Bøger af Diane Poole Heller
- How to Create Deep and Lasting Intimate Relationships
213,95 kr. In the wake of trauma, your unique attachment style deeply influences what happens next. With expert guidance, this book teaches the principles and practices for finding your way back to wholeness, resiliency, and connection-based on the unique way that you connect with others.
- Bog
- 213,95 kr.
- Guide til forløsning af traumer efter trafikuheld og andre ulykker
73,95 kr. Traumeheling beskriver traumer som en naturlig fysiologisk proces, der går i gang, når vi udsættes for voldsomme begivenheder som ulykker og trafikuheld. Det er IKKE en sygelig tilstand. Bogen viser, hvordan man kan lide under uforløste traumesymptomer, der stammer fra tidligere ulykker, symptomer, som man tilskriver andre årsager eller ignorerer. Overvægt, seksuelle problemer, søvnløshed og en lang række andre symptomer kan hænge sammen med gamle traumer. Bogen anviser en række øvelser, cases og behandlinger, som kan være effektive med det samme. Den indeholder en række visualiseringer, afspændinger og arbejdsskemaer, som giver os mulighed for at deltage direkte og udnytte vores iboende evne til selvhelbredelse. Bogen henvender sig både til mennesker, der er ramt af traumer og til de terapeuter og psykologer, der tager sig af dem. Diane Poole Heller og Laurence S. Heller har specialiseret sig i at undervise sundhedsuddannede i, hvordan man arbejder med traumers eftervirkninger. De har udviklet deres traumehelingsmetode på grundlag af Peter A. Levines Somatic Experiencing, beskrevet i Væk tigeren. Diane Poole Heller er den primære underviser på uddannelsen til Somatic Experiencing Practitioner i Danmark. "Traumeheling sætter den enkelte i stand til at komme sig efter ulykkes-relateret smerte og lidelse." – Dr. Jeffrey T. Parker
- E-bog
- 73,95 kr.
- A Self-Healing Guide to Auto Accident Trauma and Recovery
188,95 kr. Trauma following automobile accidents can persist for weeks, months, or longer. Symptoms include nervousness, sleep disorders, loss of appetite, and sexual dysfunction. In Crash Course, Diane Poole Heller and Laurence Heller take readers through a series of case histories and exercises to explain and treat the health problems and trauma brought on by car accidents.
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
198,95 kr. How traumatic events can break our vital connections―and how to restore love, wholeness, and resiliency in your life. From our earliest years, we develop an attachment style that follows us through life, replaying in our daily emotional landscape, our relationships, and how we feel about ourselves. And in the wake of a traumatic event―such as a car accident, severe illness, loss of a loved one, or experience of abuse―that attachment style can deeply influence what happens next. In The Power of Attachment, Dr. Diane Poole Heller, a pioneer in attachment theory and trauma resolution, shows how overwhelming experiences can disrupt our most important connections― with the parts of ourselves within, with the physical world around us, and with others. The good news is that we can restore and reconnect at all levels, regardless of our past. Here, you'll learn key insights and practices to help you: Restore the broken connections caused by trauma; Get embodied and grounded in your body; Integrate the parts of yourself that feel wounded and fragmented; Emerge from grief, fear, and powerlessness to regain strength, joy, and resiliency; Reclaim access to your inner resources and spiritual nature. We are fundamentally designed to heal, teaches Dr. Heller. Even if our childhood is less than ideal, our secure attachment system is biologically programmed in us, and our job is to simply find out what's interfering with it―and learn what we can do to make those secure tendencies more dominant. With expertise drawn from Dr. Heller's research, clinical work, and training programs, this book invites you to begin that journey back to wholeness.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.