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Bøger af David Robbins

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  • af David Robbins
    64,89 kr.

    Hundrede år efter den store atomkrig kæmper de overlevende for livet blandt vilde barbarer og uhyggelige mutanter.Alpha-Triadens elitesoldater Blade, Hickok og Geronimo er trænede til at holde sig i live ligegyldigt hvad de kommer ud for. De tilhører Krigerne, en del af det samfund, der kaldes Familien.Nu har Blade, Hickok og Geronimo fået til opgave at skaffe en livsvigtig medicin til Familiens medlemmer, og den skal hentes i en ukendt verden, hvor det gælder om at dræbe, før man selv bliver dræbt.Den amerikanske forfatter David L. Robbins (f. 1950) har skrevet over 300 bøger inden for forskellige genrer som science fiction, action, thriller og fagbøger. Han har blandt andet skrevet bøger til de populære bogserier "De overlevende", "Blade" "Davy Crockett".Efter en atomkrig har ødelagt verden, som vi kender den, forsøger de få overlevende at klare sig i det postapokalyptiske helvede, der hersker på jorden. Og det er ikke kun giftskyer, stråling og forurening, der truer de overlevende – nye former for væsner har muteret i løbet af atomvinteren, og kæmper nu en indædt kamp mod menneskene.

  • af David Robbins
    64,89 - 75,95 kr.

    Det er nøjagtigt 100 år siden, at et atomhelvede udslettede al civilisation på jorden og kun efterlod få overlevende.I det, der engang kaldtes Amerika, kæmper de overlevendes efterkommere for at skabe sig en menneskelig tilværelse. Giftskyer og stråling truer dem, men den største trussel er de kødædende, muterede dyr, troldene, der har en umættelig appetit på kvinder.Blade, Hickock og Geronimo får til opgave at redde de bortførte kvinder, som troldene holder fangne i byen Fox...Efter en atomkrig har ødelagt verden, som vi kender den, forsøger de få overlevende at klare sig i det postapokalyptiske helvede, der hersker på jorden. Og det er ikke kun giftskyer, stråling og forurening, der truer de overlevende – nye former for væsner har muteret i løbet af atomvinteren, og kæmper nu en indædt kamp mod menneskene.Den amerikanske forfatter David Robbins (f. 1950) har skrevet over 300 bøger inden for forskellige genrer som science fiction, action, thriller og fagbøger. Han har blandt andet skrevet bøger til de populære bogserier "De overlevende", "Blade" "Davy Crockett".

  • af David Robbins
    64,89 kr.

    Blade og hans lille gruppe toptrænede elitesoldater brød op fra deres isolerede koloni for at begive sig til Thief River Falls efter udrustning og medicin. De troede, de var de eneste overlevende mennesker efter det atomhelvede, der havde udslettet Amerika. Men de tog fejl. De troede også, deres værste fjender var de menneskeædende mutanter. Men igen tog de fejl. For i Thief River Falls mødte de nogle menneskelignende uhyrer, der overgik alle tidligere rædsler. Og kampen, der fulgte, kom til at dreje sig om hele deres lille koloni.De overlevendeEfter en atomkrig har ødelagt verden, som vi kender den, forsøger de få overlevende at klare sig i det postapokalyptiske helvede, der hersker på jorden. Og det er ikke kun giftskyer, stråling og forurening, der truer de overlevende – nye former for væsner har muteret i løbet af atomvinteren, og kæmper nu en indædt kamp mod menneskene.Den amerikanske forfatter David Robbins (f. 1950) har skrevet over 300 bøger inden for forskellige genrer som science fiction, action, thriller og fagbøger. Han har blandt andet skrevet bøger til de populære bogserier ”De overlevende”, ”Blade” og ”Davy Crockett”.

  • af David Robbins
    64,89 kr.

    Døde zoner kaldes de områder i det, der engang hed Amerika, hvor atombomberne ramte under den Tredje Verdenskrig. Det er sandørkner uden liv, og intet kan gro der. En gruppe plyndrende nomader til hest har jaget Geronimo ind i en sådan zone, og han opdager snart, at det sted, hvor han er havnet, bestemt ikke er dødt og uden liv. Og de væsner, som holder til på stedet, er dødsensfarlige…De overlevendeEfter en atomkrig har ødelagt verden, som vi kender den, forsøger de få overlevende at klare sig i det postapokalyptiske helvede, der hersker på jorden. Og det er ikke kun giftskyer, stråling og forurening, der truer de overlevende – nye former for væsner har muteret i løbet af atomvinteren, og kæmper nu en indædt kamp mod menneskene.Den amerikanske forfatter David L. Robbins (f. 1950) har skrevet over 300 bøger inden for forskellige genrer som science fiction, action, thriller og fagbøger. Han har blandt andet skrevet bøger til de populære bogserier ”De overlevende”, ”Blade” og ”Davy Crockett”.

  • af David Robbins
    64,89 kr.

    Hundrede år efter den tredje verdenskrig i det land, som engang hed Amerika, er Blade og hans elitegruppe Alpha-triaden på vej gennem det hærgede land til et skæbnesvangert møde.Deres mål er at gøre det af med den berygtede Doktor, men før de ved af det, er de selv faldet i baghold omgivet af blodtørstige uhyrer og soldater fra Doktorens hær. Deres eneste udvej er at tage kampen op, men den synes på forhånd håbløs. Syv mand mod en hel hær! Det ville blive en kamp, man sent ville glemme – hvis nogen af dem levede længe nok til at fortælle om den.Den amerikanske forfatter David L. Robbins (f. 1950) har skrevet over 300 bøger inden for forskellige genrer som science fiction, action, thriller og fagbøger. Han har blandt andet skrevet bøger til de populære bogserier "De overlevende", "Blade" "Davy Crockett".Efter en atomkrig har ødelagt verden, som vi kender den, forsøger de få overlevende at klare sig i det postapokalyptiske helvede, der hersker på jorden. Og det er ikke kun giftskyer, stråling og forurening, der truer de overlevende – nye former for væsner har muteret i løbet af atomvinteren, og kæmper nu en indædt kamp mod menneskene.

  • af David Robbins
    64,89 kr.

    En nådesløs diktator har sat sig for at underlægge sig de sidste rester af civilisationen efter Tredje Verdenskrig.Kun den lille gruppe, der kalder sig Familien, er imod ham, men den har hårdt brug for hjælp.Hjælpen findes, men langt borte, for der er kun en enkelt mand, der har mod og styrke til at udrette det umulige.Mislykkes det for ham, betyder det Familiens undergang. Lykkes det, kan det blive den sidste heltedåd.Den amerikanske forfatter David L. Robbins (f. 1950) har skrevet over 300 bøger inden for forskellige genrer som science fiction, action, thriller og fagbøger. Han har blandt andet skrevet bøger til de populære bogserier "De overlevende", "Blade" og "Davy Crockett".Efter en atomkrig har ødelagt verden, som vi kender den, forsøger de få overlevende at klare sig i det postapokalyptiske helvede, der hersker på jorden. Og det er ikke kun giftskyer, stråling og forurening, der truer de overlevende – nye former for væsner har muteret i løbet af atomvinteren, og kæmper nu en indædt kamp mod menneskene.

  • af David Robbins
    64,89 kr.

    Hundrede år efter Tredje Verdenskrigs ophør bliver elitesoldaterne Blade, Hickok og Geronimo sendt til Twin Cities for at hjælpe tre rivaliserende grupper ud af byen og væk fra den civiliserede zones hær, som er ude på at bemægtige sig hele landet. Samtidigt bliver deres kammerat Yama sendt til den by, hvor der bor en ond læge, som ved hjælp af genteknologi skaber morderiske uhyrer. Yama skal finde ud af, hvad der egentlig foregår. Hans mission er absolut ikke ufarlig, men han har før fået hjælp fra uventet kant.De overlevendeEfter en atomkrig har ødelagt verden, som vi kender den, forsøger de få overlevende at klare sig i det postapokalyptiske helvede, der hersker på jorden. Og det er ikke kun giftskyer, stråling og forurening, der truer de overlevende – nye former for væsner har muteret i løbet af atomvinteren, og kæmper nu en indædt kamp mod menneskene.Den amerikanske forfatter David L. Robbins (f. 1950) har skrevet over 300 bøger inden for forskellige genrer som science fiction, action, thriller og fagbøger. Han har blandt andet skrevet bøger til de populære bogserier ”De overlevende”, ”Blade” og ”Davy Crockett”.

  • af David Robbins
    64,89 kr.

    Det er 100 år siden, den Tredje Verdenskrigs atomhelvede ødelagde alt liv på jorden. Eller næsten alt, for der findes en lille gruppe overlevende, der daglig må tage kampen op mod omstrejfende mutanter, deforme pattedyr samt krybdyr med glubende appetit.Under anførsel af Blade får kampstyrken Alpha-Triaden til opgave at fremskaffe et livsvigtigt serum, der kan redde nogle af de overlevende.Men forinden bliver triaden nødt til at kæmpe sig vej gennem horder af afskyelige og deforme væsener, der elsker menneskekød, og gennem en by, som ingen plejer at slippe levende igennem!Efter en atomkrig har ødelagt verden, som vi kender den, forsøger de få overlevende at klare sig i det postapokalyptiske helvede, der hersker på jorden. Og det er ikke kun giftskyer, stråling og forurening, der truer de overlevende – nye former for væsner har muteret i løbet af atomvinteren, og kæmper nu en indædt kamp mod menneskene.Den amerikanske forfatter David L. Robbins (f. 1950) har skrevet over 300 bøger inden for forskellige genrer som science fiction, action, thriller og fagbøger. Han har blandt andet skrevet bøger til de populære bogserier "De overlevende", "Blade" og "Davy Crockett".

  • af David Robbins
    43,95 - 59,95 kr.

    Det tredje världskriget ödelägger det land som en gång hette Amerika. Platserna där atombomberna slår ner kallas för döda zoner och består av sandöknar utan vare sig liv eller växtlighet. Geronimo jagas in i ett sådant område av Kavalleriet, en grupp plundrande nomader, och befinner sig plötsligt i ett mystiskt landskap. Snart inser han att platsen är allt annat än livlös och att han själv svävar i total livsfara.”Den döda zonen" av David Robbins är en del av bokserien "De överlevande" som ursprungligen publicerades mellan åren 1985 och 1992. Den postapokalyptiska sci-fi-serien utforskar en värld i spillror efter en global katastrof och tar med läsaren på äventyr genom farliga landskap och våldsamma konflikter.De överlevandeEfter att ett kärnvapenkrig lagt världen i ruiner försöker ett fåtal överlevande klara sig i det postapokalyptiska helvete som återstår av jorden. Men människorna hotas inte bara av konflikter, strålning, gift och föroreningar. Under atomvintern har nya varelser skapats och de riskerar nu att utplåna det lilla som finns kvar av mänskligheten.David L. Robbins (född 1950) är en amerikansk bästsäljande författare som skrivit över 300 böcker inom en rad olika genrer: science fiction, action, thriller, ungdomsromaner och facklitteratur. Han har också bidragit till flera erkända bokserier under pseudonym, däribland Bröderna Hardy, Blade och Davy Crockett.

  • af David Robbins
    598,95 kr.

    Restructured and refreshed for today's young couples, this perennial bestseller from FamilyLife is centered around essential conversations about God, finances, sex, and more. Inside these pages you will find a fun and romantic study that will help you target areas for growth in your marriage. Don't just plan your wedding, prepare for your marriage!

  • - A Fascinating Guide to Brazilian History
    af David Robbins
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the incredible story behind the world's fifth-largest country.Home of the Amazon rainforest, and imbued with a rich culture, history, and people, Brazil has a fascinating origin story stretching back hundreds of years. From the diverse ecology and the thousands of tribes in its pre-colonial state, to the arrival of the Portuguese and its journey to where it is now, this book offers a detailed and profound insight into the story of Brazil.Covering their economy and natural resources, rich environment, and the conflicts which mark their history, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in world history, South America, and the origins of the world's fifth-largest country.Buy now to uncover the story behind Brazil today, you will be shocked by some of the stories!

  • - The Gift
    af David Robbins
    118,95 kr.

    The Wilderness Series continues! Nate King's daughter is sixteen and in love. She conspires to trick her father and sneak away with the warrior who has claimed her heart. Only they don't know that four killers are on the loose, slaughtering settlers and anyone else they come across. Now it's a race against time as Nate tries to find his headstrong pride and joy before the killers do.

  • af David Robbins
    118,95 kr.

    Franco Scarvetti has a problem. His psycho son has whacked a made man. Now a rival Family is out to do the same to his son. So Big Frank comes up with a plan. He sends his pride and joy to run a radio station in a small town while he tries to smooth things over. But Big Frank never read Shakespeare and he forgets that a psycho by any other name is still....a psycho. HIT RADIO by David Robbins is a hilarious romp through the brutal world of the Mafia. Throw in two star-crossed young lovers, a hitman with a heart of ice, and you have a story that you won't want to put down once you start reading.

  • af David Robbins
    243,95 kr.

    Robbins identifies and amplifies the entertainment value of "high culture," specifically in regard to visual artDavid Robbins' latest book, High Entertainment, argues for a new kind of cultural production that combines the experimental ethos of art with the accessibility of entertainment. It eschews the specialized language on which art has increasingly come to depend, in favor of a communication model that elevates the vernacular mores to which we are exposed from our earliest years. Bringing together a selection of essays, an interview and artwork which explore the development of this philosophy, this book touches upon four decades of Robbins' engagement with the idea of "High Entertainment" beginning in the 1980s through its moment of clearest resolution with the advent of digital technology, all the way to the present.Artist and writer David Robbins (born 1957) worked at the studios of Andy Warhol, George Plimpton and Diana Vreeland in the 1980s. Embracing the intersection between art and celebrity, he incorporated entertainment references into his artwork and created biographic profiles of his contemporaries. His previous books include Concrete Comedy, The Velvet Grind, The Camera Believes Everything and more.

  • - A Fascinating Guide to Colombian History
    af David Robbins
    123,95 kr.

    Unearth the incredible history of one of South America's most beautiful countries.Colombia is an amazing country with a rich history, vibrant geography, and diverse people - now, inside this book, you'll uncover a profound and insightful exploration of this fascinating country, packed with detailed insights and interesting facts. Covering everything from the early history and development to colonization and Colombia's long journey to its place as a republic in the 21st century, this comprehensive guide is perfect for anyone looking to study this extraordinary country.Offering an exploration of the natural beauty and geographic elements of Colombia, this book also examines the country's economy and exports, the advances in science and technology which the country's scientists and doctors have pioneered, and the past and present governments who have built the groundwork to launch Colombia into the future.Colombia is a fascinating country with a rich story to tell. The History of Colombia is ideal for any fan of south America and world history, offering a powerful exploration of Colombia's past, present, and possible future.Buy now to unearth the history of Colombia today!

  • - A Fascinating Guide to Chilean History
    af David Robbins
    123,95 kr.

    Uncover the history of Chile, the South American country with a rich and tumultuous history.From the Atacama desert, the driest desert in the world, to the Andes mountain range, Chile is a country with incredible geography and an even more fascinating history. This book uncovers their history, from their origins before colonization to the influence of Spain and the rest of Europe. Containing the history of the Mapuche people, along with the fight for independence and a slew of rebellions, Chile's journey to its place in the modern world is both long and arduous. From their political struggles, place in the world wars, and relationships with other countries, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the rich history of this amazing country.Buy now to discover Chile like never before!

  • - A Fascinating Guide to Venezuelan History
    af David Robbins
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the fascinating story of Venezuela.Venezuela is a vibrant and incredible country, with rich natural resources and an environment backing the Amazon rainforest. This book takes a look at the country's history, from the Carib and the arrival of the Spanish to their cold war and political struggles.Inside you'll find an insight into the regimes of both democracy and dictatorship, including José Antonio Páez, Hugo Chavez, and Nicolás Maduro. You'll also learn about the current issues the country faces, with skyrocketing inflation, economic crisis, and little end in sight.Buy now to uncover the events which shaped Venezuela's history today!

  • - Covering Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Machu Picchu, The Inca Empire, Peru, Venezuela, Simon Bolivar, and much more
    af David Robbins
    238,95 kr.

    Experience the unique and extraordinary history of the South American continent!Are you searching for a detailed exploration of South America? Do you want to learn about its incredible countries, the ancient Inca empire, and how Simon Bolivar shaped the course of history? Then keep reading.Delving into the vibrant history and beautiful culture of the South American continent, inside this guide you'll be taken on a journey into the past, uncovering a richly-woven story that has played out through the ages. From the time of the great Inca Empire to the foundation of the modern-day countries we know so well, this book unveils the secrets of South America like never before.Told with gripping detail and full of lesser-known and interesting facts, The Complete History of South America makes the perfect book for anybody who wants to learn more about this fascinating land. Shedding light on countries across the continent, from Colombia to Chile, you'll get a glimpse of the South America that history class never taught you.Here's what you'll discover inside: The Amazing History of Every Country on the South American ContinentAn Exploration of the Mighty Inca Empire and the Legacy It Left BehindThe Wonders of Machu Picchu, the Famed Inca City That Has Stood the Test of TimeSimon Bolivar's Struggle For Independence and How He Led South Americans to Victory Over the SpanishAnd Much More...So if you're searching for a unique insight into South American history and culture, or if you want to learn about these stunning countries in the present day, The Complete History of South America is for you.Scroll up and buy now to begin unravelling the story of South America today!

  • - A Fascinating Guide to Argentine History
    af David Robbins
    128,95 kr.

    Discover the amazing story of one of South America's most fascinating countries.From the time of the Inca Empire before colonization to the fight for independence and their place in the modern world, this book delves into the rich history behind this incredible country. With reference to their modernization, political struggles, and the fight for the Falklands, inside you'll find a wealth of fascinating information about Argentine history and the lives of its inhabitants.As one of the largest countries in the Americas, Argentina has a rich history all the way from its Neolithic first inhabitants to the current day. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in both this country and world history.Buy now to uncover the history of Argentina today!

  • - A Fascinating Guide
    af David Robbins
    118,95 kr.

    Uncover the fascinating history of Peru, one of South America's most beautiful countries.Overlapping with the Amazon and the Andes, Peru is a rich and incredible country with a long history. Now, this book examines Peru's story, covering the early Inca Empire, one of the most advanced pre-American societies, to colonization and Peru's journey to its place in the modern world.With reference to the pre and post-Inca Empires, as well as the first arrival of the Spanish and the formation of the Republic of Peru, this detailed guide explores their history and the many events which shaped them. Including their resources, political leaders, and many struggles, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in world history.Buy now to discover Peru's incredible story today!

  • - A South African gallery's response to a changing world
    af David Robbins
    308,95 kr.

    The William Humphreys Art Gallery (WHAG) in Kimberley is South Africa's smallest nationally funded gallery. It is also the country's most dynamic and innovative in terms of its response to the changing socio-political terrain in which it has operated during its 60-year life. From its origins as a typical colonial repository of imported culture, WHAG now holds one of the finest collections of the diverse streams of South African art. It also runs unique projects which have transformed the gallery from an isolated cultural enclave into the nerve centre for thriving outreach in the most desolate and marginalised - and starkly beautiful - region of the country's hinterland. The story of this pioneering institution is told through the experiences of a team from the gallery as it journeys thousands of kilometres across the Northern Cape in search of what might constitute the significance of art in human development, and in the lives of frequently impoverished contemporary communities. This quest for possible answers sheds important light on the role and rationale of an art gallery, and of the arts in general, in a changed and changing South Africa.

  • af David Robbins
    258,95 kr.

    As presented in this book, the ego's journey of Self Realization is threefold: healing the Shadow, expressing the Beauty, Passion, and Wisdom of the Soul, and accessing and expanding our divine qualities, such as compassion and forgiveness. The Song of the Self Tarot deck designed by the author, expresses the path for Self-Becoming, through the mythical journey of Prince Ego, uniting with Sister Shadow, Sister Soul, and Brother Spirit. Each tarot card has a story, and a song illustrating the archetype. The images are explained spiritually and psychologically, referencing myth, literature, and film. The In a Reading section for each card, describes their meanings and questions to ask to help the querent relate to the archetype for deeper understanding. The twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana are the Keys to Love he travels through to complete the process. The reader is provided with Activations for Soul Growth, Creativity and Dreamwork, along with Affirmations, References and Recommended Reading to assist your journey of the Self. Also included are autobiographic examples of how the author relates to the keys. The Ten Universal Symbols of Manifestation is the author's condensed version of the minor arcana, showing the evolution of energy into the manifestation of the Self in wholeness.

  • af David Robbins
    153,95 kr.

  • af David Robbins
    128,95 kr.

  • af David Robbins
    118,95 kr.

  • af David Robbins
    83,95 kr.

  • af David Robbins
    78,95 kr.

  • af David Robbins
    98,95 kr.