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Bøger af Conn Iggulden

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  • af Conn Iggulden
    129,45 kr.

    The ultimate Rome storyTHE FIELD OF SWORDS tell the powerful, dramatic story of the friendship and enmity between the two men who ruled the Roman world. Following the defeat of the Spartacus rebellion, Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus, who have been sent to run the Roman colonies in Spain, return to challenge powerful senators to become one of the Consuls of Rome. Political opposition, family quarrels, armed rebellions and corruption make this a highly contemporary scene, fuelled by the intrigue of the major characters, who are now developing as full adults. As he takes the legions north into mighty battles with the Gallic tribes, the imperious stand of Caesar and the leadership of his men, his new friendships with fellow leaders and his overwhelming ambition, begin to separate him from Brutus, the great swordsman and warrior. Their long friendship reveals ominous cracks under the strain. Although the Gallic conquests lead to Caesar's triumphal entry into Britain, the victories on the battlefield cause political rivalries at home, and ultimately the famous choice is presented to Caesar and Marcus Brutus. They must choose whether to cross the Rubicon - together or singly - and to take the fight to Rome itself. Conn Iggulden is a brilliant storyteller. Characters jostle for space in the crowded streets, on the battlefields and in the corridors of the Senate. The friendship and rivalry between Caesar and Brutus provides compelling reading. Each book in the EMPEROR series causes readers to return to the previous novel, and ensures they also look forward hugely to the next.

  • af Conn Iggulden
    119,45 kr.

    The ultimate Rome storyThe young Caesar must overcome enemies on land and at sea to become a battle-hardened leader - in the spectacular new novel from the bestselling author of The Gates of Rome. Forced to flee Rome, Julius Caesar is serving on board a war galley in the dangerous waters of the Mediterranean and is rapidly gaining a fearsome reputation. But no sooner has he had a memorable victory than his ship is captured by pirates and he is held to ransom. Abandoned on the north African coast after hard months of captivity, he begins to gather a group of recruits that he will eventually forge into a unit powerful enough to gain vengeance on his captors and to suppress a new uprising in Greece. Returning to Rome as a hero - and as an increasingly dangerous problem for his enemies - Caesar is reunited with his boyhood companion Brutus. But soon the friends are called upon to fight as they have never fought before, when a new crisis threatens to overwhelm the city - in the form of a rebellious gladiator named Spartacus...

  • af Conn Iggulden & Hal Iggulden
    279,45 kr.

    If ever there was an audiobook to make you switch off your television set, 'The Dangerous Book for Boys' is it. Packed with fascinating facts and tantalising trivia. Includes an introduction read by Conn Iggulden.Now available as a digital download.How many other books will help you identify cloud formations, list the seven wonders of the world, and recite the best quotations from Shakespeare? The Dangerous Book for Boys gives you facts and figures at your fingertips - find out the five poems every boy should know, learn about famous battles and read inspiring stories of incredible courage and bravery. There's a whole world out there: with this audiobook, anyone can get out and explore it.The Dangerous Book for Boys is written with the verve and passion that readers of Conn Iggulden's number one bestselling novels have come to expect. This book, his first non-fiction work, has been written with his brother as a celebration of the long summers of their youth and as a compendium of information so vital to men of all ages.Chapters in The Dangerous Book for Boys include: The Seven Ancient Wonders of the World, Famous Battles, Extraordinary Stories, A Brief History of Artillery, Sampling Shakespeare, Patron Saints of Britain, Five Poems Every Boy Should Know, The British Empire, Questions About the World, Latin Phrases Every Boy Should Know and The Origin of Words.

  • - Rosekrigene
    af Conn Iggulden
    79,45 kr.

    Første bind i en ny actionfyldt trilogi af Conn Iggulden. Om fejden mellem de to engelske adels-huse York og Lancaster, der begge gør krav på den engelske trone, og derfor kaster England ud i en tredive år lang borgerkrig, også kendt som Rosekrigene. Lydbogen er indlæst af Peter Carstens.

  • af Conn Iggulden
    79,45 kr.

    "Efter det succesfulde firbindsværk om CÆSAR, romerrigets mægtigste feltherre og politiker, følger Conn Iggulden op med endnu en ambitiøs romanserie: et fembindsværk om en af verdenshistoriens største krigere: den mongolske hersker DJENGHIS KHAN (ca. 1162-1227), en erobrer, som ikke blot formåede at lægge hele den civiliserede del af Asien for sine fødder, men også førte de sejrrige mongolske hære vestpå, helt til det nuværende Polen. Temüdjiin, den næstældste søn af Ulvestammens khan, er kun elleve år da hans far dør i et bagholdsangreb, og forrådt af sin fars nærmeste rådgivere efterlades han og hans familie på de store, vidstrakte mongolske stepper overladt til sultedøden. Men Temüdjiin overlever. På grund af sit strategiske vovemod og sine imponerende lederegenskaber formår han at samle ikke alene en lille flok af andre udstødte omkring sig, han forener også alle de krigeriske steppefolk. Og således kan han i år 1206 på et stammemøde påberåbe sig rangen som verdens hersker. DJENGHIS KHAN er født. Ulven fra stepperne er en farverig og dramatisk historisk roman om den dreng, der senere blev kendt som Djenghis Khan, krigeren og erobreren, som efter sigende havde følgende enkle livsholdning: Lykke er at undertvinge oprørere og besejre og udslette sine fjender, tage al deres ejendom, få deres undergivne til at jamre, få tårerne til at løbe ned ad deres ansigt, at ride deres bedste vallakker, at bruge deres kvinders liv og navle som seng, at nyde deres rødmende kinder, at kysse dem og suge sødmen af deres røde læber.Lydbogen er indlæst af Torsten Adler."

  • af Conn Iggulden
    185,95 kr.

    Spark your imagination, forge your own adventures and unearth long-lost skills.

  • - The bestselling author of the Emperor and Conqueror series' returns to the Ancient World
    af Conn Iggulden
    129,45 kr.

  • - One Man. Seven Kings. England's Bloody Throne.
    af Conn Iggulden
    134,45 kr.

  • af Conn Iggulden
    119,45 kr.

    The ultimate Rome storyFrom the spectacle of gladiatorial combat to the intrigue of the Senate, from the foreign wars that created an empire to the betrayals that almost tore it apart, the Emperor novels tell the remarkable story of the man who would become the greatest Roman of them all: Julius Caesar. Brilliantly interweaving history and adventure, The Gates of Rome introduces an ambitious young man facing his first great test. In the city of Rome, a titanic power struggle is about to shake the Republic to its core. Citizen will fight citizen in a bloody conflict - and Julius Caesar will be in the thick of the action.

  • af Conn Iggulden
    104,45 kr.

    The first of a major four book series on Genghis Khan, from the author of the number one bestselling Emperor series. Read by Jason Isaacs star of the BBC Drama CASE HISTORIESBonus feature: Includes an exclusive Q&A session between Conn Iggulden and Jason Isaacs. 'I am the land and the bones of the hills. I am the winter.'Temujin, the second son of the khan of the Wolves tribe, was only eleven when his father died in an ambush.His family were thrown out of the tribe and left alone, without food or shelter, to starve to death on the harsh Mongolian plains. It was a rough introduction to his life, to a sudden adult world, but Temujin survived, learning to combat natural and human threats. A man, a small family, without a tribe was always at risk but he gathered other outsiders to him, creating a new tribal identity. It was during some of his worst times that the image of uniting the warring tribes and bringing the silver people together came to him. He will become the khan of the sea of grass, Genghis.

  • af Conn Iggulden
    119,45 - 124,45 kr.

    No.1 bestselling author Conn Iggulden takes on the story of the mighty Kublai Khan. An epic tale of a great and heroic mind; his action-packed rule; and how in conquering one-fifth of the world's inhabited land, he changed the course of history forever.A scholar who conquered an empire larger than those of Alexander or Caesar.A warrior who would rule a fifth of the world with strength and wisdom.A man who betrayed a brother to protect a nation.From a young scholar to one of history's most powerful warriors, Conqueror tells the story of Kublai Khan - an extraordinary man who should be remembered alongside Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great and Napoleon Bonaparte as one of the greatest conquerors the world has ever known.It should have been a golden age, with an empire to dwarf the lands won by the mighty Genghis Khan. Instead, the vast Mongol nation is slowly losing ground, swallowed whole by their most ancient enemy. A new generation has arisen, yet the long shadow of the Great Khan still hangs over them all ...Kublai dreams of an empire stretching from sea to sea. But to see it built, this scholar must first learn the art of war. He must take his nation's warriors to the ends of the known world. And when he is weary, when he is wounded, he must face his own brothers in bloody civil war.

  • af Conn Iggulden
    79,45 kr.

    "Djengis Khan har forenet de mongolske stammefolk til én nation, og han har sejret i den lange krig mod kineserne - stammefolkenes arvefjende gennem mere end tusind år. Nu marcherer han med sin enorme hær langt mod vest for at kæmpe i de muslimske områder i Centralasien, hvor hans udsendinge har været under angreb. Områderne er under Shah Mohammeds herredømme, og den mongolske hærfører og hans folk må stå ansigt til ansigt med en fjende langt mere magtfuld, end de har mødt hidtil. Samtidig må han kæmpe på de indre linjer; hans sønner er splittede af indbyrdes magtkampe og Djengis må vælge mellem dem, inden de ødelægger det, han har bygget op. Knogler i sandet er tredje bind i Conn Igguldens dramatiske romanserie om den mongolske fyrste Djengis Khan og hans efterkommere. Et familiedynasti som i 1200-tallets skabte det største imperium, verden endnu har set – fra Stillehavet i øst til Donau i vest. ”Denne episke fortælling om en historisk helt er fortalt med kraft og nerve … Læs bogen før Hollywood tager over.”- Daily Express Lydbogen er indlæst af Torsten Adler."

  • af Conn Iggulden
    79,45 kr.

    "Fjendeland er andet bind i Conn Igguldens ambitiøse og dramatiske fembindsværk om den mongolske fyrste Djengis Khan og hans efterkommere. Et familiedynasti, som i 1200-tallet skabte det største imperium, verden endnu har set. Fra Stillehavet i øst til Donau i vest. Temüdjin fra Ulvenes klan er nu udråbt til Djengis Khan, verdens hersker, og hans mission er klar: De krigeriske stammeklaner i det vidtstrakte mongolske rige skal forenes til ét nyt rige, én ny samlet nation. Kun samlet kan steppefolket knække det kinesiske kejserdømme, som igennem mere end 1000 år har splittet dem. Fjendeland er en overbevisende, dramatisk og farverig, historisk fortælling om en af verdenshistoriens største erobrere Djengis Khan, som efter sigende havde følgende enkle livsholdning: Lykke er at undertvinge oprørere og besejre og udslette sine fjender, tage al deres ejendom, få deres undergivne til at jamre, få tårerne til at løbe ned ad deres ansigt, at ride deres bedste vallakker, at bruge deres kvinders liv og navle som seng, at kysse dem og suge sødmen af deres røde læber.Lydbogen er indlæst af Torsten Adler."

  • af Conn Iggulden
    79,45 kr.

    "Efter den blodige sejr over oprørslederen Spartacus drager Julius Cæsar til Spanien med vennen og våbenbroderen Brutus for at lede de romerske kolonier der. Men da den politiske uro endnu engang ulmer i Rom, må de begge vende hjem for at tage kampen op mod de magtfulde og intrigerende senatorer. Julius Cæsar øjner muligheden for at gå nye veje: Med sine tidligere politiske modstandere danner han sit første triumvirat og udnævnes til konsul. Dermed får han frie hænder til at samle sin egen legio af loyale mænd og begive sig mod nord - mod Gallernes rige. Men Julius Cæsars myndighed og styrke, venskaberne med andre hærførere og ikke mindst hans egen ærgerrighed, truer med at skille ham fra barndomsvennen Brutus. Indlæst af Henrik Hartvig Jørgensen."

  • af Conn Iggulden
    79,45 kr.

    "En borgerkrig truer. Cæsar og hans sejrrige hær har krydset grænsefloden Rubikon og marcherer direkte mod Rom. Opgøret mellem Pompejus - Roms diktator - og Cæsar - sejherren fra Gallien - synes uundgåeligt. Men Pompejus forlader Rom og drager østpå, og Cæsar kan ride ind i sin barndomsby i triumf, ledsaget af sin ven og våbenbroder Brutus.Cæsar kender sin kolossale styrke og er overbevist om sin ret til at regere det romerske imperium. Men uden for Roms mure - i Spanien, i Grækenland og i Lilleasien - venter Pompejus' håndgangne legioner. I årtier har Cæsars fæller og støtter kæmpet loyalt ved hans side, men kan han stadig regne med deres troskab?Lydbogen er indlæst af Henrik Hartvig Jørgensen."

  • af Conn Iggulden
    109,45 - 239,45 kr.

  • af Conn Iggulden
    124,45 kr.

    The 4th novel in the bestselling Conqueror series, continuing the life and adventures of the mighty Khan dynasty.

  • - Rise of the Tudors
    af Conn Iggulden
    134,45 - 284,45 kr.

    Witness the rise of the Tudors in the stunning conclusion to Conn Iggulden's powerful retelling of the Wars of the Roses . . . 'An utterly compelling page-turner full of historical facts. A fascinating read' SunEngland, 1470. A divided kingdom cannot stand. King Edward of York has been driven out of England. Queen Elizabeth and her children tremble in sanctuary at Westminster Abbey. The House of Lancaster has won the crown, but York will not go quietly.Desperate to reclaim his throne, Edward lands at Ravenspur with a half-drowned army and his brother Richard at his side. Every hand is against them, every city gate is shut, yet the brothers York go on the attack. But neither sees that their true enemy is Henry Tudor, now grown into a man. As the Red Dragon - 'the man of destiny' - his claim to the throne leads to Bosworth Field and a battle that will call an end to the Wars of the Roses . . .'A tough, pacy chronicle of bloody encounters, betrayals and cruelties. Superb' Daily Mail'Iggulden is in a class of his own when it comes to epic, historical fiction' Daily Mirror'Superb, fantastic, extraordinary' Sunday Express

  • - Book 3
    af Conn Iggulden
    119,45 kr.

    THE EPIC HISTORICAL NOVEL FROM BESTSELLING AUTHOR CONN IGGULDEN - FANS OF GAME OF THRONES AND WOLF HALL WILL BE HOOKED. 'Superbly plotted and paced' The TimesWinter 1461. Richard Duke of York is dead, his ambitions in ruins, his head spiked on the walls of the city. King Henry VI is still held prisoner. His Lancastrian Queen rides south with an army of victorious northerners, accompanied by painted warriors from the Scottish Highlands. With the death of York, Margaret and her army seem unstoppable. Yet in killing the father, Margaret has unleashed the sons. Edward of March, now Duke of York, proclaims himself England's rightful king. Through blood and treason, through broken men and vengeful women, brother shall confront brother, king shall face king. Two men can always claim a crown. But only one can keep it. Praise for the Wars of the Roses series: 'Pacey and juicy, and packed with action' Sunday Times 'Energetic, competent stuff; Iggulden knows his material and his audience' Independent 'A novel that seamlessly combines narrative, historical credence and great knowledge of the period' Daily Express 'A page-turning thriller' Mail on Sunday

  • af Conn Iggulden
    124,45 kr.

    Conn Iggulden, kendt og elsket for sine bøger om Cæsar og Djengis Khan, er tilbage med en spændende fortælling om kampen om tronen i oldtidens Persien, om en hær mere frygtet end nogen anden og om soldaten og forfatteren Xenofons lange march for at lede grækerne ud af riget efter en blodig krig.En konge bør have mere end én søn. Døden kan komme, før man ved af det, og i en sådan verden udfordrer en konge både guder og fjender. Lever den første søn dog længe nok til at blive en voksen mand, er de brødre, som var så nødvendige i årene forinden, dem, der kan tage det hele fra ham.Artaxerxes og Kyros er sønner af kong Dareios, der hersker over Persien. Da den gamle konge dør, trodser tronarvingen Artaxerxes det råd, han fik af sin far som ung dreng, og lader sin lillebror leve. Inden længe udbryder der krig, og blodet flyder i brødrenes kamp om tronen. Da støvet har lagt sig efter stridighederne, står spartanerne, som har kæmpet for Kyros, tilbage i hjertet af det enorme persiske rige omgivet af fjender, og det bliver op til den unge soldat Xenofon at lede de forhadte spartanere ud af Persien og hjem i sikkerhed i Grækenland. Men marchen er lang og farlig ...

  • af Conn Iggulden
    184,45 kr.

    The Great Khan is dead--and his vast empire, forged through raw courage, tactical brilliance, and indomitable force, hangs in the balance. Now, with the sons of Genghis Khan maneuvering for supremacy, the very qualities that united the fierce Mongol tribes threaten to tear them apart. Genghis's tough and canny heir, Ogedai, is on the verge of becoming the new Khan. Inexplicably, Ogedai has delayed his coronation to complete a project many deem a folly: the building of Karakorum, a magnificent city amid the wild plains. His decision emboldens his arrogant brother Chagatai to violently challenge him, leaving their noble sibling Tolui caught between them. Yet even as they clash, the Khan's armies extend his reach farther than ever before, into southern China and across the rugged mountains of Russia to the vulnerable heart of Europe, where the most courageous warriors the West commands await the coming onslaught.

  • af Conn Iggulden
    284,45 kr.

  • af Conn Iggulden
    299,45 kr.

    "The story begins with a hand curled around another man's throat. This is Roman justice: Emperor Tiberius first dispatches a traitor -- a friend he once trusted with the city -- then the man's whole family and all of his friends. It is as if he never existed. Into this fevered forum, a child is born. His mother is Agrippina, granddaughter of Emperor Augustus. But their imperial blood is neither balm nor protection. Rather, it is a liability. Blood is easily spilled or poisoned. So swiftly corrupted. As the aging, paranoid Tiberius becomes blind to the ignoble end awaiting him, Agrippina sees the future. Her once-exiled brother Caligula is next in succession, which brings her another step closer to the heart of the empire -- to power, ambition, and danger. Every day she will face soldiers, senators, rivals, silver-tongued pretenders, each vying for position. One mistake risks exile, incarceration, execution. Or, worst of all, perhaps the loss of her infant son. Because Agrippina knows that, even in your darkest moments, opportunity rises. Her son is everything. She can make this boy, shape him into Rome itself -- the man before whom all must kneel. But first, Agrippina and Nero must survive..."--

  • af Conn Iggulden
    249,45 kr.

    TYRANTS AREN'T BORN. THEY'RE RAISED.PRE-ORDER the legendary first instalment of master storyteller Conn Iggulden's BRAND-NEW NERO TRILOGY and travel to the heart of a Roman dynasty drenched in danger and intrigue . . . -------ANCIENT ROME, AD 37It begins with a man¿s hand curled around another¿s throat. Emperor Tiberius first dispatches a traitor.Then his whole family.Next all his friends. It is as if he never existed.THIS IS ROMAN JUSTICE.Into this fevered forum, a child is born.His mother is Agrippina, granddaughter of Emperor Augustus. But their imperial blood is no protection. The closer you are to the heart of the empire, the closer you are to power, intrigue, and danger.She faces soldiers, senators, rivals, silver-tongued pretenders, each vying for position. One mistake risks exile, incarceration, execution. Or, worst of all, the loss of her infant son.For Agrippina knows that opportunity waits, even in your darkest moments. Her son is everything. She can make this boy, shape him into Rome itself ¿ the one all must kneel before.BUT FIRST, THEY MUST SURVIVE . . .------PRAISE FOR CONN IGGULDEN'A gripping read from the master historical storyteller. This swords-and-sandals epic brings the clash of empires between Greece and Persia to life' DAILY EXPRESS'Pacy and propulsive, cracking with energy, violence and stirring speeches, Iggulden chronicles power struggles, political machinations and the bloodthirsty ravages of up-close combat' DAILY MAIL'Iggulden tells an absolutely cracking story . . . The pace is nail-biting and the set dressing magnificent' THE TIMES

  • af Conn Iggulden
    169,45 kr.

    THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP 10 BESTSELLERTYRANTS AREN'T BORN. THEY'RE RAISED.Travel to the heart of a Roman dynasty drenched in danger and intrigue in master storyteller Conn Iggulden's bold and brilliant return to Rome as he tells the story of NERO - last of the the Julio-Claudian emperors . . .'Deft and robust storytelling, that whips through the history with plenty of blood, guts and plot-twists' The Times'Epic and in a class of his own' Daily Mirror ----ANCIENT ROME, AD 37It begins with a man's hand curled around another's throat.Emperor Tiberius first dispatches a traitor.Then his whole family.Next all his friends. It is as if he never existed.THIS IS ROMAN JUSTICE.Into this fevered forum, a child is born.His mother is Agrippina, granddaughter of Emperor Augustus. But their imperial blood is no protection. The closer you are to the heart of the empire, the closer you are to power, intrigue, and danger.She faces soldiers, senators, rivals, silver-tongued pretenders, each vying for position. One mistake risks exile, incarceration, execution. Or, worst of all, the loss of her infant son.For Agrippina knows that opportunity waits, even in your darkest moments. Her son is everything. She can make this boy, shape him into Rome itself - the one all must kneel before.BUT FIRST, THEY MUST SURVIVE . . .This then is the story of Nero's birth and raising under the watchful and scheming eye of his mother Agrippina - a woman every man crossed at his peril.----PRAISE FOR CONN IGGULDEN'Breakthtakingly good' Bernard Cornwell'Magnificent' The Times'Pacy and propulsive, cracking with energy, violence and stirring speeches, Iggulden chronicles power struggles, political machinations and the bloodthirsty ravages of up-close combat' Daily MailReaders love Nero'Iggulden draws you into Rome, its brutality and its glory, and brings it back to life with such seamless ease' ***** Reader Review'Absolute quality from first to last page, atmospheric with a real feel for time and place' ***** Reader Review'It was fascinating to see the seeds being planted that will lead to the Nero becoming the tyrant we know through the ancient historians, but told in such a contemporary and accessible way' ***** Reader Review'An absolutely immersive experience throughout that throws you into the politics of Ancient Rome' ***** Reader ReviewConn Iggulden, Sunday Times bestseller, June 2023

  • af Conn Iggulden
    174,45 - 529,45 kr.

    Evoking two of the most famous battles of the Ancient World-the Battle of Marathon and the Last Stand at Thermopylae-The Gates of Athens is a bravura piece of storytelling by a well acclaimed master of the historical adventure novel.In the new epic historical novel by New York Times bestselling author Conn Iggulden, in ancient Greece an army of slaves gathers on the plains of Marathon . . .Under Darius the Great, King of Kings, the mighty Persian army-swollen by 10,000 warriors known as The Immortals-have come to subjugate the Greeks. In their path, vastly outnumbered, stands an army of freeborn Athenians. Among them is a clever, fearsome, and cunning soldier-statesman, Xanthippus. Against all odds, the Athenians emerge victorious.Yet people soon forget that freedom is bought with blood.Ten years later, Xanthippus watches helplessly as Athens succumbs to the bitter politics of factionalism. Traitors and exiles abound. Trust is at a low ebb when the Persians cross the Hellespont in ever greater numbers in their second attempt to raze Athens to the ground.Facing overwhelming forces by land and sea, the Athenians call on their Spartan allies for assistance-to delay the Persians at the treacherous pass of Thermopylae.Conn Iggulden has established himself as one of the finest experts in the genre of historical fiction; and The Gates of Athens is another fine example of his mastery of the genre.There are not many more dramatic moments from Ancient Greece than the Battles of Marathon and Thermopylae. Conn Iggulden re-creates this scenes with drama, emotion, and authenticity.

  • af Conn Iggulden
    243,95 kr.

    Recapture Sunday afternoons and long summer days. This is a wonderful collection of all things that make being young, or young at heart, fun. Audio includes:Questions About the WorldHow to Play StickballThe Rules of SoccerFishingFamous BattlesExtraordinary StoriesGirlsFirst AidThe Seven Wonders of the Ancient WorldSeven Modern Wonders of the WorldThe perfect book for every boy from eight to eighty.

  • af Conn Iggulden
    94,45 kr.

  • af Conn Iggulden
    194,45 kr.

  • af Conn Iggulden
    294,45 kr.