Bøger af Elizabeth Bishop
173,95 kr. - Bog
- 173,95 kr.
438,95 kr. Whiting Out: Writing on Vulnerability, Racism and Repair is an experimental text that seeks to collapse the space that white writers create between ourselves and our ideas when writing about race, identity, history, responsibility, positionality, power and the present. The book is written as a first-person meditation grounded in a poetics of vulnerability, undertaken as an author study in two major parts - fragmented first through the work of James Baldwin and then refracted through the writing of Gloria E. Anzaldúa. Whiting Out is for both aspiring and experienced teachers (especially white folks), as well as anyone open to writing new narratives and imagining new possible worlds. Perfect for courses such as: Introduction to Education; Introduction to Teaching and Learning; Introduction to Curriculum Studies; Education and Society; Education and Cultural Studies; Whiteness in Education; Critical Race Theory in Education; Race, Racism and Anti-Racism; Examining Race, Power and Privilege; Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contexts
- Bog
- 438,95 kr.
158,95 kr. Det private jeg ... smelter umærkeligt ind i den store ytring, poesiens storhed, som, fordi den forbliver forankret i hverdagslige detaljer, aldrig lyder ‘storslået’, men er lige så stille overbevisende som daglig tale.— John AshberyFor første gang foreligger et samlet værk på dansk af den amerikanske digter Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979). Digtsamlingen Geography III (1976) er et af forfatterskabets centrale værker, hvor Bishop viser sin særlige evne til at udvide verden indad, til at skalere, zoome fra store landskaber og ind i de mindste detaljer.Gang på gang, fra sætning til sætning, overrasker digteren og udvider tekstens rum ved ubesværet at lede læseren igennem billeder og tableauer, som sjældent er lineære, men forførende idiosynkratiske. Man ender steder, man aldrig havde forestillet sig. Gennem atlasser, vinduer, postkort, malerier, indre og ydre geografi og små erindringsstykker arbejder hun ihærdigt på at inddæmme verden i en orden, en orden hun samtidig fremstiller som utopisk. Bogens indledende tekst “First Lessons in Geography” er et eksempel på denne kamp, en lektion i ordenens utilstrækkelighed, illustreret ved en tekst fra en gammel skolebog.Et centralt emne hos Elizabeth Bishop er vores hovmod, vores evige forsøg på kategorisering af naturen og virkeligheden. Hendes digte er stille, desperate advarsler mod trangen til at forstå alt. Autoritet skaber geografi, poesi kan måske gøre det anderledes.
- Bog
- 158,95 kr.
248,95 kr. This is a fascinating window into the private thoughts of one of the great American writers of the twentieth century.
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- 248,95 kr.
263,95 kr. I sort of see you surrounded with fine-tooth combs, sandpaper, nail files, pots of varnish, etc.-with heaps of used commas and semicolons handy, and little useless phrases taken out of their contexts and dying all over the floor," Elizabeth Bishop said upon learning a friend landed a job at The New Yorker in the early 1950s. From 1933 until her death in 1979, Bishop published the vast majority of her poems in the magazine's pages. During those forty years, hundreds of letters passed between Bishop and her editors, Charles Pearce, Katharine White, and Howard Moss. In these letters Bishop discussed the ideas and inspiration for her poems and shared news about her travels, while her editors offered support, commentary, and friendship. Their correspondence provides an unparalleled look into Bishop's writing process, the relationship between a poet and her editors, the internal workings of The New Yorker, and the process of publishing a poem, giving us a rare glimpse into the artistic development of one of the twentieth century's greatest poets.
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- 263,95 kr.
393,95 kr. - Bog
- 393,95 kr.
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- 408,95 kr.
233,95 kr. From the mid-1930s to 1978 Elizabeth Bishop published some ninety poems and thirty translations. Yet her notebooks reveal that she embarked upon many more compositions, some existing in only fragmentary form and some embodied in extensive drafts. Edgar Allan Poe & The Juke-Box presents, alongside facsimiles of many notebook pages from which they are drawn, poems Bishop began soon after college, reflecting her passion for Elizabethan verse and surrealist technique; love poems and dream fragments from the 1940s; poems about her Canadian childhood; and many other works that heretofore have been quoted almost exclusively in biographical and critical studies.This revelatory and moving selection brings us into the poet's laboratory, showing us the initial provocative images that moved Bishop to begin a poem, illustrating terrain unexplored in the work published during her lifetime. Editor Alice Quinn has also mined the Bishop archives for rich tangential material that illuminates the poet's sources and intentions.
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
393,95 kr. From several thousand letters, written over fifty years - from 1928, when she was seventeen, to the day of her death, in Boston in 1979 - Robert Giroux has selected over five hundred and has written a detailed and informative introduction. One Art takes us behind Bishop's formal sophistication and reserve, displaying to the full the gift for friendship, the striving for perfection, and the passionate, questing, rigorous spirit that made her a great poet.
- Bog
- 393,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Die amerikanische Lyrikerin Elizabeth Bishop ist hierzulande noch wenig bekannt. Sie war eine ruhelose Seele: Ohne Eltern aufgewachsen, reiste sie von Neuschottland nach Florida, und von dort weiter nach Brasilien. Die einzige Heimat, die sie fand, war die Sprache. Die verblüffenden Bilderwelten ihrer Gedichte ziehen den Leser in den Bann: traumhafte Eisberge und phantastische Landkarten, aber auch Unkraut, das sich in einem Herzen einnistet. Traurigkeit und Genauigkeit, Sehnsucht und Strenge - Bishops Wortkunst hat die Zeit überdauert. Sie kann nun in einer umfassenden zweisprachigen Ausgabe, in der glänzenden Übersetzung von Steffen Popp, bewundert werden.
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- 383,95 kr.
178,95 kr. In Elizabeth Bishops (1911-1979) Gedichten findet die große Welt in der kleinen ihren stärksten Ausdruck: in Gleichnissen oder genauestens beschriebenen Naturphänomenen. Bishop lebte für die damalige Zeit unkonventionell, ihre eigene Liebesgeschichte wurde in "Die Poetin" (dt. 2014) verfilmt.
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- 178,95 kr.
- Make a Difference Without Sacrificing Yourself
198,95 kr. Conscious Service: Ten Ways to Reclaim Your Calling, Move beyond Burnout, and Make a Difference without Sacrificing Yourself will help all types of service providers understand and move beyond burnout and compassion fatigue while discovering a renewed energy for serving others. Each of us can learn how to thrive and find fulfillment in our vocations as we make a positive difference in our homes, workplaces, and communities.Using everyday examples, personal stories, and illuminating questions, Elizabeth Bishop invites us to reimagine how we think about, train for, and embody service. Blurring the line between the traditional and the alternative with expertly chosen spiritual and self-help insights, Conscious Service: Ten Ways to Reclaim Your Calling, Move beyond Burnout, and Make a Difference without Sacrificing Yourself offers pragmatic and inspiring guidance for service providers and the people responsible for the systems and structures through which service is delivered. Even if serving others isn't the core focus of their vocation, readers will discover keys to avoiding compassion fatigue, feeling better, living with purpose, and contributing with impact.
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- 198,95 kr.
193,95 kr. - Bog
- 193,95 kr.
- The Poetic Childhood of Elizabeth Bishop
173,95 kr. Featuring snippets of Elizabeth Bishop''s poetry and Quentin Blake-inspired artwork
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- 173,95 kr.
- Epistemology, Aesthetics and Resistance
1.253,95 kr. Embodying Theory: Epistemology, Aesthetics and Resistance offers a series of writings and images to make theory walk, recasting major post-structural and deconstructive thought in order to explore spheres of action in the educational, the sociopolitical, the ethical, the aesthetic and the academic.
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- 1.253,95 kr.
238,95 kr. A Boston Globe Best Poetry Book of 2011This is the definitive edition of the work of one of America's greatest poets, increasingly recognized as one of the greatest English-language poets of the twentieth century, loved by readers and poets alike. Bishop's poems combine humor and sadness, pain and acceptance, and observe nature and lives in perfect miniaturist close-up. The themes central to her poetry are geography and landscape-from New England, where she grew up, to Brazil and Florida, where she later lived-human connection with the natural world, questions of knowledge and perception, and the ability or inability of form to control chaos. This new edition offers readers the opportunity to take in, entire, one of the great careers in twentiethcentury poetry.
- Bog
- 238,95 kr.
363,95 kr. Brings together almost all of the known interviews Elizabeth Bishop gave over a period of thirty years. Included also are a few selected pieces based on conversations with her. All together they allow her ardent and admiring readers a rewarding, close-up encounter with one of America's great writers.
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- 363,95 kr.
- Critical Literacy and Youth Organizing
556,95 - 2.030,95 kr. Becoming Activist is a revolutionary study of youth human rights activism and literacy learning. The book follows five urban youth organizers from the Drop Knowledge Project in New York City and offers insight into conducting literacy work to promote positive youth and community development.
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- 556,95 kr.
- The Centenary Edition
218,95 kr. This volume includes virtually all her published shorter prose pieces and a number of prose works not published until after her death. Here are her famous as well as her lesser-known stories, crucial memoirs, literary and travel essays, book reviews and her original draft of 'Brazil'.
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- 218,95 kr.
183,95 kr. The diary of a young Brazilian girl at the end of the nineteenth century. Introduced and translated by Elizabeth Bishop, one of the greatest American poets of the twentieth century.
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- 183,95 kr.
158,95 kr. Monsieur Antipyrine åbner en ny genetisk massegrav i det kapitalistisk-postmarxistiske imaginære og nærmeste omegn: en virkelig fesen, sen, blå-i-blå affære. Vi kan slet ikke blive ortolitterært-tænksomme eller akademisk-normative eller kunstnerisk-klæbrige eller dumkritisk-medløberiske eller poetisk-idiotiske nok. Vi kan ikke tilstrækkeligt bekræfte al den vederhæftige kanonicitet, på størrelse med et fordøjelsessystem-forvekslet-med-et-kønsorgan, eller alt det mægtig, mægtig sukkersubtile. Og ganske specielt ikke når det drejer sig om dem, der for eksempel måtte bilde sig noget særligt ind vedrørende nogen som helst fordrejnings strategiske habitus, status eller vomitus lige nu. Se blot alle disse fodnoter hos Monsieur Antipyrine: en interplanetarisk forvokset klump af møllesten, der ikke kan kyles noget sted hen, men kun være på en eller anden fæl forkant hos hele den godmodige bestand af for længst givne individer. Rundtomkring gnider alt mod alt. Alle disse uendelige litteraturlister: amazon.coms demokratiske genitalier, Marx the Profit. Fra skridtets forfængeligheder og helt ned i knæ på de højere læreanstalter. Monsieur Antipyrine kan simpelthen ikke komme af med sig selv, det er ikke nogen misforståelse. Og der bliver ingen metastasering til nye, hidtil usete højder af modifikation, heller ikke denne gang, ikke en globalobskøn skid. Monsieur Antipyrine tager afstand fra al etableret diskurs og tænker mere eller mindre, som en tumpe tegner, og fatter ikke, hvad der menes, når andre påstår i det hele taget at kunne ‘se noget’ i en tegning. Nogle vil sikkert spørge: Tager Monsieur Antipyrine afstand fra eller afstand fra al etableret diskurs? Altså, er det ikke diskursen i sig selv, den er gal med, så må det fandme være det etablerede — etableringen og, øh, snarere diskursen, den skrumper rent faktisk iøjnefaldende for dernæst at eskalere sit verdensomspændende grovæderi, sit mentale tyngdepunkts objektive diktatur. Ja, vi kender det jo alligevel ikke. Det private er sgu da ikke nulpunkt nok. Ærlig talt, det er snarere Monsieur Antipyrine, den er gal med: Antipyrine-i-kapitalismen. Og vi kan godt gentage det, bare med os selv som modsat fortegn. […]Følgende har bidraget til de rørende scener:Claus HandbergSimone WeilEva La CourJørgen MichaelsenAnne-Louise BosmansGayatri Chakravorty SpivakMathias SæderupCæcilie H. PoulsenErik SteinskogRoswitha ScholzRobert KurzJonas Georg ChristensenLaura JacksonAlexander TrocchiHenriette HeiseMorten Holm LarsenElizabeth BishopLaureNaja Vucina PedersenMikkel ThykierMikkel BoltHenrik HaveDen redaktionelle uorden varetages af: Mikkel Bolt Claus Handberg Mathias Kokholm Jørgen Michaelsen Mikkel Thykier
- Bog
- 158,95 kr.