Bøger af Chris Cleave
118,95 kr. We don t want to tell you too much about this book. It is a truly special story and we don t want to spoil it. Nevertheless, you need to know something, so we will just say this:It is extremely funny, but the African beach scene is horrific.The story starts there, but the book doesn t.And it s what happens afterwards that is most important.Once you have read it, you ll want to tell everyone about it. When you do, please don t tell them what happens either. The magic is in how it unfolds.
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- 118,95 kr.
118,95 kr. You aren't stupid. You know there's no such thing as a perfect mother. Plenty of other books will tell you there is, but this one won't lie to you. I was weak and I cheated and I was punished, but my god I loved my child through all of it. Love means you never break, and it means you're stronger than the things they do to you. I know this is true because I have been through fire, and I am the proof that love survives. I am not a perfect mother but I will tell you the perfect truth, because this is you and me talking. This is my story.
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- 118,95 kr.
153,95 kr. Usually, this is where we'd tell you what this book is about. But with Chris Cleave, it's a bit different. Because if you've read THE OTHER HAND or INCENDIARY, you'll know that what his books are about is only part of the story - what really matters is how they make you feel. GOLD is about the limits of human endurance, both physical and emotional. It will make you cry. GOLD is about what drives us to succeed - and what we choose to sacrifice for success. It will make you feel glad to be alive. GOLD is about the struggles we all face every day; the conflict between winning on others' terms, and triumphing on your own. It will make you count your blessings. GOLD is a story told as only Chris Cleave could tell it. And once you begin, it will be a heart-pounding race to the finish.
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- 153,95 kr.
128,95 kr. Winner of the 2017 Goldsboro Books Glass Bell Award 'Ian McEwan did this with Atonement, Sarah Waters did it with The Night Watch, and Chris Cleave does it too with Everyone Brave is Forgiven... A compelling and finely crafted novel.' FTAn extraordinary story of love and honour in extreme circumstances, from the multi-award-winning author of THE OTHER HAND.Instant New York Times bestsellerEvening Standard top ten bestselleriBooks BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2016Irish Times summer reading pick'A cracker' Stylist, 10 Exciting Books in 2016'His best book to date' Esquire, 10 best novels of 2016 Guardian Literary Highlight of 2016Independent Best Book to read in 2016 Irish News Top Picks for 2016Washington Post 20 Books We Can't Wait to Read in 2016In a powerful combination of both humour and heartbreak, this dazzling novel weaves little-known history, and a perfect love story, through the vast sweep of the Second World War - daring us to understand that, against the great theatre of world events, it is the intimate losses, the small battles, the daily human triumphs, that change us most.
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- 128,95 kr.
133,95 kr. Chris Cleave er tilbage, som vi kender ham fra Den anden hånd – intens, medrivende og bevægende. Chris Cleave skriver: “Jeg håber, I vil kunne lide Alle tapre bliver tilgivet. Jeg begynder altid med et spørgsmål, som kan tage os dybt ned i den menneskelige psykologi, humor og i vores følelser i søgen efter svar. Denne gang er spørgsmålet: Hvad er sandt heltemod? Og for at undersøge dette er jeg blevet inspireret af mine bedsteforældre under 2. Verdenskrig. Min bedstefar var stoisk og morsom. Han var udstationeret på Malta og skulle passe på Winston Churcills søn. Min bedstemor var stærk og værdifast. Hun underviste børn i og omkring London under Blitzen. Deres usandsynlige og smukke bejleri over lang afstand og i krigstid (med særdeles langsom post) var grunden til, at jeg skrev denne bog. Når jeg skriver, ønsker jeg mig kun én ting: at give dig et sted at flygte hen, hvor du bare kan få lov at være dig selv for en stund. Jeg håber, at Alle tapre bliver tilgivet vil give dig denne dybe, medrivende oplevelse, og at du kommer ud på den anden side og føler dig stærk og godt tilpas.” En fremragende roman, der ånder nyt liv i et ofte brutalt scenarie. Særligt klogt at demonstrere, hvordan krig siver ind i psyken og ændrer den. Det er smukt skrevet, sjovt, nervepirrende og frem for alt ærligt. – Daily Mail Chris Cleave er født i London, voksede op i Cameroon og tog sin universitetsuddannelse i psykologi i Oxford. Han har modtaget flere litterære priser og fik et regulært gennembrud i USA med bogen Den anden hånd, som bl.a. Nicole Kidman ydede stor opmærksomhed. På dansk er tidligere udkommet: Den anden hånd og Guld.
213,95 kr. The instant New York Times bestseller from Chris Cleave—the unforgettable novel about three lives entangled during World War II, told “with dazzling prose, sharp English wit, and compassion…a powerful portrait of war’s effects on those who fight and those left behind” (People, Book of the Week).London, 1939. The day war is declared, Mary North leaves finishing school unfinished, goes straight to the War Office, and signs up. Tom Shaw decides to ignore the war—until he learns his roommate Alistair Heath has unexpectedly enlisted. Then the conflict can no longer be avoided. Young, bright, and brave, Mary is certain she’d be a marvelous spy. When she is—bewilderingly—made a teacher, she finds herself defying prejudice to protect the children her country would rather forget. Tom, meanwhile, finds that he will do anything for Mary. And when Mary and Alistair meet, it is love, as well as war, that will test them in ways they could not have imagined, entangling three lives in violence and passion, friendship, and deception, inexorably shaping their hopes and dreams. The three are drawn into a tragic love triangle and—as war escalates and bombs begin falling—further into a grim world of survival and desperation. Set in London during the years of 1939–1942, when citizens had slim hope of survival, much less victory; and on the strategic island of Malta, which was daily devastated by the Axis barrage, Everyone Brave is Forgiven features little-known history and a perfect wartime love story inspired by the real-life love letters between Chris Cleave’s grandparents. This dazzling novel dares us to understand that, against the great theater of world events, it is the intimate losses, the small battles, the daily human triumphs that change us most.
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- 213,95 kr.
193,95 kr. - Bog
- 193,95 kr.
298,95 kr. Themenschwerpunkte: Postcolonialism, Voices from the African Continent: Focus on NigeriaÜber den Roman:Little Bee erzählt die Geschichte eines 16-jährigen Mädchens aus Nigeria, das illegal nach Großbritannien eingewandert und nach ihrer Ergreifung zwei Jahre lang in einem detention centre festgehalten wird. Nach ihrer Entlassung begibt sich Little Bee nach London, wo sie das englische Ehepaar Andrew und Sarah aufsucht, das sie zwei Jahre zuvor an einem Strand in Nigeria kennengelernt hatte. Doch kurz vor ihrer Ankunft bringt Andrew sich um und Little Bee wird als Illegale verhaftet und zurück nach Nigeria deportiert.Die Lektüre des Romans schließt an das curriculare Thema Postcolonialism an und bietet eine Verknüpfung zum Schwerpunktthema Voices from the African Continent: Focus on Nigeria an. Der Roman ist für die Jahrgangstufen 10-12 (G8) und 11-13 (G9) geeignet.Das vorliegende Unterrichtsmodell bezieht sich auf folgende Textausgabe: Chris Cleave: Little Bee. Simon & Schuster, (Reprint) 16.2.2010, 304 S. ISBN 978-1-4165-8964-8Über das Unterrichstmodell:In diesem Unterrichtsmodell wird der Roman Little Bee von Chris Cleave in sukzessiver Lektüre erarbeitet. Die while-reading Aufgaben helfen den Schülerinnen und Schülern dabei, den Text zu erarbeiten. In einzelnen Components werden die jeweiligen Kapitel behandelt sowie der Themenschwerpunkt Nigeria.Der Themenswerpunkt Nigeria beinhaltet eine Reihe von Aspekten, die bei der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Land eine wichtige Rolle spielen:die Rolle der multinationalen Ölkonzerne und der Regierung bei der Ölförderung und die Konsequenzen der ungebremsten Ölförderung für die Bevölkerung;der Unabhängigkeitskampf von Biafra;Gewalt, Ungleichheit, Korruption und Diskriminierung in der nigerianischen Gesellschaft;Fluchtbewegungen nach Europa.Component 1 - Arriving in EnglandHintergrundinformationenMeeting Little BeeLife in a detention centreNigeria: a country of contrastsComponent 2 - No laughing matterHintergrundinformationenMeeting SarahOut of the cageHumour in the horrorComponent 3 - Clashes of culturesHintergrundinformationenLife in Nigeria during an oil warLittle Bee in Sarah's house and the girls back homeThe Nigerian chorus and the fear-instilled refrainComponent 4 - Transgression and immigrationHintergrundinformationenMinor and major transgressionsIn search of identityVarious views on the immigration wave to EuropeComponent 5 - Career and identityHintergrundinformationenMaking career choicesIdentity: What's in a name?The Biafra warComponent 6 - Feelings and thoughtsHintergrundinformationenWhat are your feelings?What are your thoughts?Looking back at Little BeeDas Unterrichtsmodell bietet zwei Klausuren (einen fiktionalen, einen nicht-fiktionalen Text) inklusive der Erwartungshorizonte/Bewertungsraster an.Die Materialien zum Download finden Sie auf www.westermann.de\einfach-englisch-downloads.
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- 298,95 kr.
213,95 kr. - Bog
- 213,95 kr.
146,95 kr. From the author of "Little Bee" comes a tragicomic novel in the form of an open letter to Osama Bin Laden from a young London woman whose husband and son are killed in a terrorist attack on a soccer stadium.
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- 146,95 kr.