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Bøger af Don Green

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  • af Don Green
    208,95 kr.

    Our Lord will most certainly return one day, and when He does, it will be glory for all those in Christ. No wonder the Bible tells Christians, "Fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 1:13). But how can we fix our hope on something that has been muddled by influential, but careless, teaching? In this book that is both pastoral and academic, Don Green will lead you into the reassuring expectation that is the birthright of every true believer in Christ.

  • af Don Green
    193,95 kr.

    Transform Your Life in Just 90 Days! Do you feel stuck in a rut, unable to break free from negative thinking? > This inspirational 90-day program by author Don Green will help you form empowering habits to create lasting positive change. With short, daily readings, action steps, and profiles of successful achievers, this book provides a clear roadmap to developing and maintaining a positive mental attitude. Learn how small adjustments in thinking and behavior compound over time to yield dramatic results. Whether you want to advance your career, improve relationships, or simply be happier, this book gives you the tools to realize your full potential. Key features: 90 days of practical wisdom and inspiration Actionable steps after each reading to integrate lessons Real-life stories of people who turned their lives around Tips for making positive thinking a permanent habit Methods to unlock your innate talents and abilities Wisdom and insights from W. Clement Stone, Napoleon Hill, and others Final summary chapter for reinforcing key concepts If you desire lasting personal growth but struggle with consistency, this book provides the blueprint. With just a few minutes of reading each day, you can transform your attitude, accomplish your goals and live the life you've always imagined.

  • af Don Green
    98,95 kr.

    MICRO GIANT Little book with a big story-just the right companion for entertainment on a trip or a long evening. Dr. Jim Bennett, Lead Subatomic Particle Physicist at the Large Hanford Collider near Richland, Washington, is awakened at 2:00 a.m. by an urgent phone call from the night-shift operations physicist. A strange problem has occurred during a power surge. Even though the Collider has been turned off, it appears to be emitting an intense and increasing radiation level. Jim rushes to the Collider's control room and is at first puzzled, but finally arrives at a conclusion. During an experiment, in which beams of particles were being smashed into each other head-on at velocities near the speed of light, a mysterious microscopic entity has formed. Although it is microscopic, the entity has a giant mass for its size. This Micro Giant is rapidly bouncing around, gaining mass and emitting gamma rays while absorbing matter it contacts. Jim decides that it is an unknown type of micro black hole, and in time it could destroy the entire earth. He launches a dangerous crash effort hoping to stop the Micro Giant before it becomes unstoppable.

  • af Don Green
    143,95 kr.

    When twenty-five-year-old Emmett Green, his wife, and baby are forced off their Oregon farm in 1932 by a rent increase they can't afford, it sets off a chain of events in which Emmett becomes a lineman working on live power lines at up to 120,000-volts in Eastern Washington. At such high voltages, electricity can jump through the air out of the sizzling, crackling wires like lightning and kill anyone who gets too close. Attracted by the high pay and steady work, which were rare job benefits during the 1930's, Emmett continues working as a lineman in spite of the danger. This story is set in the high-tension time before much of today's safety equipment and procedures were developed for line work, and one in three linemen were killed on the job. During his adventures in this job, Emmett narrowly escapes being killed. Working in windstorms, freezing winter cold, and scorching summer heat, he finds himself constantly stalked by death, and he is not certain that he will survive. His plight is no different from that of the other linemen, and there is a close brotherhood between them as they face these hardships and dangers together. In spite of the adventure, danger and tension in the story, some hilarious situations result from interactions between men in the line crew, and between Emmett and members of his family. Emmett's wife urges him to get a safer job, and he ventures into other jobs in heavy electrical industries. However, these also prove to have their dangers. After some hair-raising adventures in these jobs, Emmett returns to line work. He has a final accident that ends his career as a lineman, but surprisingly puts him into a position to fulfill his lifetime goals. This story is a work of fiction, but it is based on the real-life experiences of the main characters. Two of the older linemen who have reviewed it said that some of the narrow escapes in the story are similar to ones they have experienced themselves.

  • af Don Green
    208,95 kr.

    Scripture calls believers to "examine everything carefully" (1 Thessalonians 5:21) and to "test the spirits to see whether they are from God" (1 John 4:1). In his latest book, Don Green defends the four Gospels from scholarly theories that would undermine confidence in the words of Christ recorded in God's inspired Word. Academic yet accessible, this book will help you develop lifelong principles of discernment and strengthen your view of the authority of Scripture-the sacred text which is essential for true faith and eternal life.

  • af Don Green
    223,95 kr.

    The Bible tells us to expect difficult trials as part of the Christian life. You know that you should trust God when hard times come, but exactly how do you trust God when life seems to fall apart at the seams? This life-changing study from the book of Habakkuk will teach you how to move from trials to spiritual triumph--even if your circumstances do not change.

  • af Don Green
    173,95 kr.

    NAPOLEON HILL'S SECRET by Don Green 25,000 COPY 1ST 90 DAYS LAYDOWN Goal w/ Airports & Mass Merch & International placementsCATEGORY: PERSONAL FINANCE / Personal Success / SELF-HELP / Success / Motivational / Inspirational / HappinessAUDIENCE: MILLIONS OF READERS of Napoleon Hill's & books; EVERYONE interested in SUCCESS IN LIFE, BUSINESS & LOVE = HAPPINESS!Social Media Following:> 700K followers> 250K followers> 250K followers> 15K followers> 2K followersWHY-TO-BUY:An easy-to-read guide to the "secrets" of Napoleon Hill—the greatest self-help success guru in history—from Hill's bestselling books THINK AND GROW RICH and THE LAW OF SUCCESS  Don Green is the Executive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, a Napoleon Hill expert and booster, and he will bring the full-force of the foundation—it's resources and network—and his travel/speaking events to "bear"* on the campaign to sell NAPOLEON HILL'S SECRET. THINK AND GROW RICH sells (CURRENTLY~!) between 7,500 - 10,000 copies per week (per bookscan) in all formats/editions!FUN(?) FACT(S):Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich (1937), is the #1 bestselling self-help books of all time and still a current bestselling book in hundreds (if not thousands) of editions.Don Green is a current resident of Wise, Virginia, the birthplace of former (baby) resident, Napoleon Hill!*Don Green's first business venture was charging admission to see his pet bear—yes, the living, growling kind!

  • af Don Green
    378,95 kr.

  • af Don Green & Napoleon Hill Foundation
    198,95 kr.

    Puedes crear riqueza y alcanzar la seguridad financiera; pero primero, debes aprender a pensar como un millonario. Los millonarios no se hacen por casualidad; acumular riquezas requiere planificación rigurosa y acción decisiva. Pero los principios monetarios usados por la élite financiera no están fuera del alcance de la persona promedio; ¡cualquier persona de verdad puede pensar y hacerse rico! Este libro te enseña tanto los cambios de mentalidad así como los hábitos financieros necesarios para lograr la seguridad financiera. Don Green, director ejecutivo y presidente de la Fundación Napoleon Hill, aprovecha su amplia experiencia en las inversiones personales y en el sector bancario para compartir los secretos de por qué algunas personas obtienen el éxito financiero mientras que otras siguen endeudadas, dependen de un sueldo que solo cubre sus necesidades básicas, o no logran acumular suficiente riqueza para vivir cómodamente en la jubilación. Las historias que él comparte ilustran los métodos exactos que las personas han utilizado para crear sus fortunas: gastar sabiamente, ahorrar consistentemente, invertir inteligentemente, aumentar sus ingresos y servir a otros. Green se basa en los principios atemporales de éxito de Napoleon Hill para presentar una fórmula sencilla para crear riquezas; desde transformar tu mentalidad para el éxito hasta comprender y utilizar los diferentes instrumentos de ahorro e inversión. Cada capítulo incluye sencillos pasos de acción para crear tu plan maestro para llegar a ser millonario. >

  • af Don Green
    178,95 kr.

    "You can build wealth and achieve financial security -- but first, you have to learn to think like a millionaire. Millionaires are not made by happenstance; amassing riches requires rigorous planning and decisive action. But the money principles used by the financial elite are not beyond the grasp of the average individual -- anyone truly can think and grow rich! This book teaches you both the mindset changes and the money habits required to achieve financial security. Don Green, executive director and CEO of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, leverages his extensive experience in personal investment and the banking industry to share the secrets as to why some individuals succeed financially and others remain in debt, live paycheck to paycheck, or fail to build enough wealth to live comfortably in retirement. The stories he relates illustrate the exact methods individuals have used to build their fortunes by spending wisely, saving consistently, investing intelligently, boosting their income, and serving others. Green draws on Napoleon Hill's timeless success principles to present a simple formula for wealth-building -- from transforming your mindset for success to understanding and utilizing the different savings and investment vehicles. Each chapter includes simple action steps to take to create your millionaire master plan. This is the financial primer you need to take control of your money and make it serve your definite major purpose in life. When you learn to live by the principles in this book, you can join the ranks of individuals who build a lasting legacy of wealth and generosity"--Back cover.

  • af Don Green
    418,95 kr.

    John MacArthur began his ministry at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California in 1969. Since then, millions have known him as a steadfast voice for biblical authority and teaching. But what kind of man is he in private? Don Green observed him closely over a fifteen- year period in leadership roles at Grace Church and Grace to You. In John MacArthur: An Insider's Tribute, you'll find winsome vignettes, exclusive interviews, and never-before-published photos to give you access to the man whose service to Christ has benefitted so many--all as a testimony to the grace of God in the life of John MacArthur.

  • af Don Green
    208,95 kr.

    WHAT THE MIND CAN CONCEIVE AND BELIEVE, THE MIND CAN ACHIEVE.NAPOLEON HILLA USER'S GUIDE TO APPLYING NAPOLEON HILL'S SUCCESS PRINCIPLES!In this breakthrough new book, the world's foremost expert on Napoleon Hill, Don M. Green, distills the essence of Hills world-famous success principles: NAPOLEON HILL'S SECRET. In a word, that secret is Action. According to Don Green, who is also the Executive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, if you can master this concept, you truly can achieve the success in your life that you envision. NAPOLEON HILL'S SECRETwill teach you how.For Napoleon Hill, it all starts with a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA), and Don Green provides you with the tools that will help you develop and maintain this confident state of mind. The book is filled with exercises, practical tips for putting Hills concepts into action, and motivational truths that will help you stay on track as you strive for reaching your goals, whatever they may be.Covering important topics such as surviving disappointments, taking risks, thinking like a boss, and creating harmony, NAPOLEON HILL'S SECRET will lead you to discover what you define as success, develop a plan for creating that success, and then follow through on your plan. And if you do, you won't feel like the same person anymore. Other people will notice that you have changed. They'll change the way they react to you, and their ideas about who you are and what you can do will change as well.If you read NAPOLEON HILL'S SECRET your life is going to change. Nothing will ever be the same.

  • af Don Green & Paul Willhite
    3.398,95 kr.

  • af Don Green
    208,95 - 253,95 kr.

    Napoleon Hill, born in the Appalachian town of Pound, Virginia, is best known for his world-renowned best seller, Think and Grow Rich. Among the ten top selling self-help books of all time, it contains many of the success secrets he learned as a result of a commission from Andrew Carnegie to write the world's first philosophy of success.Don Green, the son of a coal miner, was also born in Appalachia. Don always had an entrepreneurial streak and had many business successes. At forty-one he became the CEO of a bank on the verge of collapse. Running it at a profit for the next eighteen years, he was 60 when it was sold and Don was asked by the trustees of the Napoleon Hill Foundation to become their executive director. With his love for books and learning, particularly the works of Napoleon Hill, Don took the foundation's work to a new level of success.Don succeeded by applying the principles that his mentor Napoleon Hill taught. In this book, you'll develop a deeper understanding of both of these outstanding individuals and learn:The principles of success that made Hill famousDon's personal knowledge of Hill, including stories and insights that haven't been published beforeThe principles behind Think and Grow Rich and why they're relevant todayHow to put the power of Napoleon Hill to work for youTools to uncover the secrets of growth, creativity, power and achievement inside youGet ready to apply Hill's time-tested tools for success and make your dreams a reality.

  • af Napoleon Hill, Don Green & James Whittaker
    173,95 - 263,95 kr.

    This motivational guide outlines the importance of three essential principles of success: self-discipline, learning from defeat and the Golden Rule.

  • af Don Green
    2.257,95 kr.

    Up-to-Date Coverage of All Chemical Engineering TopicsΓÇòfrom the Fundamentals to the State of the ArtNow in its 85th Anniversary Edition, this industry-standard resource has equipped generations of engineers and chemists with vital information, data, and insights. Thoroughly revised to reflect the latest technological advances and processes, Perry''s Chemical Engineers'' Handbook, Ninth Edition, provides unsurpassed coverage of every aspect of chemical engineering. You will get comprehensive details on chemical processes, reactor modeling, biological processes, biochemical and membrane separation, process and chemical plant safety, and much more.This fully updated edition covers:Unit Conversion Factors and Symbols ΓÇó Physical and Chemical Data including Prediction and Correlation of Physical Properties ΓÇó Mathematics including  Differential and Integral Calculus, Statistics , Optimization ΓÇó Thermodynamics ΓÇó Heat and Mass Transfer ΓÇó Fluid and Particle Dynamics *Reaction Kinetics ΓÇó Process Control and InstrumentationΓÇó Process Economics ΓÇó Transport and Storage of Fluids ΓÇó Heat Transfer Operations and Equipment ΓÇó Psychrometry, Evaporative Cooling, and Solids Drying ΓÇó Distillation ΓÇó Gas Absorption and Gas-Liquid System Design ΓÇó Liquid-Liquid Extraction Operations and Equipment ΓÇó Adsorption and Ion Exchange ΓÇó Gas-Solid Operations and Equipment ΓÇó  Liquid-Solid Operations and Equipment ΓÇó Solid-Solid Operations and Equipment ΓÇóChemical Reactors ΓÇó Bio-based Reactions and Processing ΓÇó Waste Management including Air ,Wastewater and Solid Waste Management* Process Safety including Inherently Safer Design ΓÇó Energy Resources, Conversion and Utilization* Materials of Construction