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Bøger af Erving Goffman

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  • af Erving Goffman
    268,95 kr.

    Stigma handler om det sociale samspil, der finder sted imellem såkaldt normale mennesker og så de stigmatiserede - dvs. dem, der bærer et fysisk, psykisk eller socialt miskrediterende særtræk, som adskiller dem fra flertallet. Med bogen udvikler Erving Goffman en sociologisk forståelse af, hvordan stigmatisering overhovedet opstår, og han belyser, hvordan de processer, som producerer en stigmatiseret person, ser ud. Bogen udfolder desuden, hvorledes stigmatiserede mennesker håndterer sig selv og deres stigma i den sociale samhandling med andre mennesker, og hvordan disse håndteringer påvirker den stigmatiseredes oplevelse af sig selv.Stigma udkom første gang i USA i 1963 og har siden stået som en af sociologiens absolutte klassikere. Bogen har lagt fundamentet for afvigelsessociologien og inspireret generationer af forskere og praktikere inden for sociologi, socialpsykologi, socialmedicin, psykiatri, kriminologi, sygepleje og socialt arbejde.Bogen udkommer her i en revideret oversættelse og er forsynet med et fyldigt forord af Michael Hviid Jacobsen og Søren Kristiansen.

  • af Erving Goffman
    208,95 - 314,95 kr.

    Et af sociologiens og socialpsykologiens helt centrale værker foreligger nu for første gang på dansk.Med teatrets verden som bogens bærende metaforik viser den canadisk-fødte sociolog Erving Goffman, hvordan individet præsenterer sig selv og sine handlinger med henblik på at lede og påvirke omverdenens opfattelse af sin hverdagslige optræden.Oversættelsen er derudover forsynet med en introduktion af Michael Hviid Jacobsen og Søren Kristiansen.

  • - Den totale institution socialt set - opdateret 2022 udgave
    af Erving Goffman
    298,95 kr.

    NY OG OPDATERET 2022 UDGAVE Anstalt og menneske må betragtes som et af tidens hovedværker inden for den sociologiske analyse af livet i den totale institutions lukkede verden, således som vi kender den fra f.eks. fængsler, kaserner, skibe, kostskoler, klostre, alderdomshjem, opdragelseshjem m.m. Anstalt som menneske skildrer, hvad disse institutioner »får ud af« klienterne, og hvad klienterne »får ud af« tilværelsen inden for murene – på godt og ondt, måske navnlig det sidste… Opmærksomheden rettes i særlig grad mod statshospitalet med udgangspunkt i forfatterens studier i marken gennem 1 år som medarbejder ved et stort amerikansk statshospital. Erwing Goffman fremlægger i bogen den hovedtese, at den mest betydningsfulde faktor i den sindslidende patients udvikling under opholdet ikke så meget er hans sygdom, men selve institutionen og alt, hvad den indebærer. Anstalt og menneske har derfor bud til enhver, som er beskæftiget – eller anbragt – i disse institutioner, samt til alle, der ønsker at vide besked med en af vort samfunds skyggesider.Bogen er senest udkommet i 14 oplag i oktober i en opdateret udgave.

  • af Erving Goffman
    133,95 kr.

    Presents an analysis of the structures of social encounters from the perspective of the dramatic performance. This title shows us how people use such 'fixed props' as houses, clothes, and job situations; how they combine in teams resembling secret societies; and, how they adopt discrepant roles and communicate out of character.

  • - Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity
    af Erving Goffman
    133,95 kr.

    The dwarf, the disfigured, the blind man, the homosexual, the ex-mental patient and the member of a racial or religious minority all share one characteristic: they are all socially "abnormal". This a study of of the ways in which a stigmatized person can develop a more positive social identity.

  • - Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates
    af Erving Goffman
    153,95 kr.

    Asylums is an analysis of life in "total institutions"--closed worlds like prisons, army camps, boarding schools, nursing homes and mental hospitals. It focuses on the relationship between the inmate and the institution, how the setting affects the person and how the person can deal with life on the inside.

  • - En tekstsamling
    af Erving Goffman
    350,95 kr.

    Bogen indeholder et udvalg af de mest centrale essays af sociologen Erving Goffman. Typisk for teksterne er, at de har skiftende perspektiver og analyserer det moderne hverdagslivs mikroskopiske og ofte upåagtede detaljer, samtidig med at de, ofte implicit, fortæller noget om sociale møders indlejring i normative og kulturelle rammer. Goffman kaldte dette område for ‘samhandlingsordenen’, og han mente, at mikroanalysen var den mest velegnede tilgang til at indfange dette domæne.Tekstsamlingen repræsenterer med sine 11 oversatte tekster et bredt udvalg af Goffmans mikrosociologiske perspektiv lige fra de tidlige bidrag om ansigtsarbejde og den oversete situation, over hans udvikling af begreber og analyser i forhold til den sociale samhandlings regler, emotionalitet og rumlighed til de senere og mere teoretisk og socialfilosofisk funderede temaer om forståelsesrammer og samtalens former.Fælles for alle teksterne er Goffmans formidable evne til ved hjælp af konkrete eksempler og med sproglig finesse at vise, hvad analyser af hverdagslivets forholdsvis trivielle og tilsyneladende upåagtede foreteelser kan fortælle os om vores samfunds sociale organisering.Tekstsamlingen genudgives nu med ny introduktion af Michael Hviid Jacobsen og Søren Kristiansen.

  • af Erving Goffman
    343,95 kr.

    This book brings together five of Goffman's seminal essays: "Replies and Responses," "Response Cries," "Footing," "The Lecture," and "Radio Talk."

  • - Two Studies In The Sociology Of Interaction
    af Erving Goffman
    248,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Erving Goffman
    363,95 kr.

    Erving Goffman will influence the thinking and perceptions of generations to come. In Frame Analysis, the brilliant theorist writes about the ways in which people determine their answers to the questions "What is going on here?" and "Under what circumstances do we think things are real?"

  • af Erving Goffman
    198,95 kr.

  • af Erving Goffman
    188,95 kr.

  • - Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior
    af Erving Goffman
    130,95 kr.

    In a brilliant series of books about social behavior, including The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Asylums, and Stigma, Erving Goffman has exposed all that is at stake when people meet face to face. Goffman's work, once of the great intellectual achievements of our time, is an endlessly fascinating commentary on how we enact ourselves by our responses to and our readings of other people. From the exemplary opening essay of Interaction Ritual, "On Face-Work," -a full account of the extraordinary repertoire of maneuvers we employ in social encounters in order to "save face"-to the final, and classic, essay "Where the Action Is,"-an examination of people in risky occupations and situations: gamblers, criminals, coal miners, stock speculators-Goffman astounds us with the unexpected richness and complexity of brief encounters between people. For Goffman, as for Freud, the extreme cases are of interest because of the light they shed on the normal: The study of the trapeze artist is worthwhile because each of us is on the wire from time to time.

  • - Microstudies of the Public Order
    af Erving Goffman
    1.720,95 kr.

    Until recently, to be in a "public place" meant to feel safe

  • - Essays in Face-to-Face Behavior
    af Erving Goffman
    1.894,95 kr.

    "Not then, men and their moments. Rather, moment and their men," writes Erving Goffman in the introduction to his groundbreaking 1967 Interaction Ritual, a study of face-to-face interaction in natural settings, that class of events which occurs during co-presence and by virtue of co-presence

  • - Microstudies of the Public Order
    af Erving Goffman
    623,95 kr.

    The ability to read accurately the 'informing signs' by which strangers indicate their relationship to one another in public or semi-public places without speaking, has become as important as understanding the official written and spoken language of the country. This title provides a grammar of the unspoken language used in public places.

  • af Erving Goffman
    176,95 kr.

    Synopsis coming soon.......

  • af Erving Goffman
    253,95 kr.

    The two essays in this classic work by sociologist Erving Goffman explore the calculative, gamelike aspects of human interaction.

  • - Essays in Face-to-Face Behavior
    af Erving Goffman
    658,95 kr.

    Not then, men and their moments. Rather, moments and their men, writes Erving Goffman in the introduction to his groundbreaking 1967 Interaction Ritual, a study of face-to-face interaction in natural settings, that class of events which occurs during co-presence and by virtue of co-presence. The ultimate behavioral materials are the glances, gestures, positionings, and verbal statements that people continuously feed into situations, whether intended or not. This is an interesting account of daily social interaction viewed with a new perspective for the logic of our behavior in ordinary circumstances.