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Bøger af Don DeLillo

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  • af Don DeLillo
    174,45 kr.

  • af Don DeLillo
    164,45 kr.

  • af Don DeLillo
    119,45 kr.

    Bucky Wunderlick is a rock and roll star. Dissatisfied with a life that has brought fame and fortune, he suddenly decides he no longer wants to be a commodity. He leaves his band mid-tour and holes up in a dingy, unfurnished apartment in Great Jones Street. Unfortunately, his disappearing act only succeeds in inflaming interest . . . Great Jones Street, Don DeLillo's third novel, is more than a musical satire: it probes the rights of the individual, foreshadows the struggle of the artist within a capitalist world and delivers a scathing portrait of our culture's obsession with the lives of the few.

  • af Don DeLillo
    119,45 kr.

    Bill Gray, a famous, reclusive novelist, emerges from his isolation when he becomes the key figure in an event staged to force the release of a poet hostage in Beirut. As Bill enters the world of political violence, a nightscape of Semtex explosives and hostages locked in basement rooms, Bill's dangerous passage leaves two people stranded: his brilliant, fixated assistant, Scott, and the strange young woman who is Scott's lover - and Bill's.An extraordinary novel from Don DeLillo about words and images, novelists and terrorists, the mass mind and the arch-individualist, Mao II explores a world in which the novelist's power to influence the inner life of a culture now belongs to bomb-makers and gunmen. Winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award, Mao II is the work of an ingenious writer at the height of his powers.

  • af Don DeLillo
    129,45 kr.

    Don DeLillo's seventh novel is an exotic thriller. Set mostly in Greece, it concerns a mysterious 'language cult' seemingly behind a number of unexplained murders. Obsessed by news of this ritualistic violence, an American risk analyst is drawn to search for an explanation. We follow his progress on an obsessive journey that begins to take over his life and the lives of those closest to him. In addition to offering a series of precise character studies, The Names explores the intersection of language and culture, the perception of America from both inside and outside its borders, and the impact that narration has on the facts of a story. Meditative and probing, DeLillo wonders: how does one cope with the fact that the act of articulation is simultaneously capable of defining and circumscriptively restricting access to the self?

  • af Don DeLillo
    119,45 kr.

    Ostensibly, Don DeLillo's blackly comic second novel, End Zone, is about Gary Harkness, a football player and student at Logos College, west Texas. During a season of unprecedented success, Gary becomes increasingly fixated on the threat of nuclear war. Both frightened and fascinated by the prospect, he listens to his team-mates discussing match tactics in much the same terms as generals might contemplate global conflict. But as the terminologies of football and nuclear war - the language of end zones - become interchanged, the polysemous nature of words emerges, and DeLillo forces us to see beyond the sterile reality of substitution. This clever and playful novel is a timeless and topical study of human beings' obsession with conflict and confrontation.

  • af Don DeLillo
    184,45 kr.

    From one of the greatest writers of our time, a collection of short stories, written between 1979 and 2011; chronicling--and foretelling--three decades of American culture. From one of the greatest writers of our time, his first collection of short stories, written between 1979 and 2011, chronicling--and foretelling--three decades of American life Set in Greece, the Caribbean, Manhattan, a white-collar prison and outer space, these nine stories are a mesmerizing introduction to Don DeLillo's iconic voice, from the rich, startling, jazz-infused rhythms of his early work to the spare, distilled, monastic language of the later stories. In "Creation," a couple at the end of a cruise somewhere in the West Indies can't get off the island--flights canceled, unconfirmed reservations, a dysfunctional economy. In "Human Moments in World War III," two men orbiting the earth, charged with gathering intelligence and reporting to Colorado Command, hear the voices of American radio, from a half century earlier. In the title story, Sisters Edgar and Grace, nuns working the violent streets of the South Bronx, confirm the neighborhood's miracle, the apparition of a dead child, Esmeralda. Nuns, astronauts, athletes, terrorists and travelers, the characters in The Angel Esmeralda propel themselves into the world and define it. DeLillo's sentences are instantly recognizable, as original as the splatter of Jackson Pollock or the luminous rectangles of Mark Rothko. These nine stories describe an extraordinary journey of one great writer whose prescience about world events and ear for American language changed the literary landscape.

  • af Don DeLillo
    174,45 kr.

    Den unge filmskaperen Jim Finley er en stor beundrer av vitenskapsmannen Richard Elster. Finley reiser til California-ørkenen for å lage en dokumentar om den 73 år gamle mannen, som spilte en rolle i Bush-administrasjonens planlegging av krigen i Irak før han trakk seg tilbake. Da Elsters datter dukker opp, tar historien en tragisk vending, og det som er blitt sagt får en ny betydning.

  • af Don DeLillo
    164,45 kr.

    Dette er en roman om ekteskap, sorg og fravær. Vi følger Lauren Hartke som bor ute ved kysten i New England. En dag finner hun en merkelig mann, helt ubestemmelig av alder, i huset sitt. Han vet ubehagelige ting om livet hennes. Sammen drar de på en oppdagelsesferd i identitetens ytterkanter. Et av spørsmålene boka stiller, er: Hva er egentlig en person? Hva er det egentlig performanceartisten Lauren Hartke opplever sammen med den ubestemmelige Mr. Tuttle? Og hvilken sammenheng er det mellom første kapittels nitide skildring av et frokostritual, og boringene i identitet, språk og tidsforståelse i resten av fortellingen?

  • af Don DeLillo
    234,45 kr.

    Boken er historien om store og små menn og kvinner i etterkrigstidens USA, en fortelling om hvordan politikk og teknologi krysser enkeltmenneskets liv i historiens underverden, om hverdagslivets vilkår i skyggen av amerikansk storpolitikk og den kalde krigen.

  • af Don DeLillo
    109,45 kr.

    Don DeLillo completed The Silence just weeks before the devastating advent of Covid-19. This timely and compelling novel is the story of a different catastrophic event.

  • af Don DeLillo
    194,45 kr.

    A brilliant satire of mass culture and the numbing effects of technology, White Noise tells the story of Jack Gladney, a teacher of Hitler studies at a liberal arts college in Middle America. Jack and his fourth wife, Babette, bound by their love, fear of death, and four ultramodern offspring, navigate the rocky passages of family life to the background babble of brand-name consumerism. Then a lethal black chemical cloud, unleashed by an industrial accident, floats over there lives, an "e;airborne toxic event"e; that is a more urgent and visible version of the white noise engulfing the Gladneysthe radio transmissions, sirens, microwaves, and TV murmurings that constitute the music of American magic and dread.

  • af Don DeLillo
    119,45 kr.

    When Billy Twillig, a genius adolescent, wins the first Nobel Prize ever to be given in mathematics, he is recruited to live and work in the company of thirty Nobel laureates in obscurity underground. There, away from the rest of the world, this panel of estranged, demented and lovable scientists work together on a secret scientific project: deciphering a mysterious transmission received from outer space, from just near Ratner's Star.Written in Don DeLillo's characteristically mesmerizing prose, Ratner's Star is a brilliantly observed, funny and deeply thought-provoking novel which explores the mysterious, mind-blowing, mathematical world of the future.

  • af Don DeLillo
    119,45 kr.

    In this remarkable novel of menace and mystery, Pammy and Lyle Wynant are an attractive, modern couple who seem to have it all. Yet behind their "e;ideal"e; life is a lingering boredom and quiet desperation: their talk is mostly chatter, their sex life more a matter of obligatory "e;satisfaction"e; than pleasure. And still they remain untouched, "e;players"e; indifferent to the violence that surrounds them, and that they have helped to create.Originally published in 1977, Players is a fast-moving yet starkly drawn socially critical drama that demonstrates the razor-sharp prose and thematic density for which Don DeLillo is renowned today.

  • af Don DeLillo
    102,95 kr.

    Jeffrey Lockhart has been summoned to The Convergence: a remote and secret compound where death is exquisitely, cryogenically controlled.He is there to say goodbye to his stepmother, Artis, who has chosen to surrender her dying body; preserving it until a future time when biomedical advances and new technologies can return her to a life of transcendent promise. And his healthy father, Ross, might join her.Hypnotic and seductive, Zero K is a visionary novel about the legacies we leave, the nobility of death, and the ultimate worth of 'the mingled astonishments of our time, here, on earth.'

  • af Don DeLillo
    119,45 kr.

    The play opens in a hospital; the characters are patients, doctors and nurses. It is a recognizable, predictable world. And yet, as the scenes unfold - in dialogue crackling with intelligence and insight, with incandescent bite and humour - our sense of normalcy is rocked from under us. Are these doctors and nurses really just patients from the Arno Klein Psychiatric Wing? Or are they something else entirely: people who are playing psychiatric patients playing doctors and nurses? And who, exactly, is Arno Klein? Described by the Boston Globe on its first performance as 'an unselfconscious, fizzing, inventive black comedy that is enormously funny', The Day Room displays Don DeLillo's extraordinary talents in the brightest of lights.

  • af Don DeLillo
    149,45 kr.

    In Valparaiso, a breathtaking play from Don DeLillo, a man sets out on what he imagines will be an ordinary business trip to Valparaiso, Indiana. It proves to be anything but run-of-the-mill, turning instead into a mock-heroic journey toward identity and transcendence. Valparaiso is a funny, sharp and deeply satirical look at our information age. This is the way we talk to each other today. This is the way we tell each other things, in public, before listening millions, that we don't dare say privately. Nothing is allowed to be unseen. Nothing remains unread. And everything melts repeatedly into something else, as if driven by the finger on the TV remote. This is also a play that makes obsessive poetry out of the language of routine airline announcements and the flow of endless information.

  • af Don DeLillo
    105,95 kr.

    Reading the fiction of Don DeLillo is an utterly original experience: powerful, prescient, perceptive. Writing in a prose that is both majestic and muscular, his unerringly accurate vision penetrates deep into the soul of America and consistently leaves readers with a fresh perspective on the world. Since the publication of his first novel, in 1971, he has been acknowledged across the world as one of the greatest writers of his generation. Richard Elster, a retired secret war adviser, has retreated to a forlorn house in a desert, 'somewhere south of nowhere'. But his planned isolation is interrupted when he is joined by a young filmmaker intent on documenting his experience in a one-take film. The two men sit on the deck, drinking and talking. Weeks go by. And then Elster's daughter Jessie visits. When a devastating event follows, all the men's talk, the accumulated meaning of conversation and isolation, is thrown into question. Written in hypnotic prose, Point Omega is both a metaphysical meditation and a deeply unsettling mystery, from which one thing emerges: loss, fierce and incomprehensible.

  • af Don DeLillo
    109,45 kr.

    The Body Artist begins with normality: breakfast between a married couple, Lauren and Rey, in their ramshackle rented house on the New England coast. Recording their delicate, intimate, half-complete thoughts and words, Don DeLillo proves himself a stunningly unsentimental observer of our idiosyncratic relationships. But after breakfast, Rey makes a decision that leaves Lauren utterly alone, or seems to. As Lauren, the body artist of the title, becomes strangely detached from herself and the temporal world, the novel becomes an exploration of a highly abnormal grieving process; a fascinating expose of 'who we are when we are not rehearsing who we are'; and a rarefied study of trauma and creativity, absence and presence, isolation and communion.

  • af Don DeLillo
    119,45 kr.

    Falling Man begins on September 11, in the smoke and ash of the burning towers. In the days and the years following, we trace the aftermath of this global tremor in the private lives of a few reticulated individuals. Theirs are lives choreographed by loss, by grief and by the enormous force of history. From these intimate portraits, Don DeLillo shifts to an extrapolated vision: he charts the way the events have reconfigured our emotional landscape, our memory and our perception of the world. Falling Man is an unforgettable novel, at once cathartic and beautiful and heartbreaking.

  • af Don DeLillo
    514,45 kr.

    Jack Gladney er leder af Institut for Hitlerstudier ved et universitet i en mindre amerikansk by. Her er hans kolleger for størstedelens vedkommende film- og mediegale newyorkere, der er kommet dertil for at studere trivialkulturen, læse tv-programmer og cornflakespakkernes tekster samt fordybe sig i den amerikanske magi og frygt. Privat lever Jack sammen med sin fjerde kone, Babette, og fire af deres sammenbragte børn i et forholdsvist almindeligt familieliv, omgivet af hvid støj fra radioudsendelser, sirener, mikrobølger, ultrasoniske apparater og fjernsynsmumlen.En dag sker der et kemisk udslip i den lille by, og Jack udsættes i nogle minutter for giftskyens stråling. Efterfølgende undersøger lægerne ham for mulige følgevirkninger, men uden at interessere sig synderligt for patienten selv. Løbende udvikler det sig til en voldsom dødsangst hos Jack, der ikke kan se sin vej ud og derfor lægger en vanvittig plan.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlDon DeLillo (f. 1936) er født i New York og er en af de mest anerkendte nulevende amerikanske forfattere. Han debuterede i 1971 med romanen "Americana" og har sidenhen været en fundamental del af den postmoderne litteratur. Forfattere som Brett Easton Ellis og David Foster Wallace er begge blevet inspireret af Don DeLillos værker.

  • af Don DeLillo
    349,45 kr.

    Dybt utilfreds med udfaldet af Cubakrisen beslutter nogle afdankede CIA-agenter at iscenesætte et mislykket attentat mod præsident John F. Kennedy. De planlægger at attentatforsøget efterfølgende skal tilskrives Fidel Castro for på den måde at skabe modvilje mod den amerikanske udenrigspolitik.Lee Harvey Oswald, en falleret marinesoldat, bliver udvalgt som attenetatmand. Han har længe været fascineret af Karl Marx, boet i Rusland og har derudover været aktiv i uddelingen af oplysningsmateriale til fordel for Cuba.Men Oswald er vægelsindet og trods presset fra agenterne kan han ikke beslutte sig til, om han vil være med eller ej. Og hans beslutning bliver afgørende for Amerikas skæbne: Skal Dallas blot være et endnu et stop på præsidentens rundrejse, eller skal det blive stedet, hvor alle amerikanske drømme snigmyrdes?idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlDon DeLillo (f. 1936) er født i New York og er en af de mest anerkendte nulevende amerikanske forfattere. Han debuterede i 1971 med romanen "Americana" og har sidenhen været en fundamental del af den postmoderne litteratur. Forfattere som Brett Easton Ellis og David Foster Wallace er begge blevet inspireret af Don DeLillos værker.

  • - A Play
    af Don DeLillo
    164,45 kr.

    Love-Lies-Bleeding, Don DeLillo''s third play, is a daring, profoundly compassionate story about life, death, art and human connection. Three people gather to determine the fate of the man who sits in a straight-backed chair saying nothing. He is Alex Macklin, who gave up easel painting to do land art in the southwestern desert, and he is seventy now, helpless in the wake of a second stroke. The people around him are the bearers of a complicated love, his son, his young wife, the older woman -- his wife of years past -- who feels the emotional tenacity of a love long-ended. It is their question to answer. When does life end, and when should it end? In this remote setting, without seeking medical or legal guidance, they move unsteadily toward last things. Luminous, spare, unnervingly comic and always deeply moving, Love-Lies-Bleeding explores a number of perilous questions about the value of life and how we measure it.