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Bøger af Eric Vuillard

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  • af Eric Vuillard
    138,95 kr.

    På et hemmeligt møde den 20. februar 1933 i rigsdagspræsidentpaladset samler Adolf Hitler og Hermann Göring 24 af Tysklands mest fremtrædende industrimagnater. Til stede er cheferne for blandt andet Agfa, Allianz, BASF, Bayer, IG Farben, Krupp, Opel, Siemens, Telefunken og Varta. De helt tunge drenge. Formålet er at tilbyde dem en handel med nazisterne, der ønsker finansiel støtte til det kommende Rigsdagsvalg. Til gengæld lover Hitler og Göring at tilgodese den tyske industri under en senere magtovertagelse og forsikrer de fremmødte om, at det næste valg nok bliver det sidste i mange år. Stabilitet og forudsigelighed. Udryddelsen af den kommunistiske trussel, opløsning af fagforeninger og krigsøkonomi. Listen er lang. De tager alle checkhæftet frem og udskriver straks for millioner af Reichsmark.Den 12. februar 1938 mødes Hitler med den østrigske kansler Schuschnigg i residensen Berghof. Formålet er at intimidere Schuschnigg til at acceptere en de facto nazificering af Østrig og kommende indlemmelse i Nazityskland.Dagsordenen består af nedslag i tiden op til krigsudbruddet; ironiske, sarkastiske, men også empatiske skildringer af mindre kendte episoder, der på sin måde varsler og bidrager til den tragedie, der venter lige om hjørnet.

  • af Eric Vuillard
    108,95 kr.

    A gripping and compelling fictional account of the key meetings and events which led up to the outbreak of World War Two: how egos flourished, diplomacy failed, and a few powerful men brought Europe to the brink of disaster. For fans of HHhH and To Die in Spring.

  • af Eric Vuillard
    268,95 kr.

    "From the award-winning author of The Order of the Day, a piercing account of the lesser-known conflict preceding the Vietnam War that dealt a fatal blow to French colonialism. How can a modern army lose to an army of peasants? Delving into the last gasps of the First Indochina War (1946-1954), which saw the communist Viet Minh take control of North Vietnam, âEric Vuillard vividly illustrates the attitudes that both enabled French colonialist abuses and ultimately led to their defeat and withdrawal. From the Michelin rubber plantation, where horrific working conditions sparked an epidemic of suicides, to the battlefield, a sense of superiority over the "yellow men" pervaded European and American forces. And, as with so many conflicts throughout history, there were key actors with a motivation deeper than nationalism or political ideology-greed. An Honorable Exit not only brings to life scenes from the war, but also looks beyond the visceral reality on the ground to the colder calculations of those who seek to benefit from conflict, whether shrewd bankers, who can turn a military win or loss into financial gain, or intelligence operatives like the CIA, who aim to influence governments across the globe"--

  • af Eric Vuillard
    173,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • af Eric Vuillard
    98,95 - 173,95 kr.

  • af Eric Vuillard
    108,95 kr.

    A short, brutal tale by the author of The Order of The Day: the story of a moment in Europe's history when the poor rose up and banded together behind a fiery preacher, to challenge the entrenched powers of the ruling elite.