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Bøger af David Baldacci

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  • af David Baldacci
    92,95 - 138,95 kr.

    En kvinde findes myrdet i en skov. Det virker som en ligetil forbrydelse, men det er kun begyndelsen. Snart begynder flere lig at dukke op, alle med tråde tilbage til USA's største seriemordere. Er det en ny seriemorder, der er på spil her, en såkaldt copycat? Og hvad er forbindelsen til indbruddet i den lokale velhaverfamilies villa?Med flair for nervepirrende tempo og intenst menneskeligt drama sender David Baldacci denne gang detektivparret Sean King og Michelle Maxwell på en opgave, hvor hvert eneste svar leder til ti nye spørgsmål og løsningen på mysteriet konstant synes at være lige om det næste hjørne - eller er det morderen, der står der? Bog to i King og Maxwell-serien.

  • af David Baldacci
    92,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Michelle Maxwell har lige ødelagt sin lovende karriere i U.S Secret Service. Imod bedre vidende lod hun den præsidentkandidat, hun var sat til at beskytte, uden opsyn et ganske kort øjeblik, og nu er manden forsvundet i den blå luft. Sean King ved, hvordan den yngre agent har det. Otte år tidligere lod den ambitiøse Secret Service agent sig distrahere i et splitsekund, og hans kandidat blev skudt for øjnene af ham. Nu forenes deres skæbner. Fanget i et spind af løgne, hemmeligheder og livsfarlige sammentræf, afdækker de to tidligere agenter en skræmmende sandhed: de begivenheder, der ødelagde deres liv, var nøje planlagt - og er langt fra ovre ?

  • af David Baldacci
    88,95 - 233,95 kr.

    Atlee Pine's quest to find her missing sister reaches an explosive climax in this thrilling conclusion to the series.

  • af David Baldacci
    114,95 - 118,95 kr.

    A gripping thriller featuring Atlee Pine, FBI Special Agent, by internationally bestselling author David Baldacci.

  • af David Baldacci
    82,95 - 118,95 kr.

    A gripping thriller featuring Amos Decker, FBI Consultant, by internationally bestselling author David Baldacci

  • af David Baldacci
    118,95 kr.

    The first in the Amos Decker series, Memory Man is an astounding novel from blockbuster author David Baldacci, where an extraordinary man races to hunt down a terrible killer.Amos Decker would forever remember all three of their violent deaths in the most paralyzing shade of blue. It would cut into him at unpredictable moments, like a gutting knife made of colored light. He would never be free from it.When Amos Decker returned home eighteen months ago to find the bodies of his wife and only daughter, he didn't think he could carry on living. Overwhelmed with grief, he saw his life spiral out of control, losing his job as a detective, his house and his self-respect. But when his former partner in the police, Mary Lancaster, visits to tell him that someone has confessed to the murder of his family, he knows he owes it to his wife and child to seek justice for them.As Decker comes to terms with the news, tragedy strikes at the local school. Thirteen teenagers are gunned down, and the killer is at large. Following the serious brain injury Amos suffered as a professional footballer, he gained a remarkable gift - and the police believe that this unusual skill will assist in the hunt for the killer. Amos must endure the memories he would rather forget, and when new evidence links the murders, he is left with only one option.Memory Man will stay with you long after the turn of the final page. The series continues with The Last Mile.

  • af David Baldacci
    92,95 - 138,95 kr.

    De to privatdetektiver Sean King og Michelle Maxwell, tidligere Secret Service-agenter, vender i denne roman tilbage for fuld udblæsning. Michelle ligger på hospitalet efter et bizart selvmordsforsøg og slås med sine indre dæmoner. Sean påtager sig en utaknemlig opgave, hvor han skal efterforske mordet på en videnskabsmand, der arbejdede for CIA på en hemmelig base. Langsomt afdækker Sean en hemmelig verden, der består af elite-matematikere, fysikere, krigshelte, spioner og dødbringende agenter. En tilsyneladende autistisk piges usædvanlige evner til at brække koder spiller en vigtig rolle. Snart ved Sean for meget og kommer selv i skudlinjen.

  • af David Baldacci
    138,95 kr.

    Året er 1949. Aloysius Archer er en direkte og ærlig mand, krigsveteran fra Anden Verdenskrig. Han er netop kommet ud på prøveløsladelse, efter at have været fængslet for en forbrydelse, han ikke begik.Med en lang liste over ting han skal, og en endnu længere over dem, han skal undgå, begynder Archer sit nye liv i den lille by Poca. Han får hurtigt et job som gældsindriver for byens største forretningsmand, men jobbet viser sig ikke at være så ligetil, som det ser ud.Da et mord bliver begået, falder mistanken på den tidligere straffede Archer, og han indser, han må bruge al sin snilde til at finde den virkelige morder, inden han bliver sendt tilbage i fængsel.

  • af David Baldacci
    173,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af David Baldacci
    99,95 kr.

    The Hit is David Baldacci's blockbuster follow up to The Innocent, the smash-hit bestseller featuring U.S. government assassin, Will Robie.YOU SEND A KILLER TO CATCH A KILLER.Government hitman Will Robie is an elite killer. Called on by the US authorities to assassinate enemies of the state, his formidable skill set makes him an irreplaceable asset to his employers. But when he's given his next target, he knows he's about to embark on his toughest mission yet.Reports indicate fellow assassin Jessica Reel has gone rogue, leaving a trail of deaths in her wake including her handler. To stop one of their own requires a special kind of agent and Robie is ordered to bring her in - dead or alive.But as the hunt begins, he quickly finds that there is more to her betrayal than meets the eye. There are larger forces at play that, if exposed, threaten to destabilize the US government and send shockwaves around the world . . .

  • af David Baldacci
    118,95 kr.

    The Innocent is another action-packed thriller from David Baldacci, one of the world's most popular writers. HE COULD NO LONGER REMEMBER THE NAMES OF ALL THE PEOPLE WHOSE LIVES HE HAD ENDED.Master assassin Will Robie is the man the US government call to eliminate their most ruthless enemies at home or abroad. He never questions his orders, and he never misses his mark.He's just returned from a covert assignment in Edinburgh to neutralize a growing threat, having drawn upon all his expertise to complete his mission and disappear without a trace. The odds were stacked against him, but that's never made a difference before.But now he's facing the most difficult operation of his career. Dispatched to kill a US government employee, he does the unthinkable when things don't add up - he refuses to pull the trigger. In doing so, Robie finds himself becoming the target. On the run from his own government and with everything on the line, does he need to change sides to save lives - including his own?The Innocent is the first novel in David Baldacci's blockbuster Will Robie series.

  • af David Baldacci
    118,95 kr.

    Split Second is the first in the gripping King and Maxwell series by bestselling author David Baldacci.When something distracts Secret Agent Sean King for a split second, it costs him his career and presidential candidate, Clyde Ritter, his life. But what stole his attention? And why was Ritter shot? Eight years later Michelle Maxwell is on the fast track through the ranks of the Secret Service when her career is stopped short: presidential candidate John Bruno is abducted from a funeral home while under her protection. The similarity between the two cases drives Michelle to re-open investigations into the Ritter fiasco and join forces with attractive ex-agent King. The pair are determined to get to the bottom of what happened in those critical moments. Meanwhile, high-ranking members of the legal system and key witnesses from both cases are going missing. King is losing friends, colleagues and clients fast and his ex-lover, Joan Dillinger, is playing curious games - she wants Sean back, but she also owes him for something . . .Split Second is followed by Hour Game, Simple Genius, First Family, The Sixth Man and King and Maxwell.

  • af David Baldacci
    82,95 - 138,95 kr.

    The gripping second historical crime novel in David Baldaccis Aloysius Archer series, following the &i>Sunday Times &/i>top five bestseller &i>One Good Deed&/i>.

  • af David Baldacci
    72,95 - 218,95 kr.

    A heart-pounding thriller featuring Amos Decker, FBI Special Agent, by internationally bestselling author David Baldacci.

  • af David Baldacci
    108,95 - 198,95 kr.

    From one of the world's favourite thriller writers, this is the fourth title in the Amos Decker crime series, following the bestselling Memory Man, The Last Mile and The Fix.

  • af David Baldacci
    123,95 kr.

    A gripping thriller from David Baldacci, The Last Mile is perfect for fans of Lee Child and James Patterson.Memories can be a real killer.Melvin Mars awaits his fate on Death Row. He was one of America's most promising football stars until, aged twenty, he was arrested and convicted for the murder of his parents just as he was due to begin a very lucrative contract with the NFL.When Amos Decker, newly appointed special agent with the FBI, hears the news that Melvin was saved in the final seconds before his execution because someone has confessed to the killings, he persuades his boss to allow him to carry out an investigation into the Mars murders. There are facts about the case which don't add up, and as the investigation deepens, Decker and his team uncover layer upon layer of lies and deception which are rooted at a time in American history which most would rather forget, but some seem keen to remember. There is someone out there with a lot to hide, and a secret that everyone is looking for. A race against time ensues because, when revealed, that information threatens to tear apart the corridors of power at the very highest level.The case proves to be life-changing for both Mars and Decker in ways that neither could ever have imagined.The Last Mile is the second in the Amos Decker series, following Memory Man.

  • af David Baldacci
    92,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Hver morgen klokken 6.20 tager den tidligere soldat, Trevis Devine, toget sydpå til Manhattan og det arbejde som analytiker i et investeringsfirma, han hader. Og hver aften kører han hjem igen. Sådan tager den ene dag den næste, indtil han en morgen modtager en anonym mail: Hun er død. Devines kollega og ekskæreste, Sara Ewes, har – tilsyneladende – hængt sig i lagerrummet på sit arbejde. Devine får besøg af politiet, og før dagen er omme, bliver han tvunget til at indgå i en hemmelig undersøgelse af det firma, han arbejder for, hvis ikke han ønsker sine hemmeligheder fra tiden i militæret offentliggjort. Pludselig er hans fremtid på spil, og samtidig kunne noget tyde på, at en morder er på fri fod …David Baldacci (f. 1960) har skabt sig et ry som en af verdens bedste thrillerforfattere. Hans bøger stryger direkte ind på de amerikanske bestsellerlister. De er oversat til 45 sprog og udgivet i mere end 80 lande.

  • af David Baldacci
    113,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af David Baldacci
    119,95 - 138,95 kr.

    "Sean lå på knæ på gulvet ved siden af en kvinde. Hun lå på ryggen. Med arme og ben ud til siden, som var hun stoppet midt i en sneengel. Hendes øjne var åbne, men hårde og udtryksløse, for hun var død. Det røde hår nåede hende til skuldrene. Det var let at se, hvad der havde dræbt kvinden. Hendes hals var skåret over."Efter en fødselsdagsfest i Det Hvide Hus bliver præsidentens 12-årige niece bortført fra sit hjem. Hendes mor bliver dræbt under bortførelsen, mens resten af familien bliver fundet bevidstløse. FBI bliver straks sat på sagen, men præsidentfruen stoler ikke på, at de kan bringe hendes niece hjem i sikkerhed. I stedet tilkalder hun sine tidligere livvagter Sean King og Michelle Maxwell og beder dem efterforske sagen personligt. Det bryder FBI sig bestemt ikke om, men førstedamen insisterer.Sean og Michelle kaster sig ud i et kapløb mod tiden. De ved endnu ikke, om de kommer til at finde en skræmt ung pige eller et lig, men uanset hvad vil de ikke svigte førstedamens tillid. Mens de efterforsker sagen, pibler de seksuelle spændinger op imellem dem, og det gør det bestemt ikke nemmere at koncentrere sig om sagen."I familiens skygge" udkom første gang i 2009 og er fjerde bog i serien om de tidligere Secret Service-agenter Sean King og Michelle Maxwell.Flere af David Baldaccis bøger er blevet filmatiseret. Thrilleren "Absolute Power" fra 1997 med Clint Eastwood og Ed Harris i hovedrollerne er baseret på en af hans bøger, ligesom tv-serien "King & Maxwell" med Jon Tenney og Rebecca Romjin er baseret på hans thriller-serie om de to detektiver.David Baldacci (f. 1960) er en amerikansk forfatter, der er blevet kendt verden over for sine mange thrillere og krimier. Han er selv uddannet jurist, hvilket skinner igennem i mange af hans romaner, der følger advokaters kamp for at optrevle forbrydelser. David Baldacci har både udgivet selvstændige romaner og serier, hvoraf krimierne om detektiverne Sean King og Michelle Maxwell og serien om Will Robie er nogle af de mest kendte. Hans bøger er blevet oversat til en lang række fremmedsprog og solgt i millioner af eksemplarer verden over.

  • af David Baldacci
    117,95 - 123,95 kr.

    A major standalone thriller from the international bestselling author David Baldacci.

  • af David Baldacci
    108,95 kr.

    Full of thrills, mystery and danger, Vega Jane and the Maze of Monsters (previously published as The Keeper) is the second title in the fast-paced fantasy adventure series for children of 10+ by bestselling master storyteller David Baldacci. Illustrated throughout by Tomislav Tomic.Everything Vega Jane has ever known is a lie. But if she and her best friend Delph are to find the truth about who they are and where they came from, they must first survive the Quag, a wild, enchanted place filled with monsters and dark sorcery. It will stretch their courage to the limit. The Quag will throw everything at Vega. It will try to break her. It will try to kill her. And survival might come at a price not even Vega is willing to pay.Vega Jane and the Maze of Monsters (previously published as The Keeper) is the second installment in master storyteller David Baldacci's bestselling Vega Jane series for children, now in a revised and re-illustrated edition. Vega and Delph continue the story that began with Vega Jane and the Secrets of Sorcery.

  • af David Baldacci
    118,95 - 218,95 kr.

    A gripping thriller featuring Atlee Pine, FBI Special Agent, by internationally bestselling author David Baldacci.

  • af David Baldacci
    77,95 - 158,95 kr.

    Long Road to Mercy is the exciting first novel in David Baldacci's series featuring female protagonist, Atlee Pine, FBI.

  • af David Baldacci
    118,95 kr.

    Amos Decker, the special agent with an astonishing set of skills takes on a murder case in the heart of Washington DC and finds himself exposing a much larger conspiracy that reaches the highest levels of the US government.

  • af David Baldacci
    118,95 kr.

    It's been over twenty years since government assassin Will Robie left his hometown in Mississippi. Now a trained killer used to taking down enemies of the state, he was once remembered by the local residents as a wild sports star and girl-magnet. He left a lot of hearts broken, and a lot of people angry.Now he's back. His estranged father, Dan, who is the local judge, has been arrested for murder and Robie wonders if it's time to try to heal old wounds. A lot of bad blood has flowed between father and son, but Robie's fellow agent, Jessica Reel, persuades him to stick around and confront his demons.Then another murder changes everything, and stone-cold killer Robie will finally have to come to grips with his toughest assignment of all. His family.The Guilty is the fourth thriller in the Will Robie series by David Baldacci, following on from The Innocent, The Hit and The Target.

  • af David Baldacci
    118,95 kr.

    The Target is David Baldacci's blockbuster follow up to The Hit, the smash-hit bestseller featuring U.S. government assassin, Will Robie.Will Robie is a highly trained CIA assassin who is only matched in his ability to kill by his fellow agent, Jessica Reel. They are trusted by the US government to succeed when failure isn't an option.So when the President identifies an opportunity to take down a global menace there's only two people he has in mind for the clandestine mission. Their target is the dangerous and unpredictable leader of North Korea, but when things don't go to plan a fierce retaliation is set in motion.While Robie and Reel are stalked by a new adversary - sent to destroy the enemy at all costs - a deadly game of cat and mouse is triggered between the East and West. But who will be hunter and who will be hunted when the true target is revealed?

  • af David Baldacci
    118,95 kr.

    Former Secret Service Agents turned private investigators, Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, return in their most surprising, personal and dangerous case to date. King and Maxwell is the explosive finale to David Baldacci's phenomenal series.King and Maxwell encounter teenager Tyler Wingo when he has just received the tragic news that his soldier father has been killed in Afghanistan. But then Tyler receives an email from his father . . . after his supposed death.Sean and Michelle are hired to solve the mystery, and their investigation leads to deeper, even more troubling questions. Could Tyler's father really still be alive? Was his mission all that it seemed? Has Tyler's life been a lie, and could he be the next target?It's clear that King and Maxwell have stumbled upon something even more sinister when those in power seem intent on removing them at any cost. Determined to help and protect Tyler, their search for the truth takes them on a perilous journey which not only puts their lives at risk but arrives at a frightening conclusion.

  • af David Baldacci
    174,95 kr.

    From a #1 New York Times bestselling author, the 6:20 Man returns, this time sent to the Pacific Northwest to aid the in a complicated FBI case—and he’s about to come face-to-face with his nemesis, the girl on the train.   Travis Devine has become a pro at accomplishing any mission he's given.But this time it’s not his skills that send him to Seattle to aid the FBI in escorting orphaned, twelve-year-old Betsy Odom to a meeting with her uncle, who’s under investigation for RICO charges. Instead, he’s hoping to lay low and keep off the radar of an enemy–the girl on the train. But as Devine gets to know Betsy, questions begin to arise around the death of her parents. Devine digs for answers, and what he finds points to a conspiracy bigger than he could’ve ever imagined.   It might finally be time for Devine and the girl on the train to come face-to-face. Devine is going to find out the difference between his friends and his enemies–and in some cases, they might well be both.

  • af David Baldacci
    188,95 kr.

    The electric new Travis Devine thriller from international no. 1 bestselling author David Baldacci.

  • af David Baldacci
    99,95 - 253,95 kr.