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328,95 kr. It's a gem that our awesome publishing company has brought tolife. Now, as part of my job, I get to dive into countless books, and I mustsay, this one is an absolute delight. No need for any unnecessary delay, letme give you a sneak peek into what makes it so worthwhile. Are you ready?Let's jump right in with the introduction Age-related endocrine disruptionhas been linked to cognitive decline and an increased risk ofneurodegenerative illnesses, as evidenced by a growing body of research.Although oestrogens have long been thought to safeguard brain function, itwas only recently discovered that androgens and luteinizing hormone canaffect cognitive processes by altering how we learn and remember things.Improving treatment for cognitive impairment linked to the hypothalamicpituitary-gonadal axis requires a deeper understanding of the underlyingmechanisms. In this article, we highlight the role of reproductive hormonesin preserving brain health and amplifying signalling cascades that lead toPrefacemental decline. We discuss the endocrine changes that occur with age, theirrole in the onset of Alzheimer's disease, and the therapeutic potential ofendocrine manipulation in preventing cognitive decline in theelderly.Menopause, oophorectomy, oestrogen, testosterone, memory loss,Alzheimer's disease, and luteinizing hormone are all terms of interest.Therisk of age-related neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease(AD) is increasingly important to think about as the baby boomergeneration ages and life expectancy increases thanks to medicaladvancements. By 2050, it's expected that over 13 million people wouldhave been diagnosed with AD. Dementia is one of the most expensivediseases, with annual costs of care for people with Alzheimer's disease andother forms of dementia estimated at over $180 billion in the United Statesalone. As the prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases increases, so toowill the emotional, mental, and financial strains placed on those whoprovide care for those who have been diagnosed.Amyloid- senile plaques,neurofibrillary tangles made of aggregated tau, and hippocampal cell lossare the classic neuropathologies of Alzheimer's disease. Clinically, AD isdistinguished by memory and attention difficulties, which deteriorate intoproblems with reasoning, communication, and direction as the diseaseadvances. Although oxidative stress, inflammation, and neuronaldysfunction have all been implicated in the development of Alzheimer'sdisease, conclusive data explaining disease pathogenesis is lacking; as aresult, we and others have been forced to look beyond these basicpathologies in search of other molecular cues driving AD pathogenesis.Theeffect of gonadal hormones on cognition in the elderly has been the subjectof substantial research. Hormones are known to impact CNS function andstability.
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- 328,95 kr.
488,95 kr. This book provides acomprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles and concepts of finance, designed to equip studentswith the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and navigate the complex world of finance.At OpenStax,we believe in the power of open education and the importance of making educational resources accessible to all.That's why this book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license. Thismeans that you have the freedom to distribute, remix, and build upon the content of this book, as long as youprovide attribution to OpenStax and its content contributors.We understand that every course has uniquerequirements, and that's why you are free to use the entire book or select specific sections that are most relevantto your needs. You can even customize your own version of this book, making it available to your students inlow-cost print or digital formats through your campus bookstore.For your convenience, we have also provided aweb view of the book, allowing you to link directly to specific sections in your syllabus. This flexibility empowersyou to tailor the content to suit your teaching preferences and the learning objectives of your course.Throughoutthe book, you will find various artworks that have been carefully selected to enhance your understanding of theconcepts presented. Most of these artworks include detailed attributions, including the title, creator or rightsholder, host platform, and license, within the caption. If you choose to reuse any of the artworks, please ensurethat you provide the same attribution to the original source. In cases where attribution is not provided in thetext, you can use the following attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license.Westrive for accuracy and excellence in our textbooks. While our books undergo a rigorous review process, errorscan occasionally occur, and writing style guides may change over time. As a web-based resource, we have theability to make updates periodically to ensure the content remains up to date and pedagogically sound. If youcome across any errors or have suggestions for corrections, we encourage you to submit them through the linkon your book page on OpenStax.org. Our team of subject matter experts will review all suggestions, and we arecommitted to transparency by providing a list of past errata changes on your book pageWe hope that Principlesof Finance serves as a valuable resource in your journey to understand the principles that underpin the world offinance. OpenStax is dedicated to providing high-quality educational materials, and we are honored to be part ofyour learning experience.
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308,95 - 328,95 kr. - Bog
- 308,95 kr.
308,95 kr. In the field of economics, competition refers to a scenario inwhich many economic companies [Note 1] compete with oneanother to obtain commodities that are limited by modifying oneor more of the following components of the marketing mix: price,product, promotion, or place. In the traditional school of economicthought, competition drives commercial enterprises to producenew goods, services, and technologies. These advancements wouldprovide customers with a wider range of options and higher qualitygoods. When there is a greater variety of a product available on themarket, prices for those products are often cheaper in comparison towhat they would be if there was either no competition (a monopoly)or very little competition (an oligopoly).The amount of competition that is present in the market is determinedby a range of factors, including the number of firms, theobstacles that stand in the way of new firms entering the market,the information that is available, and the availability and accessibilityof resources.
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- 308,95 kr.
328,95 kr. When it comes to study on women recovering from sexual abuse,there is a noticeable lack of research on body treatment. This studylooks at the practise of body-oriented therapy to try to Ill this importantgap. This type of treatment puts a lot of focus on being aware ofyour body. Pt is a delicate mix of bodywork and the mental processingthat is a part of psychotherapy.Pn the history of academic research,there have been a lot of studies on sexual abuse healing. Bost of thesestudies focused on standard talk therapy. Aven though these traditionalforms of therapy have their uses, until now, the importance oftreating the deep connections between the body and mind has beenlargely ignored. This study tries to Ill this gap and promote the studyof body-oriented treatment as a powerful alternative or complementaryway to help women who have been sexually abused heal fromthe trauma.'ody-oriented therapy is based on the idea that physicalfeelings and mental experiences are linked in a way that canGt be separated.Lractitioners of this type of therapy try to help their clients healby making them more aware of their bodies. They do this by havinga deep knowledge of how everything is linked. This process oftenincludes a wide range of bodywork methods, from somatic experiencingto gentle touch therapies, all of which are carefully designedto help people reconnect with their bodies and, by extension, theirmental environments.2ne of the most important parts of body-orientedtreatment is going back and looking at old traumas and feelingsthat were pushed down.
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- 328,95 kr.
308,95 kr. Guidelines and standards for building and deploying robots and AI systemsare provided by ethical frameworks. These guidelines assist makesure that AI is developed and deployed in a way that benefits society as a whole,upholds basic human decencies like justice, openness, and accountability, anddoes as little harm as possible. Here are a few of the most well-known ethicalmodels used in the study and development of AI and robotics today:Utilitarianismis an ethical theory that says decisions and innovations should bemeasured by how much benefit they provide for the most people. Utilitarianismwould place an emphasis on robotics and AI systems that maximise advantageswhile minimising drawbacks.Adherence to moral standards and principles isemphasised in deontological ethics. It stresses people's intrinsic worth andfreedoms. This approach would demand the creation of ethically sound systemsin robotics and AI that put people's rights, autonomy, and privacy first, nomatter the consequences.Virtue ethics is a moral theory that promotes thecultivation of admirable personal qualities. When applied to robotics andAI, this paradigm would encourage the development of character traits likecompassion, empathy, and accountability in the creation and usage of robotsand AI. It pushes artists and architects to think about how their work will age5 SDRBC2FACLMWBKS32DBLMWABMA3L4LDBCWA2MKA2Bin the context of society.Ethical theory grounded in respect for the rights ofindividuals. Protecting human rights in the context of AI and robots meansmaking sure that people's right to privacy, to speak freely, and to be treated fairlyare not violated. It also takes into account the rights of AI systems, such as theright to be treated fairly and the right to be safe from exploitation.Frameworksfor ensuring fairness and justice in the creation and use of AI and robots attemptto eliminate prejudice and unfair treatment.
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- 308,95 kr.
343,95 kr. History is a powerful reminder of all the amazing things people have done. Weuse things that happened in the past, which we call "historical facts," to learnabout the past of any country or group of people. These important events arethe building blocks on which we build our knowledge of the past. Most of whatwe know about different cultures and people comes from the records they leftbehind, which are called "historical sources."Archaeological sources and writtensources are the two main types of history sources. Let's look into what eachbranch means and how much information it has to tell us about our distantpast.First of all, archaeological sources are very important for studying history. Thereare writings on stones, metal plates, and other artefacts that show how wisepeople were in the past. These writings often tell us a lot about the politics,society, and culture of the time they were made. Even coins are physical relicsbecause they show how money was spent and how different societies rose andfell.Structures that are still standing are an important part of historical sourcesbecause they show how good people were at building things and how they lived.From grand buildings to simple homes, these ruins give us a glimpse into howour ancestors lived. By looking at their pots, tools, and guns, we can learn moreabout how they used technology and made things.The beautiful statues andinteresting drawings that archaeologists have found show how people lived inthe past. They make people, events, and faith practises last forever, capturingthe spirit of a different time. Not only do these works of art show how creativepeople were in the past,
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- 343,95 kr.
488,95 kr. I get to dive into countless books, and I must say,this one is an absolute delight. No need for any unnecessary delay, let me give youa sneak peek into what makes it so worthwhile. Are you ready? Let'sjump right in with the introduction!Welcome to the second edition of thisremarkable textbook, which has returned with a fresh face and exciting updates! Buildingupon the success of the first edition, published by Cambridge University Press in 2009,this edition takes the core concepts that made it exceptional and enhances them with newfeatures and valuable content.In this edition, we have diligently refreshed all thescreenshots, ensuring compatibility with the latest version of Excel, Excel 2019. By doingso, we offer you an up-to-date and practical learning experience. Real-world applicationshave also been updated, enriching your understanding of how economic principles areapplied in today's dynamic environment.We have taken the opportunity to correct anytypos and mistakes that might have slipped through in the first edition, ensuring asmoother reading experience. We believe in continuous improvement, and this editionreflects our commitment to delivering the highest quality material to ourreadersExcitingly, this edition introduces a brand-new chapter on rational addiction,shedding light on a fascinating aspect of economic theory. Additionally, we have includedseveral fresh optimization problem examples, providing you with even more opportunitiesto refine your problem-solving skills.This book has always stood out from the crowd, andthat remains true in this edition. From the outset, we have embraced a unique approach byintegrating Microsoft Excel into the teaching of economic theory. This innovativeapproach allows you to develop sophisticated Excel skills alongside your understanding ofeconomics-an invaluable advantage that sets this book apart from any other in the field.The use of Excel has driven a host of additional benefits. It compels us to present concrete,numerical problems, bridging the gap between theory and practical application. Moreover,Excel's Solver enables us to showcase numerical methods for solving optimizationproblems and equilibrium models-a feature that is unparalleled in any other textbook.By providing readily available numerical solutions, this book goes beyond themainstream, elevating analytical methods that are often relegated to appendixes oroverlooked altogether. Every problem is approached from two angles-once with Exceland once with equations, algebra, and, when necessary, calculus-offering acomprehensive learning experience that is truly one of a kind.We are thrilled to embark onthis educational journey with you through the pages of this second edition. Prepare todiscover the power of Excel in economics, unravel the mysteries of rational addiction, andembrace new optimization problem examples. Whether you are a student or a curiousreader, we hope this textbook will not only expand your knowledge but also ignite yourpassion for the fascinating world of economics.
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- 488,95 kr.
318,95 kr. I get to dive into countless books, and I must say, this oneis an absolute delight. No need for any unnecessary delay, let megive you a sneak peek into what makes it so worthwhile. Areyou ready? Let's jump right in with the introduction!.Welcome tothe world of financial markets, where intricate systems and economic principles shape theway assets are traded, prices are determined, and market structures evolve. This book aimsto shed light on the complex interplay between microeconomics, finance,macroeconomics, and information systems within the context of trading, liquidity,transaction costs, and market structure. By exploring these subjects through the lens of theequity market and incorporating the impact of trading costs and other impediments, weuncover a deeper understanding of real-world market dynamics.One of the commonthreads that binds these diverse topics is our focus on the effect of "frictions" on marketoutcomes. These frictions encompass the various barriers and limitations that affecttrading activities, such as transaction costs and regulatory constraints. By delving intothese impediments, we gain valuable insights into how they shape market behavior andinfluence market participants' decision-making processes.In this book, we also introducean interactive simulation model of equity market trading, providing you with a uniqueopportunity to engage with the material in an informative and enjoyable way. Throughthis simulation tool, you can actively explore the intricacies of market dynamics anddeepen your understanding of how real-world markets function.Each chapter in this bookhas been carefully designed as a standalone module, making it suitable for integration intoexisting finance, economics, or information science courses. However, while each chaptercan stand on its own, there are interconnected themes and concepts that weavethroughout the entire book. By reading the entire work, you will gain a morecomprehensive understanding of the workings of a real-world financial market.Let usbegin our journey with Chapter 1: "Understanding Economic Behavior." In thismicroeconomics chapter, we challenge the commonly held assumption of frictionlessmarkets and explore its implications. By comparing the Capital Asset Pricing Model andthe microeconomics consumer choice model, both built on the assumption of frictionlessmarkets, we uncover the optimal decision-making processes of investors and consumers.However, when analyzing the equity market, we introduce the real-world constraint oforder submission, limiting each participant to a single order. This constraint allows us todemonstrate how prices in the financial marketplace can differ from the theoreticallyderived equilibrium values of a frictionless model.
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- 318,95 kr.
308,95 kr. Zea mays subsp. mays, from Spanish: maz after Taino: mahis[2]),often known as corn in North American and Australian English,is a cereal grain that was initially domesticated by indigenouspeoples in southern Mexico approximately 10,000 years ago. Maize isa member of the Zea mays subsp. mays species.[3][4] The plant's leafystalk gives rise to in"orescences, sometimes known as 5tassels,5 whichproduce pollen and separate ovuliferous in"orescences called ears.These in"orescences, when fertilized, yield kernels or seeds, which areconsidered botanical fruits.[6][I] Fn formal, scientiHc, and internationalusage, the term maize is favored as the common name sinceit refers solely to this one grain, whereas the term corn refers to anyprimary cereal crop that is farmed in a country. This preference forthe term maize as the common name can be explained as follows.Wor instance, the term 5corn5 is typically used to refer to 5maize5 inboth North America and Australia. Gowever, in England and Cales,RENETFO 2 XESEAXOG YW MAFZE B TEYSFNTE GDVXF... AN... A...jANOE...(5corn5 can also mean 5wheat5 or 5barley,5 and in Scotland and Freland,5corn5 refers to 5oats.5As a result of its widespread adoption as aprimary source of nutrition, maize now accounts for a greater proportionof global grain production than either wheat or rice. Maize isutilized not 7ust for human consumption 8often in the form of masa),but also for the production of corn ethanol, animal feed, and othermaize-based goods such as corn starch and corn syrup.[q] ...ent corn,"int corn, pod corn, popcorn, "our corn, and sweet corn are the sixprimary varieties of maize. Sweet corn is also known as popcorn.[9]The kernels of sugar-rich varieties of corn, known as sweet corn, aretypically grown for human consumption, whereas Held corn varietiesare typically used for animal feed, various corn-based human fooduses 8such as grinding it into cornmeal or masa, pressing it into cornoil, fermenting and distilling it into alcoholic beverages like bourbonwhiskey), and as feedstocks for the chemical industry. Sweet cornvarieties are typically grown for human consumption as kernels. Fnaddition, ethanol and various other types of biofuels can be madefrom maize.Maize is the most fre;uently farmed grain in the world,and each year, more maize is produced than any other type of graincombined.[U] The total amount of product produced all across theworld in 2021 was 1.2 billion tonnes 81.2 10U long tonsP 1.3 10Ushort tons). Ft is estimated that in the year 2021, the Lnited Statesof America alone will produce 394 million tonnes 83q9,000,000 longtonsP 423,000,000 short tons) of maize. Maize is the grain crop that/XE-OYáLMVFAN ...EjEáY/MENT 3is grown more than any other in the Americas.[source: missing citation]Fn 200U, genetically modiHed maize accounted for 96 percentof all of the corn that was planted in the Lnited States.[10] There isa high degree of maize cultivation in the Lnited States, which helpsto account for the country's position
- Bog
- 308,95 kr.
308,95 kr. It's a gem that our awesome publishing company has brought tolife. Now, as part of my job, I get to dive into countless books, and I mustsay, this one is an absolute delight. No need for any unnecessary delay, letme give you a sneak peek into what makes it so worthwhile. Are you ready?Let's jump right in with the introduction.In 2022, humanity picked upthe pieces after the global pandemic caused an enormous and unexpecteddisruption in their lives and began making halting attempts to return tosome semblance of normalcy. On the other hand, the complications thatfollowedimpacts on global and Indian economies may be seen in the wakeof this disaster, which triggered a pandemic and sparked a war betweenRussia and Ukraine. The government stepped in to continue its assistancefor the development of social infrastructure, with a focus on vital componentsof residents' social well-being like health, education, and socialsecurity. As the end of FY23 approaches, it appears that some measuresof social development have shown signs of improvement. The concept of"sabka sath, sabka vikas" (everyone's progress for the common good) hasgained prominence in recent years.
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- 308,95 kr.
328,95 kr. It's a gem that our awesome publishing company has broughtto life. Now, as part of my job, I get to dive into countless books, and I mustsay, this one is an absolute delight. No need for any unnecessary delay, let megive you a sneak peek into what makes it so worthwhile. Are you ready?Let's jump right in with the introduction!.Welcome to the captivating world ofeducational administration! In this book, we embark on a thrilling journeythrough the fundamental principles and practices that shape the landscape ofeducation. Whether you are an aspiring educator, a seasoned administrator, orsimply a curious mind, this guide promises to be your compass in navigating thedynamic realms of teaching and learning.Within these pages, you will discover the secrets to crafting effective teachingstrategies that ignite a passion for knowledge in every student. From theintricacies of facility planning to the art of efficient management, we unlock thekeys to creating safe and inspiring spaces where minds can soar and ideas canflourish.But it doesn't stop there! As we delve into the world of educational finance, weunveil the vital skill of budgeting and financial management - an indispensabletool for sustaining and nurturing educational facilities.Moreover, we champion sustainability and inclusivity, recognizing them as thecornerstones of creating environments that foster diversity and empathy.Together, we explore the power of technology integration and collaboration,wielding them as catalysts to continually evaluate and enhance the learningexperience.As our voyage unfolds, we draw on the vast knowledge from the realms ofeducation, economics, and social sciences. These valuable insights illuminate ourpath and empower us to forge an innovative future for education.
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- 328,95 kr.
358,95 kr. It's a gem that our awesome publishing company has brought tolife. Now, as part of my job, I get to dive into countless books, and I mustsay, this one is an absolute delight. No need for any unnecessary delay,let me give you a sneak peek into what makes it so worthwhile. Are youready? Let's jump right in with the introduction.Water and fertiliser arethe two most essential inputs in irrigated agriculture; nevertheless, water iscurrently accessible at a price that is more axordable than fertiliser. A dayis not too far ox when water will become more scarce and more eTpensiveas a result of these two variables because of rising levels of industrializationand intensive farming brought on by the growing demand for more foodand Bbre from a population that is eTpanding all over the world. 2his dayis not too far ox because of the growing demand for more food and Bbrefrom a population that is eTpanding all over the world. 2he World 0ankprojects that by the year 535Y, one person in three, or S.5Y billion people,will be living in conditions that are marked by a lack of access to water.
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- 358,95 kr.
338,95 kr. An entrepreneur is a brave person who goes into unknownterritory to build a new business. In this goal, they not onlytake on the most risks, but also get to enjoy the best rewards. Thisis called "entrepreneurship," and it means putting together a newbusiness from its beginning to its end.We can't say enough abouthow important businesses are to the economy. They act as sparks thatstart a chain reaction of growth and innovation. With a unique mixof skills and knowledge, these visionaries have an uncanny ability tospot hidden needs and guess what customers want and need beforethey even realise it themselves. With this kind of forethought andunderstanding, they are able to bring innovative ideas and conceptsto the market.From a logical point of view, the journey of being abusiness is not for the weak of heart. With big risks come big bene-ts,but there is also the chance of huge failures. These hardHworkingpioneers aren't afraid of the unknowns or the chance that they mightfail. To turn an original idea into a real startup, you have to keep atit and be completely committed to the cause.
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- 338,95 kr.
338,95 kr. In today's consumer-driven world, there is an interesting paradox thatshows a big di.erence between how the rich and the poor spend theirmoneyR fich people, who seem to have a lot ok money, okten Oeep theirwealth by living in a way that reminds us ok those who are strugglingEnanciallyR Mn the other hand, people who are poor okten try to spendliOe the rich do to give themselves the impression that they are doing wellRIn the middle ok this Enancial mess, credit cards, (qIs )(Buated qonthlyInstallmentsN, and Puy Low Uay :ater schemes are alluring ways to getBuicO satiskaction without the money to pay kor itR Cnder the surkace,though, there is a dangerous resultT a greater number ok people who arecaught in the debt trap and have to live krom paychecO to paychecO becausethey can't get out ok debtRIn a society that is kull ok shopping and a constant need kor new things,easy credit has made it possible kor people to tell themselves that they canlive liOe the rich without getting richer or maOing more moneyR jreditcards are easy to get and let you buy things without using cash right awayR2his maOes people more liOely to go on shopping sprees on the spur okthe moment and buy things Wust because they want to show o. or getnoticedR
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- 338,95 kr.
348,95 kr. Businesses, lawmakers, and politicians all face big challenges whenit comes to making data into an independent and strategic asset.Intereconomics and the well-known German Economic Institute (IW)put on a new meeting called "Data-Driven Economy" on June 17, 2019,in the busy city of Berlin. The main goal of this meeting was to learn moreabout the many challenges and chances that come with competition policy,new business models, and data control in the digital age.With the data-driven economy changing so quickly, it's hard to stressenough how important good regulations and policies are. Even thoughthe possible benexts are huge, making sure this revolution works for thegreater good will require improving a law and regulatory system that is oftennot very good. In a time when data is the currency of the digital world,regulators and lawmakers have to xnd the right miF between encouraginginnovation and protecting people's rights.Lrom a business point of view,it's important to set up useful tools like data markets so that data can beused as a valuable asset while keeping privacy and other ethical issues inmind.
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- 348,95 kr.
498,95 kr. Now, aspart of my job, I get to dive into countless books, and I must say, this one is anabsolute delight. No need for any unnecessary delay, let me give you a sneak peekinto what makes it so worthwhile. Are you ready? Let's jump right in with theintroduction!.Organisational life is full of examples of how people tend to form groups.There are also unofficialgroups, cliques, and factions in addition to organised groups, committees, andteams.Formal groups are used to organise anddivide work, share information, makeplans,manage activities, get people more involved,negotiate, solve problems, anddoinvestigations. Group work lets people combinetheir individual skills and knowledgeandmakes up for what each person lacks. Estimateshow that most managers spend abouthalf of their working day in some kind of group. Forthe top managers of big companies,this can bea problemincrease to 80%. So, it's clear that organised groups are an importantpart of how an organisationworks.Groups that don't meet often are just as important. Mostof the time, these are set up more to meet the social needs of people than to help them dojobs. Informal groups generally help people feel likethey belong and give them a place to talk about themselves and get support, among otherthings. Butthese informal groups can also have a big impact on official work tasks. Forexample, they may put members under subtle pressure to stick to a certain work rate orserve as "places" where people sharenews, gossip, etc.
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- 498,95 kr.
328,95 kr. Transitioning from a mixed planned economy to a mixed middle-income emerging social market economy, with considerablestate engagement in important sectors and suggestive planning,describes the current situation of the economy in India.[48] Bynominal GDP, it is the (fth largest economy in the world, and bypurchasing power parity )PPPA, it is the third largest economy inthe world. Mccording to the (ndings of the International Fonetary1und )IF1A, India placed 392th by GDP )nominalA and 37Sth byGDP )PPPA on the basis of its position in terms of its per capita income.[42] 'ince the countryzs independence in 324S, successive governmentshave adhered to the 'oviet model and pushed protectionisteconomic policies. These policies include substantial sovietiLation,state involvement, bureaucratically driven industries, and economiccontrol.
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- 328,95 kr.
458,95 kr. let me give youa sneak peek into what makes it so worthwhile. Are you ready? Let'sjump right in with the introduction!.Welcome to the captivating world ofmanagement and decision-making! In this book, we embark on a journey through theessential principles and strategies that drive successful firms. Whether you're a buddingentrepreneur or a seasoned business professional, this comprehensive guide will equip youwith the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of managing a firm effectively.Part I sets the stage by delving into the fundamentals of the management process. InChapter 1, we explore the crucial steps involved in shaping a firm's mission statement,defining its long-term strategic goals, and establishing short-term objectives. We also shedlight on evaluating alternative strategies and implementing the preferred approach.Notably, we emphasize the relevance of these principles for managing the financialresources of small to medium-sized enterprises-a topic of utmost importance in today'sdynamic business landscape.Recognizing that opportunities and threats often lie beyond afirm's immediate control, Chapter 2 uncovers different organizational structures and theirimpact on the firm's operations. Chapter 3 delves into the intricate world of taxregulations, highlighting the firm's ability to adapt and respond to the ever-evolving legaland tax environment.In a world filled with uncertainty, making informed financialdecisions becomes an art. Chapter 4 focuses on the exploration of risk and its managementwithin a firm. We delve into various risk responses, including formal insurance programs,as well as other alternatives. By equipping you with essential statistical tools and insights,this chapter empowers you to navigate the unpredictable landscape of risk and uncertaintywith confidence.As you delve into the subsequent chapters, you will discover a wealth ofknowledge and practical wisdom that will shape your understanding of managementprinciples and inspire you to apply them in real-world scenarios. From strategic planningto risk management, each chapter holds valuable insights that will illuminate your pathtowards successWe invite you to embark on this enlightening journey, where theory meetspractice, and innovation thrives. Prepare to unlock the secrets of effective management,cultivate your decision-making prowess, and embark on a transformative adventure thatwill elevate your professional endeavors.
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318,95 kr. Indian English Literature omers a rekarbaple flat-ork to frojceqt the uniyue qonsqiousness and sensipilit. o- IndiaH wove,erFthis literar. realk enqounters ,arious inqon,enienqes -rok kultifleanglesH zor instanqeF the nati,e fofulation o-ten -ails to reqognixethe kerits o- these vorbs and the prillianqe o- the authorsH zurtherjkoreF -oreign qritiqs eChipit a laqb o- fatronageF disregarding thekar,elous qreati,e qra-t and artistr. vithin Indian English vritingHE,en Indian qritiqsF vho rigidl. TC their attention and energ. onvorbs -oreign in st.le and qontentF -ail to affreqiate an.thing qenjtered on nati,e thekesH Sonseyuentl.F a ,eil o- indimerenqe and laqbo- qonqern opsqures the unreqognixed and unre,ealed ,irtuosit. oAIRO NWLE IM 'WPEM2O EPKW'ENPEMRIndian vriters vho fen their vorbs in EnglishH Negrettapl.F ;akalaParbanda.a is no eCqeftion to this qritiqal unresfonsi,enessH
- Bog
- 318,95 kr.
328,95 kr. It's a gem that our awesome publishing company has broughtto life. Now, as part of my job, I get to dive into countless books, and I mustsay, this one is an absolute delight. No need for any unnecessary delay, let megive you a sneak peek into what makes it so worthwhile. Are you ready?Let's jump right in with the introduction!.Welcome to the world of sustainablebusiness-a realm where the harmony of economic prosperity, social well-being,and environmental stewardship converge. In this rapidly evolving landscape, theconcepts of sustainable development and sustainability have transformed frommere buzzwords into essential principles for businesses aiming to thrive in thelong run.In this book, "A Primer on Sustainable Business," we embark on ajourney to unravel the multifaceted dimensions of sustainable business practices.We will explore how organizations can operate in a manner that not only ensurestheir own survival but also safeguards the interests of all current and futurestakeholders. The goal is to create a sustainable business that serves as a force forpositive social impact, minimizes environmental harm, and generates economicprosperityWhile some may associate sustainability solely with environmentalinitiatives, we take a broader perspective. We delve into the interconnectedness ofsocial, environmental, and economic impacts, emphasizing the holistic nature ofsustainable business practices. By adopting sustainable strategies, businesses canenhance their reputation, reduce costs, and contribute to the prosperity of localcommunities. Furthermore, sustainability can become a powerful competitiveadvantage, setting businesses apart in an increasingly conscientiousmarketplace.Sustainability is not a solitary pursuit; it requires a company-widecommitment. In this book, we highlight the importance of systems thinking-anawareness that everything is interconnected. Each aspect of the business, fromdaily operations to research and development, from human resources to financeand marketing, plays a crucial role in the journey towards sustainability. Throughour exploration, you will come to appreciate the intricate web of relationships andthe coordination required to achieve the overarching goal of becoming asustainable business
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- 328,95 kr.
328,95 kr. Within the context of marketing, one of the most importantfactors to consider is customer satisfaction, sometimesknown by its acronym, CSAT. In essence, it acts as a gauge thatdetermines how evectile'y a company:s goods and serlices meet orelen exceed the expectations of its customers. Customer satisfactionmay be summed up with the fo''owing de"nition( )the number ofcustomers, or percentage of tota' customers, whose reported experiencewith a "rm, its products, or its serlices zratingsq, exceeds speci-"ed satisfaction goa's.) This de"nition captures the core of customersatisfaction perfect'y. This concept emphasiJes how important it is tonot on'y satisfy, but rather continua''y exceed, the expectations andwants of the priJed c'ients.Customers hale a signi"cant amount ofsway and are unOuestionab'y the essentia' driling force behind thesuccess of any business. Their indilidua' tastes, co''ectile liewpoints,and summatile experiences
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- 328,95 kr.
328,95 kr. The relevance of horticulture development in India's large andvaried agricultural environment was yrst recognised duringthe countr4's Fth -iveYPear (lan 196-6796)F., The primar4 concernduring that time periodx howeverx was feeding a rapidl4 eCpandingpopulationx hence e2orts were directed mostl4 on eCpanding grainproduction 10hand et al,x 8AAj., bfter two decades of stead4 eCYpansionx horticulture is now a maGor participant in the agriculturalscene and a maGor contriDutor to the countr4's kE(, In addition to itsoDvious positive e2ects on human health and wellDeingx horticulturealso provides a wealth of opportunities for diversif4ing and Dolsteringrural economies, There is a lot of potential for the industr4 to addvalue through smart marLeting and processing that is made possiDleD4 a wellYoiled suppl4 chain,
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- 328,95 kr.
368,95 kr. Introducing "Breaking the Chains: Comparative Study of NPA Challenges in Indian Public Sector Banks"As a book distributor, I understand the significance of every page that graces my hands. And in this moment, I assure you, without further ado, that this is a journey worth undertaking. "Breaking the Chains" unveils a captivating exploration-a comparative study that unravels the challenges of non-performing assets (NPA) in Indian public sector banks.The world of banking, where financial currents ebb and flow, holds the key to a nation's economic and social development. It is within these sacred halls that financial assistance breathes life into sectors like agriculture, trade, industry, education, and health. In the vibrant tapestry of India, the banking sector assumes a vital role, weaving itself intricately into the implementation of five-year plans, showcasing its unwavering importance.As the echoes of history reverberate through the pages, we trace the origin and growth of banking in India-a tale as old as time itself. From the depths of Vedic times, where farming, trade, harvesting, and money lending formed the bedrock of society, to the emergence of private banks, their structures initially unorganized. However, wars and recessions cast their shadow, leading to the closure of many private banks, leaving a lasting impact on the course of the Indian banking sector.Within these compelling narratives, we witness the pivotal role that Indian public sector banks play in fostering the economic and social development of the nation. In the Ernest Hemingway style, each word carries weight, each sentence strikes a chord. The author's narrative expertly weaves together the intricate threads of comparative analysis, shedding light on the challenges posed by non-performing assets.With each turn of the page, "Breaking the Chains" invites readers to delve deep into the complex world of banking, where the resilience of institutions intersects with the aspirations of a nation. It is a journey that uncovers the struggles and triumphs, the complexities and possibilities, that define the path toward a robust and thriving financial system.Join us on this enlightening expedition, where knowledge illuminates and understanding paves the way for progress. "Breaking the Chains" serves as a reminder that even amidst challenges, the resilience of the Indian banking sector remains steadfast-an enduring force in shaping the nation's destiny. Let these pages be a testament to the power of informed decision-making and a catalyst for the continued growth and prosperity of India's financial landscape.
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- 368,95 kr.
308,95 kr. Introducing "Melodies of Mending: Unveiling the Healing Potential of Pulsed Ultrasound in Long Bone Diaphyseal Fractures"In the realm of bones, where strength and resilience intertwine, a harmonious melody of healing awaits its moment to be heard. "Melodies of Mending" unveils a groundbreaking exploration, where the power of pulsed ultrasound unlocks the secrets of recovery in long bone diaphyseal fractures.As a book distributor, I know the value of each page that graces my fingertips. Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "There is no friend as loyal as a book." These words resonate through the halls of literature, guiding us toward worthwhile journeys. And without further ado, I present to you a tale worth immersing yourself in-a tale that delves into the intricacies of bones, those remarkable rigid organs that lend support and protect the very essence of our bodies.Within these pages, we embark on an enlightening voyage through the four categories of bones: long, short, flat, and irregular. It is the long bones that take center stage, providing the sturdy framework for movement and support. But when fractures disrupt their continuity, a symphony of challenges arises, burdening patients and society with substantial costs and physical hardships.Recovery becomes a precarious dance, where the tempo varies depending on the fracture's location and type. Sometimes, the journey leads to delayed unions or non-unions, further complicating the path toward healing. Yet, amidst these trials, a transformative force emerges-the healing potential of pulsed ultrasound. Like a melodic whisper, it holds the promise of restoration, guiding fractured bones toward the path of recovery.In the timeless style of Ernest Hemingway, every word carries weight, every sentence strikes a chord. The author's narrative weaves a tale that captivates and inspires, shedding light on the scientific frontier of healing. With each turn of the page, "Melodies of Mending" invites readers to witness the interplay between technology and the human body, where innovation and ancient wisdom intertwine.Join us on this extraordinary journey, where the power of pulsed ultrasound harmonizes with the resilience of the human spirit. "Melodies of Mending" is an invitation to embrace the wonders of modern medicine and to discover the symphony of healing that resonates within us all. Let these pages be a testament to the remarkable potential of human ingenuity-a reminder that even in the face of fractures, the melody of mending can guide us towards restoration, strength, and renewed vitality.
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- 308,95 kr.
368,95 kr. Introducing "The Balance Factor: Exploring the Effects of Balance Training in COPD Rehabilitation"In the realm of books, where knowledge intertwines with purpose, there are certain journeys that hold immeasurable worth. As a book distributor, it is my pleasure to assure you, without further ado, that this is one such journey-a voyage worth embarking upon. "The Balance Factor" ventures into uncharted territories, illuminating the effects of balance training in the rehabilitation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).In the words of Ernest Hemingway, "Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another." These words echo through the pages, revealing the profound impact of COPD on the global population. Affecting millions, this disease emerges as the fifth leading cause of mortality, claiming 5% of all lives. Its reach spans continents, engulfing 65 million individuals worldwide-a staggering number that projects it to become the third most common cause of death by 2030.Within the grasp of these pages, we delve into the multifaceted challenges faced by COPD patients-challenges that strip away their functionality, their mobility, their very essence of life. The pathophysiological intricacies are further complicated by the passage of time, as aging intertwines with the already burdensome journey. It is here, amidst these trials, that an often overlooked threat emerges-the risk of falling. With a prevalence of 40% and an incidence of 1.17 per person per year, the specter of falls casts a shadow over those living with COPD.Factors converge, contributing to this perilous dance-decreased lower limb muscular strength, gait and balance deficits, depression, cognitive impairments, nutritional depletion, malnutrition, and even reliance on a wheelchair. Yet, within this vast landscape of challenges, a glimmer of hope arises-the power of balance training. Like a steady hand guiding a wavering compass, this training offers potential for rehabilitation, enhancing stability, and ultimately improving the lives of those battling COPD.In the Ernest Hemingway style, each word carries weight, each sentence pulses with resilience. The author's narrative weaves through the intricate web of scientific knowledge, presenting it in a manner that captivates and inspires. With each turn of the page, "The Balance Factor" invites readers to witness the fusion of science and compassion, where balance becomes a gateway to reclaiming independence and embracing life to the fullest.Join us on this transformative expedition, where the pursuit of balance illuminates a path of empowerment and resilience. "The Balance Factor" serves as a beacon of hope, guiding the way toward rehabilitation and improved quality of life for those living with COPD. Let these pages be a testament to the power of perseverance and the immeasurable impact that lies within the realm of balance training.
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- 368,95 kr.