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Bøger af Edgar H. Schein

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  • af Edgar H. Schein
    44,95 - 233,95 kr.

    Ydmyg spørgen er den ædle kunst at få den anden til at fortælle frit, at stille spørgsmål, som man ikke i forvejen kender svaret på, og at opbygge en relation baseret på nysgerrighed og interesse for den anden.Når vi interagerer med andre mennesker – især dem, vi skal lede – sker det alt for ofte, at vi bare fortæller dem, hvad vi tror, de har brug for vide. Og det virker sjældent efter hensigten. Vi skal i stedet lære at spørge, at spørge ydmygt, med ægte interesse. Vi skal overvinde de kulturelle, organisatoriske og psykologiske barrierer, der afholder os fra at spørge, fordi, når vi spørger ydmygt, bliver vi bedre til at udvikle nye ideer, at undgå katastrofale fejl og vi opnår autentiske relationer baseret på tillid og respekt.At spørge styrker vores manøvredygtighed overfor vores medmennesker og i de organisationer, vi er i. 

  • - The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling
    af Edgar H. Schein
    213,95 kr.

    Communication is essential in a healthy organization. But all too often when we interact with peopleespecially those who report to uswe simply tell them what we think they need to know. This shuts them down. To generate bold new ideas, to avoid disastrous mistakes, to develop agility and flexibility, we need to practice Humble Inquiry. Ed Schein defines Humble Inquiry as ';the fine art of drawing someone out, of asking questions to which you do not know the answer, of building a relationship based on curiosity and interest in the other person.' In this seminal work, Schein contrasts Humble Inquiry with other kinds of inquiry, shows the benefits Humble Inquiry provides in many different settings, and offers advice on overcoming the cultural, organizational, and psychological barriers that keep us from practicing it.

  • - Om at tilbyde og modtage hjælp
    af Edgar H. Schein
    253,95 kr.

    Hvad betyder hjælpende relationer for ledelse og gruppedynamik? Det er emnet for Edgar Scheins bog. Han undersøger, hvordan hjælpens natur er tvetydig i en organisatorisk sammenhæng. Hvordan kan hjælp hjælpe med at balancere relationer i en organisation, hvordan kan hjælp blive mere hjælpsom, og hvilke sociale dynamikker findes der i hjælpende relationer? Seks ud af seks huer fra Se også interview med Edgar Schein hos Børsen TV her.

  • af Edgar H. Schein
    341,95 kr.

  • af Edgar H. Schein
    243,95 kr.

    Helping is a fundamental human relationship. From a mother feeding her infant to a friend or spouse helping to make something happen, to a group member playing his or her role to help the group to succeed, to a therapist helping a patient, to an organizational consultant or coach helping to improve individual, group or organizational functioning, helping is the basic relationship that moves things forward. Yet, paradoxically, we know relatively little about the social and psychological dynamics of that relationship.In this seminal book on the topic, corporate culture and organizational development guru Ed Schein analyzes the dynamics of helping relationships, explains why help is often not helpful, and shows what any would-be-helper must do to insure that help is actually provided.Many different words are used for helping assisting, aiding, advising, coaching, consulting, counseling, guiding, mentoring, supporting, teaching, and many more but they all have common dynamics and processes. Schein exposes and shows how to resolve the inequities and role ambiguities of helping relationships, describes the different roles that helpers can take once the relationship is balanced, and explains how to build a balanced relationship and how to intervene as that relationship develops, In this short but profound book Schein examines the social dynamics that are at play in helping relationships in order to better understand why offers of help are sometimes refused or resented, and how to make help more useful and effective.

  • - Om at tilbyde og modtage hjælp
    af Edgar H. Schein
    44,95 - 78,95 kr.

    Hvad betyder hjælpende relationer for ledelse og gruppedynamik? Det er emnet for Edgar Scheins bog. Han undersøger, hvordan hjælpens natur er tvetydig i en organisatorisk sammenhæng. Hvordan kan hjælp hjælpe med at balancere relationer i en organisation, hvordan kan hjælp blive mere hjælpsom, og hvilke sociale dynamikker findes der i hjælpende relationer? Seks ud af seks huer fra Se også interview med Edgar Schein hos Børsen TV her.

  • af Edgar H. Schein
    249,95 kr.

    This worldwide bestseller offers simple guidance for building the kind of open and trusting relationships vital for tackling global systemic challenges and developing adaptive, innovative organizations-over 200,000 copies sold and translated into seventeen languages! We live, say Edgar and Peter Schein, in a culture of ''tell.'' All too often we tell others what we think they need to know or should do. But whether we are leading or following, what matters most is we get to the truth. We have to develop a commitment to sharing vital facts and identifying faulty assumptions-it can mean the difference between success and failure. This is why we need Humble Inquiry more than ever. The Scheins define Humble Inquiry as ''the gentle art of drawing someone out, of asking questions to which you do not know the answer, of building relationships based on curiosity and interest in the other person.'' It was inspired by Edgar's twenty years of work in high-hazard industries and the health-care system, where honest communication can literally mean the difference between life and death. In this new edition the authors look at how Humble Inquiry differs from other kinds of inquiry, offer examples of it in action, and show how to overcome the barriers that keep us telling when we should be asking. This edition offers a deepening and broadening of this concept, seeing it as not just a way of posing questions but an entire attitude that includes better listening, better responding to what others are trying to tell us, and better revealing of ourselves. Packed with case examples and a full chapter of exercises and simulations, this is a major contribution to how we see human conversational dynamics and relationships, presented in a compact, personal, and eminently practical way.

  • af Edgar H. Schein
    508,95 kr.

    foreword by Lester Thurow Per capita income in Singapore has gone from $500 to more than $20,000 in a little over twenty-five years. Edgar Schein, a social psychologist with a long and celebrated research interest in organizational studies, examines the cultural history of the key intstitution that spawned this economic miracle. Through interviews and full access to Singapore's Economic Development Board (EDB), Schein shows how economic development was successfully promoted. He delves into the individual relationships and the overall structure that contributed to the EDB's effectiveness in propelling Singapore, one of Asia's "little dragons" into the modern era. In his foreword, Lester Thurrow locates Schein's organizational and case-specific account within a larger economic and comparative framework. Over a period of two years, Schein studied how the EDB was created, the kind of leadership it provided, the management structure it used, the human resource policies it pursued, and how it influenced other organizations within the Singapore government. Schein sat in on EDB meetings and extensively interviewed current and former members of the board, Singapore's leaders who created the board, and businesspeople who have dealt with the board. His book intertwines the perspective of the board's members and its investor clients in an analysis that uses both organization and cross-cultural theory. Although there are currently studies of comparable Japanese and Korean organizations, this is the first detailed analysis of the internal structure and functioning of the economic development body of Singapore, a key player in the Asian and world markets.

  • af Edgar H. Schein
    153,95 - 313,95 kr.

  • af Edgar H. Schein & Lotte Bailyn
    218,95 - 348,95 kr.

  • af Edgar H. Schein & Sloan School of Management
    153,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Edgar H. Schein
    172,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Edgar H. Schein
    325,95 kr.

    Consulting in Complex and Changing Times Organizations face challenges today that are too messy and complicated for consultants to simply play doctor: run a few tests, offer a neat diagnosis of the problem, and recommend a solution. Edgar Schein argues that consultants have to jettison the old idea of professional distance and work with their clients in a more personal way, emphasizing authentic openness, curiosity, and humility. Schein draws deeply on his own decades of experience, offering over two dozen case studies that illuminate each stage of this humble consulting process. Just as he did with Process Consultation nearly fifty years ago, Schein has once again revolutionized the field, enabling consultants to be more genuinely helpful and vastly more effective.

  • af Edgar H. Schein
    478,95 kr.

  • af Dorthe Staunæs, Ole Fogh Kirkeby, Sverre Raffnsøe, mfl.
    313,95 kr.

    'Ydmyghed i ledelse er vigtigt, fordi mange medarbejdere reelt er klogere end deres leder. En leder skal derfor ikke være interessant i sig selv, men interesseret i sine medarbejdere, deres perspektiver, ytringer, indsigter og bidrag til organisationens drift og udvikling. Ydmyghed om egen praksis skaber de bedste forudsætninger for, at hele organisationens samlede kapacitet kommer i spil på bedste vis i relation til de opgaver, organisationen har. Ydmyghed skaber plads til andre, og det er en meget væsentlig del af ledelse at kunne det.'- Lene Tanggaard, rektor ved Designskolen i Kolding og professor ved Aalborg UniversitetAt være ydmyg som leder kan lyde, som om man skal underlægge sig nogen eller noget og gøre sig underdanig. Men, som denne antologi viser, hænger ledelse og ydmyghed sammen, og ydmyghed er langt fra det samme som ydmygelse. Ydmyghed bør nemlig gå hånd i hånd med det at være en stærk og succesfuld leder, der kan udvise beslutsomhed og håndtere de mangfoldige ledelsesopgaver.Den ydmyge leder er opmærksom på sin lederrolle og på, hvad der motiverer medarbejderne, og hvad de har brug for, og nedtoner sin egen person og rolle. Det er en ny form for ledelsesintegritet, der står i kontrast til den traditionelle leder, der går forrest og dirigerer og dikterer. Med en ydmyg tilgang til ledelse forlades den traditionelle hierarkiske ledelseskultur, hvor ledere styrer og overvåger medarbejderne, og der gives i stedet plads til medarbejdernes ressourcer og til det at træffe beslutninger ud fra en analytisk og inddragende tilgang. Ydmyghed i ledelse kan altså medvirke til at skabe et bedre arbejdsmiljø, hvor medarbejderne gider være, og hvor de oplever, at de trives og udfordres fagligt.Denne antologi tilbyder forskellige perspektiver på fænomenet ydmyghed i ledelse og inspiration til mulige handletiltag. Bogen henvender sig til ledere i den offentlige og den private sektor, ledere på enten diplomuddannelsen i ledelse, den offentlige lederuddannelse eller på masteruddannelse. Desuden vil bogen kunne anvendes på mellemlange eller lange videregående uddannelser, der beskæftiger sig med ledelse.Bogens bidragydere er Dion Rüsselbæk Hansen, Ole Fogh Kirkeby, Karsten Mellon (red.), Henry Mintzberg, Lotte Elleberg Møller, Eva Pallesen, Sverre Raffnsøe, Edgar Schein, Peter Schein, Dorthe Staunæs, Cæcilie Orloff Søemod, Lea Meier Thode og Karl Tomm.Karsten Mellon (red.) er ph.d. og lektor ved Professionshøjskolen Absalon og derudover cand.mag. i pædagogik, master i organisationspsykologi (MPO) og diplom i ledelse. Han står bag udgivelserne Den kritiske leder (2017) og Den modige leder (2018), der kan ses som forløbere til denne bog.

  • - Strategic Job and Role Planning
    af Edgar H. Schein
    232,95 kr.

    Forecast how jobs will change in the future and plan accordingly Career Survival shows you how to identify the key elements of an individuala s job now and in the future and how to set appropriate priorities.

  • af Edgar H. Schein
    412,95 kr.

    Unlike other types of qualitative research, the clinical perspective in field research does not aim to be impartial and uninvolved. The clinician is usually a consultant brought in specifically to effect change in an organization, and therefore works under a very different set of technical and ethical restraints. Edgar Schein succinctly outlines the clinical perspective in field research, how it differs from other types of qualitative research and its inherent rewards and difficulties.