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Bøger af Dan Jolley

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  • - Blizzard Legends
    af Dan Jolley
    118,95 kr.

    Blizzard presents an original manga set in the World of Warcraft Universe, studying one of the newest classes in the game - the Death Knight.

  • af Dan Jolley
    143,95 kr.

    Mack Moon has always loved space, so it's EPIC when he discovers that his three pets are actually secret agents from P.E.T.S. But it's NOT-so-epic when Mack finds out they're here because an evil space ferret, Barbara has arrived on planet Earth. Mack Moon dreams of being the first kid in space. So imagine his surprise when he discovers that his three regular pets--a goofy Labrador named Pickles, a tough gray cat called Lady, and a goldfish dubbed The Fish--are actually undercover agents. They belong to a secret agency called the Planetary, Enforcement, Tactics, and Stealth, AKA the P.E.T.S. When the True Form of Evil, aka a ferret named Barbara (and yes, she gave herself that nickname), crash lands into Mack's hometown, the P.E.T.S. must spring, jump, and swish into action to stop her. Barbara's goal? Take over plant Earth. After that? Eat pancakes. Extra fluffy, please. Add in a battalion of poop-slinging space monkeys, a TV news station that's gone to the dogs, and an epic pillow fight--and you're holding in your hands the perfect recipe for an action-packed and hilarious graphic novel that's perhaps even more delicious than Mack's dad's super-awesome ravioli.> Except pancakes...MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Mack Moon and the P.E.T.S. is a hilarious and LOL-worthy, action-packed space adventure that's perfect for fans of Galactic Hot Dogs, The Last Kids on Earth, The Moosicians, and Zita the Spacegirl. 3, 2, 1 . . . Commander Moon, prepare for blast off! This is a brand-new full-color graphic novel series that's Hilo: The Boy Who Crashed to Earth meets The Secret Life of Pets.

  • af Dan Jolley
    233,95 kr.

    When kittypet Tiny crosses paths with some wild forest cats defending their territory, he is left with scars--and a bitter, deep-seated grudge. As his reputation grows among the strays and loners that live in the dirty brick alleyways of Twolegplace, he changes his name to Scourge and puts everything about his old life behind him--except his deadly desire for revenge.

  • af Dan Jolley
    208,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Dan Jolley
    358,95 kr.

    Set sail for adventure with these stormy Greek legends Jason's uncle Pelias has seized the throne of Argos. Before Jason can take his rightful place there, he must retrieve a magical item: the Golden Fleece. To capture this treasure, he gathers a ship full of Greek war heroes. But as they set off for the fleece, many dangers lie ahead.Odysseus, captain of the Greek army, has won a decade-long war. Now he faces his greatest trial: leading his men home. His journey will feature threats from the monstrous Cyclops to the irresistible song of the siren to the wrath of the sea god Poseidon. Will his men die in ocean waters, or will Odysseus guide them back?

  • af Dan Jolley
    83,95 kr.

    The second book in an epic middle grade series with awesome elemental powers, nightmarish creatures, and nonstop adventure that will thrill kids who love Avatar: The Last Airbender, Rick Riordan, and Brandon Mull.Five elements. Two worlds. One city...and one chance to save it.In the past two weeks, Gabe Conway has fought a six-winged dragon, bound himself to the element of fire, and rescued one of his best friends from the twisted parallel dimension known as Arcadia. Now he has to find a way to do something even more impossible: destroy Arcadia forever?before a sinister cult unleashes its nightmare of death and destruction across San Francisco.?Thrilling entertainment. This fast-paced fantasy adventure should please readers of Cassandra Clare and Holly Black's Magisterium series.??School Library Journal

  • af Dan Jolley
    218,95 kr.

  • af Dan Jolley
    183,95 kr.

  • af Dan Jolley
    206,95 kr.

    The darkest secrets just won't stay buried.Red Springs. A tiny town in Georgia's northwest corner - 95 percent white. Five percent black. Utterly unprepared for the devastating tornado that rips and smashes through it one dark August day.Sheriff Zandra Seagraves already faced an uphill battle. Elected by a fluke, Red Springs' first-ever Black female sheriff leads the recovery efforts, despite knowing how much the townspeople - and her own department - loathe her. But Zandra has no idea just how hellish things are about to get. Because one of the relief workers stumbles across a ghastly secret: The tornado tore a long-abandoned house off its foundations, revealing a grisly, recently-used torture dungeon below it.A monster has been dwelling in Red Springs. Undetected for years. Preying on the unsuspecting populace. His atrocities only brought to light because of the storm. Now, amid the tornado's wreckage and surrounded by people who want her gone, Zandra has to hunt this monster down before he disappears again. And to do it, she'll have to peel back all of Red Springs' dark, corrupted layers. One vile secret at a time.The Storm is a new thriller from Dan Jolley, international bestselling author of The Gray Widow series, House of Teeth, and co-creator of DC Comics' Firestorm.

  • af Dan Jolley
    88,95 kr.

    After finally winning the decade-long war against the Trojans, Odysseus, captain of the Greek Army, only has to guide his men back home, across the sea. Yet the journey will prove just as perilous as the battles they have just won, as they encounter the monstrous, man-eating Cyclops, the irresistible song of the siren, and the wrath of an angry Poseidon, god of the sea. Are he and his men destined to die at sea? Or can Odysseus's cunning, strength, and courage bring them safely home?

  • af Dan Jolley
    98,95 kr.

    The Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque, were blessed by the Mayan gods with special powers. But their incredible skill at playing Pok-ta-Pok, the Mayan ball game, angers the lords of Xibalba, rulers of the land of the dead. When the lords challenge them to a Pok-ta-Pok game in Xibalba, the twins know they must use all of their powers and cunning to defeat the lords' many challenges.

  • af Dan Jolley
    208,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Dan Jolley
    128,95 kr.

  • af Dan Jolley
    128,95 kr.

    The story of Cinderella set in Korea and presented in graphic novel format.

  • af Dan Jolley
    183,95 kr.

  • af Dan Jolley
    298,95 kr.

    The darkest secrets just won't stay buried. Red Springs. A tiny town in Georgia's northwest corner - 95 percent white. Five percent black. Utterly unprepared for the devastating tornado that rips and smashes through it one dark August day.Sheriff Zandra Seagraves already faced an uphill battle. Elected by a fluke, Red Springs' first-ever Black female sheriff leads the recovery efforts, despite knowing how much the townspeople - and her own department - loathe her. But Zandra has no idea just how hellish things are about to get. Because one of the relief workers stumbles across a ghastly secret: The tornado tore a long-abandoned house off its foundations, revealing a grisly, recently-used torture dungeon below it.A monster has been dwelling in Red Springs. Undetected for years. Preying on the unsuspecting populace. His atrocities only brought to light because of the storm. Now, amid the tornado's wreckage and surrounded by people who want her gone, Zandra has to hunt this monster down before he disappears again. And to do it, she'll have to peel back all of Red Springs' dark, corrupted layers. One vile secret at a time.The Storm is a new thriller from Dan Jolley, international bestselling author of The Gray Widow series, House of Teeth, and co-creator of DC Comics' Firestorm.

  • af Dan Jolley
    32,95 - 39,95 kr.

    Sam i Autoboty mieli nadzieję, że na dobre udało im się odeprzeć armię Decepticonów. Kiedy jednak Optimus Prime wraz ze swoją drużyną sprawdzali, czy nie ma już zagrożenia, odkryli coś zatrważającego: jeszcze silniejszego i bardziej przerażającego robota, który wydawał się niepokonany. Ta walka o bezpieczeństwo Ziemi nigdy nie była tak zacięta. Przyłącz się do Sama i Optimusa Prime’a i wraz z nimi stań do walki, by ostatecznie pokonać Decepticony. HASBRO oraz logo HASBRO, TRANSFORMERS oraz wszystkie powiązane znaki są znakami towarowymi należącymi do Hasbro i wykorzystanymi za zgodą producenta. © 2020 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. © 2009 DreamWorks LLC and Paramount Pictures Corporation. Licensed by Hasbro.Potężny Algnist, źródło całej energii życiowej Transformersów, pojawia się na planecie Ziemia po milionach lat od poprzedniego zniknięcia. To będzie początek epickiego pojedynku pomiędzy kilkoma ocalałymi Autobotami i potworami, które będą walczyć do końca, by uratować Algnisten. Jeśli ten wpadnie w szpony Decepticonów, będzie oznaczało to koniec zarówno ludzkości, jak i Autobotów. Od teraz roboty i ludzie muszą współpracować, aby pokonać strasznego Megatrona.Książka oparta na popularnych filmach z serii Transformers, które były nominowane do kilku Oscarów.

  • af Dan Jolley
    30,95 - 42,95 kr.

    När Sam Witwicky gör sig redo för att börja på college hittar han en kolbit som sitter fast i en trasig t-shirt. Så fort han rör vid den börjar mystiska bilder av utomjordiska tecken spelas upp i hans hjärna. Kommer de från Allspark? Snart visar det sig att kolbiten lämnat spår i Sam som inte kommer försvinna i första taget. Spår som kan försätta honom i absolut livsfara. Om det var någon som trodde att kampen mellan de utomjordiska robotarna var över så hade de verkligen fel. I hemlighet har militären och autoboterna fortsatt att kämpa mot decepticoner över hela världen. Nu verkar det som att de onda robotarna dyker upp allt oftare. Vad är det egentligen de är ute efter? Och vem är den mystiska Avfällingen? HASBRO och dess logga, TRANSFORMERS och alla tillhörande karaktärer är Hasbros varumärken och används med tillåtelse. © 2020 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. © 2009 DreamWorks LLC och Paramount Pictures Corporation. Licensierad av HASBRO.Den mäktiga Allspark, källan till Transformers livskraft, dyker upp på planeten Jorden efter att ha varit försvunnen i miljontals år. Det blir starten på ett episkt krig mellan de få överlevande autoboterna och decepticonerna, som alla tänker kämpa för att få tag på Allspark. Om autoboterna får tag på den, blir det slutet för mänskligheten och autoboterna – så nu måste de två jobba tilllsammans för att vinna över den avskyvärda Megatron.Böckerna är baserade på de populära Transformersfilmerna. Filmerna har nominerats till flera Academy Awards.

  • af Dan Jolley
    37,95 - 64,91 kr.

    Sam og autobotterne troede, at krigen var slut. Men da Optimus Prime og hans team opdager, at en grusom decepticon er vendt tilbage, bliver kampen om Jorden farligere end nogensinde før! Vær med, når Sam og Optimus Prime udforsker transformernes ældgamle hemmeligheder for at overvinde de forræderiske decepticons én gang for alle! Den mægtige Algnist, der er kilden til alle Transformeres livskraft, dukker op på planeten Jorden efter at have været forsvundet i millioner af år. Dette bliver starten på et episk opgør mellem de få overlevende autobotter og decepticons, der vil kæmpe til det sidste for at sikre sig Algnisten. Hvis den falder i decepticonernes kløer, bliver det enden på både menneskeheden og autobotterne – så nu må robotter og mennesker arbejde sammen for vinde over den frygtelige Megatron. Bøgerne er baseret på de populære Transformers-film. Filmene har været nomineret til flere Academy Awards.© 2020 Hasbro. TRANSFORMERS og det dertilhørende karakterunivers ejes af Hasbro. All rights reserved. © 2009 DreamWorks LLC and Paramount Pictures Corporation.

  • af Dan Jolley
    35,95 - 56,95 kr.

    Sam ja Autobotit luulivat pysäyttäneensä Decepticonit lopullisesti. Mutta kun Optimus Prime joukkoineen etsii merkkejä uusista uhkista, he löytävät jotakin yllättävää: entistäkin voimakkaamman ja pelottavamman robotin, jonka pysäyttäminen vaikuttaa mahdottomalta. Samin ja Optimus Primen on käytävä vaaralliseen taistoon Maan turvallisuuden puolesta. Liity mukaan seikkailuun hirmuisten Decepticonien nujertamiseksi!Tule mukaan jännittävään seikkailuun, kun Bumblebee ja Autobotit taistelevat ihmiskunnan turvallisuuden puolesta. "Transformers – Kaatuneiden kosto" perustuu samannimiseen elokuvaan, joka ilmestyi vuonna 2009.HASBRO ja sen logo, TRANSFORMERS sekä kaikki siihen liittyvät hahmot ovat Hasbron tavaramerkkejä, ja ne ovat käytössä Hasbron luvalla. © 2020 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. © 2009 DreamWorks LLC and Paramount Pictures Corporation. Licensed by Hasbro.

  • af Dan Jolley
    29,95 - 49,95 kr.

    Sam und die Autobots dachten, sie hätten die Decepticon-Armee für immer vernichtet. Doch als Optimus Prime und seine Crew nach weiteren Bedrohungen suchen, können sie nicht fassen, was sie entdecken: einen noch stärkeren und furchterregenderen Roboter, der unaufhaltsam zu sein scheint. Der Kampf um die Sicherheit der Erde war noch nie so gefährlich. Begleite Sam und Optimus Prime bei ihrem Versuch, den heimtückischen Decepticon ein für allemal zu besiegen!Die Geschichte basiert auf den beliebten Transformers-Film, der für mehrere Oscars nominiert war.HASBRO und das Logo TRANSFORMERS sowie alle dazugehörenden Charaktere sind Markenzeichen von Hasbro und werden mit Zustimmung verwendet. © 2020 Hasbro. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. © 2009 DreamWorks LLC and Paramount Pictures Corporation. Lizenziert von Hasbro

  • af Dan Jolley
    74,50 kr.

    Don't miss the epic, action-packed finale of the middle grade series School Library Journal called "extremely entertaining and sure to be popular with fans of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson books and the 39 Clues series."Five elements.

  • af Dan Jolley
    98,95 kr.

    From one of China's most famous epics comes a righteous hero and god of war. Guan Yu, an ancient Chinese warrior, fights side by side with his blood brothers Liu Bei and Zhang Fei to squash the menacing Yellow Scarves. He defends his country and his honor, but his troubles are just beginning. All over China, opponents pose grave challenges, each one more trying than the next. Will Guan Yu prevail against the forces that threaten him? Or will the obstacles prove too much for even the brave warrior to handle?