Bøger af Douglas Wilson
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- 193,95 kr.
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183,95 kr. - Bog
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198,95 kr. - Bog
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98,95 kr. - Bog
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98,95 kr. - Bog
- 98,95 kr.
98,95 kr. - Bog
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- 173,95 kr.
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- Criando meninos para enfrentar gigantes
193,95 kr. QUANDO THEODORE ROOSEVELT ensinou por um tempo na escola dominical, um garoto apareceu com um olho roxo. Ele admitiu que tinha brigado, e que tinha sido num domingo. Ele contou ao futuro presidente que um garoto grandalhão estava beliscando sua irmã, e por isso eles brigaram. Roosevelt disse que ele havia agido perfeitamente bem e lhe deu um dólar. O reverendo achou que aquilo era um pouco demais, então dispensaram o destemido professor de escola dominical.A incredulidade não consegue olhar para além da superfície. A incredulidade reprime; a fé ensina. A fé chama o garoto de lado, e lhe diz que parte daquilo que ele fez foi bom, embora outra parte tenha atrapalhado. "Então, eis o que você deve fazer da próxima vez..."À medida que crescem, os garotos têm de lidar com uma porção de problemas diferentes. Em Futuros Homens, Douglas Wilson começa com um chamado aos pais, e então trata da importância de assuntos tais como dedicação aos estudos e esportes, o respeito pelas garotas, o desenvolvimento de uma noção profunda de trabalho ético, evitar as armadilhas do dinheiro, combater os ídolos e pecados secretos. Este livro lança os padrões bíblicos de masculinidade sobre todas as fronteiras da vida de um garoto.DOUGLAS WILSON é pastor da Christ Church em Moscow, Idaho, Estados Unidos, e editor da revista Credenda/Agenda. Ele é autor de Futuros Homens, Reformando o Casamento, Fidelidade, O Marido Federal, O Fruto de Suas Mãos, Gloriosa Vocação, Sua Filha em Casamento e Minha Vida por Você da série best-seller sobre família, ambos publicados pela editora CLIRE.Casado com Nancy, tem três filhos e um montão de netos.
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
168,95 kr. - Bog
- 168,95 kr.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
- A Practical Theology of Work and Wealth
158,95 kr. Plod, don't sprint. Be fruitful like a tree, not efficient like a machine.In this punchy and wise book, Douglas Wilson considers the theology behind technology, work, wealth, and mission and gives unforgettable advice on how to be productive—and to think about productivity—in the digital age.We should not rush to buy each and every new iPhone or fancy new gadget, but neither neither should we reject the new technology out of nostalgia for the good ol' days when people worked with their hands or starved. Instead, we are called to see modern technology as wealth and tools that we can use, whether for good or for ill. The key is wisdom and the ability to create the right habits and the regular discipline to use what we have been given.Ploductivity: n, 1) the practice of plodding away at a pile of work, instead of frantically trying to sprint through it all2) being stable and graceful, like a buffalo upon the plains, not frantic, like a prairie dog or roadrunner
- Bog
- 158,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Echoes & Shadows is a collection of poetry that was written over the course of the past half century. This collection of poetry began while I was still a youth growing up in a small rural Northern Michigan town. The collection was continued through my college days at Central Michigan University, extending through "learning years", finishing with my coming of age as a writer and as a person.In many ways, Echoes & Shadows is a life history. It chronicles the events of my life and it speaks of the people and places that have most impacted my life. The poetry collection is my thoughts, feelings, philosophies, and memories.Echoes & Shadows is dedicated to the family, friends and women I have loved who so often have touched my life and inspired this collection of poetry.My sincerest thank you to Lisa, Tracy and Carlie Jo for their time and technical assistance in compiling these poems. Their efforts were a big factor in getting Echoes and Shadows ready for publishing.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
- How Jerusalem, Athens, Rome, London, and New York Shaped Global History
228,95 kr. In Five Cities that Ruled the World, theologian Douglas Wilson fuses together, in compelling detail, the critical moments birthed in history's most influential cities ---Jerusalem, Athens, Rome, London, and New York.
- Bog
- 228,95 kr.
- Bog
- 197,95 kr.
128,95 kr. - Bog
- 128,95 kr.
124,94 kr. - Bog
- 124,94 kr.
- Why God Calls Men to Love and Lead Their Families
208,95 kr. Filled with practical ideas and self-evaluation tools, Father Hunger both encourages and challenges men to "embrace the high calling of fatherhood," becoming the dads that their families and our culture so desperately need them to be.
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.