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Bøger af Elizabeth George

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  • af Elizabeth George
    245,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth George
    108,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • - A Lynley Novel
    af Elizabeth George
    213,95 kr.

    ?Elizabeth George reigns as queen of the mystery genre. The Lynley books constitute the smartest, most gratifyingly complex and impassioned mystery series now being published.? ?Entertainment WeeklyOne of the most acclaimed entries in Elizabeth George's New York Times bestselling Inspector Lynley series?a masterfully structured, multilayered jigsaw puzzle of a mystery rich with intrigue and atmosphere On compassionate leave after the murder of his wife, Thomas Lynley is called back to Scotland Yard when the body of a woman is found stabbed and abandoned in an isolated London cemetery. His former team welcomes his return; they don't trust their new department chief, Isabelle Ardery, whose off-putting manner leaves them on edge. Lynley may be the sole person who can see beneath his superior officer's hard-as-nails exterior to a hidden?and compelling?vulnerability. While Lynley works in London, his former colleagues Barbara Havers and Winston Nkata follow the murder trail south to the New Forest?a beautiful and strange place where animals roam free, the long-lost art of thatching is very much alive, and outsiders are suspect. What they don't know is that more than one dark secret lurks within the secluded woodlands, and that their investigation will lead them to an outcome that is both tragic and shocking.

  • - From Idea to Novel
    af Elizabeth George
    128,95 - 233,95 kr.

    A master class for any would-be author of fiction from one of the most successful writers of crime fiction in the world

  • af Elizabeth George
    143,95 kr.

    A Woman After God's Own Heart (R) Growth & Study Guide will help you take the scriptural guidance found in Elizabeth George's bestselling book A Woman After God's Own Heart (R) and apply it to every area of your life.

  • - An Inspector Lynley Novel: 16
    af Elizabeth George
    118,95 kr.

    Inspector Lynley investigates the London end of an ever more darkly disturbing case, with Barbara Havers and Winston Nkata looking behind the peaceful fa ade of country life to discover a twisted world of desire and deceit.The suicide of William Goldacre is devastating to those left behind. But what was the cause of his tragedy and how far might the consequences reach? Is there a link between the young man's leap from a Dorset cliff and a horrific poisoning in Cambridge?Following various career-threatening misdemeanours, Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers is desperate to redeem herself. So when a past encounter with bestselling feminist writer Clare Abbott and her pushy personal assistant Caroline Goldacre gives her a connection to the Cambridge murder, Barbara begs DI Thomas Lynley to let her pursue the crime.Full of shocks, intensity and suspense from first page to last, A Banquet of Consequences reveals both Lynley and Havers under pressure, and author Elizabeth George writing at the very height of her exceptional powers.

  • - An Inspector Lynley Novel: 15
    af Elizabeth George
    118,95 kr.

    When Hadiyyah Upman disappears from London in the company of her mother, Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers is as devastated as the girl's father. They are her close friends as well as neighbours, but since the child is with her mother, nothing can be done. Five months later, Hadiyyah is kidnapped from an open air market in Lucca, Italy, and this triggers an investigation in the full glare of the media spotlight. Barbara's clever manipulation of the worst of London's tabloids forces New Scotland Yard to become involved. But rather than Barbara herself, her superior officer DI Thomas Lynley is assigned to handle a situation made delicate by racial issues, language difficulties, and the determination of an Italian magistrate to arrest and convict someone - anyone - for the crime.

  • - An Inspector Lynley Novel: 8
    af Elizabeth George
    118,95 kr.

    As the editor of a popular left-wing tabloid, Dennis Luxford has made a career out of a scandal. But this time the scoop involves his own daughter. To save the life of his child, Luxford must expose the girl's mother - Eve Bowen, now Under Secretary of State for the Home Office. And Eve refuses to involve the police, convinced that Charlotte's disappearance is just one more shabby tabloid ploy. Only when events take an unbearable turn is New Scotland Yard brought in, in the guise of Detective Inspector Lynley and his partner, Barbara Havers. And as their investigations move from Westminster to Wiltshire, Lynley and Havers discover that treachery and betrayal lie perilously close to home.

  • - An Inspector Lynley Novel: 14
    af Elizabeth George
    118,95 kr.

    Detective Inspector Lynley is approached by business magnate Bernard Fairclough for a confidential review - not a formal investigation - of the circumstances of his nephew's demise. The coroner's verdict is accidental death. Still grieving for his murdered wife, Lynley has personal reasons for welcoming a spell away from London. He heads to the wild beauty of the Lake District, with Deborah and Simon St James to provide cover for his inquiries. Barbara Havers, back at base, makes her own unique contribution to the case, distracted only by Isabelle's ambitions to improve her Detective Sergeant's appearance. When he comes to know the various members of the extended Fairclough dynasty, Lynley finds many possible motives for murder, and uncovers layers of deceit and betrayal that expose the lies at the heart of the Cumbrian community.

  • - An Inspector Lynley Novel: 2
    af Elizabeth George
    123,95 kr.

    An isolated Scottish mansion is the venue for a reading of a controversial new play by a West End theatre company. But on the very first evening, the playwright is savagely murdered, and Inspector Thomas Lynley faces the most testing case of his career. For one of the suspects is Lady Helen Clyde, the woman Lynley loves. And as he attempts to untangle the family scandals, fierce theatrical rivalries and long-buried secrets that beset the case, Lynley struggles to balance the clinical detachment of his job with the intensity of his feelings.

  • - An Inspector Lynley Novel: 1
    af Elizabeth George
    113,95 kr.

    Fat, unlovely Roberta Teys is found beside her father's headless corpse, wearing her best dress and with an axe in her lap. Her first words are: 'I did it. And I am not sorry' and she refuses to say more. Inspector Thomas Lynley and DS Barbara Havers are sent by Scotland Yard to solve this particularly gruesome murder. And as they navigate their way around a dark labyrinth of secret scandals and appalling crimes, they uncover a series of shocking revelations that shatter the fa ade of the peaceful Yorkshire village.

  • - An Inspector Lynley Novel: 12
    af Elizabeth George
    118,95 kr.

    It is barely three months since the murder of his wife and Thomas Lynley takes to the South-West Coast Path in Cornwall, determined to walk its length in an attempt to distract himself from his loss. On the forty-third day of this walk, he sees a cliff climber fall to his death, apparently witnessed by a surfer in a nearby cove. Shortly afterwards, Lynley encounters a young woman from Bristol whose personal history is a blank before her thirteenth year. These events propel him into a case that brings Barbara Havers from London and thrusts both detectives into a world where revenge is only one of the motives they must sift through to identify a killer.

  • af Elizabeth George
    139,95 - 177,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth George
    280,95 - 614,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth George
    438,95 kr.

    New King James Version In A Woman After God's Own Heart(R) Bible, Elizabeth has integrated her life-changing devotions into a Bible packed with extra features designed to lead you to discover afresh the transformative power of God's Word. You will be informed, instructed, and encouraged through the daily devotionals and the comprehensive study features that include: - More than 250 highlighted verses that have most impacted Elizabeth's spiritual walk - Over 150 biographies of well-known-and not so well-known-women of the Bible - Introductions to every book of the Bible to help you approach the text - A review of each book's main teaching that will impact your personal life - Full-page topical reflections on 25 of life's challenges>Women around the world are drawn to Elizabeth's approach of daily starting with the Bible to handle life's challenges. A Woman After God's Own Heart(R) Bible gathers her tools so that they can be your guide as well.

  • Spar 20%
    af Elizabeth George
    120,95 - 278,95 kr.

    Den 67-årige mangemillionær Guy Brouard bliver fundet død på en strand på den engelske kanalø Guernsey, kvalt af en mærkelig talisman. Han har i nogle år levet alene med sin søster, men har flere ægteskaber og børn bag sig.Det amerikanske søskendepar China og Cherokee River har fået til opgave at transportere nogle vigtige tegninger fra Californien til Guernsey og ankommer til den engelske kanalø få dage før mordet. Det der blot skulle have været en fredelig tur over Atlanten, tager pludselig en helt anden drejning, da China bliver arresteret for mordet på Guy Brouard.Cherokee opsøger Chinas ungdomsveninde, fotografen Deborah St. James og hendes mand Simon, og beder om deres hjælp. Da Guy Brouards testamente læses op, viser det sig, at han har gjort sine nærmeste arveløse, flyttet noget af sin formue til udlandet og testamenteret en stor sum penge til den fattige dreng Paul Fielder. Deborah og Simon erfarer snart, at adskillige mennesker på Guernsey har haft grund til at ønske Guy Brouard død: hans tidligere hustruer, hans forretningsforbindelser, hans elskerinde og Paul Fielder.I deres søgen efter morderen får Deborah og Simon et indblik i øens dystre historie under Anden Verdenskrig og en uhyggelig indsigt i nogle af øboernes lidelser.Elizabeth George (f. 1949) er en amerikansk krimiforfatter. De fleste af hendes romaner udspiller sig i Storbritannien, og hun er særlig kendt for krimiserien om Thomas Lynley og Barbara Havers fra Scotland Yard. George debuterede som forfatter i 1988 med "En fars begær", som indbragte hende en Agatha Award. Hendes bøger er oversat til flere sprog.

  • Spar 20%
    af Elizabeth George
    120,95 - 278,95 kr.

    Barbara Havers er taget på rekreation i Balford-le-Nez, en søvnig badeby på Sydenglands kyst. Da Haytham Querashi, et medlem af byens lille men hurtigt voksende pakistanske befolkning, bliver fundet død på stranden, vågner det lille samfund. Det viser sig hurtigt, at ikke ret meget er, som det syner på overfladen. Det bliver en af de hårdeste sager Havers har været på, for hun skal ikke kun undersøge en morders sind men også sag, som ligger foruroligende tæt på hendes eget hjerte. Mens spændingen og temperaturen i den hedebølge, som har ramt landet, stiger, må Havers tage kampen op med lokale politiske konflikter, betændte familieforhold og spændte racekonflikter. "Skinnet bedrager" har kommisær Lynleys assistent Barbara Havers i hovedrollen. Inspector Lynley-serien er den amerikanske krimistjerne Elisabeth Georges mest kendte bøger. Sammen med sin klodsede og irriterende, men glimtvis geniale assistent, Barbara Havers, opklarer den aristokratiske kriminalkommissær, Thomas Lynley, mordsager i London. De første 11 bind i serien blev filmatiseret af BBC i perioden 2001-2007.Elizabeth George (f. 1949) er en amerikansk krimiforfatter. De fleste af hendes romaner udspiller sig i Storbritannien, og hun er særlig kendt for krimiserien om Thomas Lynley og Barbara Havers fra Scotland Yard. George debuterede som forfatter i 1988 med "En fars begær", som indbragte hende en Agatha Award. Hendes bøger er oversat til flere sprog.

  • Spar 20%
    af Elizabeth George
    139,95 - 278,95 kr.

    En kvinde findes dræbt på en regnvåd gade i London. Tilsyneladende kørt ned af en flugtbilist. Dødsfaldet viser sig at være en brik i et indviklet puslespil, hvor adskillige brikker mangler. Samtidig oplever den verdensberømte violinvirtuos Gideon Davies sit livs krise. Midt under en vigtig koncert mister han pludselig evnen til at spille på sit instrument. Traumet kaster ham ud i en voldsom selvransagelse, der langsomt afdækker pinefulde oplevelser. Men kan han stole på sin hukommelse? Hvad bygger på omgivelsernes gengivelse af fortiden, og hvad er hans egen erindring? Og hvordan kommer man ud af et eksistentielt blackout? Politiinspektør Thomas Lynley og Barbara Havers, kommer på den gådefulde og tragiske sag, hvor de føres ned i en undergrund af rystende hemmeligheder, løgne og selvbedrag, som involverer deres egne følelser og privatliv i ubehagelig grad. Inspector Lynley-serien er den amerikanske krimistjerne Elisabeth Georges mest kendte bøger. Sammen med sin klodsede og irriterende, men glimtvis geniale assistent, Barbara Havers, opklarer den aristokratiske kriminalkommissær, Thomas Lynley, mordsager i London. De første 11 bind i serien blev filmatiseret af BBC i perioden 2001-2007.Elizabeth George (f. 1949) er en amerikansk krimiforfatter. De fleste af hendes romaner udspiller sig i Storbritannien, og hun er særlig kendt for krimiserien om Thomas Lynley og Barbara Havers fra Scotland Yard. George debuterede som forfatter i 1988 med "En fars begær", som indbragte hende en Agatha Award. Hendes bøger er oversat til flere sprog.

  • af Elizabeth George
    93,95 kr.

    This Bible study workbook is about God's Glory.... Our joy and fulfillment is found in the revelation that we exist for His glory. It is our purpose statement, the source of our self-worth and self-actualization and at the core of our identity. When we live for His glory, no act is too menial, no sacrifice too great, no loss pointless, no pain without the potential for purpose. Whatever we experience can have meaning if our goal is to bring Him glory. It's a 24 hour a day opportunity, no matter where we are or what we're doing.Please take a look at Elizabeth's other topical Bible studies: "Christ as Life," "Eyes to See," "Words," and "The Seed," also available on Amazon.

  • af Elizabeth George
    108,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth George
    368,95 kr.

    More than just pretty and pink, this Bible helps tween girls (ages 8-12) get the most out of their time in God's Word and better understand what they are reading. This Bible makes a great gift and will help any tween girl deepen her faith.

  • af Elizabeth George
    113,95 kr.

    When a police detective is taken off life support after falling into a coma, only an autopsy reveals the murderous act that precipitated her death. She'd been working on a special task force within North London's Nigerian community, and Acting Detective Superintendent Thomas Lynley is assigned to the case, which has far-reaching cultural associations that have nothing to do with life as he knows it. In his pursuit of a killer determined to remain hidden, he's assisted by Detective Sergeants Barbara Havers and Winston Nkata. They must sort through the lies and the secret lives of people whose superficial cooperation masks the damage they do to one another.

  • af Elizabeth George
    498,95 kr.

    Women around the world are drawn to Elizabeth George and her approach of starting each day with Scripture to handle life's challenges. In this Bible designed specifically for women ages 16-21, Elizabeth has integrated her bestselling devotions for young women, packed with extra features to lead readers to discover the life-changing power of God's Word in the New Living Translation. Whether using this Bible as a companion to A Woman After God's Own Heart(R) Bible for mentoring, or on its own, young women will be inspired, understood, and encouraged through the 365 daily devotions and the comprehensive study features: - Full-page reflections on 50 life challenges- 100 promises of the Bible- 200 notes of wisdom for her heart and mind- Introductions to each of the 66 books of the Bible, with an overview of topics and themes- 50 biographies of well-known and lesser-known women of the Bible- 350 brand-new study notes with facts and insights that bring context to Scripture>Now available in an on-trend, premium denim look, this Bible will appeal to any young woman looking to grow in faith and maturity. New Living Translation (NLT)