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Bøger af E.T.A. Hoffmann

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  • Spar 17%
    af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    165,95 kr.

    E.T.A. Hoffmanns fortællinger har i snart to hundrede år begejstret læsere over hele verden. Hermed præsenteres de absolut største af dem samlet i to bind. Fortællingerne fordeler sig ligeligt mellem gotiske fortællinger, der bugner af skæbne­ramte mænd, farlige kvinder, lumpne djævle og luskede dobbeltgængere, og kunsteventyr, hvor alfer, feer, børn og andet godtfolk bekæmper troldvæsen i alle dets former. Hos den humoristiske, vilde og grumme romantiker Hoffmann er det typisk dumheden, snæversynet, fantasiløs­heden og i særdeleshed det entydigt rationalistiske livssyn, der får nogle gevaldige drag over nakken. Blandt de 16 udvalgte fortællinger er naturligvis den drabelige klassiker ‘Nødde­knækker og musekonge’ og den udødelige ‘Sandmanden’. Men vi får også lejlighed til at nyde gyserne ‘Det tomme hus’ og ‘Majoratet’ og de fornøjelige beret­ninger om Mester Loppes eventyr og om Magister Blecks frygteligt fornuftige hærgen. Og så møder vi verdenslitteraturens første detektiv i ‘Frøken Scudéry’.

  • Spar 17%
    af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    165,95 kr.

    E.T.A. Hoffmanns sort-romantiske eventyr fra 1820 er fortællingen om en pæn, borgerlig familie. Den lille Marie, der har en livlig fantasi, leger julenat med sine gaver, mens familien sover. Legetøjet er skabt af hendes gudfader, det mekaniske geni Droßelmeier.En grusom kamp udspiller sig julenat mellem Nøddeknækkeren og Musekongen.Bogen er en del af Klims klassikerserie oversat af Hans-Jørgen Birkmose, hvoraf de seneste er illustreret af Martin Røes.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    133,95 kr.

    This selection of Hoffmann's finest short stories vividly demonstrates his intense imagination and preoccupation with the supernatural, placing him at the forefront of both surrealism and the modern horror genre. Suspense dominates tales such as Mademoiselle de Scudery, in which an apprentice goldsmith and a female novelist find themselves caught up in a series of jewel thefts and murders. In the sinister Sandman, a young man's sanity is tormented by fears about a mysterious chemist, while in The Choosing of a Bride a greedy father preys on the weaknesses of his daughter's suitors. Master of the bizarre, Hoffman creates a sinister and unsettling world combining love and madness, black humour and bewildering illusion.

  • Spar 25%
    af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    224,95 kr.

    Hermed samles i ét bind de allerbedste af E.T.A. Hoffmanns fortællinger, som i snart to hundrede år har begejstret læsere over hele verden. Blandt Hoffmanns ivrigste læsere finder vi bl.a. H.C. Andersen og Edgar Allan Poe.Fortællingerne fordeler sig ligeligt mellem gotiske fortællinger, der bugner af skæbne­ramte mænd, farlige kvinder, lumpne djævle og luskede dobbeltgængere, og kunsteventyr, hvor alfer, feer, børn og andet godtfolk bekæmper troldvæsen i alle dets former. Hos den humoristiske, vilde og grumme romantiker Hoffmann er det typisk dumheden, snæversynet, fantasiløs­heden og i særdeleshed det entydigt rationalistiske livssyn, der får nogle gevaldige drag over nakken.Nordjyske gav fem stjerner til tobindsudgaven, og Informations Torben Brostrøm skrev: “E.T.A. Hoffmanns fortællinger er en særlig litterær genre i eventyrets verden af traditioner med romantikkens kunsteventyr som højdepunkt. En munter og tankevækkende læsestimulans, som nu er tilgængelig i en ny dansk, vellydende oversættelse."

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    108,95 kr.

    Happily engaged to the poet Amandus, Fräulein Anna is horrified to discover that a beautiful ring, mysteriously deposited upon her finger whilst tending her kitchen garden, forces her into marriage with the gnome Corduanspitz. Can Anna find any way of removing the ring? Will her poet lover shake off his passive demeanour and come to her aid? And has Corduanspitz truly relinquished all ties to his gnome heritage?Around a love story very much of its time, Hoffman arranges a narrative that brings to mind the most successful elements of contemporary magical realism and surreal comedy. Always entertaining, yet capable of a focused though subtle morality, The King's Bride brings disparate elements into a masterful harmony.

  • af Theodor Storm, Theodor Fontane, Gottfried Keller, mfl.
    139,95 kr.

    Nehmen sie sich doch mal eine kleine Auszeit mit diesen 6 ausgewählten Klassikern der deutschen Literatur! Begegnen sie mit diesem Hörbuch den großen deutschen Schriftstellern des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts: Theodor Fontane, Gottfried Keller, Heinrich von Kleist, E. T. A. Hoffmann, sowie Theodor Storm und lassen sie sich mit ihren Werken wie „Der Schimmelreiter", „Das Fräulein von Scuderi" oder „Der Stechlin" in jene Zeit entführen...Bernd Heinrich Wilhelm von Kleist (geb. 18.10.1777 in Frankfurt (Oder)) gilt als Mitbegründer der deutschen Novelle. Seine Werke waren ihrer Zeit weit voraus und lassen sich bis heute literaturgeschichtlich nur schwer einordnen. Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (geb. 24.01.1776 in Königsberg) gilt als einer der wichtigsten Vertreter der Romantik. Gottfried Keller (geb. 19.07.1819 in Zürich), sowie Heinrich Theodor Fontane (geb. 30.12.1819 in Neuruppin) und Hans Theodor Woldsen Storm (geb. 14.09.1817 in Husum) zählen zu den bedeutendsten Schriftstellern des literarischen Realismus.

  • Spar 12%
    af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    198,95 kr.

    E.T.A. Hoffmanns sort-romantiske eventyr fra 1820 er fortællingen om en pæn, borgerlig familie. Den lille Marie, der har en livlig fantasi, leger julenat med sine gaver, mens familien sover. Legetøjet er skabt af hendes gudfader, det mekaniske geni Droßelmeier.En grusom kamp udspiller sig julenat mellem Nøddeknækkeren og Musekongen.Bogen er en del af Klims klassikerserie oversat af Hans-Jørgen Birkmose, hvoraf de seneste er illustreret af Martin Røes.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    58,95 kr.

    Scritto nel 1816, "Lo Schiaccianoci" continua ad affascinare grandi e piccini da due secoli. Fritz e Marie, come tutti i bambini, vivono con gioia i giorni del Natale. Un amico di famiglia regala loro uno Schiaccianoci di legno: un oggetto innocuo, ma che darà vita alle più incredibili avventure che i due fratelli abbiano mai vissuto. Di notte, in camera di Marie appare infatti il malvagio re dei topi, con sette teste e sette corone, alla guida di un esercito di roditori. Schiaccianoci prende vita e, divenuto generale dei soldatini e dei pupazzi di marzapane, affronta il perfido re. Marie e Fritz vengono così trasportati in un mondo abitato da topi, fate, soldati, principi e principesse, dove realtà e sogno si intrecciano insieme.Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    348,95 kr.

    I Hoffmanns fantastiske noveller demonstrerer han endnu engang, hvorfor han anses for at være den ubestridte mester inden for den gotiske og fantastiske litteratur. I de fire noveller kommer vi blandt andet med på jagt efter en brutal morder, der har en særlig tilbøjelighed til at myrde unge elskere, som er på vej til deres hjertenskær med dyrebare smykker. Det bliver op til frøken Scudéri, den første detektiv i hele litteraturhistorien, at rense den anklagedes navn. Vi kommer også med til stamhuset, hvor en gammel adelig slægt har gemt sine mest dystre hemmeligheder."Fantastiske noveller" består af "Frøken Scudéri", "Stamhuset", "Mester Martin og hans svende" og "Lykke i spil".idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlDen tyske forfatter E.T.A. Hoffmann (1776-1822) var – med sin forkærlighed for skrækscenarier, slægtsforbandelse, makabre forbrydelser og lignende – hovedskikkelsen i den "sorte" romantiske digtning. Til forskel fra de øvrige romantikeres enhedstænkning havde Hoffmann en dualistisk livsanskuelse, hvor kun åndens verden er virkelig, mens den materielle verden er grotesk og uvirkelig. Hoffmann fik stor indflydelse på europæisk litteratur, og forfattere som bl.a. H.C. Andersen, Fjodor Dostojevskij og Charles Dickens har fundet inspiration i hans digtning.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    16,95 kr.

    Każda Wigilia jest magicznym wieczorem, ale dla Klary i jej brata szczególnie niezwykła okazała się ta, gdy w prezencie choinkowym otrzymali od ojca chrzestnego figurkę dziadka do orzechów. Od tego momentu dziewczynka zaczyna być świadkiem niezwykłych wydarzeń - nocami jej zabawki ożywają i pod przywództwem Dziadka do Orzechów toczą walkę z bezwzględnym Królem Myszy. Klara dowiaduje się, że historia tego zatargu wiedzie daleko w przeszłość - do czasów klątwy rzuconej przez Mysibabę na prześliczną księżniczkę Pirlipatę. Klasyka literatury dla dzieci. Opowieść była wielokrotnie ekranizowana jako filmy fabularne i animowane. Polska wersja "Dziadka do Orzechów" została wyreżyserowana w 1967 r. przez Halinę Bielińską. Francuski przekład opowiadania zainspirował Piotra Czajkowskiego do stworzenia baletu pod tym samym tytułem.E.T.A. Hoffmann (1776-1822) - kompozytor, rysownik, prawnik i poeta niemiecki doby romantyzmu. Jeden z pierwszych twórców piszących w nurcie tzw. weird-fiction, inspirował wielu autorów fantastyki grozy, Edgara Allana Poe, Howarda Phillipsa Lovecrafta, Stefana Grabińskiego. Nie popierał rozbiorów Polski, znał polski język, utrwalił w swoich utworach wizerunek szlachetnego Polaka - romantycznego kochanka. Wielki miłośnik kotów. Był autorem niemiecko brzmiących nazwisk nadawanych na początku XIX w. Żydom mieszkającym w Warszawie (prawdopodobnie właśnie on stworzył nazwiska: Rosenbaum, Goldberg, Eisenbaum). Do jego najbardziej znanych dzieł należą powieść "Diable eliksiry" czy zbiór noweli i bajek "Bracia Serafiońscy".

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    57,95 kr.

    ‘The Entail’ (1885) is a ‘weird tale’ written by the German Romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s opera ‘The Nutcracker’.This classic short horror story tells of a castle haunted by the ghost of a murderer. It is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    73,95 kr.

    ‘The Serapion Brethren’ is the name of a literary and social circle created in Berlin in 1818 by the German romantic writer E. T. A. Hoffmann and his friends.‘The Serapion Brethren’ is also the name of a four-volume collection of Hoffmann's novellas and fairy tales that appeared in 1819, 1820, and 1821.Volume 2 includes the stories: ‘The Life of a Well-known Character’, ‘Albertine's wooers’, ‘The Uncanny Guest’, ‘Mademoiselle Scuderi’, ‘Gamblers', ‘Fortune’, ‘Signor Formica’, ‘Phenomena’, ‘The Mutual Interdependence of Things’, ‘The King's Betrothed’.E. T. A. Hoffmann was a German romantic author, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s ballet ‘The Nutcracker’. These classic short stories are perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    37,95 kr.

    ‘The Fermata’ (1885) is a ‘weird tale’ written by the German romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s opera ‘The Nutcracker’.This classic short horror story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    73,95 kr.

    ‘The Serapion Brethren’ is the name of a literary and social circle created in Berlin in 1818 by the German romantic writer E. T. A. Hoffmann and his friends. ‘The Serapion Brethren’ is also the name of a four-volume collection of Hoffmann's novellas and fairy tales that appeared in 1819, 1820, and 1821.Volume 1 includes the stories: ‘The Story of Serapion’, ‘An Interrupted Cadence’, ‘The Poet and the Composer’, ‘A Fragment of the Lives of Three Friends’, ‘The Mines of Falun’, ‘Nutcracker and the King of Mice’, ‘The Doge and the Dogaressa’, ‘Master Martin, the Cooper, and his men’, ‘The Stranger Child’.E.T.A. Hoffmann was a German romantic author, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s ballet ‘The Nutcracker’. These classic short stories are perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    73,95 kr.

    ‘Weird Tales Volume 2’ (1885) was written by famous German Romantic author E.T.A. Hoffmann. Included in this second and final volume of short stories are: ‘The Doge and Dogess’, ‘Master Martin the Cooper,’ ‘Mademoiselle de Scudéri,’ ‘Gambler's Luck,’ ‘Master Johannes Wacht,’ and a bibliographic essay from the translator entitled, ‘Biographical Notes.’ These classic short stories are perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    73,95 kr.

    ‘Weird Tales Volume 1’ (1885) was written by German Romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816). Included in this first of two volumes are the short stories: The Cremona Violin, The Fermata, Signor Formica, The Sandman, The Entail and Arthur’s Hall. These classic short stories are perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    24,95 kr.

    Drugi tom zbioru opowiadań E.T.A. Hoffmanna dostarcza charakterystycznych dla pisarstwa tego romantycznego fantastyka wrażeń. W utworach takich jak "Ślub", "Wybór narzeczonej", "Człowiek z piasku" i "Narożne okno" kulturalne gesty mieszają się z przejawami gwałtownych żądz, to, co racjonalne przeplata się z ludową magicznością, a nawet najbardziej racjonalni bohaterowie mogą niespodziewanie doznać pomieszania zmysłów. Pozycja obowiązkowa dla czytelników ceniących twórczość Edgara Allana Poe, Lovecrafta czy Stefana Grabińskiego.E.T.A. Hoffmann (1776-1822) - kompozytor, rysownik, prawnik i poeta niemiecki doby romantyzmu. Jeden z pierwszych twórców piszących w nurcie tzw. weird-fiction, inspirował wielu autorów fantastyki grozy, Edgara Allana Poe, Howarda Phillipsa Lovecrafta, Stefana Grabińskiego. Nie popierał rozbiorów Polski, znał polski język, utrwalił w swoich utworach wizerunek szlachetnego Polaka - romantycznego kochanka. Wielki miłośnik kotów. Był autorem niemiecko brzmiących nazwisk nadawanych na początku XIX w. Żydom mieszkającym w Warszawie (prawdopodobnie właśnie on stworzył nazwiska: Rosenbaum, Goldberg, Eisenbaum). Do jego najbardziej znanych dzieł należą powieść "Diable eliksiry" czy zbiór noweli i bajek "Bracia Serafiońscy".

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    24,95 kr.

    Pierwsza część zbioru opowieści E.T.A. Hoffmanna, w których w pełnej mocy ujawnia się charakterystyczna dla pisarza fantazja romantyczna oraz jego zamiłowanie do upiornej niesamowitości. Przez utwory takie jak "Skrzypce z Cremony", "Majorat", "Kawaler Gluck" i "Don Juan" przewija się cała plejada dziwaków i ludzi kierowanych potężnymi namiętnościami. Czytelnik, stale utrzymywany w stanie psychicznego napięcia, nigdy nie może mieć pewności, czy opisywane zachowanie lub wydarzenie to tylko niewinny ekscentryczny wybryk, przejaw degeneracji bohatera, czy może ingerencja zaświatów. Doskonały lekturowy wybór dla miłośników ciemnej fantastyki w wykonaniu Edgara Allana Poe, Lovecrafta czy Stefana Grabińskiego.E.T.A. Hoffmann (1776-1822) - kompozytor, rysownik, prawnik i poeta niemiecki doby romantyzmu. Jeden z pierwszych twórców piszących w nurcie tzw. weird-fiction, inspirował wielu autorów fantastyki grozy, Edgara Allana Poe, Howarda Phillipsa Lovecrafta, Stefana Grabińskiego. Nie popierał rozbiorów Polski, znał polski język, utrwalił w swoich utworach wizerunek szlachetnego Polaka - romantycznego kochanka. Wielki miłośnik kotów. Był autorem niemiecko brzmiących nazwisk nadawanych na początku XIX w. Żydom mieszkającym w Warszawie (prawdopodobnie właśnie on stworzył nazwiska: Rosenbaum, Goldberg, Eisenbaum). Do jego najbardziej znanych dzieł należą powieść "Diable eliksiry" czy zbiór noweli i bajek "Bracia Serafiońscy".

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    37,95 kr.

    ‘Signor Formica’ (1885) is a ‘weird tale’ written by the German Romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s opera ‘The Nutcracker’.This classic short horror story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based.The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    41,95 kr.

    ‘The Elementary Spirit‘ (1844) was written by the German Romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s ‘The Nutcracker’.When Prussian lieutenant, colonel Albert von B. rides from Liège to Aachen, a chance encounter with Paul Talkebarth leads him to a mysterious country house where his best friend lies ill. But not everything or everyone are as they seem, and beset by strange dreams and apparitions, Albert is faced with a battle for his soul.‘The Elementary Spirit’ is from Hoffmann’s ‘Later Works’. This classic short story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    41,95 kr.

    ‘The Doge and Dogess’ (1885) is a ‘weird tale’ written by the German Romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s opera ‘The Nutcracker’. This classic fantasy short story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    41,95 kr.

    ‘Arthur’s Hall’ (1885) is a ‘weird tale’ written by the German Romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s opera ‘The Nutcracker’.This classic short horror story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    41,95 kr.

    ‘Master Martin, The Cooper, and His Journal’ (1885) is a ‘weird tale’ written by the German romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s ballet ‘The Nutcracker’.Johannes Wacht is orphaned at an early age and taken in by the town council’s master craftsman. But the carpenter's death sends Johannes on a journey to Bamberg and a new life.This classic short story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    37,95 kr.

    ‘Gambler’s Luck’ (1855) is a ‘weird tale’ written by the German romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s ballet ‘The Nutcracker’.A young German baron enjoys a lucky streak at the gambling tables and becomes addicted. One night, a stranger appears at the gambling table and tells the Baron an incredible tale...This classic short story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    41,95 kr.

    ‘Master Martin, The Cooper, and His Journal’ (1885) is a ‘weird tale’ written by the German romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s opera ‘The Nutcracker’.Three young men; a craftsman, an artist and a knight, try to win the hand of Master Martin’s daughter. But can they fulfil the prophecy?This classic short story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    41,95 kr.

    ‘The Sandman‘ (1844) was written by the German romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s ‘The Nutcracker’.A tale of madness, deceit and murder. A young man becomes obsessed with the sandman, who steals people's eyes. ‘The Sandman’, has produced numerous adaptations and has influenced modern horror fiction. It provided the inspiration for Delibes's ballet Coppélia, and formed the basis of Sigmund Freud’s important essay, 'The Uncanny'. This classic short story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    1.382,00 kr.

    I Hoffmanns fantastiske noveller demonstrerer han endnu en gang, hvorfor han anses for at være den ubestridte mester inden for den gotiske og fantastiske litteratur. I de fire noveller kommer vi blandt andet med på jagt efter en brutal morder, der har en særlig tilbøjelighed til at myrde unge elskere, som er på vej til deres hjertenskær med dyrebare smykker. Det bliver op til frøken Scudéri, den første detektiv i hele litteraturhistorien, at rense den anklagedes navn. Vi kommer også med til stamhuset, hvor en gammel adelig slægt har gemt sine mest dystre hemmeligheder.”Fantastiske noveller” består af ”Frøken Scudéri”, ”Stamhuset”, ”Mester Martin og hans svende” og ”Lykke i spil”.Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    41,95 kr.

    Councillor Krespel is an eccentric violin maker who lives with the mysterious Antonia. Considered to have the most beautiful singing voice the town has ever heard; she has only sung once in her life. Krespel is renowned for making the finest violins in the world, but never sells any and plays each violin he makes only once. What is the dark secret behind this odd couple’s behaviour?This classic short horror story was written by the famous German Romantic author E.T.A. Hoffmann and is perfect for fans of authors H.P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    41,95 kr.

    ‘The Jesuits’ Church in G‘ (1844) was written by the German Romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s ballet ‘The Nutcracker’.The story first appeared in the ‘Night Pieces’ collection, published in 1816 by The Georg Reimer publishing house in Berlin.Taken "from the papers of a traveling enthusiast’, it tells the story of the creative power of the visual artist Berthold. This classic short story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.

  • af The Brothers Grimm, Thomas Mann, Peter Stamm, mfl.
    148,95 kr.

    From helpful elves to an enchanting Nutcracker, rediscover the German Christmas tales behind our most iconic festive traditions*A Daily Express Book of the Year*Eine fröhliche Weihnachten -- A Merry Christmas -- made all the more joyful with these literary treats redolent of candle-lit trees, St. Nikolaus, gingerbread, roast goose and red cabbage, tinsel and stollen cakes, accompanied by plenty of schnapps.In this collection, classic works by the Brothers Grimm and Thomas Mann intertwine with more recent stories from writers like Peter Stamm and Martin Suter to bring together the greatest festive tales from Austria, Switzerland and Germany. From a child lost in a snowy, pine-scented forest meeting an unlikely saviour to old lovers reuniting during a last-minute dash across the city for presents, each story creates magical moments of reflection and rediscovery.Bursting with family chaos, carols and yuletide cheer, A German Christmas showcases those works that have helped define the festive period the world over.