Bøger af Dina Emundts
1.873,95 kr. German Idealism is one of the most important and momentous epochs in modern philosophy. Agreement on the concept of philosophy and on what philosophical theory formation is capable of achieving was largely shaped - and its continued development ensured to this day - by systematic philosophy on foundations laid by Kant. Both in German-speaking countries and abroad, the volume of research on German Idealism has increased remarkably in recent decades. The intensity of exploration has been particularly notable in Anglo-American regions, though attention to this subject has unmistakably increased in France, Italy, Spain, and Japan as well. Such study has created setting for international research marked by many different philosophical interests, methodological orientations, and cultural traditions. The International Yearbook of German Idealism is a response to this development. It gives international research on German Idealism a forum for discussion and provides an international framework for comparative investigation of theories and problems relating to German Idealism. It also addresses topics central to current philosophical debates.
- Bog
- 1.873,95 kr.
1.873,95 kr. Der Band 15 des Internationalen Jahrbuchs des Deutschen Idealismus ist dem Thema Psychologie gewidmet.
- Bog
- 1.873,95 kr.
2.158,95 kr. German Idealism is one of the most important and momentous epochs in modern philosophy. Agreement on the concept of philosophy and on what philosophical theory formation is capable of achieving was largely shaped - and its continued development ensured to this day - by systematic philosophy on foundations laid by Kant. Both in German-speaking countries and abroad, the volume of research on German Idealism hasincreased remarkably in recent decades. The intensity of exploration has been particularly notable in Anglo-American regions, though attention to this subject has unmistakably increased in France, Italy, Spain, and Japan as well. Such study has createdsetting for international research marked by many different philosophical interests, methodological orientations, and cultural traditions. The International Yearbook of German Idealism is a response to this development.It gives international research on German Idealism a forum for discussion and provides an international framework for comparative investigation of theories and problems relating to German Idealism. It also addresses topics central to current philosophical debates.
- Bog
- 2.158,95 kr.
- Zur Rolle des Nachlasswerkes fur die Grundlegung der empirischen Physik
2.093,95 kr. Funktion und Bedeutung des Opus postumum für die Philosophie Kants sind in der Forschungsliteratur umstritten. Dina Emundts zeigt, dass die Hauptaufgabe des Nachlasswerkes ist, ein System aller für die empirischen Erkenntnisse erforderlichen Begriffe auszuarbeiten, und warum dies zur Fundierung der empirischen Physik unerlässlich sein soll. Sie analysiert das Verhältnis der Konzeption des Opus postumum zu Kants früheren Schriften. Darüber hinaus geht sie den Fragen nach: Warum hält Kant die Fundierung der empirischen Wissenschaften für erforderlich und warum ist dies eine philosophische Aufgabe? Wie rechtfertigt Kant die Möglichkeit naturwissenschaftlicher empirischer Erkenntnisse? Wie verfährt er bei dem Projekt, für die empirische Physik die notwendigen begrifflichen Mittel zur Verfügung zu stellen?
- Bog
- 2.093,95 kr.