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Bøger af Deepak Chopra

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  • Spar 13%
    - en praktisk vejledning til indfrielse af dine drømme
    af Deepak Chopra
    44,73 - 173,95 kr.

    Kilden til al skabelse er ren bevidsthed ... ubegrænsede muligheder, som søger at udtrykke sig det umanifesterede til det manifesterede. Og når vi erkender, at vores sande Selv er ubegrænsede muligheder, bringer vi os i overensstemmelse med den kraft, som manifesterer alt i universet.DE SYV SPIRITUELLE LOVE FOR SUCCES er baseret på de naturlige love, som styrer al kreativitet og gør op med myten om, at succes udelukkende er resultatet af hårdt arbejde, planlægning og ambitioner. Chopra giver det at opnå succes et helt nyt perspektiv. Når vi først forstår vores sande natur og lærer at leve i harmoni med de naturlige love – med tilfredshed, sundhed, tilfredsstillende forhold til vores medmennesker, energi og entusiasme – vil materiel velstand komme helt af sig selv uden anstrengelse. Bogen har en trin-for-trin vejledning og er desuden en videreudvikling af hans tidligere bog RIGDOM På ALLE PLANER. Den indiske læage Deepak Chopra er en af de mest betydningsfulde pionerer inden for området sind-krop og menneskets potentiale. Hans banebrydende arbejde baserer sig på lægevidenskaben, filosofien, østens praktiske og spirituelle visdom samt den vestlige videnskabs resultater

  • - Unleashing your infinite potential
    af Deepak Chopra
    138,95 kr.

    Is it possible to venture beyond daily living and experience heightened states of awareness? In this highly anticipated new book, integrative medicine pioneer and New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra states that a higher state of consciousness is available here and now, for us all. Chopra unlocks the secrets to moving beyond our present limitations of the mind to access a field of infinite possibilities and reach our full potential. How do you achieve this? By becoming metahuman. Drawing from the latest research on neuroscience, artificial intelligence and biometrics, Chopra offers a practical 31 day guide to help us wake up at the deepest level in order to liberate ourselves from the conditioning and constructs that underlie anxiety, tension and ego driven demands. Only then does your infinite potential become your personal reality. Grasping this revolutionary idea will effectively remove the limiting belief systems and negativity that may be holding us back from achieving our maximum human potential. Highly recommended! Dr Rudolph E. Tanzi Metahuman helps us harvest peak experiences so we can see our Truth and mold the universe s chaos into a form that brings light to the world Dr Mehmet Oz

  • af Deepak Chopra
    173,95 kr.

    What is the best way to age well and live longer?For decades, millions of people have tried to crack the secret of time and how to withstand it. The question affects the way we eat, treatments we invest in, and expensive packages sold by online gurus offering magical solutions. But without understanding the physical and spiritual links between quantum physics, biology and issues plaguing the body like inflammation, stress, and aging, the answer will continue to elude us.In Quantum Body, international bestselling author Deepak Chopra teams up with world renowned physicist Jack Tuszynski and leading endocrinologist Brian Fertig, MD to reveal the new frontiers in health and aging. Timely and accessible, this book expands the barriers of science and invites you on the path to individual healing and longevity.

  • Spar 17%
    - En revolutionerende ny plan til at styrke din modstandskraft og aktivere din evne til selvhelbredelse
    af Deepak Chopra & Rudolph Tanzi
    73,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • - Illuminating the Hidden Power of Your True Self
    af Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford & Marianne Williamson
    118,95 - 318,95 kr.

    In this groundbreaking exploration, three New York Times bestselling authorsDebbie Ford (The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, Why Good People Do Bad Things), Marianne Williamson (The Age of Miracles, A Return to Love), and Deepak Chopra (Jesus: A Story of Enlightenment)deliver a comprehensive and practical guide to harnessing the power of our dark side.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    198,95 kr.

    Discover the keys to a life of success, fulfilment, wholeness and plenty Many of us live in a mindset of lack and limitation, focusing on the things we don't have. Too often we allow our egos to drive our thoughts and actions, preventing us from reaching something greater: a true sense of inner peace, acceptance and fulfilment.In Abundance, international bestselling author Deepak Chopra offers a simple seven-step plan to help you reset your focus, become the agent of your own life and strive for life's unbounded possibilities. Demonstrating how to work past self-generated feelings of limitation and providing meditations to help you focus your attention and intuition, this is your guide to a life of true power, prosperity and plenty.

  • - Stress Free Living Starts Here
    af Deepak Chopra
    126,95 - 153,95 kr.

    How to live the awakened life by the master of modern meditation Meditation leads to transformation. It affects every aspect of your wellbeing and can bring about positive change in your body, affect your mental outlook, increase your decision-making ability and eliminate worry and anxiety.World renowned for revolutionizing meditation for modern life, Deepak Chopra draws on his 30 years of practice and reveals how to achieve blissful awareness by waking up to who you really are. Perfect for beginners, sceptics or those looking for a new approach to stillness, his simple 7-day programme offers a life-changing path to a quiet mind.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    375,95 kr.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    103,95 kr.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    208,95 kr.

    The Chopra Centre for Well Being is a retreat that serves as a beautiful, nurturing place where people can come to heal their physical pain, find emotional freedom, empower themselves, and connect to their inner spiritual life. The food is at the heart of this mission. This book offer you recipes from this extraordinary place of healing.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    175,95 kr.

    Deepak Chopra nos ofrece la apasionante vida de uno de los profetas más grandes: Mahoma. Esposo y padre de familia, Dios le habla a través del arcángel Gabriel para encomendarle una peligrosa tarea: convencer a su pueblo de que renuncie a sus ídolos ancestrales y a la veneración de múltiples dioses para confiar en un dios único. Huérfano desde los seis años, Mahoma creció en una enorme familia, convirtiéndose en un excelente comerciante. Si bien Mahoma no se consideraba el hijo de Dios ni un iluminado, esta magnífica novela da cuenta de la vida de un ser humano ordinario, al que le ocurrió algo totalmente extraordinario que dio origen a una nueva religión, el islam, la segunda en importancia hoy en todo el mundo. Partiendo de detalles históricos, Deepak Chopra hace vivir al profeta a través de los ojos de quienes lo rodeaban. Cada voz, cada capítulo nos ofrece la vida de Mahoma y la creación del islam bajo una nueva luz. Es la historia poco conocida de un hombre y un momento histórico que cambiaron el mundo para siempre. Reseñas: «Una de las biografías de Mahoma más imaginativas y emocionantes». Publishers Weekly «El libro ofrece al lector una lección de historia que refleja la actual relación entre el islam y el resto del mundo... Contada de manera atrayente, también ayuda, especialmente a los no musulmanes, a entender mejor las complejidades y contradicciones que rodean al islam». Booklist «Estoy agradecido porque Deepak Chopra, en vez de agregar una inútil biografía más de Mahoma, ha creado en cambio una absorbente novela basada en la vida de Mahoma. Los lectores van a estar mejor informados tanto sobre el profeta como sobre el islam, la segunda religión más grande del mundo». Harvey Cox, profesor de Teología, Universidad de Harvard ENGLISH DESCRIPTION In this riveting novel, beloved international bestselling author Deepak Chopra captures the spellbinding life story of the great and often misunderstood Prophet. Islam was born in a cradle of tribal turmoil, and the arrival of one God who vanquished hundreds of ancient Arabian gods changed the world forever. God reached down into the life of Muhammad, a settled husband and father, and spoke through him. Muhammad's divine and dangerous task was to convince his people to renounce their ancestral idols and superstitious veneration of multiple gods. From the first encounter, God did not leave Muhammad alone, his life was no longer his own, and with each revelation the creation of a new way of life formed and a religion was born. Rooted in historical detail, Chopra reveals the fact that Muhammad's life is not a myth but an incredible true and surprisingly unknown story of a man and a moment that sparked a worldwide transformation.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    102,95 kr.

    El Dr. Deepak Chopra nos ofrece un método para despertar la inteligencia interna de nuestro cuerpo y lograr la curación a través del poder de la mente. Esta es una obra indispensable para todas aquellas personas que buscan una curación. Con sabiduría y sencillez, Chopra analiza y explica las enfermedades mas frecuentes de nuestro tiempo: cáncer, abuso del tabaco, alcohol, drogas, sobrepeso, trastornos gastrointestinales, insuficiencia sexual, insomnio, estrés, enfermedades emocionales y depresión. Asimismo, brinda respuestas y guía a quien lo escucha para comprender la conexión mente-cuerpo y conocer nuestra capacidad de autocuración. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION This groundbreaking book is about the healing power of the mind. First published in 1987, Creating Health introduces the basic premises of Ayurveda , the six-thousand-year-old tradition of health care from India, and guides readers toward a sound understanding of the mind-body connection. Dr.Chopra has revised Creating Health for the many people who are turning to alternative methods of health care as a result of the escalating crisis in traditional care.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    96,95 kr.

    Atención total, meditación y conciencia del poder de las emociones son de gran ayuda en todos los ámbitos de la vida, y ahora, después de 55 libros, Chopra ofrece una guía invaluable que aplica todos sus principios específicamente a los administradores. Con un enfoque espiritual, Chopra analiza los problemas que se enfrentan en el lugar de trabajo y ofrece una guía para revertir las actitudes negativas y fomentar un ambiente de trabajo armonioso. Los ejemplos que da son realistas, sus analogías son convincentes, y describe ejercicios claros y útiles. Chopra ha acuñado una singular acrónimo, "LIDERES", para su sistema de liderazgo, que parte de observar y escuchar, y culmina con la sincronía. Además, conocerás las historias de dos líderes que han hecho millones de dolares siguiendo las inclinaciones más profundas de su alma (Chopra sostiene que es el único camino hacia el verdadero éxito), lo que hace de este sistema de liderazgo sea relativamente fácil de utilizar. El principio fundamental es la idea de que los verdaderos líderes son capaces de ver metas visionarias, sin perder jamás la integridad. Chopra le otorga además un profundo significado a la discusión, reetiqueta el éxito mucho más allá de la simple ganancia de dinero, lo que parece prudente a la luz de la situación económica actual. Así, se requiere un enfoque intelectual y espiritual para abordar el despertar del liderazgo auténtico, ése que está más allá de las técnicas y del cerebro. El único y genuino liderazgo, dice Deepak Chopra, es aquél guiado por el alma." ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Bestselling author and spiritual guide Deepak Chopra invites you to become the kind of leader most needed today: a leader with vision who can make that vision real. Chopra has been teaching leadership to CEOs and other top executives for eight years, and the path outlined here applies to any business, but the same principles are relevant in every community and area of life. The Soul of Leadership aims to fill the most critical void in contemporary life, the void of enlightened leaders. In this unique handbook you are shown how to do just that. The future is unfolding at this very minute, and the choice to lead it lies with each of us, here and now.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    107,95 kr.

    Las siete lecciones del golf para el juego de la vida. Bestseller de The New York Times.Descubre la relación entre el golf y la vida y cómo este juego supone, también, una sabiduría espiritual que te llevará más allá del hoyo 18.Deepak Chopra ha descubierto los placeres -y las frustraciones- del golf. Intrigado por los vaivenes de su propio juego, se acercó a varios profesionales y desarrolló una nueva aproximación que cualquier golfista puede seguir. En vez de enfocarse en el swing perfecto, Chopra revela cómo es que el golf puede dominarse a través de la autoconciencia, que exige concentración aguda y relajación al mismo tiempo. Pero Iluminación es también la fascinante historia de Adam, un jugador de golf que al parecer está conforme consu vida pero no con su juego, y quien conoce a una golfista profesional con la que aprenderá no sólo a mejorar su nivel sino a conocerse a sí mismo y a transformar su vida para siempre. Profesionales del golf han opinado: "Lo fascinante de este libro es que su lectura ofrece la misma experiencia etérea y gratificante que aquella que experimentamos los jugadores de golf." -Jeff Johnson, jugador de golf profesional de la PGA- ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Deepak Chopra has discovered the delights--and frustrations--of golf, and he is passionate about the game. Confronted by the wild ups and downs of his own play, he consulted with golf professionals and developed a new approach to the game that any golfer can follow--from the novice to the expert. The results can be measured not only in increased enjoyment and skill, but also in greater wisdom about life beyond the 18th hole. Chopra's own game has improved dramatically since incorporating the elements of his program. Instead of focusing on the mechanics of a "perfect" swing, Chopra reveals how golf can be mastered through mindfulness, a form of awareness that combines sharp focus and relaxation at the same time. Expanded awareness, he tells us, can accomplish much more than external mechanics to improve one's game. But Golf for Enlightenment is also an engrossing story about Adam, an Everyman who is playing a terrible round of golf when he meets a mysterious young teaching pro named Leela. In seven short but profound lessons detailing spiritual strategies, she teaches Adam the essence of a game that has much to explain about life itself.Chopra has spent the last year taking the unique message in Golf for Enlightenment nationwide, teaching the essential tenets of his program at lectures and seminars to golfers everywhere. His message continues to help players turn an obsession into a positive life path.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    150,95 kr.

    Tomando en cuenta el estado tan volátil de nuestro mundo, es fácil entender porqué los superhéroes han capturado nuestra imaginación como nunca antes. En todos lados, los superhéroes han escapado de las páginas del cómic para convertirse en un aspecto dinámico de la cultura. Los poderes mágicos de los superhéroes retan las leyes de tiempo y espacio y nos presentan un mundo que puede cambiar y mejorar. Al explorar los límites de la energía y la conciencia y permitirnos un mejor entendimiento de nosotros mismo para utilizar todo nuestro potencial, los superhéroes nos ofrecen una manera muy real de salvar el planeta. Desde la búsqueda de la verdad de Buddha hasta el conflicto de Batman con su lado oscuro; desde Wolverine exponiendo sus miedos más profundos hasta los regalos de inspiración divina de Hanuman, el autor bestselling del New York Times, Deepak Chopra y su hijo Gotham, encuentran las siete leyes espirituales que gobiernan el mundo de los superhéroes, tanto el antiguo como el moderno, el cósmico y el comercial. Deepak y Gotham explican su relevancia, su importancia y, más profundamente, cómo aplicar estas leyes a nuestra vida diaria. Estos siete principios transformadores nos ayudan a descubrir la felicidad, el coraje, el balance, la creatividad, la compasión y el significado de la vida. Cada ley tiene el potencial de despertar nuestros superpoderes y de cambiar nuestra vida y el mundo en el que vivimos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Given the volatile state of the world, it is no coincidence that superheroes have captured our imagination like never before. From Buddha's search for truth to Batman's struggle with his dark side, from Wolverine exposing his greatest fears to Hanuman's divine gifts of inspiration, New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra with his son Gotham, decode the seven essential laws that govern the realm of superheroes both ancient and modern, and explain their relevance, and perhaps most critically, how to apply them to our daily lives. These seven new transformative laws will help us all uncover greater happiness, courage, balance, creativity, compassion, and purpose in our lives.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    85,95 kr.

    Chopra's groundbreaking book on the seven ways we experience God explores mysticism, religious ecstasy, genius, telepathy, multiple personality, and clairvoyance, drawing insights from psychology, neurology, and physics, as well as from the great religions. The result is a fascinating blend of philosophy and science-applied to the greatest subject of all. The most ambitious and important book of his career, Deepak Chopra sets us on a path to the ultimate spiritual experience.

  • - How AI Can Elevate Spiritual Intelligence and Personal Well-Being
    af Deepak Chopra
    253,95 kr.

    An upcoming book to be published by Penguin Random House.

  • - El sendero hacia el gozo y el optimismo espiritual
    af Deepak Chopra
    132,95 kr.

    "Why is God laughing? "Deepak Chopra takes us halfway to an answer, to a line in the sand. Then, after we ve contemplated the parable of Mickey Fellows, we cross that line and arrive at the liberating answer on our own. What is it? I ain t telling. Read the book yourself! Dan Aykroyd, actor and comedian"

  • af Deepak Chopra
    228,95 kr.

    Deepak Chopra, the internationally renowned "poet-prophet of alternative medicine" (Time) and New York Times bestselling author of The Healing Self, offers an absorbing, mystical tale of a love that triumphs over death itself.A gifted young doctor soon to be married, Raj Rabban thinks he knows all about love and death. Then a chance encounter turns everything he knows upside down...Maya is the woman of his parents' choosing, a compatible mate, a practical match. But Molly-the stunning beauty he meets on the subway-ignites Raj's spirit in a way he cannot explain. Driven by a force they do not fully understand, the two quickly come to share a paradise reserved only for true soulmates.But when tragedy intrudes upon their idyll, Raj must undertake a courageous journey and confront the deepest truths within his heart-and beyond what can be seen...

  • af Deepak Chopra
    158,95 kr.

    Color your way to mindfulness with Mindful Coloring, an immersive coloring book featuring illustrations of 45 mantras from New York Times bestselling author and master of meditation Deepak Chopra.The experience of coloring can be a powerful mindfulness tool, and Deepak Chopra’s Mindful Coloring offers a unique way to calm the mind. Each page features intricate mandalas to color paired with mantras that provide a point of focus so you can quiet your inner thoughts and bring peace to your heart. Once filled in, Mindful Coloring is a beautiful and personal tool for your ongoing mindfulness journey

  • af Deepak Chopra
    188,95 kr.

    An enlightening guide to success, fulfillment, wholeness, and plenty, offering practical advice on how to cultivate a sense of abundance in times of fear and insecurity, from New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra“To attain wealth of the lasting kind, the kind that gives your life meaning, value, and sustenance, base your daily existence on the generosity of spirit.”—Deepak ChopraMany of us live and operate from a mindset of lack, scarcity, and limitation. We focus on what we don’t have—financial security, confidence, an intimate relationship—which keeps us feeling insecure and inadequate. We think “if only I could have those things, I could be happy.” But measuring wealth by money or material possessions leaves us feeling drained and spiritually empty. Constantly striving for more often means our ego is driving our thoughts, actions, and reactions, which prevents us from reaching something greater: a true sense of inner peace, acceptance, and fulfillment. Yet, there is an inner path to prosperity and wealth that, once charted and explored, provides access to the great riches of the universe and life’s unbounded possibilities.In Abundance, international bestselling author Deepak Chopra illuminates this road to success and wholeness, helping readers tap into a deeper sense of awareness to become agents of change in their own lives. Mixing ancient teachings and spiritual practices with the wisdom he’s garnered over four decades as the leading figure in mind-body medicine, Deepak demonstrates how to transcend self-generated feelings of limitation and fear in order to experience true abundance in all aspects of life. To do so, he offers a seven-step plan along with meditations and mindfulness techniques to help you focus and direct your attention, energy, and intuition so you can experience stability, affluence, insight, creativity, love, and true power.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    178,95 kr.

    A "book of meditation that will help you achieve new dimensions of stress-free living"--

  • af Deepak Chopra
    193,95 kr.

    "In an unprecedented collaboration between three of today's most powerful minds, Deepak Chopra, M.D., teams up with physicist Jack Tuszynski, Ph.D., and endocrinologist Brian Fertig, M.D., to bring readers a visionary work that delves into the innovative world of quantum science and shows how unlocking its secrets can revolutionize how we live and age--and, ultimately, how we can eradicate disease. The key is the quantum body. Unlike our physical body, which is subject to aging, injury, and decay, the quantum body exists on a sub-atomic level and is the infinite, invisible source of everyday reality that affects your thoughts, feelings, sensations, and biological responses. Without your quantum body, there is no physical body. And this lack of awareness of the most crucial part of ourselves negatively impacts our lives every day. Through a powerful combination of prescriptive exercises and innovative research into the quantum world, the authors unveil seven breakthroughs that will revolutionize the future of everyone's well-being. Central to this revolution is a groundbreaking understanding of metabolism-the way our cells process energy-that promises to challenge our understanding of modern medicine as we know it. Though all too familiar in the physical world, Alzheimer's, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease do not exist at the fundamental level of quantum reality. By harnessing the power of the quantum body, we can significantly improve our physical and mental well-being, including supporting healthy cell, tissue, and organ function, boosting immunity, promoting mental resilience, and expanding our understanding of what it means to live a happy and purposeful life. In this groundbreaking book, Chopra, Tuszynski, and Fertig show you the way by unveiling the "real" reality of your body and mind as never before and providing a vision for a tomorrow that is already here"--

  • af Deepak Chopra
    188,95 kr.

    Observing an Ocean, one will notice that its waves rise and retreat regularly. Also, there are numerous people on its sandy beach, watching, playing, relaxing and enjoying.A child is playing on the beach and a wave comes and takes back with it his toys or destroys his sand castle - he gets upset and writes on the sand "Ocean is bad".A fisherman gets a good catch of fish from the sea, for his daily livelihood, he becomes happy and writes "Ocean is kind & my provider".Seeing a young person drown in the sea, the sad mother writes "Ocean is a murderer".A person walking on the beach on finding a precious pearl in the sea-shell, writes "Ocean is so benevolent".All this time, the mighty ocean has been the same and is not bothered on how others are referring to its tides/waves. It continues unfazed by other's expressions on its nature and behaviour.Likewise, we humans need to be concentrating on our innate strengths/courage to carry on with our tasks/passion, undisturbed by external turbulence and deterrents. "Life is ... an Ocean...Explore & Float!"This book is an effort to provide worthwhile information on various common subjects, which regularly surface with varying complexities in our Life. Our Life ahead will be a culmination of various Choices and Decisions we make today!

  • af Deepak Chopra
    223,95 kr.

    “Deepak Chopra lights the way to twenty-first century leadership, where consciousness, love, and compassion redefine the locus of power in relationships and organizations.”—John Mackey, co-CEO Whole Foods Market  Bestselling author and spiritual guide Deepak Chopra invites you to become the kind of leader most needed today: a leader with vision who can make that vision real. Chopra has been teaching leadership to CEOs and other top executives for eight years, and the path outlined in The Soul of Leadership applies to any business, but the same principles are relevant in every community and area of life, from family and home to school, place of worship, and neighborhood. “At the deepest level,” Chopra writes, “a leader is the symbolic soul of a group.”   With clear, practical steps, you are led through the crucial skills outlined in the acronym L-E-A-D-E-R-S: L = Look and Listen E = Emotional BondingA = AwarenessD = DoingE = EmpowermentR = Responsibility S = SynchronicityAfter identifying your own soul profile and the core values you want to develop, you can use these seven skills to allow your potential for greatness to emerge. Only from the level of the soul, Chopra contends, are great leaders created. Once that connection is made, you have unlimited access to the most vital qualities a leader can possess: creativity, intelligence, organizing power, and love.   The Soul of Leadership aims to fill the most critical void in contemporary life, the void of enlightened leaders. “You can be such a leader,” Chopra promises. “The path is open to you. The only requirement is that you learn to listen to your inner guide.” In this unique handbook you are shown how to do just that, in words as practical as they are uplifting. The future is unfolding at this very minute, and the choice to lead it lies with each of us, here and now.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    198,95 kr.

    Hay una revolución en salud ocurriendo el día de hoy.En tus manos está llevarla a cabo.Por más de veinticinco años, Deepak Chopra y Rudolph E. Tanzi han revolucionado la forma de entender nuestros cuerpos, nuestra mente y la medicina. Chopra, el máximo gurú en el campo de la medicina integral, y Tanzi, el pionero en neurociencia y el descubridor de los genes que causan Alzheimer, se unen nuevamente para hablarnos de la suprema importancia de nuestro sistema inmunológico y de su relación con nuestra salud permanente. Sánate a ti mismo nos ayudará a tomar las mejores decisiones para tener un plan de salud holístico y trasformador de por vida. Chopra y Tanzi no sólo expanden las fronteras del intelecto con las últimas investigaciones de cuerpo-mente, mente-genes, mente-conexiones inmunológicas, sino que nos ofrecen un plan revolucionario de siete días que nos da las herramientas clave para desarrollar nuestro camino personal para sanarnos.Además, Sánate a ti mismo nos dice cómo manejar el estrés crónico y la inflamación, pues son las principales causas del detrimento de nuestra salud. También analiza un cúmulo de desór- denes crónicos como hipertensión, enfermedades del corazón, diabetes tipo 2, Alzheimer, entre muchas otras. De ahí que aprender los secretos de sanarse a uno mismo no sea algo simplemente urgente, sino obligatorio. El libro es una invitación a llevar a cabo un programa estratégico y probado para tener una vida larga y saludable.ENGLISH DESCRIPTION After collaborating on two major books featured as PBS specials, Super Brain and Super Genes, Chopra and Tanzi now tackle the issue of lifelong health and heightened immunity.We are the midst of a new revolution.For over twenty-five years Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D. have revolutionized medicine and how we understand our minds and our bodies-Chopra, the leading expert in the field of integrative medicine; Tanzi, the pioneering neuroscientist and discoverer of genes that cause Alzheimer's Disease. After reaching millions of people around the world through their collaborations on the hugely successful Super Brain and Super Genes books and public television programs, The New York Times bestselling authors now present a groundbreaking, landmark work on the supreme importance of our immune system in relation to our lifelong health.In the face of environmental toxins, potential epidemics, superbugs, and the accelerated aging process, the significance of achieving optimum health has never been more crucial-and the burden to achieve it now rests on individuals making the right lifestyle choices every day.That means you. You-not doctors, not pharmaceutical companies-are ultimately responsible for your own health.Chopra and Tanzi want to help readers make the best decisions possible when it comes to creating a holistic and transformative health plan for life. In The Healing Self they not only push the boundaries of the intellect to bring readers the newest research and insights on the mind-body, mind-gene, and mind-immunity connections, but they offer a cutting-edge, seven-day action plan, which outlines the key tools everyone needs to develop their own effective and personalized path to self-healing.In addition, The Healing Self closely examines how we can best manage chronic stress and inflammation, which are immerging as the primary detriments of well-being. Moreover, Chopra and Tanzi turn their attention to a host of chronic disorders such as hypertension, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer's Disease, known to take years and sometimes decades to develop before the first symptoms appear. Contemporary medical systems aren't set to attend to prolonged low-grade chronic inflammation or the everyday infections and stresses that take their toll on the body and can lead to disease, aging, and death. Thus, learning the secrets of self-healing is not only urgent but mandatory for optimum health. The Healing Self then is a call to action, a proven, strategic program that will arm readers with the information they need to protect themselves and achieve lifelong wellness.There is a new revolution occurring in health today. That revolution is you.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    398,95 kr.

    Dr. Deepak Chopra, author of the best-selling Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, offers his thousands of fans a newly revised edition of Creating Health, his groundbreaking book about the healing power of the mind. First published in 1987, Creating Health introduces the basic premises of Ayurveda, the six-thousand-year-old tradition of health care from India, and guides readers toward a sound understanding of the mind-body connection. Dr. Chopra is considered the preeminent spokesman for Ayurveda, which he blends with Western medical philosophy to create an intelligent and balanced approach to health. Dr. Chopra has revised Creating Health for the many people who are turning to alternative methods of health care as a result of the escalating crisis in traditional care. This edition incorporates a number of advances based on Dr. Chopra's recent work and new perspectives, including the techniques of mindfulness meditation, a simple but powerful form of breath-focused meditation.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    228,95 kr.