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Bøger af David Peter Ehrlich

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  • - The Walking Dead Against The Antichrist
    af David Peter Ehrlich
    163,95 kr.

    A Zombie Apocalypse Saga on a massive scale and with a twist. The Antichrist is emerging into the land and upon the Great Metropolis sent by Belial and Satan. Its name is the Angel of the Abyss or Abaddon. Abaddon is a first tier demon and one of the Princes of Darkness. It is the Antichrist personified in the Book of Revelations by the Apostle Saint John. It is at war with the Demon Merihem another powerful denizen of Hell that was banished by Satan to live and to wreck havoc and untold destruction on humankind. Merihem is the Lord of Pestilence and Plague creating the Zombie Apocalypse, contagion and the viral affliction that threatens to extirpate the human race from the planet. Merihem was once, and still is, one of the all-powerful first tier demons. He was cast out of hell and heaven with only one way at Redemption. That was bringing forth the total destruction of 'man'. Of humankind. No matter what the cost. Merihem resided on Earth, for a time, bringing doom to all who stood in his way. His powers are those to cause pestilence and disease. He killed millions of innocents however Satan and Lucifer and Abaddon refused to take him back to Hell. One night while meditating, Merihem was attacked by the Archangels which included Michael, Raphael and Gabriel who were determined to stop him, no matter what. They failed. Now he lives on Earth once more and has, in this Saga full of horror, thrilling suspense, some romance and a cast of fanatical and ruthless human characters that struggle with the Zombification of their city and their land, created from out of a vast and malevolent Forest that covers and surrounds the capital City an Army of the Undead. The Walking Dead or Zombies that run amuck in their millions as the populace is decimated by the affliction. The only way to stop the Undead is by decapitation. Colonel Karl Laforce opens the dystopian horror by travelling to a remote University buried in the wilds of this dank and latently brooding Forest of Evil. He is on military furlough to advance his studies in the Law and falls in love with two beautiful and intoxicating women, Rachel and Sapphira. Then Juliette arrives having escaped from the metropolis and capital as she was once involved in the Ravachol Drug Cartel. A vast Criminal Organisation that virtually controls de facto a huge swathe of the city called the 'Iron Triangle' that the authorities have been unable to control. As the Zombie infestation gathers momentum in the Forest these and other characters, namely, Balthasar Brandmayer who is Laforce's best friend and military comrade in the city Defence Forces, stumble upon a vast and perniciously evil subterranean cave complex buried beneath the Forest that holds incalculable horror as to the imminent emergence of the Antichrist. The stage is set for Armageddon as Laforce, his two eye candy lovers, Brandmayer and a mysterious and ravishingly beautiful teenage girl by the name of Milena, all head back to the Great Metropolis to aid the new Government and ruler who is General Lorenz Ritter Von Stransky. They become embroiled not only in a fight to the death with the Zombie hordes but also in a coup d'état that sees General Von Stransky overcome and brutally annihilate the Drug Cartels making him the new Chancellor of the Land which is set in the future. But it is too late as the Angel of the Abyss is about to emerge. Abaddon breaks free and unleashes its own army of Antichrist serpents or locusts that vex and chastise both the zombies and the human populace. The stage is set for the final Apocalyptic countdown to utter catastrophe as man fights zombie, zombie fights the Antichrist and Abaddon is determined to annihilate them all in an orgy of Wagnerian inspired destruction that would make the Twilight of the Gods, his Gotterdammerung, pale to insignificance as the loyal troops of the Great Metropolis fight to the last man, the last bullet and to their dying breath in unalterable and ruthless fanaticism.

  • - World War Four and the Catholic Empire
    af David Peter Ehrlich
    288,95 kr.

    This is a pure fiction novel based on a very vivid and lucid dream that I experienced in early 2009. It was a dream (or perhaps nightmare vision) from my subconscious which envisaged a World War Four (IV) scenario in the first decade of the 22nd Century. In my dream I saw only three major powers. The Eastern Empire. The Western (Catholic Empire). And a third force called the Cartels grouped into a Northern and Southern faction. The entire planet Earth was the battleground. This Fourth World War started around AD 2030 after a thermonuclear and catastrophic Third World War from 2017 to 2023. All the 196 or so nations were wiped out and the world's population reduced from close to 7.5 Billion to only 600 million. The Western Empire was formed by survivors falling back on their religious faith, which I dreamt was primarily Catholicism. The rest of the world was non-Christian including the loose amalgamation of warlords called the Northern and Southern Cartel. The Western Catholic Empire was ruled by a self-styled Vice Cardinal. His Clergy were in revolt during the first decade of the 22nd Century. However, he was a secular as well as an ecclesiastical leader and the Army and the Imperium still supported his government. The Clergy leaders, Bishops and Prelates, had their own vast private armies or Militias. Civil War was about to commence at a time when the seven Western Armies still loyal to the Vice Cardinal were losing the Fourth World War all around the globe from Europe to Asia to the Pacific. This work of fiction took 5 years to write and is approximately 557,900 words in length. It is just one vision of one person from one dream as to one possible scenario for a world at the brink of annihilation amongst countless other visions and possibilities of the future to come. It is not a heart-warming vision but a harrowing tale of terror, fanaticism, pathogenic psychological madness and brutal conspiratorial plots to achieve factional and individual supreme power at any cost, regardless of the ultimate consequences for mankind and the already devastated and irradiated environment in a world where technology has regressed almost to a standstill and which has been polluted by a Nuclear Winter has predicted by Professor Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University.

  • af David Peter Ehrlich
    398,95 kr.

    Military History of the most famous battle of the Vietnam War 1962-1975. Story of the United States Marine Corps and its heroic South Vietnamese allies, the ARVN, at the Marine Base at KHE SANH in the I Corps Operational Zone [Quang Tri Province] before, during and after the TET Offensive of 1967-68 launched by the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army under General Vo Nguyen Giap and Ho Chi Minh. Recounts the sacrifice and heroism of the United States Marine Corps, specifically the 77 day siege of the base and air strip at Khe Sanh, the attack on the US Special Forces Camp at Lang Vei, the initial defence during Operation Scotland I, the air offensive Operation NIAGARA, the ground offensive Operation PEGASUS and the relief of Khe Sanh by the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), 5th and 9th Marine Regiments and the final counter offensive by the 26th Marine Regiment and the heroism of the 9th Marines. A testament to the superlative professionalism and unflinching dedication and sacrifice of the United States Air Force, the United States Marine Corps and United States Army. The story focuses on the roles of Colonel David E. Lownds [26th Marine Regiment Commander], General Rathvon C. Tompkins, Lieutenant General Cushman [III MAF] and COMUSMACV Commander General William Westmoreland. The entire Siege of Khe Sanh from 21st January 1968 to 6th April 1968 is dealt with in great detail as well as the progress of the engagement with PAVN forces. The battles around Hills 881 North & South, Hills 861 and 861A, Hills 558 and Hill 64 and the Battle of Lang Vei Special Forces Camp is described exactly as it happened. The Military sequence of events is described in 337,000 words in the book. Also includes the story of Sergeant David C. Dolby recipient of the Medal of Honour for his actions in the Vietnam War and his 2nd Tour of Vietnam in the 1st Battalion, 101st Airborne Division from 1967 to 1968.

  • af David Peter Ehrlich
    653,95 kr.

    "I want you to have the privilege of starting the Third Tiberium War, the War to end all Wars,...Go Ahead, My Son! Push the button! Inscribe your place in history with the blood of GDI!" Thus said the Messiah Kane to the mysterious NOD Commander who became a member of his Inner Circle. With the destruction of the GDSS Philadelphia during the Annual Energy Summit by the Brotherhood of NOD, Kane started the most destructive conflict between the Global Defence Initiative and his Followers. As the war raged from the White House to Europe and Australia the Alien Scrin would also launch their invasion of Earth revealing the secrets of the Tacitus. Even as Kane was engineering the Liquid Tiberium Bomb the fate of Temple Prime in Sarajevo was sealed. This is the story of the Third Tiberium War between the two Superpowers and the seeming defeat of Kane in 2047. But what appeared to be the result of this War was just an elusion.

  • af David Peter Ehrlich
    78,95 kr.