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Bøger af Dylan Thomas

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  • af Dylan Thomas
    194,45 kr.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    129,45 kr.

    The definitive collection of Dylan Thomas' short stories, showing just why he is considered one of the 20th century's finest writers. Also featuring a bold new livery in celebration of the Dylan Thomas centenary.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    109,45 kr.

    Experiments with the notion of sin as an element of design. This novel is a puzzle, intended to tease conventional minds with its exploration of the myriad interrelationships between art, life, and consequence.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    229,45 kr.

    Commissioned by the BBC, and described by Dylan Thomas as 'a play for voices', UNDER MILK WOOD takes the form of an emotive and hilarious account of a spring day in the fictional Welsh seaside village of Llareggub. We learn of the inhabitants' dreams and desires, their loves and regrets. The play introduces us to characters such as Captain Cat who dreams of his drowned former seafellows and Nogood Boyo who dreams of nothing at all. It is a unique and touching depiction of a village that has 'fallen head over bells in love'. The First Voice narration reveals the ordinary world of daily happenings and events, while the Second Voice conveys the intimate, innermost thoughts of the fascinating folk of Llareggub.There have been myriad productions of UNDER MILK WOOD over the years and Richard Burton, Peter O'Toole, Elizabeth Taylor, Sir Anthony Hopkins and Tom Jones have all starred in radio, stage or film adaptations.Dylan Thomas's classic radio play reprinted to celebrate the centenary of his birth. A true masterpiece that has never been out of print.

  • - Udvalgte digte
    af Dylan Thomas
    249,45 kr.

    Udvalg af Dylan Thomas' digte på dansk ved Jon Høyer.For første gang findes nu et fyldigt udvalg af den store walisiske poet Dylan Thomas' digte på dansk. Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) var en af det 20. århundredes største engelsksprogede digtere. Med sin sproglige originalitet, som undertiden sammenlignes med Shakespeare, fornyede han det engelske sprog markant. I dette udvalg er alle Thomas' fem digtsamlinger repræsenteret, og udgivelsen rummer alle de mest kendte af digtene, deriblandt "Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night" og "The Force that through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower".

  • af Dylan Thomas
    109,45 kr.

    An ideal introduction to the poetry of one of this country's finest ever poets and featuring a bold new livery in celebration of the Dylan Thomas centenary.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    119,45 kr.

    The definitive collection of Dylan Thomas' poetic ouevre.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    105,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    105,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    52,95 - 113,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    135,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    142,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    119,95 kr.

    Dylan Thomas' nostalgic account of Christmases in a small Welsh town during his childhood is one of his most popular works. A gorgeously illustrated new edition of this lyrical 1952 classic, featuring popular Swansea artist John Upton's illustrations of the very house Thomas grew up in on Cwmdonkin Drive in Swansea.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    52,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    89,45 kr.

    Set in the small Welsh village of Llareggub, this 'play for voices' weaves a tapestry of dreams and reality, exploring the intricate lives of its inhabitants with a blend of humour, poignancy and lyrical beauty. Thomas's mastery of language and profound understanding of the human spirit shine in this timeless classic, inviting readers into a day in the life of a community where each character's story resonates with the universal themes of love, loss and the passage of time.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    74,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    113,95 kr.

    A selection of the very best poems and stories by Dylan Thomas, one of the greatest poets of the twentieth century.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    54,45 kr.

    Under Milk Wood is Dylan Thomas's best-known and best-loved work, his radio play completed in 1953 at the very end of his life. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog is his first collection of short stories. These works show us his creative brilliance at the start and at the end of a highly productive writing life.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    74,45 kr.

    With an Introduction and Notes by Sally Minogue This edition is based on the collection of poems assembled by Thomas himself and published in November 1952, just a year before his death in New York.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    154,45 kr.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    109,45 kr.

    New annotated edition of Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog by Dylan Thomas. It has proven to be second only in popularity to the author's masterpiece, Under Milk Wood, demonstrating that Thomas was as much a master of prose as he was of poetry.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    109,45 kr.

    'It is spring, moonless night in the small town, starless and bible-black...'Under Milk Wood tells the story of a Welsh village during one spring day. It is populated by some of the best-loved characters in British literature. Lyrical, funny, moving, it is rooted in place but with a universality that has spoken to generations of readers. A Welsh epic, a work of poetic genius, a modern classic.'A tour de force of oral poetry which oozes word pictures and onomatopoeic musicality' Guardian

  • af Dylan Thomas
    254,45 kr.

    This gathering of all Dylan Thomas's stories-ranging chronologically from the dark, almost surrealistic tales of Thomas's youth to such gloriously rumbustious celebrations of life as "A Child's Christmas in Wales" and "Adventures in the Skin Trade"-charts the progress of "The Rimbaud of Cwmdonkin Drive" toward his mastery of the comic idiom. Here, too, are stories originally written for radio and television and, in a short appendix, the schoolboy pieces first published in the Swansea Grammar School Magazine. A high point of the collection is Thomas's "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog," a vivid collage of memories from his Swansea childhood that combines the lyricism of his poetry with the sparkle and sly humor of Under Milk Wood. Also here is the fiction from Quite Early One Morning, a collection planned by Thomas shortly before his death.Altogether there are more than forty stories, providing a rich and varied literary feast and showing Dylan Thomas in all his intriguing variety-somber fantasist, joyous word-spinner, and irrepressible comedian of smalltown Wales.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    299,45 kr.

    "Von diesem grandiosen Klassiker des Wortweltmeisters Dylan Thomas waren sie alle begeistert- die Stones, die Beatles, Anthony Hopkins, Richard Burton, Igor Strawinsky - und ich auch!" Elke HeidenreichDas legendäre Werk des walisischen Dichters Dylan Thomas in einer neuen, funkelnden Übersetzung von Jan Wagner, der ,Unterm Milchwald' als das schönste Stück Literatur bezeichnet, "das jemals über den Äther lief". Der Morgen beginnt in dem kleinen Fischerdorf Llareggub an der walisischen Küste. Wir folgen den Bewohnern in ihre Träume, wir sitzen in den Stuben, hören die Gespräche in einer Schenke, lugen in die Brautkammern unverheirateter Mädchen, erfahren von den Wünschen des blinden Kapitäns Cat und folgen insbesondere den heimlichen Liebespaaren hinauf in den Milchwald. Eine einzigartige "Prosa mit Blutdruck", die von Bildern, Lautmalereien, Wortspielen schier zu bersten scheint.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    279,45 kr.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    124,45 - 194,45 kr.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    151,95 kr.

    Rebecca's Daughters is the nearest Dylan Thomas ever came to realizing his ambition to write a film scenario in such a way that it would not only stand ready for shooting but would, at the same time, give the ordinary reader a visual impression of the film in words. A romantic adventure story set in mid-nineteenth-century Wales, Rebecca's Daughters has a dashing hero who is not what he seems; commonfolk oppressed by the landowners; and finally, justice triumphant over greed and misused privilege. Who is the mysterious "Rebecca" swathed in wide black skirts with a shawl drawn over his mouth and his eyes flashing from beneath the brim of his tall black hat as he exhorts his "daughters" to tear down the hated tollgates imposed by the gentry's Turnpike Trust? And where does the foppish Anthony Raine--just returned from a tour in India with the despised British army--stand? And how is the lovely Rhiannon to choose between them? This reissue of Thomas's delightful tale of derring-do has been illustrated with charm and verve by the celebrated wood engraver and graphic artist Fritz Eichenberg.

  • af Dylan Thomas
    174,45 kr.

    In England and America Dylan Thomas made his art and personality widely known through public readings, radio broadcasts and recordings. Many of the 25 short stories, autobiographical sketches and essays in Quite Early One Morning, a volume planned by Thomas shortly before his death, were read by him on such occasions. They are alive with his verbal magic, his intense perception of life, his gargantuan humor and with the very ring of his voice. Included in this collection of prose pieces are such favorites as the hilarious "A Visit to America," the account of a small boy's marvelous day's outing--"A Story," and the memorable "A Child's Christmas in Wales" which has been called 'the twentieth century Christmas Carol.' Other pieces show Thomas's power as a sensitive critic of poetry and as an exponent of his own intent as a poet.