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Bøger af Elizabeth Anderson

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  • af Elizabeth Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    The Bay is a memoir of growing up in the 60's in the quaint fishing village of Sheepshead Bay, just twenty minutes from New York City, . It recalls the people, places and events that made it such a unique and magical time in history.

  • - A Florida History Mystery
    af Elizabeth Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Ana, a college student and part-time tour guide is thrust into a world of past events, intrigue, and ghosts, after a fall and bump to the head. Why are ghosts appearing to her? Who is the young girl who beckons Ana to solve an ancient mystery? Join Ana and her friends Mike and the four legged Watson as they solve this Saint Augustine, Florida History Mystery.

  • - A Fateful Compromise with the Cotton Trade
    af Elizabeth Anderson
    163,95 kr.

    John Grant, son of a poor Scottish Highlander, made a fateful bargain with those exploiting the weakness of others. In choosing to become a cloth merchant, he hid from himself the appalling treatment of the powerless. The letters of this remarkable multi-generational family, previously unpublished, give immediacy to the profound dislocations created by British efforts to mass produce cotton cloth, the generator of the Industrial Revolution. The legacy of these violations would exact a price from the Grant family.

  • - Motivational coloring book for adults with positive affirmations.
    af Elizabeth Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Inspiring quotes coloring book for adults. This coloring book has motivational affirmations that you can color with plenty of beautiful floral designs. Very relaxing and can be used to reduce stress!

  • - 100% Vegetali in cucina. Tecniche e ricette nella cucina vegetale. Sana, genuina, vegetariana. Scopri come cucinare le verdure e le loro proprietà. La scienza e chimica della verdura
    af Elizabeth Anderson
    163,95 kr.

    Scopri come è bello mangiare sano e rimanere in forma con la cucina botanica!Ti piacerebbe scoprire la cucina botanica, per rimanere in forma e mangiare in maniera sostenibile?Vorresti conoscere tante ricette facili da preparare e dal successo assicurato, da portare sulla tua tavola?Vuoi un ricettario da portare sempre con te, ricco di ricette sane ma nello stesso tempo appetitose?La cucina botanica sta riscuotendo sempre più successo in quanto è un nuovo tipo di regime alimentare che combina uno stile di vita sano, equilibrato e sostenibile, con il gusto, il sapore e la bontà dei cibi.Grazie a questo libro potrai scoprire tutti i segreti della cucina botanica, per orientarti nel mondo dell'alimentazione vegetale, conoscere nuovi sapori ed avere uno stile di vita sano e sostenibile. Un manuale ricco di consigli che permette di comprendere al meglio gli alimenti e il giusto modo di consumarli. Tantissime ricette per portare a tavola salute ed equilibrio senza rinunciare alla golosità. Ogni piatto è spiegato nel dettaglio: ingredienti, dosi, modalità di preparazione e conservazione. Il ricettario include colazioni, primi e secondi piatti, snack, contorni e deliziosi dessert.Ecco che cosa otterrai da questo libro: In cosa consiste la cucina botanicaPerché è importante mangiare vegetaleLe colazioniPrimi e secondi piattiSnack dolci e salatiContorniDessertCome gestire la lista della spesaDosi, modalità di preparazione, conserva dei cibiE molto di più!La cucina botanica è un vero e proprio stile di vita che promuovere un'alimentazione sana ed equilibrata e che permette di mantenere la perfetta forma fisica. Tutto questo senza rinunciare alla golosità e al sapore della buona cucina!Scorri verso l'alto e fai clic su "Acquista ora"!

  • - Scopri come perdere peso e dimagrire velocemente. La guida completa per bruciare grassi con la dieta keto e le sue ricette. Per un dimagrimento veloce e sano. SECONDA EDIZIONE
    af Elizabeth Anderson
    163,95 kr.

    Реrdi реsо vеlосеmеntе, еliminа i grаssi in ессеssо е асquistа еnеrgiа соn lа diеtа Сhеtоgеniса!Ti рiасеrеbbе еliminаrе in mаniеrа dеfinitivа i сhili di trорро?Vuоi sареrе соmе рrераrаrе gustоsi snасk, реr ridurrе il sеnsо di fаmе?Vоrrеsti sсорrirе quаli сibi роssоnо аiutаrti аd еliminаrе i grаssi dаl tuо соrро?Реrdеrе реsо sеnzа sоffrirе lа fаmе, in mаniеrа sаnа е siсurа sоnо sоlо аlсuni оbiеttivi dеllа diеtа сhеtоgеniса.Grаziе а quеstо librо роtrаi sсорrirе tutti i suоi sеgrеti. Un vеrо е рrорriо stilе di vitа сhе ti реrmеttеrà di реrdеrе реsо, еliminаrе i сhili in ессеssо е vivеrе in sаlutе. Раssо dоро раssо vеrrаi ассоmраgnаtо in un реrсоrsо сhе ti соnsеntirà di imраrаrе tuttо quеllо сhе с'è dа sареr реr tоrnаrе in fоrmа vеlосеmеntе е in mоdо dеfinitivо. Sсорrirаi i раssаggi реr аumеntаrе il mеtаbоlismо, соsа è nесеssаriо mаngiаrе е in quаli quаntità. Соn lе tаntе riсеttе аnnеssе роtrаi mеttеrе in рrаtiса lа tеоriа е dаrе vitа а рiаtti gustоsi mа nеllо stеssо tеmро nutriеnti е sаni. Sоddisfеrаi il tuо раlаtо dаllа соlаziоnе аllа сеnа tuttо quеstо еliminаndо i сhili in ессеssо!Ессо сhе соsа оttеrrаi dа quеstо librо Сhе соsа è lа diеtа сhеtоgеniсаLе bаsi реr реrdеrе реsоI раssаggi реr indurrе lа сhеtоsi еd еliminаrе i сhili in ессеssоDiffеrеnzе trа lа diеtа сhеtоgеniса е lа diеtа lоw fаtI сibi реrmеssi е quеlli nоn соnсеssiI bеnеfiсi sull'оrgаnismо dеllа diеtа сhеtоgеniсаGli еrrоri dа nоn соmmеttеrеRiсеttе nеl dеttаgliо реr lа соlаziоnе, il рrаnzо, lа сеnа е tаnti dоlсiЕ mоltо di рiù!Grаziе аllа diеtа сhеtоgеniса реrdеrе реsо еd еliminаrе i сhili in ессеssо sаrà un giосо dа rаgаzzi! Quindi соsа аsреtti è оrа di iniziаrе!Sсоrri vеrsо l'аltо е fаi сliс su "Асquistа оrа"!

  • - le régime de gène maigre, les secrets et les moyens de maigrir et de perdre du poids rapidement. Contient un LIVRE DE RECETTES et un plan hebdomadaire. 3 kg en 7 jours.
    af Elizabeth Anderson
    158,95 kr.

    Découvrez les secrets de la diète à base de gènes maigres: faites comme Adèle et dites adieu aux kilos superflus pour toujours !Vous voulez éliminer les excès de graisse et dire adieu aux kilos superflus ? Vous voulez perdre du poids rapidement mais vous ne savez pas comment ? Est-il possible de perdre du poids de manière saine, en conservant son énergie et sans effort ? Perdre du poids et se remettre en forme est possible, il suffit d'introduire la nourriture Sirt dans votre régime. En prenant ces aliments, vous pouvez activer les sirtuines, des protéines responsables de la perte de poids et de la régulation du métabolisme.Grâce à cette COLLECTION, perdre du poids sera du gâteau ! Vous pourrez perdre jusqu'à trois kilos par semaine sans aucune privation. Vous découvrirez la particularité de ce régime, qui ne repose pas sur l'exclusion d'aliments mais sur l'introduction de certains aliments particuliers. Vous saurez quels sont les aliments Sirt, que ces aliments associés les uns aux autres donnent vie à des plats fabuleux et savoureux. Mais ce n'est pas tout, en fait avec le plan hebdomadaire, vous pouvez mettre toute la théorie en pratique. Vous y trouverez également de nombreuses recettes, expliquées en détail, qui vous permettront de suivre le régime alimentaire de manière simple et efficace !Voici ce que vous obtiendrez de cette COLLECTION: - Qu'est-ce que le régime Sirt ?- Les bienfaits du régime Sirt pour le corps- Quels sont les aliments qui activent le gène de la maigreur- Les étapes du régime Sirt- Les ingrédients et la préparation du jus vert- Les étapes du plan hebdomadaire- LE LIVRE DE CUISINE DE SIRT ! Pour suivre le régime avec plus de simplicité ! Smoothies, amuse-gueules, premiers, seconds et sucreries !- Et bien plus encore !Activez le gène de la maigreur, remettez vous en forme et retrouvez le bien-être de votre corps. Découvrez les secrets des étoiles pour perdre du poids... n'attendez pas, commencez votre régime Sirt dès maintenant !Faites défiler vers le haut et cliquez sur "Acheter maintenant" !

  • - tantissime ricette per la dieta del gene magro! Per perdere peso e dimagrire velocemente senza sforzi. 3kg in 7 giorni.
    af Elizabeth Anderson
    158,95 kr.

    Scopri i segreti della dieta del gene magro: fai come Adele di addio per sempre ai chili di troppo!Vuoi eliminare il grasso in eccesso e dire addio ai chili di troppo? Vorresti perdere peso velocemente ma non sai come fare?È possibile perdere peso in modo sano, mantenendo l'energia e senza sforzi?Perdere peso e tornare in forma è possibile, basta introdurre nella nostra dieta gli alimenti Sirt. Con l'assunzione di tali cibi si possono attivare le cosiddette sirtuine, proteine responsabili della perdita di peso e della regolazione del metabolismo.Grazie a questo ricettario, perdere peso sarà un gioco da ragazzi! Arriverai infatti a perdere fino a tre chili a settimana, senza alcuna privazione. Seguire questa dieta con le ricette al dettaglio risulterà semplice, veloce ed efficace!Ecco che cosa otterrai da questo ricettario: Come preparare il famosissimo SUCCO VERDEImparerai a cucinare i più gustosi ANTIPASTICome sfruttare al meglio i tuoi ingredienti per preparare ottimi PRIMI PIATTITantissime ricette per i tuoi SECONDI PIATTICome non farci mancare gli amatissimi DOLCI anche durante una dietaE molto di più!Attiva il gene magro, torna in forma e recupera il benessere del tuo corpo. Scopri i segreti delle star per perdere peso... non aspettare inizia subito le RICETTE Sirt!Scorri verso l'alto e fai clic su "Acquista ora"!

  • af Elizabeth Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Elizabeth Anderson wanted to be a mother with all her heart. When she finally got her wish, it sent her down a path of immense grief and intense frustration. It also introduced her to the greatest joy she had ever known. She and her son, James, went through surprising diagnoses, a shocking death, and more in their shared journey.It began when Beth and her husband, Jim, brought tiny baby James home. It soon became obvious that raising James would present its own unique challenges. James was diagnosed early with bipolar disorder and struggled with self-destructive tendencies and violent behaviors.When Jim was killed in the line of duty as a police officer, Beth didn't know how she would pick up the pieces of her life. Nevertheless, she found new adventures and a new family just over the horizon.Beth and James' story will strike a chord with any parent of a child struggling with mental-health challenges. Beth hopes that her work will give you inspiration and encouragement. She knows that you may be frustrated with social systems that often fail special-needs children, but she assures you, with perseverance and faith, there are better days ahead.

  • af Elizabeth Anderson
    88,95 - 108,95 kr.

    Once upon a time I visited Fairy-land and spent a day in Goblin-town. The people there are much like ourselves, only they are very, very small and roguish. They play pranks on one another and have great fun. They are good natured and jolly, and rarely get angry. But if one does get angry, he quickly recovers his good nature and joins again in the sport.

  • - The Ultimate Guide to Starting Conversation with Strangers
    af Elizabeth Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    The book "BREAKING THE ICE" is a helpful manual for persons who struggle with social anxiety and shyness. This book offers helpful advice and techniques for striking up interesting conversations with strangers in social or professional settings. It is written in an accessible and clear manner. This book covers all the necessary skills and tactics to forge lasting connections with individuals from all walks of life, from striking up small talk to identifying common ground and maintaining the discussion. Everyone who wants to develop their social skills and widen their social circle should read "BREAKING THE ICE," which is filled with informative examples and real-life events.

  • af Elizabeth Anderson
    246,95 kr.

    This sweeping history of classical economics shows how the work ethic has been used both to oppress workers and to liberate them. Today's neoliberalism offers an oppressive version of the work ethic. However, the work ethic also offers resources for reorganizing the economy on behalf of ordinary people.

  • af Elizabeth Anderson
    266,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Anderson
    373,95 kr.

    On the eve of the American Revolution, the Johnson brothers founded Catoctin Furnace near present-day Thurmont. Catoctin iron was turned into bombshells used against the British at the Battle of Yorktown. After the colonies won their independence, business boomed for the ironworks. The labor of African slaves and European immigrants produced household goods, tools and stoves for the young country. A small iron-making village evolved around the industry, and though the furnace closed in 1903, its legacy is still remembered and celebrated today. It was rescued from imminent destruction in the 1960s and is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This proud history was chronicled in full by beloved local historian Elizabeth Yourtee Anderson. Discover the story of Catoctin Furnace, which for more than 130 years helped define the industry, history and culture of western Maryland.

  • af Elizabeth Anderson
    233,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Anderson
    213,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Anderson
    93,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Anderson
    83,95 kr.

  • - la dieta del gene magro, segreti e metodi per perdere peso e dimagrire velocemente. Contiene ricettario e piano settimanale. 3kg in 7 giorni.
    af Elizabeth Anderson
    118,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Anderson
    1.878,95 kr.

  • - Theory and Practice in Nursing
    af Elizabeth Anderson
    691,95 kr.

    Community As Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing, 8th Edition offers a foundational overview of the concepts of epidemiology, environment, culture, ethics, empowerment, health policy, informatics, bioterrorism, and emerging infectious diseases as they relate to community health. Authors and theorists Dr. Anderson and Dr. McFarlane of the Community As Partner Model arm students with the "how to" knowledge they need to apply the nursing process to an entire community, and take readers through the entire nursing process with a real-life community as an example! Anderson offers a handbook with practical skills that ACHNE has outlined as essential for generalist nurses, including how to do a community assessment, how to analyze data, how to form a community nursing diagnosis, as well as how to plan, implement, and evaluate a community health program. Community As Partner analyzes the relationship between globalization and health, and inspires students to contribute to the reduction of global health challenges and promoting health for all, including marginalized populations and health promotion in school communities, rural communities, and faith communities.   In this edition, instructors will receive PowerPoints enhanced with lecture notes and iclicker questions. These PowerPoints will be developed to serve a dual purpose. You can choose to share the decks with your students to use as self-paced Study Notes and knowledge check multiple choice questions. Our NCLEX style test bank has been revised and enhanced with more questions at the application level and higher.  KEY FEATURES* Anderson and McFarlane's famous Community As Partner Model offers students guidance on their practice in the community.* Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter focus readers' attention on important chapter content.* Take Note boxes highlight key concepts for readers as they go through the steps of the nursing process for a community.* Critical Thinking Questions at the end of each chapter enable students to review and apply chapter content.* Further Readings offer additional references on the chapter subject matter.

  • af Edward & Elizabeth Anderson
    217,95 - 384,95 kr.

  • - How Employers Rule Our Lives (and Why We Don't Talk about It)
    af Elizabeth Anderson
    158,95 - 522,95 kr.

    Why our workplaces are authoritarian private governments-and why we can't see itOne in four American workers says their workplace is a "e;dictatorship."e; Yet that number probably would be even higher if we recognized most employers for what they are-private governments with sweeping authoritarian power over our lives, on duty and off. We normally think of government as something only the state does, yet many of us are governed far more-and far more obtrusively-by the private government of the workplace. In this provocative and compelling book, Elizabeth Anderson argues that the failure to see this stems from long-standing confusions. These confusions explain why, despite all evidence to the contrary, we still talk as if free markets make workers free-and why so many employers advocate less government even while they act as dictators in their businesses.In many workplaces, employers minutely regulate workers' speech, clothing, and manners, leaving them with little privacy and few other rights. And employers often extend their authority to workers' off-duty lives. Workers can be fired for their political speech, recreational activities, diet, and almost anything else employers care to govern. Yet we continue to talk as if early advocates of market society-from John Locke and Adam Smith to Thomas Paine and Abraham Lincoln-were right when they argued that it would free workers from oppressive authorities. That dream was shattered by the Industrial Revolution, but the myth endures.Private Government offers a better way to talk about the workplace, opening up space for discovering how workers can enjoy real freedom.Based on the prestigious Tanner Lectures delivered at Princeton University's Center for Human Values, Private Government is edited and introduced by Stephen Macedo and includes commentary by cultural critic David Bromwich, economist Tyler Cowen, historian Ann Hughes, and philosopher Niko Kolodny.

  • af Elizabeth Anderson
    286,95 kr.

    More than forty years have passed since Congress, in response to the Civil Rights Movement, enacted sweeping antidiscrimination laws in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. As a signal achievement of that legacy, in 2008, Americans elected their first African American president. Some would argue that we have finally arrived at a postracial America, but The Imperative of Integration indicates otherwise. Elizabeth Anderson demonstrates that, despite progress toward racial equality, African Americans remain disadvantaged on virtually all measures of well-being. Segregation remains a key cause of these problems, and Anderson skillfully shows why racial integration is needed to address these issues. Weaving together extensive social science findings--in economics, sociology, and psychology--with political theory, this book provides a compelling argument for reviving the ideal of racial integration to overcome injustice and inequality, and to build a better democracy. Considering the effects of segregation and integration across multiple social arenas, Anderson exposes the deficiencies of racial views on both the right and the left. She reveals the limitations of conservative explanations for black disadvantage in terms of cultural pathology within the black community and explains why color blindness is morally misguided. Multicultural celebrations of group differences are also not enough to solve our racial problems. Anderson provides a distinctive rationale for affirmative action as a tool for promoting integration, and explores how integration can be practiced beyond affirmative action. Offering an expansive model for practicing political philosophy in close collaboration with the social sciences, this book is a trenchant examination of how racial integration can lead to a more robust and responsive democracy.

  • - A Resource for Anyone Who Works With, or Lives With, a Child with Sensory Issues
    af Elizabeth Anderson & Pauline Emmons
    233,95 kr.

    Parents are often the first to notice when a child is struggling with a sensory disorder. But even after knowing what the problem is, parents still need to know what to expect and, more importantly, what to do to help their child. This book is a parent-to-parent guide for raising a child with Sensory Integration Disorder. Using nonmedical language, the authors walk you through the challenges that children may face, such as being uncomfortable with hugs and kisses, experiencing a "fight or flight" sensation when brushing teeth or combing hair, etc. The two moms give tips and advice for school, home, and the future.

  • af Elizabeth Anderson
    536,95 kr.

    Elizabeth Anderson offers a new theory of value and rationality that rejects cost-benefit analysis in our social lives and in our ethical theories. This account of the plurality of values thus offers a new approach, beyond welfare economics and traditional theories of justice, for assessing the ethical limitations of the market.