Unconscious has for too long been the missing chapter from Deleuze and Guattari's Anti-Oedipus project: the most important political extension of May 1968 and one of the most important philosophical contributions of the twentieth century.

  • af Felix Guattari
    208,95 kr.

    Notes and journal entries document Guattari and Deleuze's collaboration on their 1972 book Anti-Oedipus."The unconscious is not a theatre, but a factory," wrote Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in Anti-Oedipus (1972), instigating one of the most daring intellectual adventures of the last half-century. Together, the well-known philosopher and the activist-psychiatrist were updating both psychoanalysis and Marxism in light of a more radical and "constructivist" vision of capitalism: "Capitalism is the exterior limit of all societies because it has no exterior limit itself. It works well as long as it keeps breaking down."Few people at the time believed, as they wrote in the often-quoted opening sentence of Rhizome, that "the two of us wrote Anti-Oedipus together." They added, "Since each of us was several, that became quite a crowd." These notes, addressed to Deleuze by Guattari in preparation for Anti-Oedipus, and annotated by Deleuze, substantiate their claim, finally bringing out the factory behind the theatre. They reveal Guattari as an inventive, highly analytical, mathematically-minded "conceptor," arguably one of the most prolific and enigmatic figures in philosophy and sociopolitical theory today. The Anti-Oedipus Papers (1969-1973) are supplemented by substantial journal entries in which Guattari describes his turbulent relationship with his analyst and teacher Jacques Lacan, his apprehensions about the publication of Anti-Oedipus and accounts of his personal and professional life as a private analyst and codirector with Jean Oury of the experimental clinic Laborde (created in the 1950s).

  • af Felix Guattari
    218,95 kr.

    This work examines what it means to be a philosopher and attacks the sterility of modern philosophy. Part One explores the nature and scope of philosophy and its relation to social and economic development. Part Two considers other forms of thought: science, art, literature and music.

  • af Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari
    274,99 kr.

    Et af de mest indflydelsesrige filosofiske værker i det 20. århundrede, der fortsat inspirerer tænkere og aktivister verden over. Tusind Plateauer tilbyder en dybt original analyse af, hvordan samfund fungerer, og hvordan vi kan forstå og skabe nye muligheder for handling og tænkning. Bogen er en sammenvævning af forskellige emner – fra politik og psykologi til kunst og biologi – og skaber et kalejdoskopisk billede af, hvordan magt, identitet og virkelighed kan ses som et netværk af forbindelser og bevægelser, snarere end som statiske og opdelte enheder.Udgivet i samarbejde med Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi

  • af Felix Guattari
    351,95 kr.

    Extending the definition of ecology to encompass social relations and human subjectivity as well as environmental concerns, The Three Ecologies argues that the ecological crises that threaten our planet are the direct result of the expansion of a new form of capitalism and that a new ecosophical approach must be found which respects the differences between all living systems. A powerful critique of capitalism and a manifesto for a new way of thinking, the book is also an ideal introduction to the work of one of Europe's most radical thinkers. This edition includes a chronology of Guattari's life and work, introductions to both his general philosophy and to the work itself, and extended notes to the original text.

  • af Felix Guattari
    228,95 kr.

    Throughout a large part of the 1980s, F\u00e9lix Guattari, known for his collaborations with Gilles Deleuze and his experimental and groundbreaking practices in psychotherapy, decides to shift his experimental work into a different medium of artistic and creative thought practice: the world of science fiction. Part self-analysis, part cinematic expression of his theoretical work, Guattari\u2019s screenplay merges his theoretical concepts with his passion for comic books, free radio movements, and film. So begins Guattari\u2019s journey to write a screenplay wherein a group of squatters makes contact with a superior intelligence coming from the infinitely small Universe of the Infra-quark (UIQ). Guattari worked feverishly on his film, attempting to secure a budget, traveling to Hollywood, and enlisting the help of American screenwriter Robert Kramer. But the film would never see the light of day. Through the important archival work of artists, Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson, Guattari\u2019s script is now published here, for the first time in English.

  • - Barricades
    af Felix Guattari, Robert Fleck & Alyce Mahon
    498,95 kr.

  • - Texts and Interviews 1955-1971
    af Felix Guattari
    208,95 kr.

    Essays and articles that trace Guattari's intellectual and political development before Anti-Oedipus. Originally published in French in 1972, Psychoanalysis and Transversality gathers all the articles that Félix Guattari wrote between 1955 and 1971. It provides a fascinating account of his intellectual and political itinerary before Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (1972), the ground-breaking book he wrote with Gilles Deleuze, propelled him to the forefront of contemporary French philosophy. Guattari's background was unlike that of any of his peers. In 1953, with psychoanalyst Jean Oury, he founded the La Borde psychiatric clinic, which was based on the principle that one cannot treat psychotics without modifying the entire institutional context. For Guattari, the purpose of "institutional psychotherapy” was not just to cure psychotic patients, but also to learn with them a different relation to the world. A dissident in the French Communist Party and active in far-left politics (he participated in the May 1968 student rebellion), Guattari realized early on that it was possible to introduce analysis into political groups. Considered as open machines (subject-groups) rather than self-contained structures (subjugated groups), these subject-groups shunned hierarchy and vertical structures, developing transversally, rhizomatizing through other groups. Psychoanalysis and Transversality collects twenty-four essays by Guattari, including his foundational 1964 article on transversality, and a superb introduction by Gilles Deleuze, "Three Group-Related Problems.”

  • - Writings on Japan
    af Felix Guattari
    228,95 kr.

    The French philosopher F\u00e9lix Guattari frequently visited Japan during the 1980s and organized exchanges between French and Japanese artists and intellectuals. His immersion into the \u201cmachinic eros\u201d of Japanese culture put him into contact with media theorists such as Tetsuo Kogawa and activists within the mini-FM community (Radio Home Run), documentary filmmakers (Mitsuo Sato), photographers (Keiichi Tahara), novelists (Kobo Abe), internationally recognized architects (Shin Takamatsu), and dancers (Min Tanaka). From pachinko parlors to high-rise highways, alongside corporate suits and among alt-culture comrades, Guattari put himself into the thick of Japanese becomings during a period in which the bubble economy continued to mutate. This collection of essays, interviews, and longer meditations shows a radical thinker exploring the architectural environment of Japan\u2019s \u201cmachinic eros.\u201d

  • af Felix Guattari
    342,95 kr.

    The final work by the author before his death in 1992, Chaosmosis is a radical and challenging work concerned with the reinvention and resingularization of subjectivity. It attempts to embody affective change, the short-circuiting of signification and the proliferation of sense necessary to engage with non-discursive, artistic, poetic and pathic intensities. It includes critical reflections on Lacanian psychoanalysis, structuralism, information theory, postmodernism, and the thought of Heidegger, Bakhtin, Barthes, and others.