Bøger af David Francisco Camargo Hernández
983,95 kr. La inseguridad financiera virtual de la inteligencia artificial (IA) es un tema de relevancia en la era digital. A medida que las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación avanzan a pasos agigantados, las transacciones financieras en línea se han convertido en una parte integral de nuestras vidas. La IA desempeña un papel importante en la optimización y automatización de procesos financieros, desde la gestión de carteras de inversión hasta la toma de decisiones en tiempo real en los mercados bursátiles. Sin embargo, esta misma tecnología que ha revolucionado el mundo de las finanzas también ha dado lugar a una serie de desafíos y amenazas en forma de inseguridad financiera virtual.La inseguridad financiera virtual se refiere a la vulnerabilidad que enfrentan individuos, empresas e instituciones financieras en el entorno digital debido a la posibilidad de sufrir ciberataques, fraudes, robo de datos y otros delitos cibernéticos relacionados con el ámbito financiero.
- Bog
- 983,95 kr.
1.053,95 kr. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) kann ein wertvolles Instrument sein, um die Verkaufschancen von Immobilien zu verbessern und die Gewinne zu maximieren. Mithilfe von KI lassen sich Daten über den Immobilienmarkt sammeln und analysieren, z. B. historische Verkaufspreise, Zinssätze, demografische Trends und andere relevante Faktoren. Auf diese Weise lassen sich Entscheidungen über den Kauf und Verkauf von Immobilien treffen und wettbewerbsfähige Preise festlegen. Es kann helfen, eine Zielgruppe zu identifizieren und zu segmentieren, so dass Sie potenzielle Käufer gezielt ansprechen können. Durch die Analyse demografischer und verhaltensbezogener Daten können Marketingstrategien personalisiert und relevante Informationen für jede Kundengruppe bereitgestellt werden. Mithilfe von Algorithmen wird der optimale Verkaufspreis einer Immobilie ermittelt, wobei Faktoren wie Lage, Größe, Ausstattung und Marktbedingungen berücksichtigt werden, um einen wettbewerbsfähigen und attraktiven Preis für Käufer festzulegen. KI-basierte virtuelle Assistenten können auf einer Website oder einer Immobilienverkaufsplattform implementiert werden.
- Bog
- 1.053,95 kr.
1.053,95 kr. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) spielt in verschiedenen Aspekten unseres Lebens eine immer wichtigere Rolle, so auch in der Art und Weise, wie wir Beziehungen pflegen und einen Partner suchen. Die Suche nach der "besseren Hälfte" ist ein grundlegender Teil der menschlichen Erfahrung, und die KI hat sich als wertvolles Instrument zur Verbesserung und Erleichterung dieses Prozesses erwiesen. Die Bedeutung der KI bei der Partnervermittlung liegt in ihrer Fähigkeit, große Datenmengen und komplexe Muster zu analysieren und zu verarbeiten. Mithilfe fortschrittlicher Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens kann KI Profile, Vorlieben und Verhaltensweisen von Personen untersuchen, um potenzielle Partner effizienter und genauer zu finden als mit herkömmlichen Methoden. Einer der größten Vorteile der KI bei der Partnervermittlung ist ihre Fähigkeit, geografische und kulturelle Barrieren zu überwinden. KI-gestützte Dating-Apps und -Plattformen können Menschen aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt miteinander verbinden und so die Möglichkeiten erweitern, jemanden zu treffen, der zu ihnen passt und der sonst nur schwer zu erreichen wäre. KI kann dazu beitragen, die Qualität der Matches zu verbessern.
- Bog
- 1.053,95 kr.
1.052,95 kr. Artificial intelligence (AI) can be a valuable tool for improving real estate sales opportunities and maximizing profits. AI can be used to collect and analyze real estate market data, such as historical sales prices, interest rates, demographic trends and other relevant factors. This will help make decisions about which properties to buy and sell, and set competitive prices. It can help identify and segment a target audience, allowing you to target potential buyers. By analyzing demographic and behavioral data, it will be possible to customize marketing strategies and provide relevant information to each customer group. Use algorithms to determine the optimal selling price of a property and take into account factors such as location, size, features and market conditions, which will help set a competitive and attractive price for buyers. AI-based virtual assistants can be implemented on a website or property sales platform.
- Bog
- 1.052,95 kr.
1.052,95 kr. Artificial intelligence (AI) has played an increasingly important role in various aspects of our lives, including the way we relate to and search for a partner. The search for the "better half" is a fundamental part of the human experience, and AI has proven to be a valuable tool for improving and facilitating this process. The importance of AI in matchmaking lies in its ability to analyze and process large amounts of data and complex patterns. Using advanced machine learning algorithms, AI can examine profiles, preferences and behaviors of individuals to find potential matches more efficiently and accurately than traditional methods. One of the biggest benefits of AI in matchmaking is its ability to overcome geographic and cultural barriers. AI-based dating apps and platforms can connect people from different parts of the world, expanding opportunities to meet someone compatible that would otherwise be difficult to reach. AI can help improve the quality of matches.
- Bog
- 1.052,95 kr.
1.052,95 kr. A inteligência artificial (IA) pode ser uma ferramenta valiosa para melhorar as oportunidades de venda de imóveis e maximizar os lucros. A IA pode ser utilizada para recolher e analisar dados do mercado imobiliário, tais como preços de venda históricos, taxas de juro, tendências demográficas e outros factores relevantes. Isto ajudará a tomar decisões sobre as propriedades a comprar e a vender e a definir preços competitivos. Pode ajudar a identificar e segmentar um público-alvo, permitindo-lhe visar potenciais compradores. Ao analisar dados demográficos e comportamentais, pode personalizar estratégias de marketing e fornecer informações relevantes a cada grupo de clientes. Utiliza algoritmos para determinar o preço de venda ideal de um imóvel e tem em conta factores como a localização, a dimensão, as características e as condições de mercado, o que ajudará a definir um preço competitivo e atrativo para os compradores. Os assistentes virtuais baseados em IA podem ser implementados num sítio Web ou numa plataforma de venda de imóveis.
- Bog
- 1.052,95 kr.
1.053,95 kr. A inteligência artificial (IA) tem desempenhado um papel cada vez mais importante em vários aspectos das nossas vidas, incluindo a forma como nos relacionamos e procuramos um parceiro. A procura da "cara-metade" é uma parte fundamental da experiência humana, e a IA tem-se revelado uma ferramenta valiosa para melhorar e facilitar este processo. A importância da IA no matchmaking reside na sua capacidade de analisar e processar grandes quantidades de dados e padrões complexos. Utilizando algoritmos avançados de aprendizagem automática, a IA pode examinar perfis, preferências e comportamentos de indivíduos para encontrar potenciais pares de forma mais eficiente e precisa do que os métodos tradicionais. Uma das maiores vantagens da IA na criação de pares é a sua capacidade de ultrapassar barreiras geográficas e culturais. As aplicações e plataformas de encontros baseadas na IA podem ligar pessoas de diferentes partes do mundo, alargando as oportunidades de conhecer alguém compatível que, de outra forma, seria difícil de alcançar. A IA pode ajudar a melhorar a qualidade dos encontros.
- Bog
- 1.053,95 kr.
1.053,95 kr. L'intelligence artificielle (IA) joue un rôle de plus en plus important dans divers aspects de notre vie, y compris dans nos relations et notre recherche d'un partenaire. La recherche de la "meilleure moitié" est un élément fondamental de l'expérience humaine, et l'IA s'est révélée être un outil précieux pour améliorer et faciliter ce processus. L'importance de l'IA dans la recherche de partenaires réside dans sa capacité à analyser et à traiter de grandes quantités de données et de modèles complexes. Grâce à des algorithmes avancés d'apprentissage automatique, l'IA peut examiner les profils, les préférences et les comportements des individus afin de trouver des correspondances potentielles de manière plus efficace et plus précise que les méthodes traditionnelles. L'un des principaux avantages de l'IA dans la mise en relation est sa capacité à surmonter les barrières géographiques et culturelles. Les applications et plateformes de rencontres basées sur l'IA peuvent mettre en relation des personnes issues de différentes régions du monde, élargissant ainsi les possibilités de rencontrer quelqu'un de compatible qui serait autrement difficile à atteindre. L'IA peut contribuer à améliorer la qualité des rencontres.
- Bog
- 1.053,95 kr.
1.052,95 kr. L'intelligenza artificiale (AI) può essere uno strumento prezioso per migliorare le opportunità di vendita degli immobili e massimizzare i profitti. L'IA può essere utilizzata per raccogliere e analizzare i dati del mercato immobiliare, come i prezzi di vendita storici, i tassi di interesse, le tendenze demografiche e altri fattori rilevanti. Questo aiuterà a prendere decisioni sulle proprietà da acquistare e vendere e a stabilire prezzi competitivi. Può aiutare a identificare e segmentare un pubblico target, consentendovi di indirizzare i potenziali acquirenti. Analizzando i dati demografici e comportamentali, può personalizzare le strategie di marketing e fornire informazioni pertinenti a ciascun gruppo di clienti. Utilizza algoritmi per determinare il prezzo di vendita ottimale di un immobile, tenendo conto di fattori quali la posizione, le dimensioni, le caratteristiche e le condizioni di mercato, che contribuiranno a stabilire un prezzo competitivo e interessante per gli acquirenti. Gli assistenti virtuali basati sull'intelligenza artificiale possono essere implementati in un sito web o in una piattaforma di vendita immobiliare.
- Bog
- 1.052,95 kr.
1.053,95 kr. L'intelligenza artificiale (AI) ha assunto un ruolo sempre più importante in vari aspetti della nostra vita, compreso il modo in cui ci relazioniamo e cerchiamo un partner. La ricerca della "dolce metà" è una parte fondamentale dell'esperienza umana e l'IA ha dimostrato di essere uno strumento prezioso per migliorare e facilitare questo processo. L'importanza dell'IA nel matchmaking risiede nella sua capacità di analizzare ed elaborare grandi quantità di dati e modelli complessi. Utilizzando algoritmi avanzati di apprendimento automatico, l'IA è in grado di esaminare i profili, le preferenze e i comportamenti degli individui per trovare potenziali corrispondenze in modo più efficiente e accurato rispetto ai metodi tradizionali. Uno dei maggiori vantaggi dell'IA nel matchmaking è la sua capacità di superare le barriere geografiche e culturali. Le app e le piattaforme di incontri basate sull'intelligenza artificiale possono mettere in contatto persone provenienti da diverse parti del mondo, ampliando le opportunità di incontrare persone compatibili che altrimenti sarebbero difficili da raggiungere. L'intelligenza artificiale può contribuire a migliorare la qualità degli incontri.
- Bog
- 1.053,95 kr.
1.053,95 kr. L'intelligence artificielle (IA) peut être un outil précieux pour améliorer les opportunités de vente de biens immobiliers et maximiser les profits. L'IA peut être utilisée pour collecter et analyser les données du marché immobilier, telles que l'historique des prix de vente, les taux d'intérêt, les tendances démographiques et d'autres facteurs pertinents. Cela permet de prendre des décisions sur les biens à acheter et à vendre, et de fixer des prix compétitifs. Il peut aider à identifier et à segmenter un public cible, ce qui vous permet de cibler des acheteurs potentiels. En analysant les données démographiques et comportementales, il peut personnaliser les stratégies de marketing et fournir des informations pertinentes à chaque groupe de clients. Il utilise des algorithmes pour déterminer le prix de vente optimal d'un bien immobilier et prendre en compte des facteurs tels que l'emplacement, la taille, les caractéristiques et les conditions du marché, ce qui permettra de fixer un prix compétitif et attractif pour les acheteurs. Les assistants virtuels basés sur l'IA peuvent être mis en ¿uvre sur un site web ou une plateforme de vente de biens immobiliers.
- Bog
- 1.053,95 kr.
1.179,95 kr. Lidar com adolescentes indisciplinados é um desafio para os pais. Trata-se de uma fase de transição na vida de um indivíduo, caracterizada por alterações hormonais, emocionais e cognitivas. Durante este período, os adolescentes procuram a independência e a autonomia, que se manifestam sob a forma de rebeldia, desafio à autoridade e comportamentos perturbadores. No entanto, a compreensão e a abordagem eficaz destes comportamentos podem lançar as bases para uma relação mais forte e uma transição saudável para a idade adulta. Os adolescentes estão a tentar definir-se e estabelecer o seu lugar no mundo, o que resulta numa série de comportamentos aparentemente desafiantes. Em vez de reagir com frustração ou raiva, é fundamental praticar a empatia e ver as coisas da perspetiva deles. Uma estratégia para lidar com adolescentes rebeldes é incentivar uma comunicação aberta e respeitosa. Estabelecer um ambiente em que os adolescentes se sintam à vontade para expressar os seus pensamentos e sentimentos sem receio de julgamento ou punição excessiva e facilitar a compreensão mútua. Escuta ativa.
- Bog
- 1.179,95 kr.
1.180,95 kr. Faire face à des adolescents turbulents est un défi pour les parents. L'adolescence est une phase de transition dans la vie d'un individu, caractérisée par des changements hormonaux, émotionnels et cognitifs. Au cours de cette période, les adolescents recherchent l'indépendance et l'autonomie, ce qui se manifeste par de la rébellion, un défi à l'autorité et des comportements perturbateurs. Cependant, comprendre et traiter efficacement ces comportements peut jeter les bases d'une relation plus solide et d'une transition saine vers l'âge adulte. Les adolescents tentent de se définir et d'établir leur place dans le monde, ce qui se traduit par une série de comportements apparemment difficiles. Au lieu de réagir par la frustration ou la colère, il est essentiel de faire preuve d'empathie et de voir les choses de leur point de vue.Une stratégie pour gérer les adolescents rebelles consiste à encourager une communication ouverte et respectueuse. Créez un environnement dans lequel les adolescents se sentent à l'aise pour exprimer leurs pensées et leurs sentiments sans craindre d'être jugés ou punis de manière excessive, et facilitez la compréhension mutuelle. Écoute active.
- Bog
- 1.180,95 kr.
1.180,95 kr. Der Umgang mit widerspenstigen Teenagern ist eine Herausforderung für Eltern. Eine Übergangsphase im Leben eines Menschen, die durch hormonelle, emotionale und kognitive Veränderungen gekennzeichnet ist. In dieser Zeit streben Jugendliche nach Unabhängigkeit und Autonomie, was sich in Aufsässigkeit, Missachtung von Autoritäten und störendem Verhalten äußert. Wenn man diese Verhaltensweisen jedoch versteht und ihnen wirksam begegnet, kann man den Grundstein für eine stärkere Beziehung und einen gesunden Übergang ins Erwachsenenalter legen. Heranwachsende versuchen, sich selbst zu definieren und ihren Platz in der Welt zu finden, was zu einer Reihe von scheinbar schwierigen Verhaltensweisen führt. Anstatt mit Frustration oder Wut zu reagieren, ist es wichtig, sich in Empathie zu üben und die Dinge aus ihrer Perspektive zu sehen. Eine Strategie für den Umgang mit rebellischen Jugendlichen besteht darin, eine offene und respektvolle Kommunikation zu fördern. Schaffen Sie ein Umfeld, in dem sich Jugendliche wohl fühlen, wenn sie ihre Gedanken und Gefühle ohne Angst vor Verurteilung oder übermäßiger Bestrafung äußern können, und fördern Sie das gegenseitige Verständnis. Aktives Zuhören.
- Bog
- 1.180,95 kr.
1.179,95 kr. Gestire gli adolescenti indisciplinati è una sfida per i genitori. È una fase di transizione nella vita di un individuo, caratterizzata da cambiamenti ormonali, emotivi e cognitivi. In questo periodo, gli adolescenti cercano l'indipendenza e l'autonomia, che si manifestano come ribellione, sfida all'autorità e comportamenti dirompenti. Tuttavia, capire e affrontare questi comportamenti in modo efficace può gettare le basi per una relazione più forte e una transizione sana verso l'età adulta. Gli adolescenti stanno cercando di definire se stessi e di stabilire il proprio posto nel mondo, dando luogo a una serie di comportamenti apparentemente impegnativi. Invece di reagire con frustrazione o rabbia, è fondamentale praticare l'empatia e vedere le cose dal loro punto di vista. Una strategia per affrontare gli adolescenti ribelli è incoraggiare una comunicazione aperta e rispettosa. Stabilite un ambiente in cui gli adolescenti si sentano a proprio agio nell'esprimere i loro pensieri e sentimenti senza temere giudizi o punizioni eccessive e facilitate la comprensione reciproca. Ascolto attivo.
- Bog
- 1.179,95 kr.
1.263,95 kr. Dealing with unruly teenagers is a challenge for parents. A transitional stage in an individual's life, characterized by hormonal, emotional and cognitive changes. During this period, adolescents seek independence and autonomy, which manifests as rebelliousness, defiance of authority and disruptive behaviors. However, understanding and addressing these behaviors effectively can lay the foundation for a stronger relationship and a healthy transition into adulthood.Adolescent rebelliousness should be recognized as a search for identity and self-determination. Adolescents are trying to define themselves and establish their place in the world, resulting in a range of seemingly challenging behaviors. Instead of reacting with frustration or anger, it is critical to practice empathy and see things from their perspective.One strategy for dealing with rebellious teens is to encourage open and respectful communication. Establish an environment in which teens feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings without fear of excessive judgment or punishment and facilitate mutual understanding. Active listening.
- Bog
- 1.263,95 kr.
968,95 kr. The topic of mental health in the world encompasses different aspects that are crucial to understanding and addressing the issue, so the book discusses key aspects such as the need to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and challenge the associated stigmas. This involves disseminating information about mental disorders, risk factors, warning signs and available treatment options. It is important to promote education on coping skills and resilience from an early age, along with prevention by encouraging mental health promotion through self-care strategies, social support, healthy lifestyle and stress reduction. It is important to implement early prevention programs in school and community settings that help identify and address risk factors before they become serious problems. Crisis and emergency mental health care services are needed by establishing globally accessible helplines and emergency resources to provide immediate support to people in crisis situations.
- Bog
- 968,95 kr.
907,95 kr. A questão da saúde mental no mundo engloba diferentes aspectos que são cruciais para compreender e abordar a saúde mental, e o livro aborda questões fundamentais como a necessidade de sensibilizar para a importância da saúde mental e desafiar os estigmas que lhe estão associados. Isto implica a divulgação de informação sobre perturbações mentais, factores de risco, sinais de alerta e opções de tratamento disponíveis. É importante promover a educação sobre as capacidades de adaptação e a resiliência desde tenra idade, juntamente com a prevenção, incentivando a promoção da saúde mental através de estratégias de auto-cuidado, apoio social, estilo de vida saudável e redução do stress. É importante implementar programas de prevenção precoce na escola e na comunidade, que ajudem a identificar e a tratar os factores de risco antes que se tornem problemas graves. São necessários serviços de cuidados de saúde mental em situações de crise e de emergência, através da criação de linhas de apoio acessíveis a nível mundial e de recursos de emergência para prestar apoio imediato às pessoas em situações de crise.
- Bog
- 907,95 kr.
1.118,95 kr. La question de la santé mentale dans le monde englobe différents aspects qui sont essentiels pour comprendre et traiter la santé mentale, et le livre aborde des questions clés telles que la nécessité de sensibiliser à l'importance de la santé mentale et de lutter contre les stigmates qui y sont associés. Cela implique la diffusion d'informations sur les troubles mentaux, les facteurs de risque, les signes d'alerte et les options de traitement disponibles. Il est important de promouvoir l'éducation sur les capacités d'adaptation et la résilience dès le plus jeune âge, ainsi que la prévention en encourageant la promotion de la santé mentale par des stratégies d'autogestion, le soutien social, un mode de vie sain et la réduction du stress. Il est important de mettre en ¿uvre des programmes de prévention précoce à l'école et dans la communauté, qui permettent d'identifier et de traiter les facteurs de risque avant qu'ils ne deviennent des problèmes graves. Des services de soins de santé mentale en situation de crise et d'urgence sont nécessaires grâce à la mise en place de lignes d'assistance téléphonique et de ressources d'urgence accessibles dans le monde entier afin d'apporter un soutien immédiat aux personnes en situation de crise.
- Bog
- 1.118,95 kr.
907,95 kr. Il tema della salute mentale nel mondo comprende diversi aspetti che sono cruciali per comprendere e affrontare la salute mentale e il libro discute questioni chiave come la necessità di aumentare la consapevolezza dell'importanza della salute mentale e di sfidare le stigmatizzazioni ad essa associate. Ciò comporta la diffusione di informazioni sui disturbi mentali, sui fattori di rischio, sui segnali di allarme e sulle opzioni di trattamento disponibili. È importante promuovere l'educazione alle capacità di coping e alla resilienza fin dalla più tenera età, nonché la prevenzione, incoraggiando la promozione della salute mentale attraverso strategie di autocura, sostegno sociale, stile di vita sano e riduzione dello stress. È importante attuare programmi di prevenzione precoce in ambito scolastico e comunitario, che aiutino a identificare e affrontare i fattori di rischio prima che diventino problemi gravi. Sono necessari servizi di assistenza alla salute mentale in caso di crisi e di emergenza, istituendo linee telefoniche di assistenza e risorse di emergenza accessibili a livello globale per fornire un sostegno immediato alle persone in situazioni di crisi.
- Bog
- 907,95 kr.
907,95 kr. Das Thema psychische Gesundheit in der Welt umfasst verschiedene Aspekte, die für das Verständnis und den Umgang mit psychischer Gesundheit von entscheidender Bedeutung sind. In dem Buch werden zentrale Fragen erörtert, z. B. die Notwendigkeit, das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung psychischer Gesundheit zu schärfen und die damit verbundenen Stigmata zu bekämpfen. Dazu gehört die Verbreitung von Informationen über psychische Störungen, Risikofaktoren, Warnzeichen und verfügbare Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. Es ist wichtig, die Erziehung zu Bewältigungskompetenzen und Resilienz von klein auf zu fördern, ebenso wie die Prävention, indem die Förderung der psychischen Gesundheit durch Selbsthilfestrategien, soziale Unterstützung, eine gesunde Lebensweise und Stressabbau unterstützt wird. Es ist wichtig, in Schulen und Gemeinden frühzeitige Präventionsprogramme durchzuführen, die dazu beitragen, Risikofaktoren zu erkennen und anzugehen, bevor sie zu ernsthaften Problemen werden. Krisen- und Notfalldienste für psychische Gesundheit werden benötigt, indem weltweit zugängliche Helplines und Notfallressourcen eingerichtet werden, um Menschen in Krisensituationen sofortige Unterstützung zu bieten.
- Bog
- 907,95 kr.
1.008,95 kr. Predetermination" and "premeditation" are two different concepts in the field of criminology and criminal justice, although both are related to the planning and execution of crimes. Criminal predetermination" refers to the idea that certain individuals have a predisposition or increased risk of engaging in criminal activity due to genetic, biological, environmental and social factors. This perspective suggests that there are factors that influence the likelihood of someone becoming a criminal. However, criminal predetermination does not imply that a person is destined to commit a crime, but rather indicates an increased susceptibility to certain criminal behaviors. "Criminal premeditation" refers to the conscious, advance planning of a crime prior to its commission. It implies that the individual has thought about and organized his or her criminal actions in advance. Premeditation is an important factor in determining the seriousness of the crime and influences the legal categorization of the crime committed.
- Bog
- 1.008,95 kr.
562,95 kr. Sexual abusers have different facets and are difficult to identify, so they go unnoticed, until for some circumstance they commit abuses or crimes against minors and are evidenced, while others remain clandestine and are found in any social environment, corresponding to individuals who may be public figures, from politicians, financiers, athletes, singers, etc., that when they are unmasked long after committing the crimes, their reaction is to deny any action that compromises them and jeopardizes their job stability and social position.There is no way of knowing whether or not a person is a sexual abuser based on social behavior, since they act disguised in the family and social environment; however, statistics indicate that most abusers are heterosexual males, who present themselves as caring and humanitarian towards their fellow human beings, while the relationship they establish with sexually abused minors is based on threats, intimidation and control.
- Bog
- 562,95 kr.
779,95 kr. Urban planning is a field that deals with the design, development and management of cities and urban areas. In an ever-growing and urbanizing world, this discipline is becoming increasingly important to ensure that cities are livable, sustainable and resource-efficient.Rapid urbanization and population concentration in cities present challenges such as uncontrolled sprawl, traffic congestion, shortage of affordable housing, environmental degradation and lack of adequate public spaces. Urban planning emerges as a response to address these problems and create urban environments that improve the quality of life of their inhabitants.This discipline combines elements of architectural design, civil engineering, economics, sociology, and environmental management to develop strategies that guide the growth and organization of cities in a coherent and equitable manner.
- Bog
- 779,95 kr.
1.098,95 kr. Manipulation is a problem that undermines the autonomy and emotional well-being of individuals, so it is important to understand its mechanisms to prevent and counteract the detrimental effects.Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been applied to address social and ethical problems, including the prevention of manipulation.AI algorithms analyze large amounts of data and detect patterns associated with manipulative tactics. This is applied in social networks, where AI identifies disinformation campaigns or fake news designed to influence public opinion.AI helps identify suspicious message emails that seek to deceive users and steal their personal information. AI systems detect patterns in content and behavior to alert users to potential manipulation attempts.AI contributes to education and awareness of manipulative tactics and how to recognize them. Through chatbots or virtual assistants, AI provides information and advice to help people strengthen their resilience to manipulation attempts.
- Bog
- 1.098,95 kr.
1.008,95 kr. Pedophilia is a psychosexual disorder in which an adult has a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. It is important to note that pedophilia itself does not involve the sexual act or abuse of a child, but represents a serious concern because of the potential risk of harm to minors. It cannot be considered a sexual orientation, as a child or adolescent lacks the physical, emotional and psychological maturity necessary for mutual agreement. Pedophilic attraction is considered abnormal and is widely condemned by society because of the physical, emotional and psychological harm it can cause to the children involved. Child sexual abuse has devastating consequences for victims and can leave long-term effects on their health and well-being. It is critical to understand that pedophilia is considered a disorder and not a legitimate sexual orientation. Society has a responsibility to protect children and ensure their safety. Legislation in most countries strictly prohibits any form of child sexual abuse and establishes measures to punish those who commit these crimes.
- Bog
- 1.008,95 kr.
1.023,95 kr. The traditional store is the retail point of sale that still exists as a microenterprise business carried out by the family group on a small scale, which sells basic necessities, groceries, drinks, miscellaneous items, among other products. The stores are sometimes inherited and it is a space where two to three people work, whose work days are long. It serves for the interaction between producers, wholesalers and end consumers, being a meeting place for neighbors and friends, where commercial practices based on mutual trust are developed. The stores still maintain the trust, although to a lesser extent, as well as haggling, however, the ñapa has been disappearing due to the high cost of living and the value of the products. Labor independence is the main objective of the shopkeepers and it is the traditional channel of distribution and sale of products close to consumers. The shopkeepers undertake with few economic resources, but thanks to their perseverance and self-control they manage to become micro-entrepreneurs.
- Bog
- 1.023,95 kr.
988,95 kr. The scourge of white supremacists is growing more acute every day in the United States and the world, and their actions are not always limited to protests, as they often choose to engage in violent activities ranging from hate killings to acts of terrorism, and members are increasingly young people who interact through anonymity on Internet forums, where they express their non-conformity with a changing world they cannot accept.White extremists claim that they work in their legitimate interest as a group to justify insane actions that are sometimes motivated by reading books written by troubled minds, and where they find justification for their actions.The authorities are also guilty of permissiveness in violent riots by racial groups, since they only act under pressure from the media when massacres have been committed.
- Bog
- 988,95 kr.
698,95 kr. When people seek asylum in the U.S., they make mistakes that could be avoided. A mistake in the application process can result in the denial of their asylum claim and change the immigrant's fate. To the extent that such mistakes are avoided, the likelihood that the asylum application will be granted increases.Most asylum seekers must file their applications with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) within 12 months of their most recent entry into the U.S., except when extraordinary or changed circumstances related to the delay in the application arise, so it must be determined whether there is a valid reason to file an application outside of the required time frame.The book presents aspects to take into account in order to avoid losing the opportunity to obtain asylum in the United States.A series of typologies of people who fail to obtain asylum are presented, as well as an opinion survey with jurists who explain why applications are sometimes rejected.
- Bog
- 698,95 kr.
1.033,95 kr. Achieving asylum in the U.S. is the great concern of immigrants and, for this reason, it is important that they are clear about the indicators of favorability to achieve it. The book presents both objective and subjective situations. The truth is that no one can guarantee asylum, but the most effective way to achieve it is through the presentation of a professional and sincere dossier on the situation that leads individuals to seek asylum as a mechanism to avoid being subjected to torture and death in their country of origin, by those who are interested in causing them harm for one reason or another, reason or circumstance.Credible fear is fundamental to convince the U.S. immigration authorities, so the reader is presented with the arguments that seek to prevent asylum from being granted, the possible mistakes made by the applicant, the typology of people who apply for asylum, explanations that end in failure, statistics on asylum, and how to increase the chances of obtaining it, along with a survey of specialists in the subject.
- Bog
- 1.033,95 kr.