Bøger af Dennis Amoroso
183,95 kr. Mars mining colonists have broken away from the bonds of their military masters and ¿nd a new home on planet Torvis. Time jump ahead 1200 years to Lovar of Torvis landing on Escalor to ¿nd a way to work with the humans on that planet for the good of both planets. The characters are introduced and the plot and subplots are established. Science, personalities, and relationships are revealed as the story unfolds, as though the reader is experiencing the story ¿rst hand. Tension is built around Lovar's need to accomplish his mission without revealing that he is from another planet and has advanced technology that the Escalorian Power Lords would take from him if they knew of it. Love stories spring into being wherever he goes.WILL THE SECRET HE CARRIES L0CKED IN HIS VERY DNA BE EN0UGH TO SAVE B0TH W0RLDSThe inspiration for this novel arose out of years of observing the condition of the Human Race; sickness and disease that is caused by bad choices. I realized that our value system is completely wrong and needs to be turned 180 degrees. The only way to accomplish this is to introduce new ideas and concepts into our culture through a medium that is readily acceptable. I chose Science Fiction because it allows the writer to be completely creative and allows the reader to indulge in creative thought that does not require them to accept it as fact. I then embedded real science and social concepts into the story which will äect and in¿uence the reader. As the series evolves the ideas become more and more believable until the reader begins to accept them as possible then ¿nally reasonable. This allows the changes to be accomplished with very little resistance from a ready and willing populace.
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.