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Bøger af Ciro Discepolo

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  • - The only two rules of Astrology certified by Official Science
    af Ciro Discepolo
    183,95 kr.

    The aim of this short volume is to illustrate to my colleagues the technical and non technical reasons that have led me to declare that rules n. 1 and n. 2 of my 34 rules included in Transits and Solar Returns (but published in many articles and books since 1972) are the only astrological statements that have been accepted by Official Science in the whole history of human thought. However, this important goal in the history of Astrology has not been greeted with much enthusiasm by colleagues and fellow astrologers. On the contrary, it has been even opposed by some of them, simply out of envy. On the other hand scientifists, namely those who use Science in an essentialist way, have predictably ignored this event. Hence, with no celebration but no false modesty either, I wish to illustrate the path that has led me to this important goal to those who are little familiar with Statistics. I wish to emphasize once again that I consider Astrology Art rather than Science or, by any rate, a Human Science epistemologically closet o disciplines such as Sociology, Literary Criticism, Philosophy, Psychology, and so on. In this light, allow me a piece of criticism - a complaint, almost - to a "technological astrology" that is quite marketable these days. Although I have researched extensively working with Statistics applied to Astrology, I mainly consider myself an astrologer focusing on Man, in the broadest meaning of the word...

  • - A New System of Analysis for Two Ancient Methods
    af Ciro Discepolo
    343,95 kr.

    Transits and Solar Returns is a unique text in its gender, for it allows the reader to evaluate the realism of a method illustrated through several wellknown events from the execution of Benito Mussolini to the incarceration of Sophia Loren in Italy, including the most important victories of many acclaimed champions of the sports. Starting from the historical data, Ciro Discepolo explains how and why each event took place. As a best seller in Italy and in France, this book has been reprinted and republished several times in the span of a few years. New, important sections have been added. Its main quality is probably the exposure of a method that any student of astrology - experts as well as beginners - may apply. It aspires to demonstrate that such events as the abysmal fall of famous financiers or the tragic death of the cyclist Marco Pantani can be all explained word for word by the 'thirty rules' written by Ciro Discepolo; who invites the reader to verify personally (for example studying the events of the future and the past chronicle) whether those rules match reality or not. The Author has been studying the Aimed Solar Returns since 1970 he has been a guide of more than 20,000 'aimed birthdays' (up to 2007). He has written over fifty books - most of them on this particular subject. For this reason he is considered the greatest expert by many colleagues in the world on this specific segment of astrology. This is a text of practical astrology, based on many-many years of observations and studies in practice. It addresses mainly to those who wish to verify the truth of the assertion: 'prediction is a feasible exercise in astrology'.

  • - A Practical Method to Correct Your Birth Time
    af Ciro Discepolo
    208,95 kr.

    Since the beginning of his studies in Astrology, in 1970, the Author understood that one of the most important problems in Astrology was to correct the birth time of the subject under examination. In fact, the parents of the child and the people who assist the mother during childbirth are often unprepared to fix the very instant of the birth. Therefore, Ciro Discepolo studied the methods of his masters to verify the best one for a good protocol of correction of birth time, but - unfortunately - he discovered that these methods did not work and he decided to discover his own method to practise this very important exercise. He studied for over thirty years and, then, he was able to assemble a protocol of correction of the birth time that, in his experience and in the experience of hundreds of his students, worked. This protocol is based on a particular system to read the entries of Mars in the Houses trying to get the precise moment of a "bee sting" as regards the arguments of all the specific Houses. The Author believes that it is necessary to follow this protocol for about three years and with a special technique of interrogation of the subjects. In this book you can read about this method and you will be supported by a very great number of practical examples.

  • - The many things you should know about this fantastic tool of forecasting
    af Ciro Discepolo
    183,95 kr.

    This book is dedicated to all my English readers. It is not only the result of a separation of certain pages from my book Lunar Returns and Earth Returns, Ricerca '90 Publishing - an operation that has left in this volume only the pages related to the Lunar Returns. No, it is not. I think that it is something more; something quite important for those wishing to study the subject on which focuses my present work. I wanted to do different things together, namely: 1) I removed the section on Earth Returns, for not all the Readers showed a real interest in it; and I've published this new edition of the text, lowering the cost of the book. 2) I've tried to explain further and better what the Lunar Returns are and how they work. 3) I've tried to clarify what are the different applications of the Lunar Returns. 4) In relation to one of those applications - the dating of the events within a Solar Return year - I've added something that I think will appeal to Readers: the complete discussion of the terrible saga of death in the Gandhi family, widely illustrated with many charts of birth skies (104 new charts and 88 new pages), Solar Returns and Lunar Returns, and further clarified by tables of transits - precisely to explain how you can use the LRs (Lunar Returns) for dating events within a year covered by a specific Solar Return. I hope my Readers will reward this work of mine, purchasing it and suggesting it to other colleagues. Let me take leave from you by wishing you new amazing, deep dives into the wonderful world of Astrology.

  • - Ein neues System für zwei klassische Methoden
    af Ciro Discepolo
    343,95 kr.

    Die Transite und das Solarhoroskop ist ein einzigartiger Text in seiner Art, der es seinen Lesern ermöglicht, die Richtigkeit der vorgeschlagenen Methode anhand berühmter Ereignisse nachzuprüfen - von der Ermordung Mussolinis zur Gefängnishaft von Sofia Loren in Italien und den wichtigsten Siegen berühmter Spitzensportler. Anhand geschichtlicher Daten erklärt Discepolo, wie und warum jedes einzelne Ereignis passiert ist. Dieses Buch wurde in wenigen Jahren mit großem Erfolg in Italien und Frankreich in verschiedenen Nachdrucken und Neuauflagen veröffentlicht. Wichtige Kapitel sind hinzugefügt worden. Sein größter Vorzug ist wahrscheinlich der, dass es eine einfache Methode liefert, die von jedem Astrologiebegeisterten angewandt werden kann, ob er nun Experte des Faches ist oder nicht, und dass es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, Ereignisse, wie den Absturz von bedeutenden Finanzmännern oder den tragischen Tod des Rennfahrers Marco Pantani, in den berühmten "dreißig Regeln" von Ciro Discepolo zusammenzufassen, der den Leser dazu auffordert, nachzuprüfen, ob diese Regeln tatsächlich funktionieren. Der Autor forscht seit 1970 an den gezielten Solarhoroskopen und hat bis 2007 mehr als zwanzigtausend "gezielte Geburtstage" geleitet. Er hat über fünfzig Bücher geschrieben, viele davon zu diesem Thema, und wird daher von vielen Kollegen als der größte Experte weltweit auf diesem Gebiet der Astrologie anerkannt. Dieses Buch ist ein Text der praktischen Astrologie, basiert auf langjährigen Beobachtungen und Feldstudien und richtet sich besonders an jene, die nachprüfen wollen, ob Vorhersagen in der Astrologie möglich sind.

  • - What you can do when you cannot leave
    af Ciro Discepolo
    193,95 kr.

    English-speaking readers fond of Astrology already know the Author, thanks to his previous works - Transits and Solar Returns and Lunar Returns and Earth Returns, which have also been translated into several other languages. In a practice of almost forty years of astrological research, the Author has studied and guided over twenty thousand aimed birthdays; he has also published a dozen books specifically on Solar Returns and Lunar Returns. This is his fifth work in English; two of them can be downloaded free from his webpage - In this volume Ciro Discepolo deals with the second 'resource' on which his Active Astrology is based (the first one being the aimed birthday): the so-called exorcism of symbols. In these pages the Author suggests to the Reader about what can be done when you cannot aim, i.e. actively relocate your birthday (either your Solar or Lunar Return) by a practical application of the notion of 'activating' or 'constellating' a symbol. For example, Ciro Discepolo claims that if you can not leave for an aimed birthday to avoid Saturn being placed in the 5th House of your next Solar Return, during the twelve months covered by the SR, you had better devote more time to your kids, help them in their studies or in their sporting activities, pay the fee to enrol them in a course, perhaps abroad, where they could learn new subjects and/or nurture and improve their condition in a broad sense. Planet by planet, House by House, this volume contains all the suggestions of the Author on the exorcism of symbols - a useful practice also in the case you do relocate your Solar and/or Lunar Returns: for example if you have willingly left some dissonant position in your map of Aimed SR or of Aimed LR, and you wish to lower the threshold of risk a little more. The volume also explains the philosophical and psychological roots justifying the practice of the exorcism of symbols.

  • - Un nouveau système pour deux méthodes anciennes
    af Ciro Discepolo
    343,95 kr.

    Transits et Révolutions solaires est un texte unique en son genre. Il permet au Lecteur d'évaluer le fonctionnement objectif d'une méthode à travers de nombreux événements célèbres: de l'exécution de Benito Mussolini, à l'emprisonnement de Sophia Loren en Italie en passant par les victoires sportives des plus grands champions. Données historiques à l'appui, Ciro Discepolo explique comment et pourquoi chaque événement à eu lieu. Ce livre s'est très bien vendu en Italie et en France. Certains chapitres ont été ajoutés à l'édition précédente des Éditions Traditionnelles. Sa qualité principale est probablement la présentation d'une méthode que chaque chercheur en astrologie - les experts comme les débutants - peut appliquer. Il aspire à démontrer que des événements comme la débâcle de financiers célèbres ou la mort tragique du cycliste Marco Pantani peuvent tous être expliqués, mot après mot, à partir des trente règles écrites par Ciro Discepolo. Ce dernier invite le Lecteur à vérifier personnellement (par exemple en étudiant les événements futurs et passés des membres de sa famille ou de ses amis) si ces règles correspondent ou non à la réalité. L'Auteur étudie les Révolutions solaires ciblées depuis 1970 et il a été le guide de plus 20 000 anniversaires ciblés (jusqu'en 2007). Il a écrit plus de cinquante livres - la plupart sur ce sujet. C'est pourquoi il est considéré, par de nombreux collègues dans le monde, le plus grand expert dans ce domaine précis de l'astrologie. Ce texte est un texte d'astrologie pratique, basé sur de nombreuses années d'observation et d'études pratiques. Il oriente principalement les personnes qui désirent vérifier la véridicité de cette assertion: 'prédire est un exercice faisable en astrologie.'

  • - Un nuevo sistema de analisis para dos metodos antiguos
    af Ciro Discepolo
    343,95 kr.

    Tránsitos y Retornos Solares es un texto único en su género, que permite al lector evaluar la realidad del método propuesto a través de cien acontecimientos famosos: desde la muerte de Benito Mussolini hasta el encarcelamiento de Sophia Loren, incluyendo las más importantes victorias de aclamados campeones deportivos. Con datos históricos en la mano, el autor explica cómo y por qué cada uno de tales acontecimientos tuvo lugar. Éxito de ventas en Italia y en Francia, este libro se ha reimpreso y reeditado en pocos años. Se han añadido nuevas e importantes secciones. Su mayor mérito es probablemente la exposición de un método que todos los estudiosos de astrología - expertos y principiantes - pueden aplicar. Desea demostrar que acontecimientos como las caídas de famosos financieros o la clamorosa expulsión de Diego Armando Maradona del campeonato mundial, se pueden explicar palabra por palabra a través de las 'treinta reglas' escritas por el autor, que invita al lector a que verifique personalmente (estudiando tanto acontecimientos futuros como crónicas pasadas) si estas treinta reglas se corresponden o no con la realidad de los hechos. El autor estudia los Retornos Solares Elegidos desde el año 1970 y, hasta el 2007, ha conducido más de veinte mil 'cumpleaños elegidos'. Ha escrito más de cincuenta libros, muchos de ellos sobre este asunto. Por estos motivos, muchos colegas lo consideran el mayor experto mundial de este específico segmento de la astrología. Sus libros han sido traducidos al francés, al inglés, al alemán, al ruso, al esloveno y al húngaro. Este libro es un texto de astrología práctica, basado en muchísimos años de observaciones y estudios prácticos. Se dirige a quien desea verificar la verdad de la afirmación: 'es posible hacer previsiones en astrología'.

  • - Two supporting methodologies for Active Astrology
    af Ciro Discepolo
    183,95 kr.

    Probably, this text is unique in its genre, in the field of astrology anywhere in the world. In fact, for the first time a book is published concerning exclusively the usage of Lunar Returns and Earth Returns in support of Aimed Solar Returns and of Active Astrology. Having published at least a dozen books on Solar Returns and Lunar Returns, and having studied over twenty thousand 'aimed birthdays' in a practice of almost forty years, the Author is considered the foremost of experts in this specific field. For the first time, he takes a position concerning the question 'Astrology as a phenomenon of synchronicity' or 'Astrology as a causality fact'. Hence he develops a possible general theory of his own on the functioning of Solar Returns, Lunar Returns and Earth Returns. The reader not only will find a comprehensive theory in support of the declared theses, but above all many practical examples of daily usage of Lunar Returns and Earth Returns. As for Earth Returns, original tables allow you to try the described methods despite the lack of specific software programs. Furthermore the Author proposes new paths of research concerning the practice of aimed Lunar and Solar Returns. An absolutely essential book for those who love Predictive Astrology, Active Astrology and the wonderful world of Solar, Lunar and Earth Returns (the latter being presented for the first time in its applicative possibilities).

  • - Interpreting Solar Returns: Predictions
    af Ciro Discepolo
    183,95 kr.

    In the opinion of the Author this book should be studied together with the other, titled "Transits and Solar Returns", because this one is, over all, about the technique of Solar Returns, starting from the meaning of a Solar Return and continuing with the calculations to get a SR (Solar Return), and a lot of related technical problems like: "By What Strength a Solar Return Works", "Which Place You Should Consider to Calculate a Solar Return", "Long and Short Ascension Signs", "How to Make Manual Calculations", "What is the Annual Progression of Sidereal Time", "From When to When a Solar Return Works", "How Long it Is Necessary to Remain in the SR Location", "What Happens if the Time Zone Changes", "The Results of the Last Researches". For example, in the latter, we read: "Remember that Saturn is always stronger than Jupiter or Venus or the Sun. So, if you place, in a SR chart, a Saturn close to Midheaven and contemporarily you place Jupiter or Venus exactly joined to Midheaven, your SR Tenth House will work as Saturn works and not as Jupiter or Venus". In the book there are also sixty examples of Solar Returns in order to explain, in a very practical way, all the theory and the interpretations contained here ("The Ascendant of the SR in the Radix Houses", "Celestials in the SR Houses", etc.). It is the first full-length volume by Ciro Discepolo about Solar Returns and it has been revised many times since 1993 to the present.

  • af Ciro Discepolo
    118,95 kr.

    A collection of writings on the ASR's (Aimed Solar Returns, that is the so-called "aimed birthdays"), a technique that forms the foundation of the Active Astrology, the school founded by the Author, which gathers hundreds of followers, not only in Italy. Mr. Discepolo reviews the most frequent doubts and objections of those who begin putting in practice this technique, and he tries to answer the many questions that this subject can certainly arouse, especially among the non-experts. This text is enriched with several practical cases that give concrete examples to the theories exposed.

  • af Ciro Discepolo
    228,95 kr.

    Non pensavo che ci sarei mai riuscito.Infatti mi sembrava impossibile realizzare un libro di forse diecimila pagine che contenesse tutti i miei blog dal 2007 al 2019 redatti anche tre o quattro volte al giorno e per anni di seguito, 365 volte all'anno.Poi ho avuto un'idea e, con l'aiuto di una mia carissima amica, ho pensato di suddividere tutto il materiale in diversi tomi di grande formato, come questo (circa 18x25 centimetri) che racchiude i primi 365 giorni di blog: a partire dal 9 novembre 2007 (nei giorni intorno al compleanno di mio padre - il 6 novembre - sono sempre avvenuti fatti assai particolari e anche straordinari della mia vita). Magari, pubblicando due-tre anni alla volta, fra alcuni anni potrei riuscire nell'impresa.A mio parere si tratta di molto materiale utile che risulterà ancora più interessante per i Lettori se noteremo che esso, nella versione Kindle (che si può leggere anche sul proprio PC o Mac o tablet o cellulare e praticamente ovunque), con la funzione "cerca," ci permetterà di trovare, in un solo secondo di tempo, tutti i passaggi del volume dove si parla di "rilocazione" oppure di "cuspide" oppure di "ICP" oppure di "IPA" o, ancora, di "zona Gauquelin" e di "compensato" e via dicendo...Insomma, considerando che in questo libro, come nei prossimi, non mi sono limitato solamente a procedere a mezzo di copia e incolla, ma sono anche intervenuto nella direzione di aggiornare, ampliare, correggere..., beh, penso che tantissimo materiale che non era mai stato pubblicato, adesso lo sarà, a tutto vantaggio di chi segue la mia scuola.Inoltre, già a partire da questo primo tomo, ho voluto aggiungere un primo capitolo assolutamente inedito: questa volta è toccato al mio tentativo di dimostrazione della realtà che le Rivoluzioni Solari valgono cento volte di più dei transiti!Naturalmente lo stesso, come in ogni mia pubblicazione, è corredato da esempi difficilmente "smontabili," a mio parere, ma come diceva il Werfel, nulla è sufficientemente chiaro per chi non vuole vedere...E, allora, non me ne preoccupo affatto e lo dedico con gioia ai miei allievi/colleghi più bravi. (continua, dalla Prefazione).

  • af Ciro Discepolo
    208,95 kr.

    It is possibile to read the Russian description of the book at this web address:

  • - Qué puedes hacer cuando no puedes viajar
    af Ciro Discepolo
    183,95 kr.

    Ustedes ya conocen al Autor gracias a sus obras anteriores - Tránsitos y retornos solares y fundamentos de Astrología Médica. Con 40 años de investigaciones astrológicas, Ciro ha publicado docenas de libros sobre retornos solares y lunares y ha guiado más de veinte mil retornos solares dirigidos. Este es su tercer trabajo en español y trata el segundo 'recurso' en el que su Astrología Activa se basa (siendo el primero los cumpleaños dirigidos): el denominado exorcismo de los símbolos. El Autor le ofrece a sus lectores sugerencias sobre qué hacer cuando no pueden dirigir, o reubicar activamente su cumpleaños. Ciro Discepolo, por ejemplo, afirma que se podría también exorcizar un Saturno en la 5a casa del retorno solar dedicando más tiempo a los hijos, ayudándolos en sus estudios, actividades deportivas o pagándoles cursos y o estudios en el extranjero. Este libro contiene las sugerencias del autor acerca del exorcismo de los símbolos, planeta por planeta, casa por casa.

  • af Ciro Discepolo
    298,95 kr.

    Due to the significant progress of Astronomy, Statistics and of calculation techniques, the discipline of Astrology is constantly evolving. In this work Ciro Discepolo aims at recapitulating and systematizing contemporary astrological knowledge. The present volume follows the famous attempt of Henri-J. Gouchon (Dictionnaire astrologique, Dervy-Livres, 1975), of which Discepolo's work is an update. In his "summa astrologica", Discepolo: - informs his readers about the news in the field of Astrology, of which he is a leading figure in Italy today; - complements Gouchon's work with a number of new entries or updates (such as Aids, Astrocartography, Courage, Drowning, Libido, Suicide, Synchronicity); - offers a generous contribution of original and first-hand interpretations; - provides hundreds of Natal Charts illustrating a high number of entries with a specific didactic purpose. This volume is intended for consultation; it is exhaustive and concise at the same time, and its reading from A to Z will prove extremely pleasant for its fresh and lively style.

  • af Ciro Discepolo
    183,95 kr.

    I hope English speaking fans of Astrology will like this new volume of mine. It is not a technical book, but I am sure it will prove handy also for those who are not exactly beginners in astrological studies. Since the 1970s I have had a column titled "Estri & Astri" (Flairs & Asters) in widely circulated magazines (with one million readers), and later in a second column titled "Arti & Astri" (Arts & Stars.) In the present volume I wish to offer you a selection of my writings from these columns that, in my opinion, can be particularly enjoyable for simple reading and, at the same time, can also teach many astrological rules. It is mainly a book of astrological portraits of famous people, but it also includes film, book, and play reviews in which Astrology is always in the background - either explicitly or implicitly - leaving the reader to uncover it. Enjoy it!

  • - Casting, Analysing and Reading the Birth Chart
    af Ciro Discepolo
    308,95 kr.

    This book is a bestseller in Italy, having sold over 50,000 copies from 1979 to the present. What is the secret of such a success? And, first of all, is it a success? I think it is. The secret, if there is one, is probably my lucky disposition, among my few qualities, to share my knowledge in Astrology in a very clear way. I think that this almost complete manual has gained the appreciation of my readers, perhaps because through a simple, elementary, and clear language, I have tried to lead many neophytes from absolute ignorance of the subject to a good average level of knowledge. While I was working on this book there was always a strong will to explain the many chapters of this manual as if I was addressing school children. In the thirty-two years of its life, this book has shaped many generations of astrologers, and a lot of people have continuously gratified me for this work, insisting on what has been considered by almost everyone to be the greatest quality of this book: its accessibility. Why do I wish to present this volume to my international readers and, in particular, to my American readers after thirty-two years? If you allow me, I'd like to conduct a little test on you. I'd like to ask you a few things. - Do you know that your astrological sign can be your Solar sign or your "compensated" Solar sign (since many people act like those who have opposite characteristics to their Solar sign)? - Do you know that a high percentage of Aquarians becomes deaf or almost deaf in old age? - Do you know that the 11th House is more mournful than the 8th House? - Do you know that the 11th House is like the 7th House but a level weaker? - Do you know that the hard-disks of computers can be correlated to the 4th House? - Do you know that blindness or serious eye problems are attributable to the 6th and the 12th Houses? - Do you know that the second part of life is linked to the 4th House? - Do you know that a Celestial works contemporarily in two Houses when it is within 2,5 degrees from the cusp of a House? - Do you know... - Do you know... - Do you know... Actually, these, and many other truths that I discovered studying the subject for over forty years, examining the Natal Chart of tens of thousand people, are explained in this book and I would like to share them with you. I don't ask you, dear Reader, to believe in these sentences based on faith alone: I ask you to check every astrological law contained in the pages of this volume and if you find Truth, fine, otherwise I advise you to throw away my New Guide To Astrology. Many parts of the book differ from the Italian edition. Moreover I have added some tables and, in particular, complete Tables of Houses from 0 to 65° North Latitude, every 15 minutes of Sideral Time. The chapters of the Italian edition that were written to calculate Italian Natal Charts, have been here re-focused to particularly calculate the Natal Charts of people who were born in the USA. In my opinion this book will be of interest to international students because I have added one hundred example Natal Charts of famous or not-so-famous people which will demonstrate the reliability of the many rules described in these pages. The volume comprises many other chapters such as The Dispositors, The Dominant, A Short Chapter on Astronomy, A Short Chapter on the History of Astrology, The Interpretation of the Natal Chart, A Short Chapter on Synastry, A Short Chapter on the Analysis of Events, Colours, Metals, Plants and Stones, A Short Dictionary of Astrological Terms, etc.

  • - Choosing the best moment to "baptize" a new business, a new love, a new home...
    af Ciro Discepolo
    183,95 kr.

    This short volume condenses the Author's 42 year-long experience in the field of Elective Astrology, meaning by this that branch of Astrology aimed at choosing the best moment to baptize - in an astrological sense - the birth of a new business, or the living in a new house, or the beginning of a new love affair, or the signing of a contract before a notary, or the start in a good way of anything we care about. This book was published for the first time in Italy in 1988 and re-published in the same place in 2002. However, the Author has saved only about ten pages of that book because in all these years he has realised that he was making some methodological mistakes that later he has been able to correct through a long experience of direct consultations, having thousands of people asking him for the right day and hour in which they could give birth to something. For this reason the book is completely different from the Italian edition and he purposefully wanted to stop before he reached one hundred pages because he followed that conviction of his - which has always been much appreciated by his readers - that an example is worth one thousand words. The Author has thus tried to eliminate any repetition, addressing directly the core of practical problems that are useful for students in Astrology as well as for his colleagues.

  • - in Italia dal 1970 a Oggi
    af Ciro Discepolo
    138,95 kr.

    Ci pensavo da molti anni e avevo tentato già due volte, fallendo, di realizzare il seguente progetto. Ora ci proverò nuovamente: pensavo ad una breve storia dell'astrologia italiana nel XX secolo. Molti anni fa chiesi ad una mia allieva di Milano di andare a intervistare Rosita Cardano e di redigere con lei, appunto, una breve storia dell'astrologia italiana in quel secolo. Purtroppo la mia allieva rinviò più volte e intanto la nostra amata collega ci lasciò per sempre. La seconda volta ci provai con Federico Capone che, a ben vedere, era la persona più adatta a questo scopo. Era già molto malato e, nonostante ciò, combinammo un accordo che prevedeva una lunga trasferta di un collega a Torino per questo scopo. L'incontro era fissato per settembre, ma - durante l'agosto che lo precedette - anche Federico Capone ci lasciò con un vuoto immenso, nei sentimenti e nella storia che non scrisse: due cavità che non potranno mai più essere colmate. Questa volta ci proverò io perché penso che tocchi a me questo compito. Ci sono altri colleghi e colleghe anche con un'anzianità maggiore della mia, in campo astrologico e in Italia, ma non con un vissuto altrettanto intenso e con un numero di contatti pari ai miei: molti si sono un po' isolati durante la loro intera vita di studiosi; altri non hanno avuto buoni rapporti con alcuni settori dell'Arte di Urania in Italia...

  • - Many Exercises
    af Ciro Discepolo
    118,95 kr.

    This book has a collection excerpts from my blog (http: //, where I have answered questions from foreign readers, since 2007. My blog posts include suggestions for Aimed Solar and Lunar Returns for specific reader queries along reasons for suggesting them and analyses of consequent repurcussions on taking such a possible step. A record of this manner of interaction provides a practical insight to all readers about the ways and means of using Active Astrology to further their interests regarding love, money, real estate transactions, education, etc., and guard against sickness and possible troubles in other realms of life. The book deals only with practical cases that explain the technique of using astrology as a means to address your normal necessities and not with abstract theory. I have also answered technical questions from readers about rules involved in the exercise, making the contents of this book a tutorial as well. A large collection of Solar and Lunar Return charts are included as ready reference to easily understand the explantions in text.

  • - The Secrets of Interpreting the Natal Chart Illustrated with Simplicity and Clarity
    af Ciro Discepolo
    208,95 kr.

    The interpretation of the natal charts (that is to say, of the drawing representing the celestial positions of our solar system at the moment of one's birth) is probably the milestone of all Astrological Knowledge. It is the point of confluence of the science in which - in a mass of fascinating synergies - disciplines such as astronomy, astrology, mythology, psychology, and a hundred other forms of Knowledge converge that together form what should be understood for Holistic Knowledge. The master of astrology, enriched by multi-decennial experiences, has the gift of synthesis, the ability of photographing in a moment all the Microcosm-Macrocosm that encloses past, present and future of every human being through the glyphs of planets, the Houses, and the angular aspects among the elements of the chart. This volume represents the University of Astrology. It is not coincidental that its Author, who is one of the most accomplished astrologer of the world, sought to engage in the writing of this short treatise, about the same time of the turning point of his own professional jubilee (defined by the number of works that he has published so far). With the simplicity that distinguishes him, on this occasion too, Ciro Discepolo has been able to present to both neophytes and the more experienced readers the most difficult concepts in a direct, simple, immediately usable way, revealing previously unpublished details, new knowledge that he has meditated for long before writing about it, and even small secrets of what must necessarily be called the Interpretative Art of Astrology. As is his custom, the Author offers over fifty examples to support the explained theories. They consist mainly in the natal charts of celebrities, completely revised compared to past editions, or interpreted now for the first time for the delight of his students.

  • - Some aimed advice to earn money quickly
    af Ciro Discepolo
    118,95 kr.

    We are living a huge economic and financial crisis, the worst that humanity has ever experienced. Some may say that the American crisis of 1929 was much harsher and more dramatic, but it was confined to the United States, while the present one includes the whole world, from the East to the West. As a member of the Fondazione Discepolo (a cultural institution founded by my father, Pasquale Discepolo, an engineer, born in New York on 6 November 1917, which has two executive and / or parallel "extensions": the Museo Mineralogico Campano [Mineralogical Museum of the Campania Region] and the Premio Capo d'Orlando [Capo d'Orlando Prize], founded by Dr. Umberto Celentano), on 23 May 2011, I had the great honour of participating in an extremely interesting conference held by the Nobel Prize for Economy Paul Krugman, who had been invited and awarded a prize by the Fondazione Discepolo at Vico Equense (a nice little city near Napoli and Sorrento). Paul Krugman's conference was of extraordinary interest, and touched upon the themes that were the premise for me writing this book in which I offer my almost 43 years of experience on the topic of money. In this book, I also wish to offer some advice to improve one's financial situation as concerns both the family and/or the individual.

  • - Voilà ce que vous devez faire si vous ne pouvez pas effectuer votre anniversaire ciblé
    af Ciro Discepolo
    208,95 kr.

    Toutes les personnes s'intéressant de près ou de loin à l'astrologie ont certainement remarqué que les auteurs dont je fais partie, se divisent actuellement en trois courants de pensée très éloignés les uns des autres déterminant la façon très personnelle d'entendre et de pratiquer l'astrologie. Le premier courant, non par ordre d'importance, pense que l'astrologie est un instrument de connaissance de la psyché humaine ne permettant nullement de faire des prévisions, étant donné que, selon eux, même si Monsieur Untel a été dérobé de tout ce qu'il avait au moment même où Saturne et Uranus entraient dans sa deuxième Maison radicale, cela n'a aucun rapport avec ces deux astres. Cela signifierait donc que les transits, les Révolutions solaires et les directions primaires ne servent à rien. La deuxième catégorie ou "école" d'astrologie reconnaît pleinement la puissance des transits à tel point qu'elle est convaincue qu'il est inutile de "se démener", dans la mesure où tout est déjà écrit dans le thème natal et que nous ne pourrons rien faire contre le destin. Enfin, il y a la troisième école, à laquelle j'appartiens, qui pense que les transits, les Révolutions solaires et lunaires et les directions primaires fonctionnent parfaitement, mais que nous avons la possibilité de neutraliser ces forces, de les combattre. Naturellement tout ce que j'ai écrit dans mes livres précédents et surtout dans celui-ci, je le tiens en partie de la Tradition, en partie des enseignements du grand André Barbault, des résultats de la recherche en astrologie, de mon expérience presque trentenaire et en partie de la façon personnelle dont j'ai assemblé ces pans de connaissance, en les amalgamant avec certains aspects du savoir jungien qui m'a guidé depuis le début de mes études. Je suis convaincu que l'on peut et que l'on doit tenter de neutraliser les transits négatifs et de potentialiser les transits positifs, en utilisant tous les moyens possibles. La connaissance, l'illumination, qui est la forme la plus haute d'émancipation est l'un de ses moyens. Il existe aussi d'autres techniques dont j'ai parlé en d'autres lieux et que je vais illustrer ici de manière synthétique. La première est celle que j'ai appelée: exorcisation du symbole ou ritualisation du symbole . Nombre de mes lecteurs ont crié au miracle en lisant le livre " Le destin, une chance à saisir ", de Thorwald Dethlefsen, éd. Randin. Mais une grande partie de ce que dit ce collègue allemand, je l'ai écrit dans mes livres durant ces vingt dernières années, à l'exception de la réincarnation à laquelle je ne crois pas. La suite sur http: //

  • af Ciro Discepolo
    153,95 kr.

    Un libro breve, agile, praticamente un bignami, per dire che cos'è l'Astrologia. Poco più della relativa voce di una enciclopedia e poco meno di un manuale, questo piccolo libro vuole essere un invito alla lettura sull'argomento Astrologia di cui tanto si dice e poco si sa. L'Autore vi accompagna per mano nell'introduzione dei 12 Segni zodiacali, delle dominanti planetarie, degli astri nelle Case. Non manca un capitolo breve di astrologia-astronomia, un altro con tre esempi di interpretazioni di Cieli Natali e anche un sintetico dizionario di termini astrologici.

  • - Le Effemeridi e le Tavole delle Case
    af Ciro Discepolo
    308,95 kr.

    È con grande gioia che presento la V edizione della mia Nuova Guida all'Astrologia, un libro di successo, un best seller che dal 1979 a oggi ha conosciuto, appunto, cinque edizioni, una ventina di ristampe e ha venduto oltre 50.000 copie, cosa abbastanza inusuale se si pensa trattarsi di un testo di saggistica. Questa volta il testo su cui si sono formati - probabilmente - il maggior numero di astrologi italiani dell'ultimo mezzo secolo circa, non porterà la firma dell'editore Armenia che ha da poco cessato la sua attività editoriale e a cui va il mio caloroso saluto e il mio ringraziamento particolare per il lungo cammino compiuto assieme.Non sta a me dirvi se questo libro vale e perché, ma devo pur registrare il parere favorevole di tantissimi Lettori che mi hanno scritto e che continuano a scrivermi in merito a ciò. Essi mi dicono che i suoi maggiori pregi stanno nella semplicità con cui è stato concepito e redatto e nel fatto che esso è corredato da 100 esempi di personaggi noti e non che fanno da ossatura fondamentale della guida: per ogni posizione astrale descritta, si fa sempre riferimento agli esempi che accompagnano il Lettore dalle prime pagine alla fine del libro.Ognuno potrà avvicinarsi a questa affascinante e meravigliosa materia dall'inizio, dall'ABC, per proseguire, poi, tentando le prime interpretazioni di un Tema Natale e le prime Analisi degli Avvenimenti.Oggi esistono computer con ottimi programmi professionali e non, ed esiste anche la possibilità di accedere gratuitamente a diversi portali dove calcolare un Cielo Natale o i Transiti o le Rivoluzioni Solari, Lunari, ecc. Ma sarebbe bene, come per qualunque disciplina, che il Lettore comprendesse prima come fare da sé, con carta e penna, i calcoli astrologici per passare poi a stampe ben calcolate dal computer. Per permettere ciò ho volutamente inserito un secondo volume (che si può acquistare facoltativamente) in cui ci sono le Effemeridi e le Tavole delle Case, allo scopo preciso di consentire la prima alfabetizzazione matematica del neofita in Astrologia.Tale volume risulta utile anche per delle indispensabili tabelle aggiunte, ma - come precisavo poc'anzi - può anche non essere acquistato (i due volumi, infatti, vengono venduti separatamente). Rispetto alle edizioni precedenti il materiale è stato riletto attentamente, aggiornato e ampliato (dalle circa 800 pagine della precedente edizione, si è passati alle oltre 900 pagine della presente edizione, in un formato più grande e in due volumi), in linea con le nuove scoperte che ho potuto mettere a fuoco in questi ultimi anni. La Nuova Guida all'Astrologia è mancata per lungo tempo, ma sarà un mio preciso impegno quello di non farla mancare più in futuro. Essa si potrà acquistare, nelle prime settimane di pubblicazione, su e poi, successivamente, anche su, con consegna immediata e senza spese di spedizione.Sarà anche disponibile la versione Kindle/ebook che consiglierei di portare sempre nel proprio notebook o nello smartphone per poterla consultare ovunque, magari anche in aereo durante un viaggio o dal parrucchiere e questo vale, secondo me, tanto per il volume I che per il volume II: così il Lettore potrà, in ogni momento, tra le altre cose, anche verificare in che giorno/mese/anno Marte entrerà in una sua specifica Casa o in che data Venere formerà un trigono al MC radix oppure...

  • - The grounds for understanding the pathological tendencies of an individual by reading the stars
    af Ciro Discepolo
    208,95 kr.

    A new book by an author that points to the practical use of astrological knowledge, while not disregarding the theoretical matrix from which it derives. A text to give testimony of a series of lesser and major discoveries gleaned from a whole life of studies, such as the correspondence between eyes & sight with the signs of Virgo & Pisces and with the 12th and 6th Houses, or the correspondence between the impairment of hearing and the sign of Aquarius - just to mention two specific items never noticed by other astrologers. This volume doesn't purport to be a treatise. It does not even claim to be comprehensive. The Author simply writes down the facts that he has been able to detect correctly within the framework of an immensely vast discipline. Nonetheless, this volume contains some theoretical-philosophical sections, such as the preface, containing interesting disquisitions towards epistemology, and the analysis of the 'incredible' paradox of the bumblebee - it should not be able to fly, but since it doesn't know that it couldn't, it does fly. This volume also contains short sections on neurosis and mental disorders. Other sections explain how anybody can make good use of Active Astrology (and particularly, of the so called 'aimed birthdays') together with the medical therapies suggested by the specialists in order to improve their own state of wellness.

  • - Rivoluzioni Solari e Lunari Mirate, Esorcizzazione dei Simboli, Rilocazioni e altro
    af Ciro Discepolo
    183,95 kr.

    L'Astrologia Attiva è la mia vita. E ringrazio il cielo di avermi offerto questa straordinaria opportunità di vivere alla luce... Tutto sarebbe stato più duro, più difficile, soprattutto più oscuro se io non avessi conosciuto questa fantastica realtà. Nella mia vita - è il momento di cominciare a fare qualche primo e fondamentale bilancio - ho avuto soltanto pochi rimpianti. Certo io non ripeterei alcuni errori fondamentali se tornassi a nascere con l'esperienza di adesso, ma sono fondamentalmente soddisfatto, molto soddisfatto delle carte che mi sono state offerte e di quelle che ho giocato. Tra le mie maggiori soddisfazioni raccolte in questi primi sessantacinque anni della mia vita ci sono i tanti, i tantissimi, allievi, bravi e fedeli, a cui ho offerto delle chiavi per vivere meglio e per aiutare gli altri a vivere meglio. A volte gli allievi possono donarti molto più amore e soddisfazioni dei figli. Il mio rapporto con gli allievi è ed è stato fondamentalmente assai positivo e questo libro desidero dedicarlo a loro e a un'allieva in particolare che può essere presa a riferimento di una intera categoria: mi riferisco a Rosa Nardella nata a San Marco in Lamis, Foggia, il giorno 8 Dicembre 1950, alle 12.15, e deceduta a Cologno Monzese il 29 Ottobre 2013... materiale presente in questo volume è tratto soprattutto dal mio blog, in anni diversi di pubblicazioni, e in tanti casi è stato rivisto, aggiornato, ampliato... (Dalla Prefazione del libro)

  • - V Edizione riveduta ed ampliata
    af Ciro Discepolo
    308,95 kr.

    È con grande gioia che presento la V edizione della mia Nuova Guida all'Astrologia, un libro di successo, un best seller che dal 1979 a oggi ha conosciuto, appunto, cinque edizioni, una ventina di ristampe e ha venduto oltre 50.000 copie, cosa abbastanza inusuale se si pensa trattarsi di un testo di saggistica. Questa volta il testo su cui si sono formati - probabilmente - il maggior numero di astrologi italiani dell'ultimo mezzo secolo circa, non porterà la firma dell'editore Armenia che ha da poco cessato la sua attività editoriale e a cui va il mio caloroso saluto e il mio ringraziamento particolare per il lungo cammino compiuto assieme.Non sta a me dirvi se questo libro vale e perché, ma devo pur registrare il parere favorevole di tantissimi Lettori che mi hanno scritto e che continuano a scrivermi in merito a ciò. Essi mi dicono che i suoi maggiori pregi stanno nella semplicità con cui è stato concepito e redatto e nel fatto che esso è corredato da 100 esempi di personaggi noti e non che fanno da ossatura fondamentale della guida: per ogni posizione astrale descritta, si fa sempre riferimento agli esempi che accompagnano il Lettore dalle prime pagine alla fine del libro.Ognuno potrà avvicinarsi a questa affascinante e meravigliosa materia dall'inizio, dall'ABC, per proseguire, poi, tentando le prime interpretazioni di un Tema Natale e le prime Analisi degli Avvenimenti.Oggi esistono computer con ottimi programmi professionali e non, ed esiste anche la possibilità di accedere gratuitamente a diversi portali dove calcolare un Cielo Natale o i Transiti o le Rivoluzioni Solari, Lunari, ecc. Ma sarebbe bene, come per qualunque disciplina, che il Lettore comprendesse prima come fare da sé, con carta e penna, i calcoli astrologici per passare poi a stampe ben calcolate dal computer. Per permettere ciò ho volutamente inserito un secondo volume (che si può acquistare facoltativamente) in cui ci sono le Effemeridi e le Tavole delle Case, allo scopo preciso di consentire la prima alfabetizzazione matematica del neofita in Astrologia.Tale volume risulta utile anche per delle indispensabili tabelle aggiunte, ma - come precisavo poc'anzi - può anche non essere acquistato (i due volumi, infatti, vengono venduti separatamente). Rispetto alle edizioni precedenti il materiale è stato riletto attentamente, aggiornato e ampliato (dalle circa 800 pagine della precedente edizione, si è passati alle oltre 900 pagine della presente edizione, in un formato più grande e in due volumi), in linea con le nuove scoperte che ho potuto mettere a fuoco in questi ultimi anni. La Nuova Guida all'Astrologia è mancata per lungo tempo, ma sarà un mio preciso impegno quello di non farla mancare più in futuro. Essa si potrà acquistare, nelle prime settimane di pubblicazione, su e poi, successivamente, anche su, con consegna immediata e senza spese di spedizione.Sarà anche disponibile la versione Kindle/ebook che consiglierei di portare sempre nel proprio notebook o nello smartphone per poterla consultare ovunque, magari anche in aereo durante un viaggio o dal parrucchiere e questo vale, secondo me, tanto per il volume I che per il volume II: così il Lettore potrà, in ogni momento, tra le altre cose, anche verificare in che giorno/mese/anno Marte entrerà in una sua specifica Casa o in che data Venere formerà un trigono al MC radix oppure...

  • - A Massive Volume on the "Academic" topics of the Art of Urania
    af Ciro Discepolo
    343,95 kr.

    This is probably the newest and most complete treatise in the field of Western Astrology today. The Author, one of the leading exponents of art of Urania in the world, has 42 years of extensive research and has published more than 70 books in 7 languages on this topic. In this substantial book of more than 1200 pages he has condensed his enormous experience, based on over 100,000 consultations and over 25,000 Aimed Solar and Lunar Returns, which he has drawn and successfully supervised, not only for himself and his family, but also for thousands of clients. In this treatise he reflects on his numerous studies, which have brought him to the forefront of astrological research above all in the execution of many operations, such as the dating of the events of a specific year; the value of a cusp in the Houses (which he calculates to be 2.5 degrees); the 34 primary rules required to aim a Solar Return or the 20 rules necessary to aim a Lunar Return; the importance that should be given to the role of Houses in relation to that of the Signs in the interpretation of a Natal Chart; his use of elevated geographical latitudes in order to amplify the Houses; the invention of algorithms which allow the reader to make a more informed choice (the book contains several links to his website where such services are offered free of charge); the comprehensive vision of all the "stars" of an entire family in order to explain important events, as is discussed at length here in the saga of the Gandhis, a family marked by death. The author was initially educated in the school of the French astrologer André Barbault, and he later became a follower of leading scholars, including Charles E. O. Carter, Charles Harvey, Reinhold Ebertin, Henri J. Gouchon, among others. He is particularly proud of two unique achievements: he is the only astrologer in the world to have been paid to hold a seminar in Astrology in the prestigious university of Padova, in the very same hall where Galileo Galilei used to teach, and he is the only astrologer in the world who has received recognition from mainstream scientists for no less than two of his discoveries.

  • - Scegliere il momento migliore per battezzare un nuovo business, un nuovo amore, una nuova casa...
    af Ciro Discepolo
    153,95 kr.

    Un piccolo libro, agile, di poco più di 100 pagine, che vi aiuterà a scegliere il momento migliore per inaugurare un negozio, un sito Internet, per sposarvi, per andare ad abitare in un'altra casa, per farvi operare, e per molte cose ancora. Da uno degli autori di Astrologia più amati nel mondo, un manuale semplice e pratico, basato su quasi 45 anni di intensissima pratica ed esperienza sul campo: un testo che era disponibile soltanto in lingua inglese e che, su richiesta di tantissimi Lettori, è ora fruibile direttamente anche in italiano.