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Bøger af Dave Eggers

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  • af Dave Eggers
    269,45 kr.

    "This great volume highlights the very best of this year's fiction, nonfiction, alternative comics, screenplays, blogs, and more? (OK!). Compiled by Dave Eggers and students of his San Francisco writing center, it is thoroughly ?entertaining and thought-provoking reading? (Library Journal).The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2008 includes MARJORIE CELONA • DAVID GESSNER • ANDREW SEAN GREER • RAFFI KHATCHADOURIAN • STEPHEN KING • EMILY RABOTEAU • GEORGE SAUNDERS • PATRICK TOBIN • LAURA VAN DEN BERG • MALERIE WILLENS • and others

  • af Dave Eggers
    194,45 - 239,45 kr.

  • af Dave Eggers
    184,45 kr.

    Now more than ever, Americans are troubled by questions. As sweaty modernity thrusts itself upon us, the veil of ignorance that cloaked our nation hangs in tatters, tattered tatters. Our "funny bones" are neither fun nor bony. Glum is the new giddy, and the old giddy wasn't too giddy to begin with. What can be done to stop this relentless march of drabbery? Nothing. But perhaps this book can be used to dull the pain. Included herein: The Ten Worst Films of All Time, as Reviewed by Ezra Pound over Italian Radio Unused Audio Commentary by Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky, Recorded Summer 2002, for The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring DVD (Platinum Series Extended Edition), Part One. How Important Moments in My Life Would Have Been Different If I Was Shot in the Stomach My Beard, Reviewed Circumstances under Which I Would Have Sex with Some of My Fellow Jurors Words That Would Make Nice Names for Babies, If It Weren't for Their Unsuitable Meanings As a Porn Movie Titler, I May Lack Promise Ineffective Ways to Subdue a Jaguar Eleven Lunch Meats I Have Invented Four Things I Would Have Said to Sylvia Plath if I Had Been Her Boyfriend And much, much more, including 20 brilliant new lists . . .

  • af Dave Eggers
    289,45 kr.

    Themenschwerpunkte Utopia/Dystopia, Science Fiction & Technology, Modern Media, Living and Working in a Globalized WorldDas vorliegende Unterrichtsmodell bezieht sich auf folgende Textausgabe: Eggers, Dave: The Circle. Penguin Books. London 2013 ISBN: 978-0-241-97037-9sowie auf den Film: The Circle. Regie: James Ponsoldt. USA 2017. Universum Film GmbH, 109 min. Über den Film:Mae Holland ist stolz und glücklich, als sie einen neuen Job als Kundenbetreuerin bei dem einflussreichen IT-Konzern "The Circle" bekommt und dort schnell das Vertrauen des charismatischen Firmengründers Eamon Bailey erlangt. Doch weil sie im Sinne der Firmenphilosophie des "Circle" ihr Privatleben über soziale Netzwerke verbreitet, gerät sie zunehmend in ein Spannungsfeld zwischen ihrem bisherigen Privatleben und ihrem "neuen" Leben in "The Circle". Der härteste Schicksalsschlag ereilt sie während einer öffentlichen Produktpräsentation des Konzerns, bei der das Publikum fordert, ihren Freund Mercer über ein innovatives Ortungssystem zu finden... Sie wird Zeugin, wie er bei einer Verfolgungsjagd ums Leben kommt. Mae wird zu einer Verfechterin absoluter Transparenz und scheut sich nicht, die Heuchelei der Firmengründer öffentlich zu entlarven.Die Verfilmung von Dave Eggers Roman The Circle eignet sich sowohl für die Jahrgangsstufen 10 und 11 (G8/G9) als auch für die Jahrgangsstufen 12/13 (G8/G9). Über das Unterrichtsmodell:Im vorliegenden Unterrichtsmodell zu Film-­ und Romanauszügen von The Circle werden ausgewählte inhaltlich-­thematische Schwerpunkte erarbeitet, die eine gezielte und zeitökonomische Bearbeitung des Inhalts in Bezug auf die o.g. Rahmenthemen ermöglicht. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf der Hauptfigur Mae Holland und ihrer Entwicklung innerhalb des Circle bis hin zur vollkommen eigenständig agierenden Heldin, die sich gegen das totalitäre System auflehnt, ein weiblicher "Zauberlehrling", der die Erfinder des Circle mit ihren eigenen Mitteln schlägt.Die einzelnen Components können unabhängig voneinander ausgewählt und bearbeitet werden, sodass Raum für eine individuelle Schwerpunktsetzung bleibt.Component 1 - Utopia - Dystopia: The Circle as a workplaceHintergrunginformationenThe literary genre of science fiction: How to recognize a utopia/dystopia?The Circle as a workplace: The protagonist Mae HollandThe Circle as a workplace: Mae's first day at workComponent 2 - Mae Holland: the main protagonistHintergrundinformationenMae Holland - characterization: Relations inside and outside the CircleGetting deeper into Circle life: The first Dream FridayMae Holland: Becoming a real CirclerComponent 3 - Mae's rise at the CircleHintergrundinformationenBetween two worlds: Mae's road to transparencyMae goes fully transparentTransparency: the magic cure?Component 4 - From dream to nightmareHintergrundinformationenMae: The shooting star in the Circle universeMae's Dream FridayWho is to blame for Mercer's death?Component 5 - The showdown: What kind of future lies ahead of us?HintergrundinformationenThe showdownThe Circle: A dystopian or a utopian future vision?The Circle - A good read and worth watching?Component 6 - Where does the road go?HintergrundinformationenBrave new digital world: The end of privacy?Living the smart life: Benefits and downsidesWhere does the road go?Das Unterrichtsmodell bietet zwei Klausuren (einen fiktionalen, einen nicht-fiktionalen Text) inklusive der Erwartungshorizonte/Bewertungsraster an.Die Materialien zum Download finden Sie auf\einfach-englisch-downloads.

  • af Dave Eggers
    199,45 kr.

    El libro en el que se basa la película The circle, protagonizada por Emma Watson y Tom Hanks.Una novela siniestramente verosímil sobre los peligros de la era digital.A pesar de su entusiasmo por trabajar en el Círculo, Mae pronto descubrirá que su vida fuera de la compañía comienza a pasar a un segundo plano...Lo que empieza como la fascinante historia de ambición e idealismo se convierte en una trepidante novela de suspense que plantea cuestiones como la memoria, el pasado, la privacidad, la democracia y los límites del conocimiento humano.El día que Mae Holland es contratada para trabajar en el Círculo, la empresa de internet más influyente del mundo, sabe que se le ha concedido la oportunidad de su vida.A través de un innovador sistema operativo, el Círculo unifica direcciones de email, perfiles de redes sociales, operaciones bancarias y contraseñas de usuarios dando lugar a una única identidad virtual y veraz, en pos de una nueva era de civilidad y transparencia.Mae está entusiasmada con la modernidad y la actividad de la compañía. Cada día se celebran fiestas, conciertos al aire libre y actividades deportivas. Hay clubs de todo tipo, e incluso puede visitarse un exclusivo acuario de peces exóticos. Mae se siente afortunada de formar parte del centro del mundo, a pesar de que se aleje cada vez más de su vida fuera del campus y de que su rol dentro del Círculo acabe siendo de dominio público.La crítica ha opinado:"Eggers nos demuestra con El Círculo cuál es el impacto de la era digital en la sociedad de forma exquisitamente astuta, introspectiva y profunda." - The Guardian"Una parábola sobre los peligros de la era digital. Eggers nos recuerda cómo la utopía digital puede conducir a la 'dataficación' de nuestra vida diaria, cómo la creencia en la sabiduría de la mayoría puede hundirnos en el decreto de las masas, cómo abrazar la idea de comunidad puede llevarnos a la anulación del individuo." - The New York Times"El Círculo es una hábil y moderna síntesis de ingenio swiftiano y pronosticación orwelliana [#], un trabajo tan relacionado con nuestro tiempo que podría ser considerado la observación satírica más acertada del principio de la era de internet." - The Guardian"Fascinante [#] Eggers consigue que nos suba la adrenalina [#]. Una novela de ideas [#]. Puro entretenimiento, pero del estimulante." - Margaret Atwood, The New York Review of Books"La mayoría nos imaginamos el totalitarismo como algo que se impone, pero ¿y si fuéramos los cómplices en nuestra propia opresión? Este es el escenario de la ambiciosa, aterrorizante y siniestramente verosímil nueva novela de Eggers [#]. Las comparaciones con Un mundo feliz y 1984 serán inevitables." - Booklist"Eggers ha puesto su estilo y su pulso narrativo al servicio del tecnothriller: un escritura enérgica y eficaz." - TimeENGLISH DESCRIPTIONNow a Major Motion Picture starring Emma Watson and Tom Hanks. A bestselling dystopian novel that tackles surveillance, privacy and the frightening intrusions of technology in our lives.When Mae Holland is hired to work for the Circle, the world's most powerful internet company, she feels she's been given the opportunity of a lifetime. The Circle, run out of a sprawling California campus, links users' personal emails, social media, banking, and purchasing with their universal operating system, resulting in one online identity and a new age of civility and transparency. As Mae tours the open-plan office spaces, the towering glass dining facilities, the cozy dorms for those who spend nights at work, she is thrilled with the company's modernity and activity. There are parties that last through the night, there are famous musicians playing on the lawn, there are athletic activities and clubs and brunches, and even an aquarium of rare fish retrieved from the Marianas Trench by the CEO. Mae can't believe her luck, her great fortune to work for the most influential company in the world—even as life beyond the campus grows distant, even as a strange encounter with a colleague leaves her shaken, even as her role at the Circle becomes increasingly public. What begins as the captivating story of one woman's ambition and idealism soon becomes a heart-racing novel of suspense, raising questions about memory, history, privacy, democracy, and the limits of human knowledge.

  • af Dave Eggers
    124,45 kr.

    The Circle ist das weltweit größte Internet Unternehmen - Google, Facebook, Apple und Twitter, alles in einem - und auf dem Weg, ein alles überwachendes Netz zu erschaffen. In dieses Unternehmen steigt die 24jährige Mae ein und lernt nach und nach die Machenschaften ihres Arbeitgebers kennen.

  • - A novel
    af Dave Eggers
    108,95 kr.

  • af Dave Eggers & Voice of Witness
    229,45 - 579,45 kr.

  • af Dave Eggers
    199,45 kr.

    Hovedpersonen i denne selvbiografiske boken er den 22 år gamle Dave Eggers. Han og hans søsken blir foreldreløse etter at begge foreldrene dør av kreft, og Dave må ta seg av sin 14 år yngre bror Christopher.

  • af Dave Eggers
    194,45 kr.

    Valentino Achak Deng flykter fra landsbyen sin i det krigsherjede Sør-Sudan midt på 1980-tallet. Han kommer i kontakt med fiendens soldater, opprørere, hyener og løver, sjukdom og sult. Til slutt starter han et nytt liv i USA sammen med nesten 4000 andre, unge sudanesiske menn. En helt annen kamp begynner.

  • af Dave Eggers
    164,45 kr.

    From a bestselling author comes an evocative, classic-feeling adventure tale about a boy and his sword, and how giving away something precious leads to an even more important discovery.

  • af Dave Eggers
    164,45 kr.

    Drawn Together meets WILD in this journey into the jungle and through the imagination.

  • af Dave Eggers, Zoë Ruiz, Adama Bah, mfl.
    154,45 kr.

    Adama Bah grew up in East Harlem after immigrating from Conakry, Guinea, and was deeply connected to her community and the people who lived there. But as a thirteen-year-old after the events of September 11, 2001, she began experiencing discrimination and dehumanization as prejudice toward Muslim people grew. Then, on March 24, 2005, FBI agents arrested Adama and her father. Falsely accused of being a potential suicide bomber, Adama spent weeks in a detention center being questioned under suspicion of terrorism.With sharp and engaging writing, Adama recounts the events surrounding her arrest and its impact on her life-the harassment, humiliation, and persecution she faced for crimes she didn't commit. Accused brings forward a crucial and unparalleled first-person perspective of American culture post-9/11 and the country's discrimination against Muslim Americans, and heralds the start of a new series of compelling narrative nonfiction by young people, for young people.

  • af Dave Eggers, Zoë Ruiz, Zainab Nasrati, mfl.
    162,95 kr.

    Suffering heavy damage in the wake of Hurricane Maria in 2017, Puerto Rican communities lacked access to clean water and electricity. Salvador Gómez-Colón couldn't ignore the basic needs of his homeland, and knew that nongovernmental organizations and larger foreign philanthropies could only do so much. With unstoppable energy and a deep knowledge of local culture, Salvador founded Light and Hope for Puerto Rico and raised more than $100,000 to purchase and distribute solar-powered lamps and hand-powered washing machines to households in need.With a voice that is both accessible and engaging, Salvador recalls living through the catastrophic storm and grappling with the destruction it left behind. Hurricane brings forward a captivating first-person account of strength, resilience, and determination, and heralds the start of a new series of compelling narrative nonfiction by young people, for young people.

  • af Dave Eggers
    199,45 kr.

    Jacket opens up to become a color poster.

  • - An Entertainment
    af Dave Eggers
    139,95 kr.

    A savage satire of the United States in the throes of insanity, this blisteringly funny novel tells the story of a noble ship, the Glory, and the loud, clownish, and foul Captain who steers it to the brink of disaster.When the decorated Captain of a great ship descends the gangplank for the final time, a new leader, a man with a yellow feather in his hair, vows to step forward. Though he has no experience, no knowledge of nautical navigation or maritime law, and though he has often remarked he doesn't much like boats, he solemnly swears to shake things up. Together with his band of petty thieves and confidence men known as the Upskirt Boys, the Captain thrills his passengers, writing his dreams and notions on the cafeteria wipe-away board, boasting of his exemplary anatomy, devouring cheeseburgers, and tossing overboard anyone who displeases him. Until one day a famous pirate, long feared by passengers of the Glory but revered by the Captain for how phenomenally masculine he looked without a shirt while riding a horse, appears on the horizon . . . Absurd, hilarious, and all too recognizable, The Captain and the Glory is a wicked farce of contemporary America only Dave Eggers could dream up.

  • - A novel
    af Dave Eggers
    274,45 kr.

  • af Dave Eggers
    154,95 kr.

    The Monk of Mokha is the exhilarating true story of a young Yemeni American man, raised in San Francisco, who dreams of resurrecting the ancient art of Yemeni coffee but finds himself trapped in Sana'a by civil war. Mokhtar Alkhanshali is twenty-four and working as a doorman when he discovers the astonishing history of coffee and Yemen's central place in it. He leaves San Francisco and travels deep into his ancestral homeland to tour terraced farms high in the country's rugged mountains and meet beleagured but determined farmers. But when war engulfs the country and Saudi bombs rain down, Mokhtar has to find a way out of Yemen without sacrificing his dreams or abandoning his people.

  • af Dave Eggers
    84,45 kr.

    When things fall down, who lifts them up? What if the ground beneath your feet had been hollowed into hundreds of tunnels and passageways? What if there were mysterious forces in these tunnels? What if it were up to twelve-year-old Gran Flowerpetal to stop these forces?

  • af Dave Eggers
    129,45 kr.

  • af Dave Eggers
    99,45 kr.

    In Jules Verne's science-fiction classic, re-imagined by Dave Eggers in modern times and from the point of view of the fourteen-year-old Consuelo, the famous oceanographer Pierre Arronax hunts down a mysterious sea-monster which has been terrorizing the oceans. But the truth is stranger than expected ...

  • af Dave Eggers
    224,45 kr.

    National BestsellerThe true story of one family, caught between America's two biggest policy disasters: the war on terror and the response to Hurricane Katrina.Abdulrahman and Kathy Zeitoun run a house-painting business in New Orleans. In August of 2005, as Hurricane Katrina approaches, Kathy evacuates with their four young children, leaving Zeitoun to watch over the business. In the days following the storm he travels the city by canoe, feeding abandoned animals and helping elderly neighbors. Then, on September 6th, police officers armed with M-16s arrest Zeitoun in his home. Told with eloquence and compassion,Zeitounis a riveting account of one family's unthinkable struggle with forces beyond wind and water.ANew York TimesNotable BookAnO, The Oprah MagazineTerrific Read of the YearAHuffington PostBest Book of the YearANew YorkerFavorite Book of the YearAChicago TribuneFavorite Nonfiction Book of the YearAKansas City StarBest Book of the YearASan Francisco ChronicleBest Book of the YearAnEntertainment WeeklyBest Book of the Decade

  • af Dave Eggers
    184,45 kr.

    The Wild Things by Dave Eggers is the novelisation of Maurice Sendak's classicMax likes to make noise, get dirty, ride his bike without a helmet and howl like a wolf. In any other age he would have just been considered a boy. These days he is considered wilful and deranged.After a row with his mother, Max runs away. He jumps into a boat and sails across the ocean to a strange island where giant and destructive beasts reign - the Wild Things. After almost being eaten, Max gains their trust, and he is made their king. But what will he do with the responsibility?'A life-affirming delight' GQ'Compelling, fantastical, engrossing' Shortlist'Let the wild rumpus start!' Grazia

  • af Dave Eggers
    119,45 kr.

    In August, 2005, as Hurricane Katrina blew in, the city of New Orleans had been abandoned by most citizens. But resident Abdulrahman Zeitoun, though his wife and family had gone, refused to leave. For days he traversed an apocalyptic landscape of flooded streets by canoe. He protected neighbours' properties, fed trapped dogs and rescued survivors. But eventually he came to the attention of those 'guarding' this drowned city. Only then did Zeitoun's nightmare really begin.Zeitoun is the powerful, ultimately uplifting true story of one man's courage when confronted with an awesome force of nature followed by more troubling human oppression.

  • af Dave Eggers
    129,45 kr.

    What is the What is Dave Eggers's astonishing novel about one of the world's most brutal civil warsValentino Achak Deng is just a boy when conflict separates him from his family and forces him to leave his small Sudanese village, joining thousands of other orphans on their long, long walk to Ethiopia, where they find safety - for a time. Along the way Valentino encounters enemy soldiers, liberation rebels and deadly militias, hyenas and lions, disease and starvation. But there are experiences ahead that will test his spirit in even greater ways than these . . .Truly epic in scope, and told with expansive humanity, deep compassion and unexpected humour, What is the What is an eye-opening account of life amid the madness of war and an unforgettable tale of tragedy and triumph.'If there was ever any doubt that Dave Eggers is one of our most important storytellers, What Is the What should put it to rest... [A] strange, beautiful and unforgettable work' San Francisco Chronicle'A remarkable book: harrowing, witty, wretched, delightful; and always compelling, always surprising' London Review of BooksAll of the author's proceeds from this book will go to the Valentino Achak Deng Foundation. Read more at:

  • af Dave Eggers & Donald Barthelme
    174,45 kr.

    This collection of pithy, brilliantly acerbic pieces is a companion to Sixty Stories, Barthelme's earlier retrospective volume. Barthelme spotlights the idiosyncratic, haughty, sometimes downright ludicrous behavior of human beings, but it is style rather than content which takes precedence.

  • af Dave Eggers
    324,45 kr.

    ';A picaresque adventure and spiritual coming-of-age tale On the Roadcrossed with Henderson the Rain King Deeply affecting.'Michiko Kakutani,The New York TimesLonglisted foran Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction A captivating, often hilarious novel of family and wilderness from the bestselling author ofThe Circle, thisis a powerful examination of our contemporary life and a rousing story ofadventure. Josie and her children's father have split up, she's been sued by a former patient and lost her dental practice, and she's grieving the death of a young man senselessly killed. When her ex asks to take the children to meet his new fiancee's family, Josie makes a run for it, figuring Alaska is about as far as she can get without a passport. Josie and her kids, Paul and Ana, rent a rattling old RVnamed the Chateau,and at first their trip feels like a vacation: They see bears and bison, they eat hot dogs cooked on a bonfire,and they spend nights parked along icy cold rivers in dark forests. But as they drive, pushed north by the ubiquitous wildfires, Josie is chased by enemies both real and imagined, past mistakes pursuing her tiny family, even to the very edge of civilization. A tremendous new novel from the best-selling author ofThe Circle,Heroes of the Frontieris the darkly comic story of a mother and her two young children on a journey through an Alaskan wilderness plagued by wildfires and a uniquely American madness.

  • af Dave Eggers
    184,45 kr.

    Your Fathers, Where Are They is Dave Eggers's brilliantly executed story of one man struggling to make sense of the world. In a barracks on an abandoned military base, miles from the nearest road, Thomas watches as the man he has brought wakes up. Kev, a NASA astronaut, doesn't recognize his captor, though Thomas remembers him. Kev cries for help. He pulls at the chain. But the ocean is close by, and nobody can hear him over the waves and wind. Thomas apologizes. He didn't want to have to resort to this. But they really needed to have a conversation, and Kev didn't answer his messages. And now, if Kev can just stop yelling, Thomas has a few questions. 'With each tightly controlled book, Eggers's fiction becomes more prescient, moving and unsettling . . . Even if all generations are lost generations, we need engaged, incendiary novels which ask: What now?' Independent 'An angry and astute investigation into the state of America . . . Politically and polemically engaged in the tradition of Dickens and Zola' Mark Lawson, Guardian 'One of our fiercest and most compelling writers' Sunday Times

  • af Dave Eggers
    119,45 kr.

    New from Dave Eggers, National Book Award finalist A Hologram for the KingIn a rising Saudi Arabian city, far from weary, recession-scarred America, a struggling businessman pursues a last-ditch attempt to stave off foreclosure, pay his daughter's college tuition, and finally do something great. In A Hologram for the King, Dave Eggers takes us around the world to show how one man fights to hold himself and his splintering family together in the face of the global economy's gale-force winds. This taut, richly layered, and elegiac novel is a powerful evocation of our contemporary moment - and a moving story of how we got here.'A master of the surprising metaphor, Eggers's great skill is in tracking the exuberant chaos of thought, with all its sudden poignancies and unexpected joys' Daily Telegraph'Among the most influential writers in the English language' GQ 'Eggers can write like an angel' Tablet

  • af Dave Eggers
    153,95 kr.

    How We Are Hungry is a collection of Dave Eggers's short stories that twist and inspire the imagination Dave Eggers has championed the cause of the short story so magnificently that through his own McSweeney's magazine and through its many imitators the form is once again in the ascendant. Yet while celebrating the work of others, Eggers has also proved himself time and again one of the modern masters of the form.This unmissable collection is Egger's first, and showcases his talents in a variety of stories that are short-short, short-long and every length in between; and in stories that are dark, funny, inspiring, daring and endlessly inventive (including the acclaimed 'Up the Mountain Coming Down Slowly'). In short, in stories that will make you appreciate that Dave Eggers and the short story were made for each other - and, in turn, for you. 'Possibly the most admired and emulated American author of his generation' Independent 'Brilliant, confident floods of language' Sunday Herald 'Intensely pleasurable, striking in its beauty...a triumph of both form and content' Guardian