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Bøger af Elaine N. Aron

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  • - Hvordan man trives, selv om verden er overvældende
    af Elaine N. Aron
    44,95 - 272,95 kr.

    Det er normalt at have et følsomt nervesystem - 15-20 % af befolkningen hører til denne gruppe, som ofte ringeagtes og/eller ringeagter sig selv i Vestens udadvendte kulturer.Bogens budskab er, at sensitive mennesker er i besiddelse af kvaliteter, som samfundet har brug for. Det er f.eks. kvaliteter som indføling og kreativitet. Elaine Aron giver de sensitive mulighed for en forbedret selvforståelse, præsenterer brugbare redskaber til at reparere fortidens traumer og bogen lærer de særligt sensitive at begå sig og trives.Elaine Aron er en internationalt anerkendt ekspert på området og bogen er blevet en klassiker inden for sit felt.

  • - Hvordan vi hjælper vores børn med at trives, når verden overvælder dem
    af Elaine N. Aron
    359,95 kr.

    15-20% AF ALLE BØRN ER SÆRLIGT SENSITIVESymptomer kan være spiseproblemer, generthed, mareridt, ubegrundede følelsesudbrud - og symptomerne bliver ofte mistolket.Særligt sensitive er ikke introverte, men kan blive det for at reducere stimuli. Særligt sensitive overstimuleres let og stiller derfor særlige krav til forældre.Der medfølger et testskema, så forældre kan vurdere deres eget barn. Bogen har en detaljeret gennemgang af, hvad forældrene kan gøre, hvori der skelnes mellem forældre med samme og modsatte konstitution. Der gives fire nøgler til at få et glad barn: Øg selvværdet, reducer skamfølelse, vis disciplin, lyt. I anden del gennemgås de særlige forhold, der hører til de forskellige alderstrin – inkl. tyve gode råd til lærere.Bogen er fuld af gode og brugbare råd. De er systematiserede på en så overskuelig måde, at man næsten kan slå op som i et leksikon. Det er velgørende at få særlig sensitivitet beskrevet ikke som en sygdom, der skal behandles, men som et værdifuldt træk, som samfundet ikke kan undvære.Elaine N. Aron ph.d er forsker og pioner inden for området særligt sensitive mennesker. Hun har psykoterapeutisk praksis både i New York og i San Francisco. Forfatteren har tidligere udgivet SÆRLIGT SENSITIVE MENNESKER.

  • - How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You
    af Elaine N. Aron
    183,95 kr.

    The Highly Sensitive Person is a thought-provoking book written by Elaine N. Aron. Published in 1997 by Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc, this book delves into the world of high sensitivity, a trait that affects many people around the globe. The author, a leading psychologist, provides insights and guidance for highly sensitive people and those who interact with them. The book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the complexities of high sensitivity. It is written in English.

  • af Elaine N. Aron
    173,95 kr.

    How to cope when the world overwhelms you.For those people who:have a keen imagination; are labelled too shy or too sensitive; who perform poorly when being observed even though they are usually competent; have vivid dreams; for whom time alone each day is essential;and find they are quickly overwhelmed by noise and confusion, crowded parties, hectic office life.............this is the book to help them understand themselves and how best to cope in various situations.Highly sensitive people are often very bright and creative but many suffer from low self esteem. They are not 'neurotics' as they have been labelled for so long. However, high sensitivity can lead them to cease to engage with the outside world.The book offers solutions for a happy and fulfilling life. Particularly in the way an HSP perceives his or herself: the book helps to 'reframe' past events, such as a difficult childhood, or how they see themselves - ie. shy.Particularly strong material for those raising a sensitive child

  • - Hvordan du trives i parforhold, selv om verden er overvældende
    af Elaine N. Aron
    78,95 kr.

    Forelsker du dig, men frygter intimitet? Er du træt af at få at vide, at du er for sensitiv? Har du svært ved at respektere en mindre sensitiv partner? Har du opgivet at få et kærlighedsliv, fordi du er bange for at være for sart til at kunne tåle skrammerne?Særligt sensitive anses ofte for generte og deres tilbageholdenhed misforstås ofte som svaghed og derfor møder de specielle udfordringer i kærlighedslivet, som her udforskes med nyttige råd både til de særligt sensitive eller til partnere, som ikke er det.Statistikker viser, at halvdelen af det, der afgør en skilsmisse, er genetisk bestemt temperament. Og hvis du er mellem de 20 procent, der er født særligt sensitiv, er risikoen for et ulykkeligt parforhold særligt høj. Dit fint indstillede nervesystem, som sanser enhver detalje og reflekterer dybt over tingene kunne være en romantisk fordel, hvis du og din partner forstod dig bedre, men uden den forståelse kan din sensitivitet gøre dine nære forhold smertefulde og komplicerede.Bogen er baseret på Elaine Arons pionerarbejde omkring temperament og intimitet og fuld af praktisk hjælp til særligt sensitive, som søger sundere og gladere parforhold. Den indeholder et testskema, så du kan vurdere dig selv eller din partner.

  • af Elaine N. Aron
    173,95 kr.

    15-20% of children are Highly Sensitive - and they are often labelled shy, introverted, fussy or faddy. The real story is very different though and this intelligent, practical book helps parents know what to do, when to back off, and how to ensure their child is given the right sort of treatment at school.This book is the follow up to the author's internationally best-selling personal development guide The Highly Sensitive Person.It is the first and only book for parents of highly sensitive children.It provides parents with insights and information so they can understand High Sensitivity, and help their highly sensitive child thrive in the world.It is important for these children to be understood so they can be helped to avoid the common traps of shyness and withdrawal that many highly sensitive fall into as they develop.Contains questionnaire for parents to find out if their child has the traits common in highly sensitive children.Discusses HSC's at different ages - infant, toddler, school-age and adolescent....

  • - How to Care for Your Kids When You Care Too Much
    af Elaine N. Aron
    198,95 kr.

    From the world-renowned authority and internationally bestselling author of The Highly Sensitive Person, comes an indispensable guide for the significant number of parents who are unusually attuned to their children.

  • - A Comprehensive Collection of Pre-tested Exercises Developed to Enhance the Lives of HSP's
    af Elaine N. Aron
    213,95 kr.

  • af Elaine N. Aron, Arthur Aron, Elliot Coups & mfl.
    811,95 kr.

    Emphasizing meaning and concepts, not just symbols and numbers Statistics for Psychology, 6th edition places definitional formulas center stage to emphasize the logic behind statistics and discourage rote memorization. Each procedure is explained in a direct, concise language and both verbally and numerically. MyStatLab is an integral part of the Statistics course. MyStatLab gives students practice with hundreds of homework problems. Every problem includes tools to help students understand and solve each problem - and grades all of the problems for instructors. MyStatLab also includes tests, quizzes, eText, a Gradebook, a customizable study plan, and much more. Learning GoalsUpon completing this book, readers should be able to: Know both definitional and numerical formulas and how to apply them Understand the logic behind each formula Expose students to the latest thinking in statistical theory and application Prepare students to read research articles Learn how to use SPSS

  • - A Brief Course
    af Elaine N. Aron, Arthur Aron & Elliot Coups
    790,95 kr.

    For one-quarter/semester courses that focus on the basics in statistics or combine statistics with research methods. The fifth edition of Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences builds off an already well-established approach - emphasizing the intuitive, deemphasizing the mathematical, and explaining everything in direct, simple language - but also goes beyond these principles to further student understanding. By using definitional formulas to emphasize the concepts of statistics, rather than rote memorization, students work problems in a way that keeps them constantly aware of the underlying logic of what they are doing.

  • af Elaine N. Aron
    278,95 kr.

    The world-renowned author of THE HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSON and other bestselling books on the trait of high sensitivity has written an indispensable guide for the significant number of parents who are unusually attuned to their children; who think deeply about every issue affecting their kids and have strong emotions, both positive and negative, in response; and who find parenting far more stressful than parents who are not highly sensitive.A self-help parenting book for the significant number of parents who are unusually attuned to their children; who think deeply about every issue affecting their kids and have strong emotions, both positive and negative, in response; and who find parenting far more stressful than parents who are not highly sensitive. The book draws on more than 1200 responses the author received to a questionnaire she designed to elicit both the joys and the challenges of parenting for highly sensitive people.