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Bøger af Douglas Stuart

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  • af Douglas Stuart
    108,95 - 173,95 kr.

    Winner of the Booker Prize 2020 Shortlisted for the National Book Award for Fiction 2020 A BBC Two Between the Covers 2021 Book Choice 'We were bowled over by this first novel, which creates an amazingly intimate, compassionate, gripping portrait of addiction, courage and love.' The judges of the Booker Prize 'Douglas Stuart has written a first novel of rare and lasting beauty.' - Observer It is 1981. Glasgow is dying and good families must grift to survive. Agnes Bain has always expected more from life.She dreams of greater things: a house with its own front door and a life bought and paid for outright (like her perfect, but false, teeth). But Agnes is abandoned by her philandering husband, and soon she and her three children find themselves trapped in a decimated mining town. As she descends deeper into drink, the children try their best to save her, yet one by one they must abandon her to save themselves.It is her son Shuggie who holds out hope the longest. Shuggie is different. Fastidious and fussy, he shares his mother's sense of snobbish propriety.The miners' children pick on him and adults condemn him as no' right. But Shuggie believes that if he tries his hardest, he can be normal like the other boys and help his mother escape this hopeless place. Douglas Stuart's Shuggie Bain lays bare the ruthlessness of poverty, the limits of love, and the hollowness of pride.A counterpart to the privileged Thatcher-era London of Alan Hollinghurst's The Line of Beauty, it also recalls the work of Edouard Louis, Frank McCourt, and Hanya Yanagihara, a blistering debut by a brilliant writer with a powerful and important story to tell.

  • Spar 16%
    af Douglas Stuart
    133,95 - 188,95 kr.

    Shuggie Bain er den uforglemmelige fortælling om drengen Hugh ”Shuggie” Bain, en sød og ensom dreng som tilbringer sin barndom i et nedslidt alment boligbyggeri i firsernes Glasgow. Thatchers politik har gjort fædre og sønner arbejdsløse, og snart hærges byen af fattigdom, misbrug og forfald.Shuggies mor Agnes lever livet hårdt. Shuggie forguder hende, men hun er også en sten i skoen for både ham og hans søskende. Hun drømmer om at få foden under eget bord, mens hun bestiller tilfældige postordreting på kredit og forsvinder ind i sin egen verden, mens hendes mand ser andre kvinder. Agnes drikker, og hun bruger langt det meste af familiens understøttelse på guldøl, som hun drikker af tekrus. Agnes’ større børn finder på hver sin måde væk i sikker afstand af deres alkoholiserede mor, og Shuggie overlades alene til hendes udsving mellem hovedløs druk og tørlagt fornuft. Shuggie længes desperat efter at være normal, selvom hans omverden ser ham som en afviger. Agnes elsker sin søn, men i sit misbrug formår hun alligevel ikke at give ham den støtte han har brug for, for at finde sig selv og forstå sin seksualitet. Shuggie Bain er en rørende roman om afhængighed, seksualitet og kærlighed, et episk portræt af en familie i arbejderklassen som man sjældent møder i romanens verden. Læsningen bringer mindelser om Édouard Louis, Alan Hollinghurst og Hanya Yanagihara. En tindrende debut. Pressen skrev om Shuggie Bain:Et mesterværk. – Washington PostEn elegant åbenbaring af en debut. Hjerteknusende. – GuardianUfatteligt levende. Efterlader sin læser overvældet og imponeret. – New York Times Book ReviewOrd som ”kraftfuld”, ”indtagende”, ”en universel fortælling” bruges ofte i boganmeldelser. Men sjældent er de så meget på sin plads som når det kommer til Shuggie Bain. – Sunday Times

  • Spar 22%
    af Douglas Stuart
    188,95 - 233,95 kr.

    Mungo og James burde ikke være venner. I 1990’ernes hypermaskuline og voldsramte Glasgow, hvor protestanter og katolikker står stejlt på hver sin side, er de to teenagedrenges følelser for hinanden totalt forbudt, og drømmen om at flygte fra de trøstesløse baggårde kolliderer konstant med skrækken for at blive opdaget. Især Mungo kæmper for at holde venskabet og sit sande jeg hemmeligt for omverdenen og for storebroren Hamish, den lokale bandeleder, som har et barskt omdømme at opretholde. Da Mungos mor sender ham på en fisketur med to tvivlsomme mænd, må den ængstelige og godhjertede Mungo opbyde alt sit mod og al sin styrke for at komme tilbage i sikkerhed, til et sted, hvor han og James måske kan have en fremtid sammen.Unge Mungo er en hjertegribende beretning om en faderløs søn og kærlighedens mirakel. Om unge mænd, der kæmper for at kunne være hvem de er, og elske hvem de vil. Om maskulinitetens grænser og farerne ved at elske for meget.

  • af Douglas Stuart
    123,95 - 198,95 kr.

    The second powerful and heart-rending novel, set in 80s Glasgow, from Douglas Stuart, Booker-Prize- and British-Book-Award-winning author of &i>Shuggie Bain&/i>

  • af Douglas Stuart
    108,95 kr.

    Fair Game brings Holmes and Watson to the United States as President Theodore Roosevelt's guests at the Saint Louis World's Fair. The year is 1904, and America is at a tipping point in a national debate about the country's future as a Pacific power. The President's support for a new Asian strategy makes him a very public target, and Holmes and Watson are soon entangled in a plot (two plots, in fact) to assassinate the President. They are also asked for help by "the woman" - Irene Adler - an American opera singer who matched wits with Holmes in a previous adventure. The danger increases when Holmes and Watson arrive at the World's Fair. As part of his campaign to convince the American people to support the occupation of the Philippines, the President has brought 1200 Filipino natives to the Fair and placed them in a compound as an exhibit. When the Filipinos begin to disappear from the compound Holmes and Watson follow the clues, to an enemy who threatens the entire nation

  • af Douglas Stuart
    318,95 kr.

    For years, Douglas Stuart's Old Testament Exegesis has been one of the most popular ways to learn how to perform exegesis-the science and art of interpreting biblical texts properly for understanding as well as proclamation. This new edition includes a major revision and expansion of online and other resources for doing biblical research and updates past editions by including a helpful configuration of the format for the exegesis process. Stuart provides guidance for full exegesis as well as for a quicker approach specifically tailored to the task of preaching. ¿A glossary of terms explains the sometimes-bewildering language of biblical scholarship, and a list of frequent errors guides the student in avoiding common mistakes. No exegetical guide for the Old Testament has been more widely used in training ministers and students to be faithful, careful interpreters of Scripture.

  • af Douglas Stuart
    213,95 kr.

    A companion to the acclaimed Word Biblical Commentary, the Word Biblical Themes series helps readers discover the most important themes of a book of the Bible. This series distills the theological essence of a given book of Scripture and serves it up in ways that enrich the preaching, teaching, worship, and discipleship of God's people.

  • af Douglas Stuart
    263,95 kr.

    The Preacher's Commentary meets the needs of today's pastors and teachers by offering clear and compelling insights that equip them to understand, apply, and communicate the truth in God's Word. Featuring vibrant paragraph-by-paragraph exposition, rich illustrations, and practical application, it is the go-to-resource for preachers and teachers.

  • - A History of the Law That Transformed America
    af Douglas T. Stuart
    311,95 kr.

    For the last sixty years, American foreign and defense policymaking has been dominated by a network of institutions created by one piece of legislation--the 1947 National Security Act. This is the definitive study of the intense political and bureaucratic struggles that surrounded the passage and initial implementation of the law. Focusing on the critical years from 1937 to 1960, Douglas Stuart shows how disputes over the lessons of Pearl Harbor and World War II informed the debates that culminated in the legislation, and how the new national security agencies were subsequently transformed by battles over missions, budgets, and influence during the early cold war. Stuart provides an in-depth account of the fight over Truman's plan for unification of the armed services, demonstrating how this dispute colored debates about institutional reform. He traces the rise of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the transformation of the CIA, and the institutionalization of the National Security Council. He also illustrates how the development of this network of national security institutions resulted in the progressive marginalization of the State Department. Stuart concludes with some insights that will be of value to anyone interested in the current debate over institutional reform.

  • af Douglas Stuart
    438,95 kr.