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Bøger af D.H. Lawrence

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  • - Tidsskrift for naturkritik
    af Joseph Roth, Vibeke Grønfeldt, Amalie Smith, mfl.
    249,45 kr.

    Ny Jord – Tidsskrift for naturkritik er et multidisciplinært tidsskrift, der orienterer sig på tværs af århundreder og landegrænser og bringer videnskab, litteratur og kunst side om side i ønsket om at bidrage til en kvalificeret samtale om naturen i en tid, hvor vores forestillinger og idéer om den ændres markant.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    54,45 kr.

    Explains about three generations of the Brangwen family of Nottinghamshire from the 1840s to the early years of the twentieth century. This framework is with the passional lives of author's characters as he explores the pressures that determine their lives, using a religious symbolism in which the 'rainbow' of the title is his unifying motif.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    114,45 kr.

    Trapped in a marriage which has become sterile and joyless since her husband's return from the trenches of the First World War, partially paralysed and confined to a wheelchair, Connie seizes the chance of sexual fulfilment she had thought lost to her forever.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    36,95 kr.

    Hester appears to have it all - marriage, a nice home, three children and a stimulating job.But it is not enough. For no matter how much she and her husband earn, she spends more.Driven by a desire to be loved by his mother, young Paul starts betting on the horses with the family's gardener.He wins, wins and just keeps winning. But, as quickly as he hands her the money, Hester has splurged it away.Then, as Derby day approaches, the spooky secret of Paul's endless run of luck is revealed.As tragedy beckons, will Paul win his mother's love?This book is perfect for fans of Edgar Allan Poe and Ernest Hemingway.It was made into the 1949 fantasy film 'The Rocking Horse Winner', starring John Howard Davies, Valerie Hobson and John Mills.DH Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English writer and poet.He was at the centre of a great deal of controversy during and after his life, with the explicit nature of some of his novels leading to censorship and protests.Many critics admired his imaginative and deeply descriptive style, though.Among his best-known novels are 'Sons and Lovers', 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', 'The Rainbow' and 'Women in Love'.

  • - Short stories from Novellix
    af Charles Dickens, Virginia Woolf, D.H. Lawrence & mfl.
    179,45 kr.

    Four classic short stories, offering a perfect introduction to some of Britain's most famous writers. This box includes: Katherine Mansfield - BlissCharles Dickens - Horatio Sparkins D.H. Lawrence - Sun Virginia Woolf - Lappin and Lapinova The concept of Novellix is simple; small books, big stories, all contained within beautiful, accessible packages; ideal for reading on the go.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    67,04 kr.

    Trapped in a loveless and unhappy marriage, Aaron Sisson, a union official in the depressing coal mines of the English Midlands, will walk out on his wife and children to follow his passion for music. From London to Italy, Sisson moves in intellectual and artistic circles, arguing politics, leadership and submission to authority while dallying with the dizzying heights of the aristocracy. Threaded with stunning characters, daring romance and an explosive conclusion this fascinating and engaging novel tracks many of Lawrence’s own beliefs and ponderings on the state of a post-war society. It is a brilliant psychological analysis of a society up-turned by the devastation of World War One and it’s desperate search for meaning in the wake of such great losses. This novel is perfect for anyone who loved ‘The Great Gatsby’.David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930) was one of the 20th centuries most influential writers. Born in England, he became famous for his novels, short stories, poems, and literary criticism, though many of his contemporaries viewed him as a pornographer. He faced severe criticism and censorship after the publication of one of his most famous and explicit novels, ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’. Despite his persecution, Lawrence’s works continued to explore central themes of human emotion, identity, and sexuality. His other prominent works include ‘Women in Love’, ‘The Rainbow’, ‘Sons and Lovers’, and ‘The Plumed Serpent’.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    44,67 kr.

    It is possible to love someone so fiercely and yet destroy them at the same time? Paul Morel certainly seems very capable of doing just that! Will he ever mature and think for himself instead of continuing to live under his mother’s influence?As an adult, Paul is so attached to his mother, he cannot commit to and form a loving relationship, though he falls in love with two women; Miriam who is younger than him and loves him dearly, and Clara the older woman who is similar to his mother and married.D. H. Lawrence’s semi-autobiographic classic novel 'Sons and Lovers' is set in late 19th century England. He tells his tale with detailed insight into each character’s thinking and behaviour. We see the people in the story behaving with simultaneous love and hatred of others, having a strong desire for someone while not really wanting them at all.'Sons and Lovers' was adapted into a 1960 British drama directed by Jack Cardiff and starring Trevor Howard, Donald Pleasence and Wendy Hiller. The film was nominated for seven Academy Awards and entered in the 1960 Cannes Film Festival. David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English writer of novels, short stories, poems, essays, and literary criticism. Among his central themes are the problems of emotional health, sexuality, and the human condition. He faced severe criticism and censorship after the publication of one of his most famous and explicit novels, 'Lady Chatterley’s Lover'. Other prominent works of his are 'Women in Love', 'The Rainbow', 'Sons and Lovers', and 'The Plumed Serpent'.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    63,95 kr.

    Essentially DH Lawrence's personal guide to Italy on foot, 'Twilight In Italy' is a collection of short travel essays. A meditative, poetic exploration of both Italian culture and Lawrence's own mind, this is unmissable for those who enjoyed E M Forster's 'A Room With A View' -

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    63,95 kr.

    DH Lawrence's third collection of poems, 'Look! We have come through!' details a clandestine affair between a man and a woman. The way in which Lawrence uses his works to explore human relationships, sensuality, and sexuality is uniquely profound, and this collection is no exception. Unmissable for fans of Lawrence's own 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' looking for an introduction to poetry.-

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    63,95 kr.

    This collection of pervasive essays not only sheds light onto eighteenth and nineteenth-century American consciousness but also on Lawrence's own perspectives and individuality. He focuses on authors such as Melville, Whitman, and Edgar Allen Poe, creating an engaging exploration of their talents, and at the same time demonstrating his own. -

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    63,95 kr.

    England, My England' is a collection of short stories written between the years 1913-1921, including the notable 'Wintry Peacock'. Set against the backdrop of World War One, Lawrence uses them as a means to explore the complexity of human relationships and the human psyche. His provocative and controversial prose is unmissable for fans of Anton Chekhov's psychological musings. -

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    86,95 kr.

    'Fantasia of the Unconscious' is Lawrence's profound reflection on the nature of our consciousness and our unconsciousness. He delivers a convincing, accurate, and somewhat controversial argument about how the world works, and how one should raise a child. Despite being written in 1922, this essay is increasingly relevant in today's social climate and is unmissable for fans of Anton Chekhov's psychological fiction looking to delve into the more theoretical side of the subject.-

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    63,95 kr.

    'Sea and Sardinia' describes Lawrence and his wife Frieda's 1921 trip to Italy. His poetic exploration mirrors that of his own 'Twilight in Italy' and creates an impression of Sardinia and its people that is still relevant and appealing today. Unmissable for those who enjoy Rudyard Kipling, Franz Kafka, and James Joyce.-

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    38,95 kr.

    Siamo nell'Inghilterra del primo dopoguerra, piu precisamente alla fattoria di Jill Bandford e Nellie March, spesso visitata da una misteriosa volpe rossa. Un giorno, l'enigmatico animale irrompe nella vita delle donne sotto le sembianze di un uomo di nome Henry. Non avendo alcun posto dove stare, Henry viene accolto dalle due protagoniste femminili, un evento che inneschera un intricato gioco di seduzione.Questo dramma scava alla ricerca della felicita e si serve simbolicamente della volpe per mostrare come la gelosia possa far vacillare anche un legame cosi solido come l'amicizia. Quale delle due avra la meglio?-

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    138,95 kr.

    Un rapporto madre e figlio molto morboso quello tra Gertrude Coppard e Paul Morel, rimasti soli al mondo dopo la morte del primogenito William e del violento capofamiglia Walter. Con forti richiami al complesso di Edipo teorizzato da Sigmund Freud, uno tra i piu celebri romanzi classici del Novecento si serve del melodramma e del riferimento autobiografico per fare luce sugli effetti della gelosia di una madre sulla vita del proprio figlio. L'ombra della genitrice incombera sugli amori di Paul, finche quest'ultimo non sara chiamato a compiere un drammatico atto finale prima di affermare la propria indipendenza.Grazie alla sua rilevanza nel mondo della narrativa straniera, questo romanzo psicologico ha ispirato quattro adattamenti per lo schermo.-

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    86,95 kr.

    English writer Richard Lovat Somers and his German wife Harriet visit New South Wales, Australia, in the early 1920s. The couple gets entangled in the current post-war political climate in an unfamiliar country.They are courted by the various political parties from the socialists to the nationalist quasi-fascist party. Unable to embrace either they leave for America."e;Kangaroo"e; is a semi-autobiographical tale loosely based on D.H. Lawrence's visit to Australia with his wife Frieda in 1922. The novel reflects Lawrence's own experiences during World War I. It is an exploration of political ideas at an immensely personal level. -

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    86,95 kr.

    Alvina Houghton is the daughter of a widowed Midlands textile merchant James Houghton. Despite her father's best efforts the business is failing. In a desperate attempt to regain his fortune and secure his daughter's proper upbringing, James buys a theatre.There, Alvina meets the sensual Italian performer Ciccio. Together they flee to Naples, Italy. Their relationship leads to Alvina's sexual awakening. She embraces a world of desire with Ciccio while leaving her safe, ordinary life behind. "The Lost Girl" is often described as D. H. Lawrence's forgotten novel, and is a passionate coming-of-age tale of longing and sexual defiance, devastation, and destitution. David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English novelist, poet and playwright. Regarded as one of the most influential writers of the 20th century, he published many novels and poetry volumes during his lifetime. His works include "Sons and Lovers", "The Rainbow" and "Women in Love". He is best known for his infamous "Lady Chatterley’s Lover" a graphic and highly sexual novel published in Italy in 1928. It was banned in the United States until 1959 and in England until 1960.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    63,95 kr.

    Siegmund, a married musician, falls in love with the much younger Helena. The two set of on a romantic holiday on the Isle of Wight. But the trip and their affair have profound consequences on their lives upon their return home. Siegmund is torn between his love for Helena and his obligations to his wife Beatrice and their children. He questions the unhappy state of his marriage and realizes that he can't go on without his lover. Ultimately, his actions lead to tragic consequences that affect all three. "The Trespasser" is one of D.H. Lawrence's early novels. It is based on the real-life experiences of Lawrence's close friend Helen Corke.David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English novelist, poet and playwright. Regarded as one of the most influential writers of the 20th century, he published many novels and poetry volumes during his lifetime. His works include "Sons and Lovers", "The Rainbow" and "Women in Love". He is best known for his infamous "Lady Chatterley’s Lover" a graphic and highly sexual novel published in Italy in 1928. It was banned in the United States until 1959 and in England until 1960.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    39,95 kr.

    Published in 1916, Amores is one of Lawrence's earliest poetry collections. He carefully explores issues of a haunting, sensual, and sexual nature. Fans of Virginia Woolf's somewhat bleak voice will undoubtedly enjoy this controversial collection.DH Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English poet and novelist. Famed for his lyrical prose, he was uncompromising in his mission to uncover the consequences of modernity and industrialization, particularly on sexuality, instinct, and spontaneity. His works, although innovative, were not truly appreciated until after his death, the most notable of which 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' was adapted to screen in 1981.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    86,95 kr.

    Set in a rural countryside town in late Victorian England, this a story of love, relationships and attraction.A young woman Laetitia (Lettie), finds herself in a love triangle with two suitors, a young farmer named George Saxton and Leslie Temple, a son of a mine-owning family. Torn between her attraction to one and the prospects offered by the other, she makes a decision that will profoundly impact all characters in the years to come.The story is narrated by Cyril Beardsall, Lettie’s brother and a friend of one of her suitors. His observations provide readers with an insight into Victorian life, from women’s fashions, home décor and issues of the day, to the local landscapes and insights into English society leading up to the Second World War. This is D.H. Lawrence’s first novel and is often described as a biographical snapshot of his youth. It also foreshadows the brilliance he was known for in his later works. The story examines relationships between men and women and the expectations set upon them by society. For fans of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Richard Yates and Bernhard Schlink. David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English novelist, poet and playwright. Regarded as one of the most influential writers of the 20th century, he published many novels and poetry volumes during his lifetime. His works include "Sons and Lovers", "The Rainbow" and "Women in Love". He is best known for his infamous "Lady Chatterley’s Lover" a graphic and highly sexual novel published in Italy in 1928. It was banned in the United States until 1959 and in England until 1960.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    39,95 kr.

    'Bay' is a collection of DH Lawrence poetry. His innovative perspectives and techniques rendered him a persecuted, censored, and misrepresented artist during his own lifetime. However, it is exactly this innovation and the dynamic nature of his work that continuously earns him the title of a celebrated, classic author today. This exploration of human relationships, sensuality, and sexuality amongst other things is no exception to the excellence of his entire body of work.DH Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English poet and novelist. Famed for his lyrical prose, he was uncompromising in his mission to uncover the consequences of modernity and industrialization, particularly on sexuality, instinct, and spontaneity. His works, although innovative, were not truly appreciated until after his death, the most notable of which 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' was adapted to screen in 1981.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    40,95 kr.

    Inspired by Lawrence's own experiences with mining, this classic play explores the lives of a group of miners as they navigate struggles with power dynamics, along with the consequences of their many conflicts. DH Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English poet and novelist. Famed for his lyrical prose, he was uncompromising in his mission to uncover the consequences of modernity and industrialization, particularly on sexuality, instinct, and spontaneity. His works, although innovative, were not truly appreciated until after his death, the most notable of which 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' was adapted to screen in 1981.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    39,95 kr.

    Written in 1915, 'New Poems' is a collection of DH Lawrence's early poetry. He uses his profound perspectives on the world around him to explore issues such as human relationships, sensuality, and sexuality, setting them against unique backdrops. DH Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English poet and novelist. Famed for his lyrical prose, he was uncompromising in his mission to uncover the consequences of modernity and industrialization, particularly on sexuality, instinct, and spontaneity. His works, although innovative, were not truly appreciated until after his death, the most notable of which 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' was adapted to screen in 1981.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    40,95 kr.

    This short collection of poetry is a wonderful introduction to Lawrence's masterful, whimsical, and entertaining prose. Detailing his observations of a group of tortoises living in his garden, he explores intimacy in a way no others have.DH Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English poet and novelist. Famed for his lyrical prose, he was uncompromising in his mission to uncover the consequences of modernity and industrialization, particularly on sexuality, instinct, and spontaneity. His works, although innovative, were not truly appreciated until after his death, the most notable of which 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' was adapted to screen in 1981.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    63,95 kr.

    DH Lawrence's first play, 'The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd' follows the unhappy marriage of Mrs. Holroyd to her abusive, alcoholic, adulterous husband. The romantic advances of her neighbour cause her to yearn for her husband's death, and when a mining accident grants this wish, she is faced with the task of washing and laying his body for the funeral. This exploration of the failing of marriages and human relationships is characteristic of Lawrence's uncompromising rawness and had a successful film adaption starring Colin Firth in 1995.DH Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English poet and novelist. Famed for his lyrical prose, he was uncompromising in his mission to uncover the consequences of modernity and industrialization, particularly on sexuality, instinct, and spontaneity. His works, although innovative, were not truly appreciated until after his death, the most notable of which 'Lady Chatterly's Lover' was adapted to screen in 1981.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    39,95 kr.

    A collection of stories from one of the foremost figures in literature, 'The Wintry Peacock' details the disastrous effects of World War One. It follows Egbert as he struggles to find his identity as a soldier, husband, and father. When all that he was avoiding comes back to him, Egbert is thrown into a balancing act, juggling his time between reconciling with his family, and coping with the onslaught of injuries, infidelities, and deaths that war so inevitably brings. DH Lawrence's uncompromising rawness is perfect for those who enjoyed Sylvia Plath's 'The Bell Jar'.DH Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English poet and novelist. Famed for his lyrical prose, he was uncompromising in his mission to uncover the consequences of modernity and industrialization, particularly on sexuality, instinct, and spontaneity. His works, although innovative, were not truly appreciated until after his death, the most notable of which 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' was adapted to screen in 1981.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    59,45 kr.

    Sullo sfondo della Grande Guerra, che scardina le famiglie allontanandone i componenti e che divide le coscienze alla luce del nuovo disordine mondiale, il caso fa incontrare nuovamente, dopo molti anni, una nobile signora inglese ed un conte tedesco, ferito e prigioniero del Paese divenuto nemico. Incontro dopo incontro, quel rapporto, dapprima superficiale, si approfondisce sempre di più; un rapporto strano, fatto di attrazione e repulsione insieme, che il lettore vede scorrere nella sua ambivalenza fino allo scioglimento finale, determinato dal ritorno dalla guerra del marito di lei.Scrittore inglese. Figlio di un minatore e di una ex maestra, alla morte del fratello maggiore, divenne il centro emotivo della vita della madre, che riversò su di lui un amore troppo esigente e possessivo (sarà questo uno dei temi del romanzo Figli e amanti, Sons and lovers, 1913, una delle sue opere più potenti e compiute). Frequentò il Nottingham University College, dove si abilitò all’insegnamento. Fece quindi l’insegnante, ma presto si dedicò interamente alla letteratura. Nel 1914 sposò una tedesca divorziata, Frieda von Richtofen, e visse con lei in Germania, Austria e Italia. Tornato in Inghilterra nel 1914, proclamò la sua avversione alla guerra. La sua fama di ribelle si accrebbe con la pubblicazione di un romanzo, L’arcobaleno. Le furiose polemiche e scandali scatenati da "L'amante di Lady Chatterley" a causa dell'audacia del linguaggio in cui descrive la vita sessuale dei personaggi, e la conseguente censura, inducono l'inglese nel marzo del 1929 a scrivere un pamphlet esplicativo dal titolo "A proposito dell'amante di Lady Chatterley"; lo scrive mentre è a Parigi, sofferente, a causa dell'aggravarsi della tubercolosi. Scrive il suo ultimo libro, "Apocalisse", nel settembre del 1929. All'inizio del 1930 le sue condizioni di salute si aggravano ulteriormente: viene ricoverato a Vence, ma vi rimane ben poco preferendo farsi trasferire a Villa Robermond, dove David Herbert Lawrence muore la sera del 2 marzo. Postume uscirono altre opere, tra queste "La vergine e lo zingaro", dedicato all'ormai ex consorte.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    64,45 kr.

    Notes and Introduction by David Ellis, University of Kent at Canterbury.With its four-letter words and its explicit descriptions of sexual intercourse, Lady Chatterley's Lover is the novel with which D.H. Lawrence is most often associated. First published privately in Florence in 1928, it only became a world-wide best-seller after Penguin Books had successfully resisted an attempt by the British Director of Public Prosecutions to prevent them offering an unexpurgated edition. The famous 'Lady Chatterley trial' heralded the sexual revolution of the coming decades and signalled the defeat of Establishment prudery.Yet Lawrence himself was hardly a liberationist and the conservativism of many aspects of his novel would later lay it open to attacks from the political avant-garde and from feminists. The story of how the wife of Sir Clifford Chatterley responds when her husband returns from the war paralysed from the waist down, and of the tender love which then develops between her and her husband's gamekeeper, is a complex one open to a variety of conflicting interpretations.This edition of the novel offers an occasion for a new generation of readers to discover what all the fuss was about; to appraise Lawrence's bitter indictment of modern industrial society, and to ask themselves what lessons there might be for the 21st century in his intense exploration of the complicated relations between love and sex.

  • - Selected Essays of D.H. Lawrence
    af D.H. Lawrence
    229,45 kr.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    279,95 - 414,45 kr.