Bøger af Christine Bailey
- Lækre opskrifter der genopretter din sunde fordøjelse og giver trivsel og velvære
198,95 kr. Hvis du vil være sund, skal du få dit tarmsystem til at virke ordentligt.Grunden til næsten alle kroniske lidelser skyldes en dårlig sundhedstilstand i tarmene. Usunde tarme har indvirkning på hele ens velbefindende og bidrager til en lang række kroniske lidelser, allergier og kronisk træthedssyndrom. Derfor skal du læse denne bog.Bogen "Mad Dine Tarme Vil Elske" er skrevet af den internationalt anerkendte forfatter Christine Bailey, som kombinerer sin videnskabelige viden om ernæring med delikate, velsmagende og helbredende opskrifter.Bogen giver dig en række praktiske råd og vejledninger til et sundt fordøjelses system - og er tilrettelagt i en nem 5-trins plan, som guider dig gennem hele forløbet.Disse er: - Fjern irritationer og giftstoffer fra tarmene- Indsæt og kickstart dit fordøjelsessystem- Genopbyg - luk de gode bakterier ind- Reparer dine tarme-- Afbalancer krop og sjælFlere og flere oplever problemer med deres fordøjelse og tarme. Christine Bailey's har begået en yderst værdifuld bog med kostråd og en konkret plan .Bogen, der er en internationalt bestseller, får disse anerkendende ord med fra Dr. Todd A. Born, ND, medejer/medicinsk direktør, Born Naturopathic Associates Inc. '"Vi har omsider fået en bog om tarme, der er informativ, velskrevet, vel-researched og med lækre opskrifter..."Jeg vil stærkt anbefale bogen til alle, der ønsker at forbedre deres helbred og velvære, og jeg vil anbefale den til alle mine patienter."Mad dine tarme ville elske indgår i serien om sund kost og ernæring fra Paludans Forlag, hvor bl.a.,” Energifyldte juicer og smoothies”, ”Diabetes kogebogen”, ”Sænk dit kolesterol”, ”Sundt hjerte”, ”Cancerkogebogen” med flere også indgår.
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- 198,95 kr.
69,95 kr. Bogen giver dig mere end 100 lækre smoothie og juice opskrifter, designet af ernæringsekspert Christine Bailey. Du får samtidig medfølgende planer for at opnå de ønskede resultater,hvadenten det er øget sundhed, vægttab, eller øget immunforsvar mod sygdom.Få indblik i opskrifter som medvirker til at øge din vitalitet og optimere dit helbred - og opnå langsigtet vægttab ved at følge bogens anvisninger og anbefalinger.Bogen giver dig flere temaer du kan følge, eksempelvis:Beauty Juices som hjælper dig til en ren og blød hud og som samtidig reducerer rynker.Power Juices kuren som hjælper dig til at forbedre din fysiske effektivitet og mentale tilstand dagen igennem.Dagligdag og immunitets Juices kuren, som beskytter din krop mod sygdom og giver øget velvære.Et udvalg af juice kure, som giver øget sundhed og vægttabDen internationalt anerkendte forfatter og sundheds guru, Christine Bailey har med sin bog givet læseren den optimale guide til at se godt ud og optimere sit velvære gennem den naturlige kraft af juice.
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- 69,95 kr.
- Supersund plan til vægttab, udrensning, skønhed mm. ved hjælp af naturprodukter
158,95 kr. Savner du en enkel måde til at få mere energi i dit liv? Til at forbedre dit helbred, tabe dig og generelt føle dig bedre tilpas? Så er “Energifyldte Juicer og Smoothies” lige noget for dig.Det er en nøje udvalgt samling af opskrifter på lækre drikkevarer, der vil give dit helbred et boost!Forfatteren Christine Bailey – kendt for bestselleren “Juicekuren” – tager juicing til det næste niveau. Hun præsenterer dig for nye “superfoods”, der tilfører lige nøjagtig den næring og energi, din krop skriger efter i en travl dagligdag.Du får også et stikordsregister, så du nemt kan finde de opskrifter, der passer lige netop til dig: vægttab, energi-boost, styrkelse af dit immunforsvar osv.
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- 158,95 kr.
139,95 kr. Achieve perfect gut health and optimize your wellbeing with this revolutionary five-week gut healing programme devised by expert nutritionist and chef Christine Bailey.Gut health is crucial for both body and mind – to be healthy and happy, get your gut working!Combining cutting-edge scientific research with mouth-watering recipes, award-winning nutritionist and chef Christine Bailey maps out five key stages to creating a healthier gut: Remove gut irritants to relieve your symptomsReplace foods to kickstart your digestive systemRepopulate gut bacteria and let the good guys inRepair your gut liningRebalance your mind and bodyPerfect for followers of gluten-free, low-FODMAP, low-sugar, Paleo or dairy-free diets who want tasty food packed with nutrients to achieve long-lasting health.This is the only book your gut needs!“Christine’s passion and expertise in gut health shine through in this transformative guide. With innovative and delicious recipes, plus invaluable tips, this book is your go-to resource for supporting a healthier gut.” – Robert Aikins, chef“Finally, a gut health book that is informative, well-written, well researched and with delicious recipes ... I would highly recommend this.”– Dr Todd A. Born, Born Naturopathic Associates, Inc.
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- 139,95 kr.
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- 628,95 kr.
468,95 kr. The Demon King, Dimitri Rae the most dangerous and brutal demon you could ever come across has been ruling over Rovana for a very long time. Life tends to get boring so Dimitri results to torturing and killing humans as a form of entertainment. This has been going on for more than a century and the humans are too weak to fight back. A prophecy states that The Demon King can be stopped by one thing and one thing only. A girl who will be eighteen years of age when she meets the King.
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- 468,95 kr.
- Four Manuscripts In One Complete Guide: Includes Intermittent Fasting For Women, Ketogenic Bible, Keto Meal Prep, & Ketogenic Snacks
318,95 kr. Intermittent Fasting For Women: Powerful Strategies To Burn Fat & Lose Weight Rapidly, Control Hunger, Slow The Aging Process, & Live A Healthy Life As You Keep Your Hormones In Balance: Inside this book, you will find everything you must know to look and feel better than you have in years. Intermittent fasting is a new lifestyle designed to ensure that you get the most out of every meal you eat. The idea is that you don't need to change what you are eating. You just need to change how often you are eating it and better understand how to prepare healthier meals. By working with your body's natural rhythms, you can start seeing real weight loss and muscle gain in as little as one month. Ketogenic Bible: The Complete Ketogenic Diet for Beginners: Are you tired of trying to lose weight without success? If you answered yes, this book is perfect for you. The keto diet is a low-carb diet that will help you lose weight in a way no other diet can. With the keto diet, weight loss tends to happen faster, and it comes with a host of benefits. This book will help you get started the right way so that you get better and faster results.In this book you will learn: -What the keto diet is-How to get started-Foods that you can and can't eat-A 14-day plan-A shopping list-The dangers of the keto diet-The benefits of the keto diet-And much moreKeto Meal Prep Comprehensive Step-by-Step Beginner GuideWithin this book, you will discover a compilation of tasty recipes that will satisfy your taste buds and leave you feeling great. In addition to the array of recipes, you will find all the information you need to succeed on the ketogenic diet, no matter what your goals may be. Do you want to lose weight? Keto! Do you want to feel better? Consume fats! Do you want to switch up your entire lifestyle and cause your loved ones to wonder what new diet fad you are on? The ketogenic diet is the answer! Your time management issues will resolve themselves once you read through the power of meal prepping and planning! The ketogenic diet is not just a diet, but a lifestyle change. It can help you burn excess fat, reduce fat reserves, and feel younger! What is there to lose? Ketogenic Snacks: Delicious and Ready-to-Go Desserts, Sweets, & Treats to Maintain Ketosis & Keep You Satisfied: Have you ever tried diet plans only to end up in an always-hungry state? Do you work all week or live a busy lifestyle? If so, you deserve a selection of healthy and delicious snacks to keep you going until your next scheduled meal. Indulge yourself by preparing any of the tasty snacks and desserts in this cookbook - and still remain in ketosis. All you have to do is count the carbs.You can improve your overall health and avoid hunger if you use the ketogenic techniques in this ready-to-go snack assortment. Enjoy fat bombs, pizza, wraps, smoothies, and many other delicious treats. Each includes a nutritional fact summary of the net carbs, protein, fat, and calories. No guesswork is involved with the step-by-step preparation methods.This book has a great selection from which to choose, any time of the day or night. It also includes a list of supplements and foods you can eat to keep your body in ketosis. Be the envy of your neighbors and throw a party to show off your new way of eating. Here's a sneak peak at what you're missing if you don't add this book to your library: -Hot Pockets-Turkey Club Pinwheels-Chocolate-Dipped Candied Bacon -Prosciutto Avocado Fat Bomb-Strawberry Cheesecake Fat Bombs-Tortilla Chips-Chili Dip-Banana Split CheesecakeWith determination, you will soon reach your goals! All you have to do is add this valuable collection to your personal library to enjoy any time.
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- 318,95 kr.
- Two Manuscripts In One Complete Guide: Includes Intermittent Fasting For Women & Ketogenic Bible
179,95 kr. Intermittent Fasting For Women: Powerful Strategies To Burn Fat & Lose Weight Rapidly, Control Hunger, Slow The Aging Process, & Live A Healthy Life As You Keep Your Hormones In Balance: Inside the book, Intermittent Fasting For Women: Secrets to Rapidly Lose Weight & Burn Fat, Control Hunger, Slow Aging, & Live a Healthy Life While Avoiding Hormonal Imbalance, you will find everything you must know to look and feel better than you have in years.Intermittent fasting is a new lifestyle designed to ensure that you get the most out of every meal you eat. The idea is that you don't need to change what you are eating. You just need to change how often you are eating it and better understand how to prepare healthier meals. By working with your body's natural rhythms, you can start seeing real weight loss and muscle gain in as little as one month.Inside you will find: Several types of intermittent fasting techniques. There is bound to be at least one that's right for you.Everything you must know to start intermittent fasting immediately and how to get the most out of it.Ways to ensure you start intermittent fasting correctly and are able to stick with it long term.More than 60 recipes to get you on the right path to a healthier diet!If you are not convinced, here are some examples of the treats you might miss: Cream Cheese PancakesQuiche CupsBaked Zucchini Noodles & FetaRoasted Celery & Macadamia CheesePan-Glazed Chicken and BasilChocolate-Dipped ApricotsDo any of those treats sound like food you'd eat on a diet? We don't think so, but see for yourself!There is no need to wait. Add this book to your personal library and get started on the path toward a healthier outlook on life today!Ketogenic Bible: The Complete Ketogenic Diet for Beginners - The Only Keto Guide You Will Ever Need: Are you tired of trying to lose weight without success?If you answered yes, this book is perfect for you. The keto diet is a low-carb diet that will help you lose weight in a way no other diet can. With the keto diet, weight loss tends to happen faster, and it comes with a host of benefits.This book will help you get started the right way so that you get better and faster results.In this book you will learn: What the keto diet isHow to get startedFoods that you can and can't eatA 14-day planA shopping listThe dangers of the keto dietThe benefits of the keto dietAnd much moreThe keto diet is a great way to lose weight and get healthy. It's also easy to start, and it doesn't require a bunch of money. Once your body adjusts, the weight will fall off.Don't wait any longer; get started today!
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- 179,95 kr.
- Powerful Strategies to Burn Fat & Lose Weight Rapidly, Control Hunger, Slow the Aging Process, & Live a Healthy Life as You Keep Your Hormones in Balance
173,95 kr. Inside the book, Intermittent Fasting For Women: Powerful Strategies To Burn Fat & Lose Weight Rapidly, Control Hunger, Slow The Aging Process, & Live A Healthy Life As You Keep Your Hormones In Balance, you will find everything you must know to look and feel better than you have in years.Intermittent fasting is a new lifestyle designed to ensure that you get the most out of every meal you eat. The idea is that you don't need to change what you are eating. You just need to change how often you are eating it and better understand how to prepare healthier meals. By working with your body's natural rhythms, you can start seeing real weight loss and muscle gain in as little as one month.Inside you will find: Several types of intermittent fasting techniques. There is bound to be at least one that's right for you.Everything you must know to start intermittent fasting immediately and how to get the most out of it.Ways to ensure you start intermittent fasting correctly and are able to stick with it long term.More than 60 recipes to get you on the right path to a healthier diet! If you are not convinced, here are some examples of the treats you might miss: Cream Cheese PancakesQuiche CupsBaked Zucchini Noodles & FetaRoasted Celery & Macadamia CheesePan-Glazed Chicken and BasilChocolate-Dipped ApricotsDo any of those treats sound like food you'd eat on a diet? We don't think so, but see for yourself!There is no need to wait. Add this book to your personal library and get started on the path toward a healthier outlook on life today!
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- 173,95 kr.
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- 148,95 kr.
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- 148,95 kr.
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- 148,95 kr.
168,95 kr. The sixth-largest city in the U.S., Phoenix is home to more than 1.4 million people. The metropolitan area encompasses 4.3 million residents across more than 2,000 square miles, and includes the cities of Glendale, Scottsdale, Tempe, and Chandler. Known for its soaring temperatures as much as its soaring saguaro cacti, found only in the Sonoran Desert, Phoenix beckons the rest of the country from about October when the summer heat begins to loosen its hold until almost May when temperatures begin to climb once again. It is the climate one of Arizona's 5 C's that brings more than 16 million visitors here every year. Few can resist the expansive blue skies, breathtaking mountain views and countless outdoor adventures from tee time on one of 200 golf courses to rugged mountain climbs that deliver panoramic views of the Sonoran Desert. So whether you're here for a short visit, a few months in winter or you've decided to make this beautiful desert oasis home, 100 Things to Do in Phoenix Before You Die is filled with plenty of opportunities to discover the best of what Phoenix has to offer.
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- 168,95 kr.
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- 158,95 kr.
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- 158,95 kr.
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- 158,95 kr.
158,95 kr. Raw food is uncooked, 'living' food, rich in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and enzymes. By incorporating more raw food in your diet, you provide your body with essential enzymes and nutrients it needs to process food, detoxify your system, create energy and perform at its optimum - and at the same time shed excess weight. Do you want to get slimmer, and feel fitter, leaner and healthier? If so, The Raw Food Diet is for you. Christine Bailey offers three sensational diet plans - the weekend raw blitz, a week-long plan and raw for life. All are accompanied by super-quick and easy-to-follow recipes with advice on preparing ahead, stocking your pantry and key ingredients to make life simple. The Raw Food Diet includes over 100 delicious raw food recipes with a focus on fast, nutritious, uncomplicated dishes designed with simplicity and speed in mind. This book is perfect for raw food beginners, busy people and those who want to follow a healthier, fresher diet to achieve a thinner, younger-looking body. The Raw Food Diet will leave you feeling lighter, leaner and with more energy.
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- 158,95 kr.
218,95 kr. Where in Phoenix can you: join the Wrigley Mansion Club? smell the desert after the rain? explore ancient petroglyphs? discover the legend of the Lost Dutchman's Gold? watch the Pony Express deliver mail? try Indian fry bread? slink into a speakeasy? wolf down a Sonoran Dog? test your mettle as a fighter pilot? Whether you are exploring the rabbit warren of rooms that comprise Mystery Castle, hiking the steep, jagged face of Piestewa Peak named after the country's first female Native American killed in combat, or standing among the towering saguaro cacti found only in the Sonoran Desert, it is hard to avoid adventure with a copy of Secret Phoenix: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure in your backpack. This book traverses the historical, geographical and cultural landscape of an unlikely city that has risen from the dust of an ancient civilization to be the sixth largest city in the U.S. From the native peoples who first established the vital canals of yore to the lungers plagued with tuberculosis who flocked to the dry, dry desert to find some relief to the builders, engineers and architects who created the highways and skyline you see today, the city's story is one of survival, innovation and rugged determination. A new and eager city bent on growth, Phoenix has often eschewed history for the sake of progress and over time has lost too much of its heritage; however, for those who look closely, ask the probing questions and choose to explore, there is a history (and a future) to be found. From Glendale to Tempe, Scottsdale to Goodyear, Chandler to Carefree, this book is an examination of metropolitan Phoenix through the bits and pieces left behind and the new spaces and places just beginning to take shape.
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- 218,95 kr.
- 500 simple, healthy ideas you and your kids can enjoy
198,95 kr. 500 delicious, easy-to-follow recipes suitable for the whole family. Each one is simple and quick to prepare and contain honest, uncomplicated ingredients that are certain to please.
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- 198,95 kr.
- How to Deal with Allergies & Intolerances in Children
178,95 kr. This friendly, no-nonsense guide is everything parents need to take a pro-active, holistic approach to food allergies or intolerances in their child.
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- 178,95 kr.
178,95 kr. - Bog
- 178,95 kr.
- The Revolutionary 30-day Diet Plan to Lose Weight and Feel Great
153,95 kr. A plant-based diet that can help you not only look great, but also lose weight!This revolutionary step-by-step 30-day diet plan will help you lose weight and start feeling better fast - while eating delicious, satisfying plant-based foods (and absolutely no calorie counting).Carefully developed by award-winning nutritionist and chef Christine Bailey, including nutritionally balanced, gluten-free and delicious recipes, this easy-to-follow, protein-rich vegan weight-loss programme will get the results you want and keep you healthy and energised.Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds or seeking a new way of eating to boost energy, Go Lean Vegan will provide you with all the nutritional principles you need for a vibrant, healthy life.Including nutritionally balanced recipes such as the Coconut Quinoa Bowl with Berries, Grab & Go Protein Raw Protein Bars, Courgette Carbonara and Orange Chocolate Pots, the Go Lean Vegan diet plan will get you in shape quickly, boost your vitality and overall wellbeing without cutting out the foods you love.You'll be astounded at how amazing you look and feel in just 30 days!
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- 153,95 kr.
- Recipes to Restore Digestive Health and Boost Wellbeing
178,95 kr. Achieve perfect gut health and optimise your wellbeing with this revolutionary 30-day healing programme.It is now widely recognised that gut health is critical to our overall health and that many major health concerns can be linked to an irritated or unhealthy gut. In fact, an unhealthy gut contributes to a wide range of chronic health disorders such as autoimmune conditions, Crohn's syndrome, irritable bowel, allergies, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and mood swings. What's worse, gut health issues affect a huge proportion of people and are often on-going and difficult to resolve. But it does not have to be this way. In this revolutionary 30-day programme, Christine Bailey shows you how, instead of treating the symptoms as they arise, you can tackle the root causes with five simple steps: Remove, Replace, Repopulate, Repair and Rebalance. This programme will help you to remove theunderlying factors wreaking damage to your gut, restore digestive health, quench inflammation, heal the gut for good and achieve true, long-lasting health.
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- 178,95 kr.
- Tackling inflammation and other ageing processes for a longer, healthier life
233,95 kr. This easy-to-read book explains how to avoid the state of chronic inflammation that can lead to age-related health concerns. With meal plans, recipes and questionnaires for self-assessment, it is a complete guide to the anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle that leads to a younger, healthier you.
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- 233,95 kr.
- Over 100 Recipes to Boost Weight Loss, Detox and Energy Using Green Vegetables and Super-Supplements
128,95 kr. Green juices and smoothies are the go-to drink of the moment. They are fantastically healthy, packed with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. And they're also much better for you in terms of sugar content and balanced energy levels. Christine Bailey takes green juicing to a whole new level. Supercharged Green Juice & Smoothie Diet is an amazing collection of feel-good drinks using the latest range of superfoods to nourish and revitalize your body. Packed with nutrient-rich, health-boosting ingredients, each juice or smoothie contains at least one supercharged ingredient. These boosters include superfood powders such as acai berry powder (one of the most concentrated sources of antioxidants) or collagen powder supplement (brilliant for your skin), sea vegetables, seeds, bee products, berries, herbs and tinctures.Use the handy reference section at the back to quickly find recipes that will help you to lose weight, maximize energy levels, boost the immune system, combat ageing and look amazing. There is also a 2-day power-charged Superfood Juice Diet plan to set you on your way to looking fabulous as well as feeling great. Nutritionist and best-selling author Christine Bailey shows you how easy it is to make daily juices and smoothies, and explains the benefits of using green juices and supercharged ingredients for extra weight-loss and health-giving properties.
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- 128,95 kr.
128,95 kr. - Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- Your Ultra-Healthy Plan for Weight Loss, Detox, Beauty & More Using Super-Supplements
128,95 kr. Discover the cutting-edge way to boost your juices and smoothies with supercharged supplements
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- 128,95 kr.