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Bøger af Edward Bold

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  • - A training Workbook for improving self-confidence and self-esteem in communication and for boosting emotional intelligence to overcome shyness, insecurities and social anxiety
    af Edward Bold
    173,95 kr.

    Are you struggling with social anxiety and a lack of confidence in yourself prevents you from enjoying social relations?Would you like to learn how to make people like you and approach strangers at social gatherings?Do you know the Rules for a successful dating or a public speech?Are you able to resolve conflicts between people?Some people are just naturally better at relating to other people, but this doesn't mean you can't improve a great deal.You don't need to let that fear control you, because you are not helpless against it.Being social is a skill that can be learned and improved through practice.If you've made mistakes before, you're not stuck. You can improve, and this book will help you in that process.Whether you struggle significantly in social situations, or you're looking to brush up on proper techniques, Social Skills Guidebook will give you the tools to take your social ability to the next level, and vastly improve your life as a result.In Social Skills Guidebook, you encounter a comprehensive guide to improving your social skills. Starting from the core mindsets and values one must hold, all the way to the practical and concrete.Topics covered will include: how your attitudes turn into behaviors;how to challenge counterproductive thinking;how to change your habits and develop skills;how to meet people and build genuine relationships;how to reach out to strangers;how to master the art of small talk;how to date successfully;how to be successful at public speaking;how to read nonverbal signals.And much more!Even if nobody can turns you into an incredible people's magnet or hypnotic influencer, dr. Bold will explain scientifically where you're wrong and how to correct yourself.Even if you are a late-bloomer in developing your interpersonal skills and your social intelligence, it's time to change.No Magic. You have to listen carefully and do the exercises, you will get out of this Workbook what you put into it!This is not just another "Ultimate Guide", like so many videos on YouTube, but a "Workbook", intended as a scientific tool for those who have decided to improve themselves through exercise.Scroll up the page and press the "Buy Now with 1-Click" button.

  • - All you need to improve yourself: enjoy better health and more rewarding social relationships. 2 books in 1: INTERMITTENT DIET by G. Bogoni + SOCIAL SKILLS GUIDEBOOK by E. Bold
    af Edward Bold
    243,95 kr.

    Do you want to take total control of your life?Do you think it's time for a new start?Do you know that self-discipline in eating guarantees you excellent health and can also make you very powerful?Do you know that anyone can develop excellent social skills?This self-help book contains all the resources to survive in modern society.The instructions on how to eat that you will find in INTERMITTENT DIET will give you the mental clarity and the energy necessary to put into practice the instructions of SOCIAL SKILL GUIDEBOOK and you will be able to present to the world a completely renewed yourself.In INTERMITTENT DIET you will learn: how to motivate yourself to eat only once a day;how to start fasting safely and effectively;how not to suffer from hunger and thirst;the physiological principles underlying this diet;what you should eat in your daily meal;benefits and advantages of the OMAD diet;the myths to debunk;how to correct the most common mistakes.While in SOCIAL SKILL GUIDEBOOK you will learn: how your attitudes turn into behaviors;how to challenge counterproductive thinking;how to change your habits and develop skills;how to meet people and build genuine relationships;how to reach out to strangers;how to master the art of small talk;how to date successfully;how to be successful at public speaking;how to read nonverbal signals.Even if you think you don't have enough willpower, this book will show you that you just need to know the techniques.Even if you usually procrastinate, when you discover that with self-discipline you can get what you really want, nobody can stop you.Your new life is waiting for you, don't miss this opportunity!2 fundamental books for a long-term change offered as a bundle.Scroll up the page and press the "Buy Now with 1-Click" button.

  • - Brain hacks: rewire your brain for controlling your thoughts and feeling better. Simple strategies for beginners, for getting better results in both business and life!
    af Edward Bold
    138,95 kr.

    Do you feel overwhelmed by your own negative brain?Do you feel paralyzed with confusion or doubt?Are you unable to enjoy social situations because you feel judged or ridiculed?Do friendships sometimes fail due to misunderstandings or hurt feelings?You can change your mind and take control of your reality.Clear, controlled thoughts release you from stress and anxiety.The greatest barrier to a better life are your self-created, overgrown expectations.Free your mind from destructive thoughts, unrealistic expectations, and help you adopt new, constructive habits to release you from tension.This book will help you kick your old negative mental habits to the curb and replace them with alternatives.Reading this book you will learn how to: blossom into everything that you can be;visualize to achieve your goals;start acting instead of talking;rephrase your negative thoughts;shut down the overthinking loops;create a working action plan to end overthinking;recognize signs of anxiety;avoid triggers;use your positive emotions to quiet the negative ones;... and much more!Reading this book you will learn that most of your thoughts can't even be trusted and most of your expectations, worries, and fears are not real.You will learn step by step techniques used to identify emotional triggers, worry loops, negative atmospheres, and put boundaries on negative people in your life.Through a series of interactive exercises, you will uncover the root of your concerns, so that you can set new goals and work towards the life you were meant to live.Scroll up the page and press the "Buy Now with 1-Click" button.

  • - LIBERATI DAI PENSIERI: Controlla i tuoi pensieri per sentirti subito meglio. Semplici strategie per principianti per ottenere straordinari risultati sul lavoro e nella vita personale!
    af Edward Bold
    138,95 kr.

    Ti senti spesso sopraffatto dai tuoi stessi pensieri negativi?Ti senti paralizzato da confusione e dubbi?Non riesci a divertirti con gli amici perché ti senti giudicato e ridicolizzato?Ti capita di perdere le amicizie per semplici incomprensioni?Puoi cambiare la tua vita prendendo il controllo della tua realtà.Stress e ansia sono il risultato dei tuoi pensieri negativi e sono le aspettative che ti sei creato da solo a impedirti una vita migliore.Liberati la mente dai pensieri distruttivi e dalle aspettative irrealistiche, rilasciando la tensione che hai accumulato, con l'adozione di nuove abitudini costruttive.Questo libro ti aiuterà a lasciar andare i tuoi vecchi costrutti mentali e a rimpiazzarli con nuove alternative.Leggendo questo libro imparerai come: fiorire nella miglior versione di te;visualizzare e raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi;agire invece di procrastinare;riformulare diversamente i tuoi pensieri negativi;uscire dal ciclo vizioso del "pensar troppo";pianificare una strategia per liberarti dai pensieri;riconoscere i sintomi dell'ansietà;evitare tutto quanto innesca la negatività;utilizzare le emozioni positive per tacitare quelle negative;... e molto altro!Leggendo questo libro imparerai che la maggior parte dei tuoi pensieri non sono affidabili e che quasi tutte le tue aspettative e paure sono irreali.Apprenderai tecniche passo-passo per scoprire cosa innesca i tuoi pensieri, i cicli viziosi e i malumori; inoltre imparerai a tener lontane da te le persone negative.Attraverso gli esercizi comprenderai la radice dei tuoi problemi, per poter fissare obiettivi e raggiungere i traguardi che ti sei prefissato nella vita.Clicca su "ACQUISTARE ADESSO CON 1-CLICK"!

  • - Systems of Traffic on the Windward and Gold Coast, Mercantile Navigation, Etc.].
    af Edward Bold
    222,95 kr.

  • - Containing an Accurate Description of the Coast, Bays, Harbours, and Adjacent Islands of West Africa
    af Edward Bold
    370,95 kr.

    Royal Navy officer Edward Bold published this book in 1822 to provide safer, more efficient navigational instructions for ships wanting to go to the west coast of Africa. He also includes explanations of the types of commerce in the region and how to engage in trade.