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Bøger af Edgar P. Jacobs

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  • af Edgar P. Jacobs
    103,95 kr.

    Created byEdgar Pierre Jacobs after WWII, Professor Philip Mortimer, nuclear physicist, and Captain Francis Blake, dashing head of MI5, are legendary heroes of the 9th art. The author, a close friend of Hergé, took part in the visual realisation of Tintin in the Congo, Tintin in America, The Blue Lotus, King Ottokar's Sceptre, The Seven Crystal Balls, and Prisoners of the Sun.

  • af Edgar P. Jacobs
    98,95 kr.

    One evening in Tokyo, air traffic controllers detect an unknown flying object and send two aircraft to intercept and identify it. However, the fighters' last message before they crash into each other is 'ryu' - dragon! The whole business has deeply upset Professor Sato Akira, and he calls upon his friend Mortimer, who can always be counted upon for good advice. But before he's even received the invitation, Mortimer is already targeted by men hell bent on getting rid of him... Captain Francis Blake, dashing head of England's MI5. Professor Philip Mortimer, world-renowned nuclear physicist. The most distinguished duo of gentleman-adventurers, battling the forces of evil and their arch nemesis Olrik around the globe, below the earth, even across time itself... The 22nd adventure of Her Majesty's finest protectors! ,

  • af Edgar P. Jacobs
    128,95 kr.

    Deep under Sao Miguel island, rumoured to be the last emerging part of Atlantis, Professor Mortimer has discovered samples of a mysterious radioactive metal. Could it be the Atlanteans' legendary orichalcum?

  • af Edgar P. Jacobs
    138,95 kr.

    Captain Francis Blake, dashing head of England's MI5. Professor Philip Mortimer, world-renowned nuclear physicist. The most distinguished duo of gentleman-adventurers, battling the forces of evil and their arch nemesis Olrik around the globe, below the earth, even across time itself... The 17th adventure of Her Majesty's finest protectors!

  • af Edgar P. Jacobs
    143,95 kr.

    The original adventures of Francis Blake and Philip Mortimer, from the 1940s.

  • af Edgar P. Jacobs
    118,95 kr.

    Captain Francis Blake, dashing head of England's MI5. Professor Philip Mortimer, world-renowned nuclear physicist. The most distinguished duo of gentleman-adventurers, battling the forces of evil and their arch nemesis Olrik around the globe, below the earth, even across time itself... The 16th adventure of Her Majesty's finest protectors!

  • af Edgar P. Jacobs
    143,95 kr.

    Captain Blake having been assassinated at Athens Airport, Olrik seems to have won the first round. A furious Mortimer swears that he'll avenge his friend. He goes on the hunt for Olrik, but information is scarce. Sheik Abdel Razek, an old man with mysterious powers, protects him against Dr. Grossgrabenstein's crew. The doctor is a devoted Egyptologist who has undertaken excavations not far from the Great Pyramid. Amidst strange events, Mortimer sometimes feels like he's losing his way in this investigation that will lead him into the darkest depths of the Great Pyramid.

  • af Edgar P. Jacobs
    153,95 kr.

    London's walls resound with the incredible exploits of the 'Yellow Mark.' The spectacular actions of this mysterious criminal are on the increase: holding up the Bank of England, robbing the imperial crown... No one seems able to stop him. He is so audacious that he lets the police know in advance where he will commit his crimes, each time ridiculing Scotland Yard a little more. The apparent ease with which he evades police schemes begins to worry the highest authorities of the country. The Home Office asks Captain Francis Blake to solve the mystery and discover the identity of the man who hides behind the Yellow Mark. The captain immediately takes as partner his old friend, Professor Philip Mortimer, whose scientific knowledge will be invaluable in solving this extremely complex enigma. Who hides behind the Yellow Mark?

  • af Edgar P. Jacobs
    153,95 kr.

    A necklace that used to belong to Marie Antoinette, the last French queen before the French Revolution, turns up in the hands of a British collector who decides to present it to Queen Elizabeth. Blake and Mortimer's sworn enemy Olrik, about to be tried in Paris, manages to escape and steals the precious piece of jewellery.

  • af Edgar P. Jacobs
    153,95 kr.

    Extreme weather threatens the whole of continental Europe, turning the lives of its citizens inside out. The French government calls Professor Mortimer to help solve this enigma. Mortimer travels near Paris to visit his friend Professor Labrousse, the chief French meteorologist.

  • - Sværdfiskens hemmelighed
    af Edgar P. Jacobs
    398,95 kr.

    En milepæl i europæisk tegneseriehistorie!Sværdfiskens hemmelighed blev skabt 1946-49 og er tydeligt påvirket af Anden Verdenskrigs rædsler, frygten for atomkrig og nye diktaturer med totalitære krav på verdensherredømmet. Et fascinerende tidsdokument fyldt med historiske og kulturelle referencer, som bemærkelsesværdigt nok rummer spejlbilleder af vores egen moderne tid.Tegneserierne om de to ærkeengelske gentlemen atomfysikeren professor Philip Mortimer og hans gode ven kaptajn Francis Blake er selve indbegrebet af europæiske spændingstegneserier og en grundpille i det tyvende århundredes tegneserielitteratur.Den belgiske tegneserieskaber Edgar P. Jacobs (1904-1987) arbejdede på baggrund af minutiøs og målrettet research, samlede fotografier, videnskabelige afhandlinger, presseudklip og andre dokumenter, hvilket gav historierne enorm autenticitet – og tilføjelset elementer af mytologi og science fiction opstod en fascinerende og medrivende blanding af virkelighed og fiktion. Spionthrillere, komplekse kriminalsager, arkæologiske gåder og fortællinger med overnaturlige fænomener veksler mellem hinanden i et stramt tilrettelagt regi med utvetydige personkarakteristikker og omgangsformer.Edgar P. Jacobs skabte i løbet af fire årtier i alt otte historier med Blake og Mortimer fordelt på tolv album, der oprindelig udkom på dansk 1978-91, og som har været efterspurgt lige siden. Nu samles de i en endegyldig luksusudgave fordelt på seks store samlebind i ny oversættelse og med et righoldigt ekstramateriale om værkernes tilblivelse.Sværdfiskens hemmelighed udkom oprindelig på dansk med overtitlen Kampen om verdensherredømmet.1. Sværdfiskens hemmelighed2. Pyramidens hemmelighed3. Det gule mærke4. Gåden om Atlantis – SOS meteorer5. Den djævelske fælde – Marie-Antoinettes halssmykke6. Professor Satos 3 formler

  • af Edgar P Jacobs
    418,95 kr.

  • af Edgar P. Jacobs
    128,95 kr.

    Before Blake & Mortimer, Edgar P. Jacobs had created a first comic that has now attained mythical status - The U Ray. Here it is now, finally translated into English.