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Bøger af Daniel Griffin

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  • - Trails of Treachery
    af Daniel Griffin
    148,95 kr.

    The Gathering is a novel that can be read as a standalone or as part of the Eli Stone Western series. Whispers of betrayal. A blacksmith with the soul of a gunfighter. Secrets more valuable than gold. Eli's quest for peace is shattered when the Gathering commences. Bounty hunters swarm the town of Shadow Gulch, each one drawn by the allure of wealth and the thrill of the hunt, but among them walks Eli-a man whose hammer shapes metal but whose heart seeks justice. A sinister plot unfolds as the hunters' presence disturbs more than just the peace of the Gulch. With an unlikely alliance of defenders at his side, Eli must confront his past as a lawman to protect a future where honor can thrive. As the lines between friend and foe blur, Eli's grip on his revolver tightens, for in the heart of the Gathering, every ally hides their own agenda, and every handshake could precede a duel. When the shadows cast by the bounty hunters threaten to engulf the town, Eli stands as the last ember of justice in a place that has long forgotten its meaning. In a war where bullets whisper death and the truth is as scarce as mercy, will Eli's courage fan the flames of hope, or will he be consumed by the inferno of greed and vengeance? The Gathering is a Western tale that rides hard through a landscape of treachery and redemption. If you crave a story where the echo of every gunshot tells a tale of life and death, join Eli Stone in his relentless pursuit of a peace as fleeting as a shadow on the high noon plains.

  • - El Secreto del Verdugo
    af Daniel Griffin
    151,95 kr.

    La ciudad de Shadow Gulch está al borde del colapso. La codicia y la corrupción han envenenado sus entrañas. ¿Podrá un hombre forjar la justicia en un pueblo que ha olvidado lo que significa? En el corazón de Shadow Gulch, Eli Stone, un herrero con pasado de agente de la ley, se enfrenta a una crisis que golpea los cimientos de sus creencias. El descubrimiento de plata ha convertido su otrora pacífico hogar en una guarida de oportunistas y decadencia. A medida que el cuestionable sistema de justicia del juez Harlan Beck empieza a mostrar sus verdaderos colores, Eli se ve arrastrado de nuevo a una vida que creía haber dejado atrás, obligado a defender a los desvalidos contra una creciente ola de injusticia. Con el telón de fondo de una ciudad fronteriza que se tambalea al borde del caos, Eli descubre una siniestra red de engaños que enreda a las figuras más poderosas de la ciudad. Con la ayuda de aliados improbables, como la valiente María Álvarez y el firme Joey Tanner, Eli se embarca en una peligrosa búsqueda para exponer la corrupción que amenaza con consumir todo lo que aprecia. A medida que las líneas de batalla se dibujan, Eli y sus compañeros se enfrentan a una serie de desafíos desgarradores, desde emboscadas mortales a traiciones que ponen a prueba el tejido mismo de su determinación. Sin embargo, no son sólo las amenazas externas las que acechan a Eli. Las sombras de su pasado se ciernen sobre él y le obligan a enfrentarse a sus demonios internos. ¿Tendrán Eli y sus aliados la fuerza suficiente para acabar con la corrupción que ha atrapado a su pueblo? ¿O caerá Shadow Gulch en la oscuridad, víctima de la avaricia y el engaño a los que una vez se enfrentó? La batalla por la justicia comienza ahora. ¿Estás preparado para unirte a Eli?

  • - The Hangman's Secret
    af Daniel Griffin
    150,95 kr.

    The town of Shadow Gulch is on the edge of collapse. Greed and corruption have poisoned its core. Can one man forge justice in a town that's forgotten what it means? In the heart of Shadow Gulch, Eli Stone, a blacksmith with a lawman's past, faces a crisis that strikes at the very foundation of what he believes. The discovery of silver has turned his once-peaceful home into a den of opportunists and decay. As Judge Harlan Beck's questionable justice system starts to show its true colors, Eli is drawn back into a life he thought he had left behind, compelled to defend the underdog against an ever-growing tide of injustice. Set against the backdrop of a frontier town teetering on the brink of chaos, Eli unearths a sinister web of deceit entangling the town's most powerful figures. With the help of unlikely allies, including the courageous Maria Alvarez and the steadfast Joey Tanner, Eli embarks on a perilous quest to expose the corruption that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. As the battle lines are drawn, Eli and his companions confront a series of harrowing challenges, from deadly ambushes to betrayals that test the very fabric of their resolve. Yet, it's not just the external threats that haunt Eli. The shadows of his past loom large, forcing him to face the demons within. Will Eli and his allies have the strength to overturn the corruption that has ensnared their town? Or will Shadow Gulch fall into darkness, a victim of the very greed and deceit it once stood against? The battle for justice begins now-are you ready to stand with Eli?

  • af Daniel Griffin
    243,95 kr.

    El polvo se agita bajo los cascos. Un herrero con alma de pistolero. En Shadow Gulch, la búsqueda de paz de Eli enciende las llamas de la justicia. Eli Stone vive con las sombras de hechos que no pueden deshacerse. Cuando su caballo lo lleva por los traicioneros senderos hacia la solitaria cuenca de Shadow Gulch, se encuentra con la promesa de una nueva vida, muy alejada de los tiroteos y del derramamiento de sangre que una vez conoció. Este escarpado pueblo, acunado por ásperos acantilados y secretos, es un refugio para quienes huyen de su propio pasado o van a la caza de riquezas, donde las balas suelen encontrar su objetivo antes que la justicia. Pero Eli, curtido por las tribulaciones de la vida de un agente de la ley y con el cuerpo lleno de cicatrices de innumerables encuentros, anhela una paz que le ha sido esquiva durante mucho tiempo. Cuando fuerzas oscuras amenazan con deshacer la frágil paz de Shadow Gulch, arrastrando a su gente a un ciclo de codicia y venganza, las manos de Eli se ven obligadas a pasar de la forja a las empuñaduras de su revólver una vez más. Como centinela renuente, atado por el honor y los fantasmas que le persiguen, Eli se prepara para dejar una huella en Shadow Gulch que resonará con el fuego de su revólver: un legado forjado no por el oro, sino por la búsqueda de una justicia olvidada hace mucho tiempo. La justicia de Eli es la apasionante primera entrega de la saga de Shadow Gulch. Si te gustan los héroes implacables, los paisajes vívidamente pintados del Oeste y los enfrentamientos de alto riesgo, entonces te encantará la historia de la lucha de Eli Stone por una paz que es tan esquiva como un espejismo en el desierto. Compra Eli's Justice y únete hoy mismo a la lucha por el orden en el caos del Salvaje Oeste.

  • af Daniel Griffin
    283,95 kr.

    Dust stirs under hooves. A blacksmith with a gunfighter's soul. In Shadow Gulch, Eli's search for peace kindles the flames of justice. Eli Stone lives with the shadows of deeds that can't be undone. As his horse carries him through the treacherous paths toward the secluded basin of Shadow Gulch, he is met with the promise of a new life-one far removed from the gun battles and bloodshed he once knew. This rugged town, cradled by harsh cliffs and secrets, is a haven for those fleeing their own pasts or hunting riches, where bullets often find their mark before justice does. But Eli, carved by the tribulations of a lawman's life and a body lined with scars from countless encounters, yearns for a peace that has long eluded him. When dark forces threaten to unravel the fragile peace of Shadow Gulch, drawing its people into a cycle of greed and retribution, Eli's hands are forced from the forge to the grips of his revolver once more. Standing as a reluctant sentinel, bound by honor and the ghosts that haunt him, Eli prepares to leave a mark on Shadow Gulch that will echo with the fire of his gun-a legacy shaped not by gold, but by the pursuit of a long-forgotten justice. Eli's Justice is the gripping first installment in the Shadow Gulch Saga. If you like relentless heroes, vividly painted Western landscapes, and high-stakes showdowns, then you'll love the tale of Eli Stone's fight for a peace that's as elusive as a desert mirage. Buy Eli's Justice to join the fight for order in the chaos of the Wild West today!

  • af Daniel Griffin
    678,95 - 923,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Griffin
    259,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • - Being Chiefly Researches for Correct Principles of Treatment in Disputed Points of Medical Practice
    af Daniel Griffin & William Griffin
    243,95 kr.

  • - in Which Their Identity With Sympathetic, Nervous, and Imitative Diseases is Illustrated
    af Daniel Griffin & William 1794-1848 Griffin
    243,95 kr.

  • - Using gamification to power-up your marketing
    af Daniel Griffin
    247,95 kr.

    Press Start examines the benefits and uses of gamification, in order for businesses of any size and sector to create engaging and effective marketing campaigns.With many success stories from the likes of LinkedIn, Delta Airlines, Starbucks, and Duolingo, marketing gamification is already a well-established practice, but many businesses are wary of jumping in without a guide. The "addictions" and "highs" of Candy Crush or logging a run in your fitness app can be powerful drivers in terms of how we behave. In an increasingly commoditized world, marketers are always looking for new ways to influence or motivate us to be better engaged with their products, services, and brands. This is marketing gamification: the practice of taking the motivational elements of games (like challenges, achievements and teams) and applying them intelligently in real-life situations to improve engagement and performance. Written specifically for marketing professionals, Press Start explores the benefits and uses of gamification, and ties together motivational psychology and case studies with popular game mechanics and design principles. More importantly, the book will provide readers with a step-by-step guide for successfully designing their own marketing gamification solutions.

  • af Daniel Griffin & Gerald Griffin
    404,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - Being Chiefly Researches For Correct Principles Of Treatment In Disputed Points Of Medical Practice (1845)
    af Daniel Griffin & William Griffin
    281,95 - 283,95 kr.