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Bøger af Connie Suttle

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  • - Legend of the Ir'indicti, Book 4
    af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

    What Ashe believes to be true is only a partial truth... In an effort to lay claim to Ashe and his talents, the vampires roll the dice. As a result, Ashe's life spins out of control--in ways he never imagined. Friends betray him. Those closest to him pull away. The vampire council recalls his vampire father, causing the small family to disintegrate. Ashe is forced to choose a path for himself...

  • - Latter Day Demons, Book 2
    af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

    Lexsi: Tears of flame dripped down my cheeks-tears for Kory and for me. The fire net burned my hands whenever I touched it, but I couldn't let it harm him any more than it already had. Kory's wings, with burn-holes between ribs, beat to help me get the net off him. Kory screamed as the net sunk farther into sections of his back-it was designed to burn flesh until it had completely passed through its victim. I shook my hands to rid myself of the wad of net I held and reached for the part that was burning Kory so badly. Lexsi: Who is behind the plot to kill us? What do they want? Where are they? Why me? My to-do list is overwhelming... Kordevik: How can I keep my Thifilathi in line, when it wants Lexsi now? How do I keep the werewolves, shifters, vampires and humans around me acting civil toward each other? How can I protect Lexsi and the others, when the enemy wants to destroy all of us? How did I get myself into this mess? A Demon's Work is Never Done...

  • - God Wars, Book 2
    af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

    Blood Trouble "Belen?" I blinked up at him. As usual, he was shining brightly, although he'd dampened it so I might look at him. "Lissa, this is certainly the beginning." He gazed around us. At leveled homes and devastated bodies. I understood what he said. All too clearly. It had been my suspicion, but I was too afraid to voice it aloud, as if saying it might make it real. It didn't need my words to make it real. It had already become real. The God Wars were upon us. "It'll only get worse, won't it?" I whispered. "If this is not stopped," Belen lowered his head as if in thought. "Either the opposing forces know something we don't, or evidence we do not have indicates that the three are now revealed." "You don't know who all three are, do you?" I shivered. "We know of the Mighty Hand-he has revealed himself to us, but he has placed himself behind a shield only the strongest might breach, and to my knowledge only the One might get past Strength's barrier. One other we have both felt," he nodded slightly to me. Neither of us was willing to speak Breanne's name aloud. She was in enough danger, I think, and I didn't want to add to that. "The other I cannot say, although we have seen evidence," Belen sighed. He hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to say something else and then thought better of it. "I am afraid to say what I might think about this," Belen murmured instead. "It worries me that even the quietest voice might be heard if I speak my suspicions about this. Lissa, there's something you do not know," Belen continued. "What's that?" "I only removed the mind cloud from your son. The others-it had already been removed when I arrived to do it." "What?" I stared at Belen. "Someone quite powerful arrived before I did. I believe Gavin and Cheedas benefited from a visit from one of the others. At this time, I cannot say-am afraid to say-which it might have been." "I don't understand this," I rubbed my forehead. "Lissa, do not make yourself ill, I beg," Belen knelt next to me. "We must be strong and vigilant in the coming days. It is up to us to do what we can to protect innocents during these times. As much as we can, for as long as we can. We cannot say if our enemies are destroying these lives, attempting to draw one or more of the Three out. After all, if one of them falls or turns to the other side, all will be lost. More than one destroyed will only hasten our demise." "This is the flaw, isn't it?" I sighed. "Yes. This is the flaw," he agreed. Those among the powerful know the God Wars have begun-except for Breanne. Without suspecting what she really is or that she has been targeted, she has chosen a new home for herself-in Earth's past. When strange events begin to happen around her, Breanne's confusion ramps up considerably. Toss in a handsome stranger and a horrible past, and Breanne seems headed for destruction.

  • - God Wars, Book 1
    af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

    Breanne's Journal Eleven days. Eleven days it took, for me to become vampire. The beating had revived old nightmares and I only wished to die. I'd shaken my head and muttered "no" through lips so bloodied and swollen it was difficult to say the word. He'd asked me if I wanted to live. I said no. He asked me if I wanted to be strong and live forever. I said no again, with difficulty. "Wrong answer," he whispered and cut into my wrists. * * * In the beginning, the One created the Three. Only the One was more powerful than the Three. They were named Wisdom, Strength and Love. Those Three are more commonly known as the Mighty Mind, the Mighty Hand and the Mighty Heart. Others were made, then, with varying degrees of power, who served under the One and the Three. The worlds were made, both Light and Dark, and those worlds were populated with all manner of races and creatures. One day, the One and the Three discovered that a blight had infected their ranks. Some at many levels of power had banded together and turned against them, seeking to destroy what had been created. The Three were given the task of pursuing the rogues and finding a way to either turn them back to the light or eliminate them. The Three began to choose their armies carefully, as their duty was to seek out and right many wrongs in their pursuit of such pervasive evil. The God Wars have begun.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

    I am Lexsi Silver, and I will determine my own future. Most people consider their wedding day to be one of the happiest of their lives. Most people are not High Demon. Just before my arranged marriage to Kordevik Weth took place on the planet called Kifirin, I decided I wasn't going to marry someone I'd never met. Kordevik was a stranger to me and I wasn't willing to accept him. That's why I asked Aunt Bree for help. She had one condition. I had to live on Earth and take a job with Rome Enterprises in San Francisco. My name is Kordevik Weth. My intended left me standing at the altar. Afterward, I destroyed the bar where I'd gone to forget my humiliation. As punishment, Li'Neruh Rath, god of my home planet, sentenced me to five years on Earth, working as a driver for Rome Enterprises in San Francisco. Every day, I curse the job I hold and the one who'd pushed me into it- Lexsi Silver

  • af Connie Suttle
    149,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    146,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    147,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    146,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    168,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    168,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    168,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    168,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    151,95 kr.

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

    I should be dead. All the fire demons who were betrayed and sacrificed before me had certainly died. Will, the wizard who attempted to destroy me, said it was the only way to kill the enemy known as Black Myth.Of all the fire demons led unknowingly to their deaths, how had I survived-and why?-Cassie King-Worth

  • af Connie Suttle
    143,95 kr.

    "What can go awry usually does." --Liffel's proverb Quin is kept busy placing planet-saving spheres on poisoned worlds. A Device has been created on an isolated world, which can hide anyone or anything from even the most powerful, including the gods. Quin The spheres The Device Vardil Cayetes wants all these things. Who can stop him, now that he is back and stronger than ever?