Bøger af Christina Petterson
- Grundlæggelsen af Christiansfeld 1773
198,95 - 298,95 kr. I anledning af brødremenighedsbyen Christiansfelds 250-års jubilæum kaster danske og udenlandske forskere nyt lys over forudsætningerne for grundlæggelsen i 1773 og etableringen af den by, som stod færdig omkring 1800.Christiansfeld blev anlagt som menighedskoloni af den europæiske brødremenighed, og bogens forfattere viser, at byens fremkomst netop skal forstås på baggrund af, at menigheden var en international menighed. På den ene side trak Christiansfeld på ressourcer fra de øvrige brødremenighedsbyer, på den anden side bidrog byen til brødre-menighedens globale virksomhed. I årtierne forud for Christiansfelds grundlæggelse havde brødrene søgt at opbygge velvilje hos først Frederik 5. og senere Christian 7., og det arbejde bar frugt med invitationen til at opføre en by på kongens mark.
- Bog
- 488,95 kr.
1.304,95 kr. Drawing on unpublished archival material, this volume compares two Moravian missions, in Greenland and Australia, to demonstrate how their practices evolved over the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries as part of a globalizing world and economy. Delivering in-depth analysis of the far-reaching and deep-seated effects of missionary activity on indigenous communities and social relations, it also explores how the indigenous were 'othered' in empire, and the role missionaries played in this process. Petterson provides an insight into the lives of indigenous peoples, and the missionaries who lived amongst them, at a time of changing identities and socio-economic change. Analysing how missionary practice developed over this period, it also demonstrates how attitudes to and engagement with indigenous peoples transformed. Standing outside of national and imperial boundaries, and ambivalent about the political notion of imperialism and colonisation itself, nonetheless missionaries functioned in parallel with colonial structures, and were part of a broadly culturally colonial mission. On the outskirts of imperial organisation, they were often a crucial part of colonial practice. This book examines both missionaries and indigenous peoples as 'others' in imperial systems through the economic and cultural practices of their spiritual colonialism.
- Bog
- 1.304,95 kr.
218,95 - 433,95 kr. - Bog
- 218,95 kr.
- Bog
- 557,95 kr.
- Studies in Critical Research on Religion, Volume 4
398,95 kr. An engaging, well researched examination of the role played by Protestantism in the Danish colonization of Greenland
- Bog
- 398,95 kr.