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Bøger af Dhaval B. Patel

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  • af Dhaval B. Patel
    683,95 kr.

    In diesem Buch haben wir eine Reihe von Chinolin-Hybrid-Thiosemicarbazid-Derivaten unter Mikrowellenbestrahlung beschrieben. Die synthetisierten Verbindungen wurden erfolgreich in biologischen Studien eingesetzt. Die Docking-Studie ergab, dass die ausgewählten Moleküle perfekt in die Proteinkavität passen und einen hervorragenden G-Score aufweisen. Molekulardynamikstudien mit Proteinen (PDB: 3JSU), die in der Schrödingersoftware untersucht wurden, sowie Pharmakophorstudien und ADME-Tox-Studien wurden für die arzneimittelähnlichen Eigenschaften durchgeführt. Diese Studie bewies, dass unsere Moleküle in Zukunft als Hit-Moleküle fungieren könnten.

  • af Dhaval B. Patel
    683,95 kr.

    Neste livro, estabelecemos um protocolo de irradiação de microondas de três componentes, verde e altamente eficiente, para a síntese de vários ácidos quinolina-4-carboxílicos catalisados por p-TSA. O catalisador p-TSA estava facilmente disponível comercialmente e não era perigoso. Este protocolo apresenta muitas características, incluindo um elevado rendimento dos produtos com elevada pureza, bem como um menor tempo de reacção em comparação com os métodos convencionais, um processo de trabalho simples e a não utilização de solventes orgânicos perigosos. Sintetizámos os compostos 4a-4p e testámos a sua actividade biológica. O estudo de docking molecular sugeriu que os compostos sintetizados se encaixavam no sítio activo da proteína e previam o melhor mecanismo do lado in silico. O composto 4c foi seleccionado para a dinâmica molecular.

  • af Dhaval B. Patel
    683,95 kr.

    In questo libro abbiamo descritto una serie di derivati tiosemicarbazidici ibridi di chinolina sotto irradiazione a microonde. I composti sintetizzati sono stati applicati con successo agli studi biologici. Lo studio di docking ha suggerito che le molecole selezionate erano perfette, si adattavano alla cavità della proteina con un eccellente G-score. Lo studio di dinamica molecolare con la proteina (PDB: 3JSU) studiato con il software Schrodinger, lo studio farmacologico e l'ADME-Tox sono stati condotti per verificare le proprietà di somiglianza con i farmaci. Questo studio ha dimostrato che le nostre molecole potrebbero essere utilizzate come molecole di successo in futuro.

  • af Dhaval B. Patel
    485,95 kr.

    In this book, we have discussed and to per best of our knowledge, we are the foremost in reporting water and ethanol as a solvent in the synthesis of ethyl 6-amino-5-cyano-2-methyl-4H-pyran-3-carboxylate derivative using Urea as a novel catalyst under the short period of time. This clearly shows that all substrates react smoothly under optimal conditions to give direct products with high yields. Subsequently, we demonstrated that benzaldehyde and the aromatic aldehydes bearing electron-withdrawing groups (such as nitro or halogens) require a shorter reaction time and give better yields than those bearing electron-donating groups.

  • af Dhaval B. Patel
    678,95 kr.

    In this book, we have established a green and highly efficient one-pot three component microwave irradiation protocol for the synthesis of various quinoline-4-carboxylic acidscatalyzed by p-TSA. The p-TSA catalyst was easily commercially available and non-hazardous. There are many features of this protocol including high yield of products with high purity as well as lower reaction time compared to conventional methods, a simple work-up processand avoidance of the use of hazardous organic solvents.A simple work-up procedure make the present method a valuable contribution in agreement with green chemistry principles. We have synthesized compounds 4a-4p and tested their biological activity. Molecular docking study was suggested that synthesized compounds were fit into the active site of protein and predict best mechanism of in-silico side. Best dock compound 4c was selected for the molecular dynamics.

  • af Dhaval B. Patel
    678,95 kr.

    In summary Series of new 2-(2-chlorophenyl)quinoline-4-carboxylic acid-based thiosemicarbazide were synthesized in excellent yields. Synthesized derivatives were characterized by spectral studies 1H NMR, 13C NMR, mass spectrometry, IR analysis, elemental analyses and physical studies of Melting points. All the newly synthesized compounds were screened for biological activity and the results showed good activity compared to the standard drug.

  • af Dhaval B. Patel
    419,95 kr.

    A simple, versatile, one-pot, multi-component reaction (MCR) of ethyl 6-amino-5-cyano-2-methyl-4H-pyran-3-carboxylate derivatives has been achieved in the presence of urea as a potent catalyst in water-ethanol as a green solvent system. Reaction was proceeding via three component reaction by utilizing various aldehyde, malononitrile and ethylacetoacetate at room temperature. All Synthesized products were confirmed by Mass, 1H-NMR, IR and Melting point. Mild reaction conditions, excellent yields, easy isolation of products, no column chromatographic separation, reusability of reaction media.

  • af Dhaval B. Patel
    678,95 kr.

    This book describes series of quinoline hybrid thiosemicarbazide derivatives under microwave irradiation. Synthesized compounds were successfully applied against the biological studies. The docking study suggested that selected molecules were perfect, fit into the protein cavity with excellent G-score. Molecular dynamics study with protein (PDB: 3JSU) studied in Schrodinger software, Pharmacophore study and ADME-Tox were carried out for the drug-likeness properties. This study proved that our molecules could act as hit molecules in the future.

  • af Dhaval B. Patel
    678,95 kr.

    In summary, this work demonstrates the designing, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 2-(2-chlorophenyl)quinoline-4-carboxylic acid hybrid thiosemicarbazides. The synthesized derivatives were evaluated for their variousin-vitro biological activities. Most of the compounds displayed excellent activity against gram-positive bacteria in comparison to gram-negative bacteria. Biological activity and docking results of quinoline derivatives makes interesting lead in drug development. The calculated ADME-Tox parameters suggest good pharmacokinetic properties. These studies disclose that active molecules are used as term plate for the development of active biological agents. Molecular dynamics simulation can be concluded that MD can be successfully implemented for new drug development and several promising inhibitor molecules.

  • af Dhaval B. Patel
    678,95 kr.

    In this book, we have a described novel series of fluorine containing quinoline hybrid thiosemicarbazide analogues (8a-8l) by modern medicinal chemistry and have led to large number of effective drugs. We have synthesized novel fluorine containing quinoline hybrid thiosemicarbazide analogues and tested for their in-vitro study in antibacterial, antifungal, antimalarial, antituberculosis strains. With this study, we concluded that N- based heterocyclic compounds having potency for biological activity.

  • af Dhaval B. Patel
    421,95 kr.

    Novel fluorine containing quinoline hybrid thiosemicarbazide analogues and screened for their in-vitrostudy in antibacterial, antifungal, antimalarial, antituberculosis strains. Analogues were active against antimalarial Plasmodium falciparum strain, among them analogues 8d, 8g, 8h, 8k and 8l shown remarkable activity than reference drug Quinine. We have carried out Molecular docking, ADME-Tox, Molecular dynamics and Pharmacophore study. Biological activity and Molecular docking study were correlated for the potent molecules. This study were suggested active binding site of analogues to give a best mechanism in in-silico side. Then, most active molecule 8g was performed for the molecular dynamics study. Here, this article concluded that analogues 8d, 8g and 8k were representing a promising lead for the new development of antimalarial therapeutics.

  • af Dhaval B. Patel
    420,95 kr.

    In this book we have established a novel series of 2-(2-chlorophenyl)quinoline-4-carboxylic acid based thiosemicarbazide derivatives all compounds are conforming by their physical data (melting point) and spectral data (Mass analysis , 1H NMR, 13C NMR). All compounds are analyzing in antibacterial and antifungal Biological activity. In biological analysis we have found that many compounds have potent activity against different strains.

  • af Dhaval B. Patel
    420,95 kr.

    We have synthesized a series of quinoline hybrid thiosemicarbazide derivatives under microwave irradiation. Synthesized compounds were successfully applied against the biological studies. Compounds 7a, 7g, 7k exhibited potent activity againstP. aeruginosa, compounds 7a, 7f,7h,7r showed excellent activity against E.coli, compounds 7a, 7b, 7c, 7e, 7f, 7l, 7o, 7p, 7q and 7sexhibited good activity against plasmodium falciparum strain. The docking study was performed on selected three proteins 3JSU, 4DP3 and 1J3K. Compounds7b (-8.32) and 7i (-8.22) were selected in 3JSU, compounds7c (-7.23) and 7l (-5.82) were selected in 4DP3 for the best binding possess, compounds7b (-4.323) and 7l (-3.039) were selected in 1J3Kfor the best binding possess. The docking study was suggested that selected molecules were perfect, fit into the protein cavity with excellent G-score. Molecular dynamics study of compound 7ewith protein (PDB: 3JSU) studied in Schrodinger software, Pharmacophore study and ADME-Tox were carried out for the drug-likeness properties. This study proved that our molecules could be act as hit molecules in the future.