Bøger af David Lindo
198,95 kr. New in the popular 'In Our Nature' series, a fully-illustrated guide to the incredible diversity of birdlife around the world.
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- 198,95 kr.
193,95 kr. - Bog
- 193,95 kr.
198,95 kr. Spændende fagbog for børn om FUGLENES FANTASTISKE LIV og deres betydning for naturen og os.Bogen indeholder fem hovedkapitler samt en ordliste og stikordsregister:HVAD ER FUGLE?FORSKELLIGE GRUPPER AF FUGLEFUGLES ADFÆRDLEVESTEDERFUGLENE OG OSLige uden for dit vindue fines der en fantastisk verden af fugleFugle er spændende, blandt andet fordi de har nogle særlige kendetegn, som ingen andre dyr har, nemlig fjer, næb og vinger. De fleste af dem kan flyve, men de, der ikke kan, har egenskaber, som gør dem i stand til at løbe eller svømme. Nogle fugle siger mærkelige lyde, andre synger smukt. De kan have strålende farver eller farver, som falder i ét med omgivelserne.Grundlæggende og overskuelig fagbog med kortfattede tekster. Bogen er rigtig illustreret og giver læseren mulighed for i detaljer at se dyrenes nogle gange særprægede udseendende og levesteder.En virkelig grundig fagbog, der kommer hele vejen rundt om sit emne. Man får et godt indblik i de talrige arter, og i at fuglene stammer fra dinosaurerne. Kombinationen af flotte fotos af fuglene og fine tegninger af baggrunde og landskaber fungerer rigtig godt.Anbefales varmt til børnebiblioteker og PLCLektørudtalelsen
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- 198,95 kr.
193,95 kr. - Bog
- 193,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Journey through the skies with this beautifully illustrated bird book for children!Parrots, hummingbirds, eagles and more, swoop across the pages of this colorful bird book, featuring illustrations and photographs to immerse young nature enthusiasts in the extraordinary world of birds. Discover the surprising homes, relationships, and habitats of our feathered friends, and learn about how we can protect the wonderful bird world. Within its pages, you will find: -Fascinating and detailed information about birds, making it a perfect classroom read-A glossary of bird terminology and full list of national birds -Detailed illustrations and photographs of all things bird - beaks, feathers, nests, eggs, habitats and more! -Fun and surprising facts that will make you want to learn moreDiscover the wondrous world of birds!Also known as the Urban Birder, author David Lindo's engaging text will show children just how amazing birds are, what they do for our planet, and how we can help to protect birds and their natural habitats. This book shows that birding can be accessible to all, inspiring even city-dwellers to engage with birds in urban environments.Accompanied by enchanting illustrations of bird families including gamebirds, flightless birds, and perching birds, are amazing facts about how birds talk to each other, what they eat, and how they are able to fly.From frozen ice-scapes to sweltering deserts, from prehistoric ancestors to amazing adaptations, explore the surprising homes, relationships, and habits of our feathered friends.For the bird watchers of the future, this is the perfect bird identification book for kids to encourage their interest in the animal planet, and learn how to conserve it. Explore the natural world in its entirety! The Extraordinary World of Birds is the most recent title in the breathtaking series that contains The Magic and Mystery of Trees, The Book of Brilliant Bugs, and Earth's Incredible Oceans.
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- 173,95 kr.
198,95 kr. - Bog
- 198,95 kr.