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Bøger af David Downing

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  • af David Downing
    108,95 kr.

  • af David Downing
    148,95 kr.

    Bind 3 i spionthiller-serien om RusselBestselleren Bahnhof Zoo (bind 1) efterfulgtes af Schlesischer Bahnhof (bind 2)Vi skriver november 1941. John Russell bor i Berlin og er bundet til den by, der bliver mere og mere fremmed for ham, af sin kærlighed til to berlinere: Sin trettenårige søn, Paul, og sin skuespillerkæreste, Effi.Som en af den svindende håndfuld af voldsomt censurerede journalister, ser Russell sig tvunget til at fungere som mellemmand mellem det antinazistiske Abwehr og den amerikanske efterretningstjeneste. Men hans virkelige arbejde, som han nu opfatter det, kredser om et afgørende spørgsmål – hvilken skæbne venter der de berlinske jøder, der nu sendes afsted østpå?

  • af David Downing
    148,95 kr.

    Englænderen John Russell er medlem af det udenlandske pressekorps i Berlin og førstehåndsvidne til Hitler og nazipartiets brutale intriger under krigsforberedelserne i de tidlige måneder af 1939. Da en gammel bekendt dukker op på hans pensionat, begynder Russells liv at ændre sig. Med en blanding af trusler, penge og appeller til hans samvittighed overtales han gradvist til at blive spion - først for Sovjetunionen og derefter også for englænderne. Et førkrigs-Berlins dystre gader, konstante frygt og overfladiske glamour udgør sammen med udflugter til Prag, Danzig, London og Østersøkysten - et overdådigt bagtæppe, mens Russell, der er en modstræbende helt og for nogen en frelser, prøver at holde balancen i et rum mellem russerne, englænderne og Gestapo, der bliver mindre og mindre. ”En pragtfuld række spion­romaner ... stramme, kloge plots fulde af moralske tvetydigheder og med et persongalleri af dunkle typer for hvem det at bedrage er lige så naturligt som at trække vejret. Spionagens atmosfære er fantastisk formidlet. ”The Times

  • af David Downing
    98,95 - 153,95 kr.

    THE HEART-STOPPING FINAL INSTALMENT OF THE BESTSELLING STATION SERIES Europe, 1948. The continent is once again divided: into the Soviet-controlled East, and the US-dominated West. John Russell and his old comrade-in-espionage Shchepkin need to find a way out of the dangerous, morally murky world they have both inhabited for far too long. But they can't just walk away: if they want to escape with their lives, they must uncover a secret so damaging that they can buy their safety with silence. In this dazzling conclusion to the series, Downing ratchets up the suspense with a superb plot involving psychopathic mass murderers, a snuff movie that leads to the highest ranks of Soviet power, and Russell and his girlfriend Effi's last-ditch attempt to gain freedom.

  • af David Downing
    148,95 kr.

    Bind 4 i spionthiller-serien om RusselI april 1945 er Hitlers rige på randen af udslettelse. Berlin er blevet det farligste sted på jorden med konstante allierede luftbombardementer og russisk granatregn, og en by styret af desperate nazister.John Russells søn Paul er stationeret på Oder-fronten, hvor han afventer Den Røde Hærs slutoffensiv og en næsten vis død. I Berlin har Russells kæreste Effi levet under jorden og tager sig nu af en forældreløs jødisk pige.Russell har ikke hørt fra nogen af dem, siden han flygtede fra Tyskland i 1941. Han er desperat efter at finde ud af, om de er i live, og for at beskytte dem mod den fremrykkende Røde Hær, der lover befrielse, men som også vil hævne sig, især på tyske kvinder.Kun russerne kan hjælpe og Russell flyver til Moskva for at komme ind i Berlin med Den Røde Hær som journalist, men da Sovjet arresterer ham som spion, ser tingene dystre ud – indtil der er brug for en mand, der vil lade sig kaste ud i faldskærm over Berlin bag de tyske linjer. Men russernes pris er svimlende høj.Bestselleren Bahnhof Zoo efterfulgtes af Silesian Station i 2008, Stettin Station i 2009, Potsdam Station i 2010, Lehrter Station i 2012, Masaryk Station i 2013 og Wedding Station i 2021.

  • af David Downing
    98,95 kr.

    April 1945. Hitler's Reich is on the verge of extinction, and its enemies are already plotting against each other. Assaulted by Allied bombs and Soviet shells, ruled by Nazis with nothing to lose, Berlin has become the most dangerous place on earth.Anglo-American journalist John Russell has travelled to Moscow, having escaped from Berlin in 1941 as America entered the war following the attack on Pearl Harbour.Russell's eighteen-year-old son Paul, born to a German mother, is on the Oder front line, awaiting the final Soviet onslaught, ready to retreat towards Berlin, and resigned to the certain prospect of either death or imprisonment. Inside Berlin, Russell's girlfriend Effi has a Jewish orphan to care for, and the Gestapo on her trail. The advancing Red Army promises liberation, but is also seeking retribution, particularly from German women.To find and save his son and girlfriend, Russell must reach Berlin no later than the Red Army. But only the Soviets can get him there, and the price of their help will threaten both his and the world's future.

  • af David Downing
    98,95 kr.

    It is November 1941. Anglo-American John Russell is living in Berlin, tied to the increasingly alien city by his love for two Berliners: his fourteen-year-old son, Paul, and his actress girlfriend, Effi. One of a small and dwindling handful of permitted and much-censored American journalists, Russell has found himself pushed into serving as a point of contact between the anti-Nazi Abwehr and American intelligence. But his real work, as he now sees it, revolves around one crucial question what fate awaits those Berliner Jews who are now being shipped to the east? His investigation has already brought him into perilous proximity with the local communist underground, and will soon involve him in a celebrity murder with global ramifications. As Russell and Effi edge closer to some very dangerous truths, feuding German intelligence services and America's imminent entry into the war further complicate their struggle to outfox and outlive Hitler's Reich.

  • af David Downing
    98,95 kr.

    In July 1939 Russell returns to Berlin as the newly-appointed Central European correspondent of an American newspaper. With his communist past, German son and English-American parentage he's the perfect catch for any of Europe's warring espionage services, and none will take no for an answer. Through the long Berlin summer, through trips to Prague, Warsaw and Moscow tracking Europe s descent into war, Russell seeks to satisfy his secret masters, protect his girlfriend Effi and his son Paul, and retain some sense of his fragile integrity. And if this wasn't difficult enough, a friend needs his help in finding the missing Jewish niece of an employee. With a whole continent headed for self-immolation, saving just one person shouldn t be so difficult...

  • af David Downing
    148,95 kr.

    November 1945. John Russell går hjem gennem efterkrigstidens grå London-gader, da hans gamle kammerat, sovjetagenten Jevgenij Sjtjepkin, falder i trit med ham. Han fortæller Russell, at hans overordnede i Moskva har besluttet, at det er på tide, at Russell gør gengæld for, at de sørgede for, at han kom sikkert ud af Rusland i krigens sidste dage. Russell skal vende tilbage til Berlin, spionere mod sine tidligere kolleger i det tyske kommunistparti og rapportere alle afvigelser fra den stalinistiske linje. Og hvad der er værre, så får han ordre til at tilbyde amerikanerne sine tjenester – kort sagt, at blive dobbeltagent på Stalins lønningsliste. Men Russell ved kun alt for godt, hvor kort den forventede levetid for en dobbeltagent er. Han og Sjtjepkin, der langt om længe har mistet troen på det sovjetiske utopia, fostrer sammen en plan for at genvinde friheden. Der står meget på spil både for Russell og hans kæreste Effi, der er fulgt med ham til Berlin. De vil få brug for al deres kløgt – og lidt held – for at overleve i en verden, der næres af paranoia og er på randen af en ny, ’kold’ krig.

  • af David Downing
    188,95 kr.

    In April 1945, Hitler's Reich is on the verge of extinction. Assaulted by Allied bombs and Soviet shells, ruled by Nazis with nothing to lose, Berlin has become the most dangerous place on earth. John Russell's son Paul is stationed on the Eastern Front with the German Army, awaiting the Soviets' final onslaught. In Berlin, Russell's girlfriend Effi has been living in disguise, helping fugitives to escape from Germany. With a Jewish orphan to care for, she's trying to outlast the Nazis. Russell hasn't heard from either of them since fleeing Germany in 1941. He is desperate to find out if they're alive and to protect them from the advancing Red Army. He flies to Moscow, seeking permission to enter Berlin with the Red Army as a journalist, but when the Soviet's arrest him as a spy, things look bleak-until they find a use for him that has him parachuting into Berlin behind German lines.

  • af David Downing
    178,95 kr.

  • af David Downing
    178,95 kr.

  • af David Downing
    98,95 kr.

  • af David Downing
    108,95 kr.

  • af David Downing
    288,95 kr.

    "Los Angeles, 1953. It has been five years since British journalist John Russell struck a deal with a high-ranking Soviet official, relieving Russell of his duty as double-agent for Soviet and American intelligence. Now Russell lives a life of relative comfort in Los Angeles alongside his wife, Effi, a star on an American sitcom, and their adopted daughter, Rosa, a young artist on the cusp of adulthood. He has just begun work on a book investigating American firms that did business with Germany during Nazi occupation when he notices someone is tailing him--and his wife--all around Los Angeles. Has someone not taken kindly to his research? Is it a McCarthyist freelancer, trying to dig up dirt on Effi and her family? Or, could it be that in the leadership struggle following Stalin's death, the deal Russell struck all those years ago has put him at risk yet again? When Effi is invited to the Third Annual Berlin Film Festival as a guest of honor, the two make the decision to attend-thrusting them into the political disorder of a city that was once their home and which they now struggle to recognize. It is here that Russell will come face to face with the forces that have followed him, from Hollywood to Berlin and back again"--

  • af David Downing
    148,95 kr.

    Bind 2 i spionthiller-serien om RusselJuli 1939 vender Russell tilbage til Berlin som nyansat, centraleuropæisk korrespondent for en amerikansk avis. Med sin kommunistiske fortid, tyske søn og engelsk-amerikanske baggrund er han et perfekt fund for de europæiske efterretningstjenester, der bekriger hinanden - og som ikke vil affinde sig med et ’nej, tak’.Gennem den lange berlinske sommer med rejser til Prag, Warszawa og Moskva følger Russell Europas kurs mod krigen og forsøger at stille sine hemmelige herrer tilfreds, beskytte sin kæreste Effi og sin søn Paul og holde fast i hvert fald lidt af sin spinkle integritet.Og som om det ikke var vanskeligt nok, har en ven brug for hans hjælp til at finde den forsvundne jødiske niece til en ansat. Når et helt kontinent er på vej til at sætte sig selv i brand, skulle det vel ikke være så svært at redde en enkelt person ... Bestselleren Bahnhof Zoo efterfulgtes af Silesian Station i 2008, Stettin Station i 2009, Potsdam Station i 2010, Lehrter Station i 2012, Masaryk Station i 2013 og Wedding Station i 2021.

  • af David Downing
    178,95 kr.

  • af David Downing
    92,95 kr.

    Freelance-korrespondent John Russell tror ikke på meget. Engang var han kommunist, men nu har han lagt illusionerne bag sig. Den smule britisk patriotisme, han kunne have haft, forsvandt i skyttegravene under 1. verdenskrig. Nu er han skilt fra sin tyske kone og dater en smart og kynisk skuespillerinde. Russells fodboldgale unge søn, Paul, er, ligesom andre børn på hans alder, medlem af Hitlerjugend. Russell ved, at der vil komme krig, men agter at blive i landet, indtil han uundgåeligt tvinges i eksil. Men problemerne finder ham. Først tilbyder en ven fra den britiske ambassade ham en lille ekstraindtægt for at lære et par unge jødiske piger engelsk, fordi de helst skal til England, før den nazistiske terror eskalerer. Så bliver Russell kontaktet af russerne, som vil have ham til at lave lidt PR for at lette vejen for den kommende aftale mellem Stalin og Hitler. Russell ved, at opgaven hurtigt vil føre til spionage og vil nødig blandes ind i det. Men hans afsky for nazismen slider på hans erklærede neutralitet, og han indvilliger i at handle. Den engang neutrale reporter bliver inden for få uger en fuldgyldig spion og samtidig de jødiske pigers eneste håb.David Downing (f. 1946) er en britisk krimiforfatter, der er særligt kendt for sine overbevisende skildringer af Anden Verdenskrig og Berlin – blandt andet i serien om reporteren John Russell, der kulegraver Tyskland i 1940’erne.

  • af David Downing
    198,95 kr.

  • af David Downing
    108,95 kr.

    In the fourth and final installment of David Downing's spy series, Jack McColl is sent to Soviet Russia, where the civil war is coming to an end. The Bolsheviks have won but the country is in ruins. With the hopes engendered by the revolution hanging by a thread, plots and betrayals abound.London, 1921: ExSecret Service spy Jack McColl is in prison serving time for assaulting a cop. McColl has been embittered by the Great War; he feels betrayed by the country that had sent so many young men to die needlessly. He can't stomach spying for the British Empire anymore. He's also heartbroken. The love of his life, radical journalist Caitlin Hanley, parted ways with him three years earlier so she could offer her services to the Communist revolution in Moscow.Then his former Secret Service boss offers McColl the chance to escape his jail sentence if he takes a dangerous and unofficial assignment in Russia, where McColl is already a wanted man. He would be spying on other spies, sniffing out the truth about MI5 meddling in a high-profile assassination plot. The target is someone McColl cares about and respects. The MI5 agent involved is someone he loathes. With the knowledge that he may be walking into a death trap, McColl sets out for Moscow, the scene of his last heartbreak. Little does he know that his mission will throw him back into Caitlin's lifeor that her husband will be one of the men he is trying to hunt down.

  • af David Downing
    108,95 kr.

    From bestselling author David Downing, master of historical espionage, comes a heart-wrenching depiction of Germany in the days leading up to World War II and the difficult choices of one man of conviction. In April 1938, a man calling himself Josef Hofmann arrives at a boarding house in Hamm, Germany, and lets a room from the widow who owns it. Fifty years later, Walter Gersdorff, the widow's son, who was eleven years old in the spring of 1938, discovers the carefully hidden diary the boarder had kept during his stay, even though he never should have written any of its contents down. What Walter finds is a chronicle of one the most tumultuous years in German history, narrated by a secret agent on a deadly mission. Josef Hofmann was not the returned Argentinian immigrant he'd said he washe was a communist spy under Moscow's command trying to reconnect with remaining members of Germany's suppressed communist party. Hofmann's bosses believe the common workers are the only way to stop the German war machine from within. Posing as a railroad man, Hofmann sets out on his game of ';Russian roulette,' approaching Hamm's ex-party members one at a time and delicately feeling out their allegiances. He always knew his mission would most likely end in his death, and he was satisfied to make that sacrifice for the revolution if it could help stop Hitler and his abominable ideology. But as he grows close to the Gersdorffs, accidentally stepping into the role of the father Walter never had, Hofmann begins to wish for another kind of hope in his life.

  • af David Downing
    108,95 kr.

  • af David Downing
    113,95 kr.

    FIENDISHLY CLEVER AND GRIPPING HISTORICAL THRILLER SET IN THE LAST DAYS OF WW2 1945. The Red Army tears through Europe towards Berlin, exacting vengeance on a biblical scale, while the British and the Americans close in from the west. Victory over Hitler seems certain. But deep inside the Kremlin, Stalin worries about a new enemy. When the war is over, how will the Soviet Union protect itself against the overweening American behemoth? Meanwhile, ever more desperate, Hitler paces up and down his study in the Berchtesgaden. He knows he needs a miracle to avoid unthinkable and humiliating defeat. For both, the atom bomb is the answer. And both are willing to sacrifice their best spies to get it.

  • - A Jack McColl Novel
    af David Downing
    108,95 kr.

    In Russia the Bolshevik revolution is in full-swing while the supposed Great War is destroying Europe in ways never before imagined. Fulltime lovers and part-time enemies, British spy Jack McColl and progressive American journalist Caitlin Hanley, have seen their relationship survive this far but in a world defined by "win at all cost" attitudes how much longer can they hold out?Winter 1917: As a generation of Europe's young men perish on the Eastern and Western fronts, British spy Jack McColl is assigned a sabotage mission deep in Central Asia, where German influence is strong. The mission only becomes more dangerous the closer he gets to its heart. Meanwhile, the woman he loves, Irish-American radical journalist Caitlin Hanley, is in Bolshevik Russia, thrilled to have the chance to cover the Revolution. Caitlin knows Moscow is where she is meant to be during this historic event-even if she is putting her own life at risk to bear witness.But four years of bloody war have taken their toll on all of Europe, and Jack and Caitlin's relationship may become another casualty. Caitlin's political convictions have always been for progress, feminism, and socialism-often diametrically opposed to the conservative goals of the British Empire Jack serves. Up until now, Jack and Caitlin have managed to set aside their allegiances and stay faithful to each other, but the stakes of their affair have risen too high. Can a revolutionary love a spy? And if she does, will it cost one of them their life?

  • - Moscow Dynamo
    af David Downing
    178,95 kr.

    On 4 November 1945, a party from Moscow Dynamo Football Club travelled to Britain to play four matches against top British teams. They departed thirty-three days later, leaving a trail of controversy in their unbeaten wake. This book presents the details of this eventful and historic tour.

  • - Neil Young: The Man And His Music
    af David Downing
    263,95 kr.

    Neil Young is arguably the only rock performer and songwriter whose work has retained the respect of a large following while gaining the allegiance of new generations. He has demonstrated a unique abi