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Bøger af Christina Ross

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  • af Christina Ross
    162,95 kr.

    Als die besten Freundinnen Jennifer Wenn und Lisa McCollister Barbara Blackwell um Rat fragen, wie sie am besten die Vorbereitungen für die traditionelle Party an Heiligabend angehen sollen, beschließt Blackwell, dass sie lieber alles selbst in die Hand nimmt. Und warum? Nun, zum einen waren bislang immer Jennifer und Alex Gastgeber dieser Feier, und es wird Zeit, sie endlich einmal zu entlasten. Zum zweiten haben sich Tanks Eltern über Weihnachten angekündigt - und statt ein Hotelzimmer zu nehmen, wollen sie bei Lisa und Tank übernachten. Wie Lisa fürchtet, wird ihre Schwiegermutter jede Gelegenheit nutzen, ihr Schwierigkeiten zu bereiten. Und drittens fühlt sich Blackwell, wie sie zugeben muss, so ungern sie das auch tut, in ihrer fantastischen Wohnung manchmal einsam, nachdem ihre Töchter ausgezogen sind. Was wäre unter den Umständen besser, als die Wohnung mit Leben und willkommenen Gästen zu füllen? Was Blackwell jedoch nicht ahnt ist, dass das Leben eine kleine Ablenkung für sie vorbereitet hat ... Und zwar in Gestalt von Marcus Koch, dem gutaussehenden Hedgefonds-Manager. Er ist der zweite Mann, den Barbara Blackwell in ihrem Leben jemals geliebt hat. Ein Jahr lang waren die beiden zusammen, bevor Blackwell ihm den Laufpass gab, weil er nie Zeit für sie hatte. Marcus hat inzwischen längst erkannt, was für einen schrecklichen Fehler er damals gemacht hat. Er hat die letzten Jahre genutzt, um sich geschäftlich zu verkleinern, und versucht Barbara nun zurückzuerobern, wo er endlich genügend Zeit für sie aufbringen kann. Aber wird ihm das gelingen? Blackwell ist fest entschlossen, sich vor einer weiteren Enttäuschung zu schützen. Wie kann er sie dazu überreden, ihm eine zweite Chance zu geben? Blackwells Weihnachten ist die erste Geschichte aus der Reihe Unter Feuer, in der die Geschehnisse aus Blackwells Sicht geschildert werden. Endlich können die Leser erleben, was sich in den Gedanken und im Herzen dieser klugen, bissigen, modebesessenen Frau abspielt, die ihren Spott als Waffe einsetzt. Doch warum tut sie das? In diesem Buch zeigt Barbara Blackwell, wer sie wirklich ist. Und das Rätsel wird enthüllt ...

  • af Christina Ross
    298,95 kr.

    FROM CHRISTINA ROSS, THE #1 INTERNATIONAL BESTELLING AUTHOR OF THE ANNIHILATE ME SERIES!Faking It is a pure, fiery, red-hot romance filled with heart, angst, and soul while Making It is an unabashed, pure Romantic Comedy...with plenty of heat and sexy times tossed throughout. That's exactly what you get in this exclusive boxed set!FAKING IT: A sizzling new actress on the rise. A mega-hot action star's career in free fall. Jackson Cruise is super hot, super successful, and his movies have made billions at the box office. But when the paparazzi photograph him kissing another man, Jackson's true sexuality quickly comes into question in ways that might destroy his career. Start the damage control now. Enter emerging actress Sienna Jones, who is offered millions to become Jackson's new girlfriend. Sienna decides to take the job and fake it, and before long, her star starts to rise as her and Jackson's fake relationship begins to trend on Twitter. All while the actor's hunky security guard, Austin Black, looks on at Sienna in lust. As Sienna and Austin become friends-and then a whole lot more after one steamy night of passion-the question is simple: How long can Sienna continue to fake it when she realizes that she's falling in love?With Christina Ross' gift for delivering romance, humor, wit, and characters you'll love and never forget, Faking It will leave readers swooning until the last page is turned.MAKING IT: A sexy, smoldering romantic comedy from international best-selling author, Christina Ross. After years of struggling in New York City, I'm on the verge of making it big in my career...until he enters my life, and then all bets are off. 'He' would be Hunter Steele, the ridiculously hot showrunner of a popular reality show called The Terrible Teens. My name is Julia Jacobs, and on the very day I'm promoted to become an assistant agent at the talent agency CAA, I sign Pepper Winters, a billionaire's daughter with a massive social media following, who wants to be on the next season of Hunter's ultra-toxic reality show. No. Matter. What. Trouble is, the moment Pepper and I meet with Hunter to discuss bringing her on the show, I can't keep my eyes off him. He's tall, dark, handsome, and has something in his jeans that looks like a damned anaconda. In other words, he's exactly the type of man I don't need to be distracted by right now. After all, I have a limited amount of time to prove myself to CAA. If I do? I'll be promoted to associate agent. And if I don't? I'll be out of a job altogether. But with Hunter coming on to me, how in the hell am I supposed to focus on my job? At first, I tried my best to resist him, but after a disastrous breakup, I've been single for four years, and a girl has her needs. As the weeks pass and we come to know one another better, my guard starts to drop. Should I give Hunter a chance? Or should I let him go forever when I learn from his playboy past...? I've been burned once. I won't be burned again. And as much as I want to believe in Hunter when he tells me he's moved beyond his loose reputation of bedding too many women to count, I now have to wonder if I can trust him. And if I dare to do so, will he and I have a chance to make it...?With Christina Ross' gift for delivering romance, humor, wit, and characters you'll love and never forget, Making It will leave readers swooning and laughing until the last page is turned.

  • af Christina Ross
    153,95 kr.

    A sizzling new actress on the rise. A mega-hot action star's career in free fall. Jackson Cruise is super hot, super successful, and his movies have made billions at the box office. But when the paparazzi photograph him kissing another man, Jackson's true sexuality quickly comes into question in ways that might destroy his career. Start the damage control now. Enter emerging actress Sienna Jones, who is offered millions to become Jackson's new girlfriend. Sienna decides to take the job and fake it, and before long, her star starts to rise as her and Jackson's fake relationship begins to trend on Twitter. All while the actor's hunky security guard, Austin Black, looks on at Sienna in lust. As Sienna and Austin become friends--and then a whole lot more after one steamy night of passion--the question is simple: How long can Sienna continue to fake it when she realizes that she's falling in love. With Christina Ross' gift for delivering romance, humor, wit, and characters you'll love and never forget, Faking It will leave readers swooning until the last page is turned. Raves for Faking It: Terrific Romance! I think Austin Black may have moved into a tie with Alex Wenn as my favorite book boyfriend. He's strong, virile, romantic and sexy. Sienna Jones is beautiful, talented, caring and loyal. Together they practically combust on the page. Add in the poignancy of Jackson Cruise struggling with who he really is and how he wants to love, the insatiable need of the public of all things celebrity and the paparazzi/press's infringement on an individual's right to privacy and you have one terrific romance. I loved the tie-in with the Annihilate series and Alex and Jennifer Wenn. Christina Ross has proven once again that she is a truly talented author who crafts her stories for the ultimate reading experience. I am a huge fan! --Melanie M., Reader Another Great book by Christina! I have read all of Christina's books and each one gets better than the previous one. Austin and Sienna are one hot couple. The heat will flow off the pages. I recommend this book to anyone who likes a HEA. Mary S., Reader Another Winner! Christina never disappoints me! Her writing style, storylines, and ability to come up with believable characters and amazing (and hot sex) love stories is top notch! I have read everything she has out and I am anxiously awaiting the next book! This is a definite must read! --Jcmojo71, Reader

  • af Christina Ross
    223,95 kr.

    LA SERIE PIÙ VENDITA N. 1 CON PIÙ DI 3,5 MILIONI DI LIBRI VENDUTI IN TUTTO IL MONDO! Sono trascorsi due anni e mezzo (e diversi libri) da quando il responsabile della sicurezza Toro McCollister ha chiesto la mano dell'autrice di best seller Lisa Ward (vedi ordine di lettura, qui sotto) e finalmente la data è fissata: stanno per sposarsi!Se solo fosse così facile.Dopo una serie di disavventure, Lisa si ritrova infine a Prairie Home, Nebraska, nella fattoria dove i genitori di Toro allevano mucche e galline. A pochi giorni dalla cerimonia, crescono le incomprensioni tra Lisa ed Ethel McCollister, la madre di Toro bigotta e ipocrita, che non apprezza affatto la ragazza né i suoi libri sui non morti.Ethel è sicura che i libri di Lisa siano sacrileghi ed è preoccupata del fatto che la ragazza possa essere posseduta dal demonio. Determinata a salvare l'unico figlio dalle grinfie della donna dei suoi incubi, Ethel si dà da fare per far fallire il matrimonio.Alla fine l'amore trionferà? In questo caso, non sarà senza uno scontro brutale tra Lisa e la sua potenziale odio-suocera quando tra loro la situazione si fa critica, e inaspettatamente divertente.Con Jennifer, la Blackwell, Alex, Epifania e gli altri personaggi amati dai fan dalla parte di Lisa, "Liberami: Matrimonio" conclude la storia di Lisa e Toro.Nota: Questo romanzo si può facilmente leggere come estensione della serie Liberami, ma lo apprezzerete di più leggendo l'intera serie.

  • af Christina Ross
    423,95 kr.

    La série aux plus de 3,5 millions de livres vendus dans le monde !Les temps sont durs pour Jennifer Kent. Déjà quatre longs mois passés à chercher du travail à Manhattan avec son MBA en poche, sans succès. Si rien ne se passe rapidement, elle sera bientôt sans le sou, et devra retourner dans le Maine où la situation économique est encore plus incertaine, et où ses parents l'attendent au tournant.Alors, quand Alexander Wenn, le milliardaire directeur général du conglomérat du même nom, lui propose un accord peu orthodoxe, elle décide de l'accepter. Elle devient ainsi son escorte pour l'aider à écarter les loups .Il faut dire qu'Alexander Wenn, en plus d'être un bon parti, est également très beau. De nombreuses femmes sont attirées par sa fortune, son pouvoir et son physique, lors de ces soirées de gala où toute la société new yorkaise se retrouve et où les contrats se négocient, alors que lui ne désire que se concentrer sur son travail... et oublier le passé.Armée de son MBA et de sa connaissance du monde des affaires, Jennifer sera-t-elle équipée pour affronter ce monde de paillettes et d'intrigues qu'est la haute société new yorkaise ? Et surtout, arrivera-t-elle à faire taire son attirance pour Alex ? Est-elle armée pour protéger son c¿ur et sa vie ?...

  • af Christina Ross
    343,95 kr.

    The series with more than 3.5 million books sold worldwide! The business of love is dangerous.For Jennifer Kent, a recent MBA graduate who has been searching for work in Manhattan for four long months, time and money are running out. If she doesn't find work soon, she'll need to return to her native Maine, where the job situation is even bleaker.And where her abusive parents lie in wait.But when an unorthodox arrangement is proposed, Jennifer decides to take it. She agrees to be the "girlfriend" of Alexander Wenn, the reluctant, billionaire CEO of Wenn Enterprises, who is so devastatingly good looking, he needs a beautiful woman like Jennifer on his arm to "keep the wolves at bay."In this case, the wolves are other women, all of whom vie for his attention so aggressively, they keep him from focusing on business at the exclusive events he must attend. It's there that deals are cut. What they want is his money and his power. Damaged by a past event, the only thing Alex wants to do is focus on work. And to forget the past.But can Jennifer deny their white-hot chemistry? As she's swept into this glittering otherworld of society and big business, she finds herself struggling to keep from falling for Alex, an almost impossible feat she nevertheless must meet.Armed with her MBA, Jennifer Kent knows about business. But what she doesn't know is what could destroy her--the business of protecting her own heart. And maybe her own life when it's put on the line time and again.

  • af Christina Ross
    198,95 kr.

    Quando le migliori amiche Jennifer Wenn e Lisa McCollister chiedono a Barbara Blackwell di aiutarle a gestire al meglio la grande e complessa tradizionale Vigilia di Natale, la Blackwell decide che il modo migliore di sopravvivere a quell'evento è di organizzarlo lei stessa.Perché?Per prima cosa, i genitori di Toro sono in visita in città per la prima volta, vogliono farsi ospitare da Lisa e Toro e Lisa teme che, se organizzasse lei la festa, la suocera potrebbe causare una bella serie di problemi.Come è sua abitudine...Secondo, Jennifer e Alex hanno sempre organizzato la Vigilia di Natale ma, dato che loro figlioAiden sta per compiere tre anni, la Blackwell pensa che sia ora di lasciarli riposare.Terzo, da quando si è trasferita nel nuovo appartamento, la Blackwell si sente un po' sola, dato che le figlie non vivono più con lei. Non lo ammetterebbe mai, ma una parte di lei sa che sarebbe bello avere l'appartamento affollato dalle persone a cui tiene di più... soprattutto durante le vacanze. Quello che non si aspetta è che qualcuno sta per scombinare i suoi piani. Quel qualcuno sarebbe Marcus Koch, il bel gestore di fondi d'investimento che di fatto è il secondo uomo che la Blackwell abbia mai amato. Dopo essere usciti insieme per un anno, lei aveva deciso di troncare la relazione perché a causa dei suoi impegni professionali lui non le dedicava abbastanza tempo.Marcus si è reso conto di aver fatto un terribile sbaglio.Infatti, a insaputa della Blackwell, nei tre anni trascorsi dalla rottura si è dato da fare per ottimizzare i suoi affari e ora è libero di dedicarsi a riconquistarla. Si sente pronto a fare di tutto per averla di nuovo nel suo cuore, nella sua vita e nel suo letto... ma lei sarà disponibile ad accogliere le sue avances?Accetterà di dare a lui, e all'amore, un'altra possibilità?In Un Natale in stile Blackwell per la prima volta i lettori di Brucia con Me leggeranno una storia raccontata dal punto di vista della Blackwell. Avranno finalmente la possibilità di vedere la persona che si nasconde dietro il sarcasmo e la passione per la moda, che lei utilizza abitualmente come scudo. Ma perché le serve uno scudo? Come è diventata la persona che tutti conoscono e temono?In Un Natale in stile Blackwell, la vera Barbara Blackwell rivela i suoi pensieri più nascosti. E aquesto punto, cosa succederà?Il mistero sta per essere svelato...

  • af Christina Ross
    188,95 kr.

    Dall'autrice di Brucia con Me e Liberami, serie best seller #1, la storia più rovente mai scritta da Christina Ross!Descrizione:Una notte con lui ha risvegliato i miei sensi.Un'altra notte mi ha fatto dubitare di tutto. Tutto quello che pensavo di sapere di me.Mi chiamo Abby Evans. Sono stata cresciuta da una madre timorata di Dio determinata a farmi diventare la brava ragazza che ha sempre voluto che fossi. Per venticinque anni, ha avuto successo.Finché una notta... non più.Quella notte ho avuto un'avventura con un estraneo e ho cominciato a capire che qualcosa dentro di me voleva la libertà.

  • - Noël l
    af Christina Ross
    153,95 - 233,95 kr.

    Romance et chaos pendant les fêtes de l'auteur de la série best-seller international Captive-Moi. Plus de 2 millions d'exemplaires vendus dans six langues différentes.Description: Après une année d'enfer durant laquelle ils ont failli perdre la vie et avec un bébé sur le point de naître, Jennifer et Alex décident de passer ces fêtes de Noël à Manhattan avec leur famille et amis pour que Jennifer puisse rester proche de son médecin. Des fêtes tranquilles, n'est-ce pas ?Si seulement...Tout d'abord il y a Blackwell qui va vite se rendre compte que Lisa peut largement lui tenir tête...Puis Cutter et Daniella qui sont au bord de la rupture. Ces fêtes seront-elles l'occasion d'une réconciliation ? Enfin, Ava Kent... La mère abusive et alcoolique de Jennifer, qui revient soudain dans sa vie...Dans Anéantis-Les: Noël, amour, humour et romance sont au rendez-vous. Mais attendez-vous également à du drame et à de sombres découvertes sur le passé de Jennifer.Note: Assurez-vous de lire Anéantis-les avant de lire Anéantis-les: Noël .

  • af Christina Ross
    198,95 kr.

    Description: Prenez une personne, une vie et détruisez-la complètement. L'écrivain à succès Lisa Ward est cette personne et c'est sa vie qui est en danger. Mais la question demeure: qui veut sa mort ? Est-ce son ex petit ami, Kevin, sans domicile fixe alcoolique et accro au cristal meth ? Son ancien éditeur, Marco Boss, qui ne rêve que de revanche depuis qu'il a été renvoyé ? La célébrité croissante de Lisa et ses pièges ? Ou quelque chose d'entièrement différent ? Tandis que la tension monte et que les menaces grandissent, le petit ami de Lisa, Tank, ancien SEAL, se donne pour mission de la protéger. Leur relation devient plus forte que jamais. Leur amour est la seule chose qui permettra à Lisa de traverser les menaces qui se succèdent. Mais Tank sera-t-il assez fort pour l'aider ? Après tout, celui qui la veut morte est aussi intelligent qu'il est rusé, et surtout, il est prêt à tuer l'amour de la vie de Lisa s'il se met sur son chemin. L'intrigue se complique et le monde de Lisa s'assombrit, elle est lancée dans une tourmente qui l'emmène vers l'inconnu... Survivra-t-elle ? Tank survivra-t-il ? Ou bien l'un d'eux devra-t-il se sacrifier pour que l'autre puisse rester en vie ? La série Protège-moi laissera le lecteur hors d'haleine, voire même, sans voix.

  • af Christina Ross
    153,95 kr.

    Sometimes it seems that no matter what we do to try to jog our memories, they betray us at the worst possible moments. How many times have you had the exact word you needed on the tip of your tongue only to have it tease and evade your memory? Who hasn't written a list to remember and then forgotten the list! Or perhaps you asked someone to help you remember and they forgot. Maybe you hid something from yourself in a special place you were sure to recall and spent weeks searching for the item because you forgot where you hid it. How many Easter eggs have been hidden, only to rot several days later because the person who hid the eggs forgot where they put them? What about that person you spent weeks secretly adoring, finally got the perfect chance to make their acquaintance, and then suffered a mental freeze? A well-rounded diet can benefit in many ways, and often the benefits to memory function are overlooked. Using herbs to improve memory have long been practiced not only by those in the United States, but in other countries as well. The American Indians, Orientals, Egyptians, and Greeks have all used herbs to enhance the mind. Spicy foods are said to increase the cognitive functions of your brain, and there are several spicy herbs available. The diet can affect the physical health, obviously. But if you aren't in good physical health, how can you also be in the best health mentally? The mind depends on the body to work at its best for the mind to work well. Just like the training for the body we need to have brain training. So where is the brain gym? There are games to help improve memory and physiological functioning of the brain. Learning new skills also helps the motor capacity of brain by challenging it. Proper blood flow and plenty of oxygen are also two factors that must not be overlooked. Now is the time to start training your brain and keeping it well nourished so you will have the best memory you can have. Feel great knowing you will not forget those important details, items and names.

  • af Christina Ross
    143,95 kr.

    When best friends Jennifer Wenn and Lisa McCollister ask Barbara Blackwell how best to handle a large and complicated annual Christmas Eve party, Blackwell decides the easiest way to survive that event is to host it herself. Why? First, Tank's parents are visiting the city for the first time, they want to stay with Lisa and Tank at their townhouse, and Lisa fears that if she hosted, her mother-in-law would cause her share of problems. As she tends to do... Second, Jennifer and Alex always host the Christmas Eve party. Always. And with their son, Aiden, turning three, Blackwell believes it's high time to give them a break. Third, since moving into her new apartment, Blackwell feels a bit lonely due to her daughters no longer living with her. It's difficult for her to admit, but there's a part of her that knows it would be good to have her apartment filled with those she loves most-especially over the holidays. What she doesn't know is that someone is about to sideline her. That someone would be Marcus Koch, the handsome hedge fund manager who is only the second man Blackwell has ever loved. She dated him for a year before she decided to end their relationship because he was too busy to spend enough time with her. Marcus knows he made a terrible mistake. In fact, unbeknownst to Blackwell, it's taken him three years to streamline his business and thus his life in an effort to win her back. Now, he's ready to go all in to have her back in his heart, in his life, and in his bed again, but will Blackwell be open to his advances? Will she dare to give him-and love-a second chance? A Very Blackwell Christmas is the first time readers of the Annihilate Me series will read a story told from Blackwell's point of view. Finally, they will see the person behind the cutting wit and the cutting-edge fashion, both of which she uses as armor. But why does she need them? What's made her the person she is today? In A Very Blackwell Christmas, the real Barbara Blackwell reveals her innermost thoughts. And when that happens? The enigma is exposed...

  • af Christina Ross
    178,95 kr.

    Quand ils ont tué son homme... elle est devenue dangereuse. Cinq ans après la mort de son mari bien-aimé, Kate Stone apprend soudain que ce qu'elle croyait être un accident n'en était pas un. C'est à ce moment que Ben Cade, le premier amour de Kate, dont elle n'avait pas eu de nouvelle depuis seize ans, revient dans sa vie. Ancien SEAL devenu détective privé, Ben accepte d'aider Kate à découvrir la vérité. Pendant que leur amour renaît, le chaos s'abat sur eux sous la forme de menaces de mort. Une veuve dangereuse est un thriller romantique de l'auteur de best-sellers n˚1 Christina Ross, dont les livres se sont vendus à plus d'un million et demi d'exemplaires internationalement. Une veuve dangereuse: le meilleur de Christina Ross !

  • af Christina Ross
    163,95 kr.

    Five years after her beloved husband's death, Kate Stone suddenly learns that it was no accident. Instead, due to a chance encounter with a psychic, she discovers that it was a full-on, calculated, cold-blooded murder. Initially, Kate rejects the idea. How could Michael possibly have been murdered? All of the evidence surrounding his death suggests that it was an accident. Enter Ben Cade, the first love of Kate's life--a man she hasn't seen in sixteen years. Now a former SEAL turned private investigator, Ben agrees to help Kate learn the truth. Soon, the love they once shared for each other begins a slow simmer-just as chaos ignites around them as twists, turns, death threats and deceptions abound. A Dangerous Widow is a thrilling, harrowing story of romantic suspense from #1 internationally best-selling author Christina Ross, whose books have sold more than 3.5 million copies worldwide. This is Christina Ross at her best!

  • af Christina Ross
    148,95 kr.

    When they destroyed him, he plotted his revenge.Six people will die at the hands of two hired assassins. Six people will pay for the way they publicly defamed him and humiliated him. Six people will burn in hell for all that they did to him-including Alex and Jennifer Wenn.In Annihilate Them, which is the third book in the international best-selling Annihilate Me series, expect a devastating and suspenseful series of events as Stephen Rowe, the villain from Annihilate Him, returns to exact his bloody brand of justice.With Christina Ross' gift for delivering a stunning series of twists, turns, suspense, wit and action, Annihilate Them will have readers screaming one minute, and swooning the next.After all-who will live and who will die this time around? Because in this book, no one is safe-and not all of them are coming out alive.Annihilate Them is a full-length, stand-alone novel that features all of your favorite characters-Jennifer and Alex, Blackwell, Lisa and Tank, and many more. It is the most arresting, heart-stopping Annihilate Me book yet.

  • - Un Mariage
    af Christina Ross
    188,95 kr.

    Deux ans et demi et plusieurs livres ont passé depuis que l'expert en sécurité rapprochée Tank McCollister a demandé l'auteur à succès Lisa Ward (voir l'ordre de lecture ci-dessous) en mariage, mais cette fois, ils ont fixé une date. Ils vont enfin se marier !Si seulement c'était aussi simple que ça !Après une série d'incidents, Lisa se retrouve à Prairie Home, Nebraska, à la ferme des parents de Tank. À quelques jours du mariage, la tension monte entre Lisa et Ethel McCollister, la mère de Tank, qui est loin d'être une de ses fans.Ethel est convaincue que les livres de Lisa sont sacrilèges. Déterminée à sauver son fils, elle va tout mettre en oeuvre pour que le mariage n'ait pas lieu.L'amour va-t-il prévaloir ? Si c'est le cas, ce ne sera pas sans une guerre brutale, vicieuse parfois, ou hilarante à d'autres moments, entre Lisa et sa future affreuse-mère.Avec Jennifer, Blackwell, Alex, Epifania et quelques autres personnages préférés, Protège-moi: Un Mariage conclut l'histoire de Tank et Lisa.

  • af Christina Ross
    188,95 kr.

    A sexy, smoldering romantic comedy from international best-selling author, Christina Ross.After years of struggling in New York City, I'm on the verge of making it big in my career...until he enters my life, and then all bets are off.'He' would be Hunter Steele, the ridiculously hot showrunner of a popular reality show called The Terrible Teens.My name is Julia Jacobs, and on the very day I'm promoted to become an assistant agent at the talent agency CAA, I sign Pepper Winters, a billionaire's daughter with a massive social media following who wants to be on the next season of Hunter's ultra-toxic reality show.No. Matter. What.Trouble is, the moment Pepper and I meet with Hunter to discuss bringing her on the show, I can't keep my eyes off him. He's tall, dark, handsome, and has something in his jeans that looks like a damned anaconda.In other words, he's exactly the type of man I don't need to be distracted by right now. After all, I have a limited amount of time to prove myself to CAA. If I do? I'll be promoted to associate agent. And if I don't? I'll be out of a job altogether.But with Hunter coming on to me, how in the hell am I supposed to focus on my job? At first, I try my best to resist him, but after a disastrous breakup, I've been single for four years, and a girl has her needs. As the weeks pass and we come to know one another better, my guard starts to drop. Should I give Hunter a chance? Or should I let him go forever when I learn about his playboy past...?I've been burned once. I won't be burned again. And as much as I want to believe in Hunter when he tells me he's moved beyond his loose reputation of bedding too many women to count, I now have to wonder if I can trust him.And if I dare to do so, will he and I have a chance to make it...?With Christina Ross' gift for delivering romance, humor, wit, and characters you'll love and never forget, Making It will leave readers swooning until the last page is turned.

  • af Christina Ross
    263,95 kr.

  • af Christina Ross
    208,95 kr.

  • af Christina Ross
    123,95 kr.

  • af Christina Ross
    143,95 kr.

  • af Christina Ross
    143,95 kr.

  • af Christina Ross
    143,95 kr.

  • af Christina Ross
    143,95 kr.

  • af Christina Ross
    298,95 kr.

  • af Christina Ross
    143,95 kr.

  • - Purely Decadent, Simply Raw, Plant-Based Desserts
    af Christina Ross
    208,95 kr.

    Nourish your body as you indulge in Parisian-inspired dessertswith no gluten, dairy, or refined sweeteners! An artist in the kitchen, Christina Ross found her calling when she transitioned to a raw, vegan diet and discovered one thing was missingdecadent sweets! She set out to remedy the situation and, to her surprise and delight, found that the heavenly, nutritious treats she created didn't just satisfy her sweet tooththey were better than traditional sweets in every way. In Love Fed: Purely Decadent, Simply Raw, Plant-Based Desserts, Christina, founder of the vegan dessert line PatisseRaw and the popular Love Fed blog, serves up raw, vegan treats full of nourishing ingredients and intense French flavor, without a touch of gluten, dairy, or refined sweeteners. Love Fed takes the plant-based, no-cook method of preparing desserts to new heights with more than eighty delicious, easy recipes (including one contributed by singer Jason Mraz). Christina gives you everything from Pistachio Saffron Rose Water Ice Cream and Chocolate Almond Hazelnut Caramel Apple Torte to Trail-Blazing Truffles,Blueberry Coconut Dreamsicles, and Splendid Day Red Velvet Cupcakes, satisfying to even the most discerning sweet tooth. Along the way, she introduces new ingredients, shares her solutions for potential hiccups, tells stories from her life, and includes mouthwatering full-color photos. Chocolate lovers, caramel aficionados, ice cream devotees, cake enthusiasts, cheesecake fansLove Fed has it all for you.