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Bøger af Felix Antony

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  • - The Psychology of Managing Pressure: How to turn Pressure into Positive Energy In 5 Simple Steps
    af Felix Antony
    88,95 kr.

  • - Tame, Reprogram & Control Your Subconscious Mind To Transform Your Life
    af Felix Antony
    173,95 kr.

  • - Step By Step Guide On How to Overcome Shame and Guilt for Good
    af Felix Antony
    183,95 kr.

  • - The Mindfulness Guide To Mastering Your Emotions, Getting Ahead And Improving Your Life
    af Felix Antony
    88,95 kr.

  • - Complete Workout Plan On How To Build Your Emotional Muscle And Burning Down Anxiety To Become Emotionally Stronger, More Confident and Less Reactive
    af Felix Antony
    88,95 kr.

  • - Master Body Language; A Practical Guide to Understanding Nonverbal Communication and Improving Your Relationships
    af Felix Antony
    103,95 kr.

  • - Understanding And Dealing With Manipulative People Like A Pro
    af Felix Antony
    123,95 kr.

    <p><strong><u>You Are About To Discover How To Neutralize The Manipulation Efforts Of Any Manipulator In Your Life And Take Your Sanity And Life Back!</u></strong></p><p>If <em><u>you do not do this, then I will… (threat</u></em>). <em><u>You are the reason why this is happening (blame).</u></em> Because <em><u>you don’t pay attention to my needs (guilt trip)…</u></em></p><p><strong><em>Have you heard these kinds of statements repeatedly from someone?</em></strong></p><p>For some reason, <strong><u>are you the one who is always doing something to them</u></strong> and you have <strong><u>been the only one apologizing</u></strong>, and <strong><u>the one to make sacrifices</u></strong>, <strong><u>going an extra mile to make them comfortable</u></strong> – to <strong><u>try to make things better between</u></strong> you?</p><p>Are you <strong><u>made to feel vulnerable and answerable</u></strong> to them<em>, yet you know that is not the ‘normal’ order of the relationship?</em></p><p>If these things describe the relationship you have with someone, <em>be it a parent, child, partner, friend or colleague at work</em>, keep reading; you will <strong><u>find how to make it stop and get your freedom back!</u></strong></p><p>I know they made you <em><u>feel like you were crazy and over reactive when you called them out on their behavior</u></em>, pushing you around to do what they want. At some point, you <em><u>may have felt that they were right and you were irrational</u></em>. But that’s how a manipulative person works to break their victim’s defenses.</p><p><strong><em>There is a name for this kind of behavior</em></strong>; emotional blackmail. It is <strong><u>not easy to identify when you are being manipulated</u></strong> this way, especially if it happens with someone you love. However, regardless of who the perpetrator is, <strong><u>emotional manipulation will hurt you and steal your life and happiness. </u></strong></p><p>Lucky for you though, this book provides i<strong><u>nsights on this behavior, to teach you how to recognize it and how to deal with it and end it</u></strong>. The book will <strong><u>help you grow a spine</u></strong> so that <strong><u>you can take your life back</u></strong>!</p>

  • - Practical Meditation; How to Fight Stress, Anxiety and Depression to Live A Happy and Fulfilling Life with Meditation Even If You've Never Meditated Before
    af Felix Antony
    133,95 kr.

    <p><strong><u>You Are About To Learn How To Effortlessly Tame Your Stress, Anxiety And Depression With Meditation! </u></strong></p><p>Are the pressures of <strong><em>today</em></strong><strong><em>’s world making you to be overly stressed</em></strong>? Are you <strong><em><u>afraid that the high amounts of stress may be setting the stage for the development of modern day diseases</u></em></strong> like hypertension, diabetes and many others? Has the stress in your life made you to lose sleep and even turn to food for comfort?</p><p><strong><u>This problem is about to end, with the teachings in this book!</u></strong></p><p><strong><u>If you would like to: </u></strong></p><ul><li>Gain control over your automatic negative thoughts</li><li><strong>Are you looking for an effective way to reduce stress</strong></li></ul><p>And….</p><ul><li>Wish to get into a state of profound, deep peace….</li></ul>

  • - Overcome Social Anxiety, Stop Being Afraid of Social Interaction and Develop the Courage to Be Disliked
    af Felix Antony
    183,95 kr.

    <h2><strong><u>Stop being the person who would rather be in the casket than be the one reading the eulogy! Stop being socially passive and become socially active!</u></strong><br></h2><p>Being shy and introverted can be one of the most debilitating situations to be in.</p><p>But think about it; <u><em><strong>a staggering 40% of the world’s population consider themselves shy</strong></em></u>! <strong><u>Don’t let the statistics give you any comfort though. </u></strong><br></p><p>I know <u>you know just how frustrating it is not to speak up when you ought</u> to. I know <em><u>you know how it feels when you see people making the wrong decision or a decision that you are deeply against yet you can’t speak up because somehow, you don’t want to be judged negatively</u></em>. I know <strong><em>you know the feeling of missing an opportunity because you could not gather the courage to step forward to be counted when the opportunity came up</em></strong>. I know you know the feeling of missing and not being able to do many other things.</p><p>You’ve been living with social anxiety or consider yourself socially awkward. And as you know, it is a sad way of living where happiness and fulfillment cannot thrive.</p><p>If you are <strong>tired of being unhappy and unfulfilled because of you haven’t been living life to the fullest and speaking up or acting at the opportune time/moment due to social awkwardness/social anxiety,</strong> this book is meant for you.</p><p>It will hold you by the hand to help you get out of your cocoon and live life on your terms with new found confidence, self-esteem and sense of self-worth.</p><h2><strong><u>In this book, you will understand:</u></strong><br></h2><ul><li>Whether what you have is really a case of social shyness or social anxiety disorder</li><li><strong>What <u>red flags you’ve always exhibited </u>that make you react the way you react in social situations</strong></li><li>How to <u>approach every environment/social setting with new found sense of mindfulness</u> that makes you deal with any social anxiety issues as and when they occur</li><li><strong>How to relax yourself and keep your cool even when social anxiety triggers keep buzzing</strong></li><li>How to face the things that make you not want <u>to be the social animal that you truly are</u></li><li><strong>How to not get over yourself with sense of judgment that may hamper your progress</strong></li><li>And much more!</li></ul><p>If you are sick and tired of social anxiety controlling and limiting what you can and cannot do, who you can interact with and not interact with, which places to go and not go, what to say and not say and such, this book will help you break all those chains!</p><p><u>What are you waiting for?</u><br></p><h2>Click <strong>Buy Now in 1-Click</strong> or <strong>Buy NOW</strong> to get started!<br></h2><p><br></p>

  • - How to End the Vicious Cycle of Codependent Relationships, Stop Manipulative Behavior in Its Tracks, and Learn to Love Yourself and Others in a Real Healthy Relationship
    af Felix Antony
    123,95 kr.

    <h3><strong><u>Don’t continue digging your early grave by continuing with codependency in your relationship; do something NOW!</u></strong><br></h3><p><em>Are you in a codependent relationship, where you <u>place another person’s problems above your own</u> problems?</em><br></p><p><em>Has the person gotten so used to your helping to the extent that <u>he/she now expects you to do everything for him/her without asking questions?</u></em><br></p><p><em>Does he/she resort to m<u>anipulative tactics like shaming, guilt tripping, gas lighting</u> and others to get you to do everything he/she wants?</em><br></p><p><em>Do you even have to c<u>over up his/her abuse, addiction and different other harmful behaviors?</u></em><br></p><p><em>Do you <u>feel somewhat helpless i</u>n the relationship and are looking for a way out because you are tired of overlooking your own needs and desires just to please, care for and protect him/her?</em><br></p><p>If you answered these questions with a yes, this book is what you need. The book will help you to get off the unhealthy cycle of codependency even if you feel stuck at the moment.</p><h2><strong><u>More precisely, the book will help you to understand:</u></strong><br></h2><ul><li>What codependency really is so that you can determine whether your relationship is really codependent</li><li><strong>What makes <u>you an ideal candidate</u> for the person controlling you so that you know how to break away from that by making yourself unattractive</strong></li><li>The dangers of staying in a codependent relationship that you should be aware of to give you the motivation and willpower to want to do something NOW</li><li><strong>How codependent manifests as a vicious cycle</strong></li><li>Why <strong><u>guilt and shame is your worst enemy</u></strong> in a codependent relationship and how to overcome them</li><li><strong>Step by step process of <u>breaking away from codependence</u></strong></li><li>How to <u>stop being an enabler</u> in your relationship</li><li><strong>How to <u>get your relationship past codependence</u> and <u>reclaim mutual respect and trust</u></strong></li><li>How to <u>restore your self-esteem</u> after the whole ordeal</li><li><strong><u>When to break ties</u></strong></li><li>And much, much more!</li></ul><p>After reading the book, you will know how to take back the power that the other person had taken away so that you stop codependency for good. If you are tired of not feeling enough yet you work so hard on your relationship, feel rejected and are constantly humiliated by anyone, let this book mark the beginning of an end to the codependency so that you live life on your own terms.</p><p><strong><u>What are you waiting for?</u></strong><br></p><h3>Click <strong><u>Buy Now in 1-Click</u></strong> or <strong><u>Buy NOW</u></strong> at the top of this page to start the journey to breaking the chains of codependency for good!<br></h3>

  • - How To Neutralize A Narcissist; A Complete Guide on How to Become a Narcissist's Worst Nightmare
    af Felix Antony
    173,95 kr.

    <p><strong><u>Take back power from the narcissist in your life and make yourself his/her worst nightmare! </u></strong></p><p>Do you have someone in your life who is <u>overly exploitative</u>, <strong>overly critical</strong>, <em><u>self-absorbed, <strong>egotistical</strong>, arrogant and with an <strong>inflated sense of entitlement</strong> coupled with a complete lack of empathy</u></em>?</p><p>Does this person <strong><u>exploit you or others</u></strong> without acting or feeling moved by their actions? Does he/she bully everyone around them without being apologetic about it?</p><p>And has his/her <strong><u>actions disempowered you and others</u></strong> he/she interacts with to the point that you just do whatever that person wants or asks just because you <strong><u>don’t want more drama or confrontation? </u></strong></p><p>This person has a medical condition known as narcissistic personality disorder and his/her condition does affect everyone he/she relates with negatively.</p><p>The fact that you are <strong>reading this signifies that you have had enough of</strong> <u>manipulation</u>, <strong>gas lighting</strong>, <u>bulldozing</u>, <strong>objectifying</strong>, <u>threatening,</u> <strong>abuse</strong>, <u>guilt tripping, </u><strong>being put down, </strong><u>passive aggression</u> and many other tactics that the narcissist uses.</p><p>Lucky for you, <strong>this book will live true to its title</strong>: “<strong><u>to neutralize the narcissist and become his/her worst nightmare”</u></strong> so that you can have your sanity, freedom and dignity back!</p><p><strong>How will it do that?</strong></p><p><strong><u>By showing you, among other things:</u></strong></p><ul><li>The dangers of having a narcissist in your life</li><li><strong><u>Key red flags of narcissistic behavior</u>, including signs that you may perhaps <u>never have caught earlier</u></strong></li><li>What fuels narcissists to do the things they do</li><li><strong>How to <u>maintain a positive outlook and calm yourself</u> down even when dealing with a narcissist</strong></li><li>How to leverage relaxation and mindfulness to put narcissistic behavior on emergency breaks</li><li><strong>How to <u>neutralize a narcissist’s tactics while keeping your sanity intact</u></strong></li><li>How to <em><u>‘hack’ your brain so that you can stop responding to a narcissist’s manipulative strategies</u></em></li><li><strong>How to heal and detach yourself from the effects of what a narcissist has already done in your life</strong></li><li><u>How to rewrite the narrative</u> that the narcissist has written for you in order to reconnect with your authentic self</li><li><strong>How to build yourself to become the narcissist’s worst nightmare</strong></li><li>And much more!</li></ul>

  • - Powerful Techniques on How to Influence Human Behavior, Effectively Deal with People, and Get the Results You Want
    af Felix Antony
    173,95 kr.

    <p><strong><u>Powerful and effective Techniques on How to Influence Human Behavior, Effectively Deal with People, and Get the Results You Want</u></strong></p><p>Do you have a <strong>hard time getting people to do anything</strong> you want? And does this bother you to the extent that you <strong><u>feel it is not worthy putting any effort</u></strong> to tell people to support a certain idea or course?</p><p>Do you feel <strong><u>helpless and agitated</u></strong> when you cannot influence or convince people to do your bidding?</p><p>Is being <strong><u>rejected and ignored</u></strong> among the first responses from the people you try to influence?</p><p>Do you subtly wish you could <u>switch on a magic wand</u> to <strong><u>spell bound anyone</u></strong> to do anything you want without you having to beg, threaten and often embarrass yourself?</p><p>If you <strong><u>feel like a loser</u></strong> and <strong><u>feel ashamed</u></strong> or <strong>shy</strong> to ask people to do stuff successfully, this book is specially written for you.</p><p>It is true; you may be lacking effective communication skills but that’s not the only thing you need to get people to do anything you want. What you want to get <strong><u>people to listen to you</u></strong> and <strong><u>agree with you</u></strong> <strong>then take action</strong> is to <u>learn the art of manipulation</u>!</p><p>And that’s where <strong>this book comes in</strong>; <strong><u>to teach you the art of manipulation</u></strong>!</p><p>The book covers actionable, ethical and powerful strategies that effectively influence people to take specific actions easily, something that will in turn enable you to become a better negotiator, better leader, partner, shrewd business person and much more!</p><p><em>How will it do that?</em></p><p><strong><u>By teaching you:</u></strong></p><ul><li>Why manipulation is a critical component of influencing behavior to excel in life</li><li><strong><u>The decision cycle</u> so that you know when to inject your manipulation techniques into your everyday interactions</strong></li><li>The <u>right body language strategies</u> to get people to do anything you want</li><li><strong>How to <u>sweeten your tongue</u> to plant seeds that will influence people to take whatever action you desire</strong></li><li>Strategies for <u>sweetening the deal</u> to make people want to take immediate action</li><li><strong>How to <u>create instant rapport and trust</u> that will <u>make anyone “manipulatable</u>”</strong></li><li>How creating scarcity can get anyone to do anything you want fast</li><li><strong>How to effectively get someone to use the <u>objective criteria</u> to make them do your bidding without cajoling and begging</strong></li><li>How something as insignificant as <strong><u>someone’s name</u></strong> can be the difference between deal or no deal</li><li><strong>How to use <u>BATNA</u> to <u>cut the chase</u> and make people to whatever you want immediately</strong></li><li>And much more!</li></ul>