Bøger af Chris Brooks
- Build Perfect Alternate Picking Speed, Accuracy & Guitar Technique in 90 Musical Exercises
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- A Three-In-One Compilation of Sweep Picking, Speed Picking & Legato Methods For Guitar
408,95 kr. - Bog
- 408,95 kr.
- Picking, Sweeping and Tapping Licks in the Styles of The Guitar Masters
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
208,95 kr. Sweep Picking Speed Strategies for 7-String Guitar takes Chris Brooks' highly successful book Sweep Picking Strategies for Guitar and applies it for the growing number of 7-string guitar players demanding a comprehensive and concise approach that will lead to mastery of the instrument. Many 7-string players are drawn to the creative possibilities the extended range provides, but have yet to tap the full potential of the instrument. Here you'll learn everything from pick grip and fundamental rudiments to the execution of perfect, large-scale arpeggio forms for every common chord type as you learn sweep picking on 7-string guitar. This book has been devised especially for players looking for a comprehensive sweep picking and arpeggio course dedicated to playing 7-string guitar in the style of Andy James, Yngwie Malmsteen, Vinnie Moore, Jason Becker and John Petrucci.
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- 208,95 kr.
248,95 kr. Plongez dans l'univers envoûtant des objets ésotériques et découvrez le pouvoir caché qui réside en eux. Dans ce livre captivant, explorez les bienfaits, les utilisations et les associations de ces mystérieux artefacts, et ouvrez-vous à un monde de possibilités spirituelles. De la boule de cristal aux talismans, des tarots aux pendules divinatoires, cet ouvrage dévoile les secrets ancestraux qui ont captivé les esprits depuis des générations. Apprenez comment canaliser leur énergie, activer leur potentiel et les intégrer dans votre pratique spirituelle quotidienne. Que vous soyez un novice cherchant à élargir vos connaissances ou un adepte passionné en quête d'approfondissement, ce livre vous guidera pas à pas dans l'exploration de ces trésors ésotériques. Découvrez comment choisir les objets qui vous correspondent, comment les utiliser avec intention et comment créer des associations harmonieuses pour amplifier leur impact. Préparez-vous à plonger dans un voyage captivant à travers l'histoire, les symboles et les traditions liés à ces objets sacrés. Laissez-vous guider par votre intuition et découvrez comment ces outils précieux peuvent vous aider à transformer votre réalité et à vous épanouir sur le chemin de la croissance personnelle. Que vous cherchiez à équilibrer vos chakras, à attirer l'abondance ou à développer votre clairvoyance, ce livre vous offre les clés pour exploiter pleinement le potentiel des objets ésotériques. Plongez dans cet océan d'inspiration et de sagesse, et éveillez-vous à un monde de magie et de transformation. Découvrez le pouvoir des objets ésotériques et ouvrez-vous à une réalité plus vaste où les limites s'estompent et les possibilités se multiplient. Préparez-vous à embrasser le mystère et à vivre une expérience profonde de connexion spirituelle.
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- 248,95 kr.
208,95 kr. Thirteen Weeks to Ultimate Guitar Technique· Are you looking for the perfect pathway to incredible guitar technique?· Are you struggling to organise your practice time or to know what to focus on?Fortunately, rock guitar virtuoso Chris Brooks is here to guide your practice and turn you into a guitar prodigy in this highly structured guitar method.Unleash Your Inner Guitar Virtuoso for Unparalleled Musical Mastery!In this ground-breaking guitar technique guide you will master five essential disciplines:· Picking· Tapping· Sweeping· Legato· SpeedFirst you will get deep with detailed exercises, videos, and technique builders before every skill is combined into a comprehensive weekly practice routine. In just three months you will be confidently tackling everything your musical life throws at you from devastating alternate-picked passages, to delicate legato phrases, to terrifying tapped arpeggios. Along the way, you'll easily build accuracy, speed, and dynamics through powerful exercises that improve your musicianship. Structured Practice Schedules for Measurable ResultsAll too often we can become lost in the practice room, wondering what, when and how to work on improving our skills.If you've ever worried that you're focusing on the wrong thing or missing a piece of the puzzle, fret no longer! This Thirteen Week Guitar Technique Bootcamp takes the guess work out of your practice sessions by drip feeding you the right exercises at exactly the right time. These exercises are then combined into highly structured practice routines that you can use to 10x your progress. In all, you'll get 13 weekly practice routines that'll transform the way you improve your guitar technique - from warm-ups to creative advanced techniques. From Prescribed Practice to Personal GoalsDon't worry, we know your practice goals aren't the same as everyone else's, and The Thirteen Week Guitar Technique Bootcamp takes this into account... because once you've mastered the week-by-week technical skills, you'll be taught how to devise your own personalised practice plan that targets your specific pain points. Clear Guitar TAB, Notation, Audio and VideoNot only do you get 117 perfectly notated exercises plus audio demonstrations, and 28 drum loop practice tracks, you'll get access to a whole bonus video course that takes you through the entire 13 week program, lesson by lesson. It really is a fully immersive deep dive into your guitar technique. Become a Better Guitar Player TodayThe Thirteen Week Guitar Technique Bootcamp is the perfect blend of all the skills you need to become a professional level guitarist. It's a fully comprehensive course that will 10x your skills. We won't promise overnight success (because everybody knows anything worthwhile takes a bit of effort), but in just 13 weeks of guided practice your playing will be transformed and you'll be a much better musician. Buy it now!
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
308,95 kr. Découvrez l'Univers Mystique des Vingt Bijoux ésotériques Plongez dans un voyage captivant à travers les mystères et les pouvoirs cachés des Vingt Bijoux ésotériques. Dans ce guide unique en son genre, vous trouverez une mine d'informations sur ces trésors spirituels, révélant leurs propriétés, leurs significations et leurs utilisations dans les pratiques ésotériques. Explorez un éventail de bijoux sacrés, tels que les amulettes, les talismans et les cristaux, qui ont été vénérés depuis des temps immémoriaux pour leur capacité à influencer notre réalité et à élever notre être. De l'éclat des pierres précieuses à la symbolique ancienne, chaque bijou renferme une énergie spécifique qui peut transformer nos vies et ouvrir les portes de la connaissance ésotérique. Grâce à une recherche approfondie et à des conseils pratiques, ce livre vous guidera pas à pas dans l'art d'utiliser ces bijoux pour amplifier votre intuition, stimuler votre énergie spirituelle, protéger votre aura et attirer la prospérité. Vous apprendrez comment les choisir en fonction de vos besoins personnels, comment les purifier et les consacrer, et comment les intégrer dans vos rituels et vos pratiques quotidiennes. Que vous soyez un adepte chevronné ou un novice curieux, ce Guide des Vingt Bijoux ésotériques vous offre une opportunité précieuse d'explorer un royaume mystique et d'élargir votre compréhension des forces invisibles qui nous entourent. Laissez-vous inspirer par la sagesse ancestrale et découvrez comment ces bijoux peuvent vous accompagner sur votre chemin spirituel. Osez plonger dans les profondeurs de la magie et de la spiritualité. Déverrouillez les secrets des Vingt Bijoux ésotériques et transformez votre vie d'une manière qui dépasse l'imaginaire. Préparez-vous à embrasser la puissance des bijoux ésotériques et à explorer un monde de possibilités infinies.
- Bog
- 308,95 kr.
148,95 kr. Plongez dans le monde envoûtant des encens et découvrez leur pouvoir de transformation et de bien-être. Dans ce guide complet, explorez les arômes captivants, les propriétés curatives et les utilisations diverses des encens les plus recherchés. Explorez une myriade d'encens, des anciennes traditions aux nouvelles tendances, et apprenez comment les intégrer dans votre quotidien pour créer une atmosphère de sérénité, d'équilibre et d'harmonie. Que vous cherchiez à apaiser votre esprit, à stimuler votre créativité ou à purifier votre espace, ce livre vous guidera à travers les secrets des encens. Découvrez les profonds bienfaits des encens sur le plan physique, mental et spirituel. Plongez dans l'art de la combustion, de la fumigation et de la méditation aromatique pour nourrir votre âme et élever votre conscience. Apprenez les techniques de sélection, de préparation et de mélange d'encens pour créer des synergies aromatiques uniques. Plongez dans le pouvoir des encens. Ouvrez votre esprit, éveillez vos sens et invitez la magie des arômes dans votre vie. Préparez-vous à une expérience sensorielle inoubliable et à une connexion profonde avec vous-même et le monde qui vous entoure. Ce livre est un guide inestimable pour les amoureux des encens, les chercheurs de paix intérieure et tous ceux qui souhaitent explorer les senteurs envoûtantes et les bienfaits des encens dans leur vie quotidienne. Nourrissez votre âme, élevez votre esprit et transformez votre monde avec les encens.
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- 148,95 kr.
- Un Guide Pratique pour Maîtriser la Magie des Bougies
193,95 kr. Plongez dans l'art envoûtant de la magie des bougies et découvrez un monde de lumière, de pouvoir et de transformation. Dans ce guide captivant, vous explorerez les bienfaits profonds et les mystères cachés derrière chaque flamme vacillante. De la sélection des bougies appropriées aux rituels envoûtants, ce livre offre une exploration complète de la magie des bougies. Découvrez les différents types de bougies, leurs correspondances magiques et comment les utiliser pour créer des changements positifs dans votre vie. Apprenez les techniques et les pratiques pour charger et consacrer vos bougies, et explorez une gamme de sorts, de rituels et d'incantations puissants pour la guérison, l'amour, la prospérité et bien plus encore. Plongez-vous dans l'atmosphère sacrée et laissez la magie des bougies éclairer votre chemin vers l'épanouissement spirituel. Que vous soyez novice ou pratiquant chevronné, ce livre sera votre guide inestimable pour exploiter le potentiel infini des bougies dans votre pratique magique. Laissez leur lueur douce et mystique vous conduire vers des niveaux plus profonds de conscience et de manifestation. Découvrez le pouvoir transformatif des bougies et ouvrez-vous à une expérience magique unique. Allumez la flamme de la magie des bougies et laissez briller votre potentiel intérieur.
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- 193,95 kr.
208,95 kr. Master The Rhythm Guitar Secrets of Rock & Metal's PioneersRip some holes in your skinny jeans and get out your headbands - it's time to rock out like it's 1987 and discover the style that defined a generation. 1980s Rock Rhythm Guitar Mastery is a deep dive into creating and playing authentic 1980s hard rock and metal rhythm parts, from the glammed-up Sunset Strip to fist-raising Bay Area thrash.A Magnum Opus of Rock Guitar Secrets1980s Rock Rhythm Guitar Mastery takes you on a Crazy Train ride through the decade of big hair and even bigger riffs... and just like Bill and Ted, you'll discover that there's plenty to learn from going back in time to study the creative pioneers of rock and metal. Phone box not required!Of course, you're going to learn some great sound-alike riffs, but this book is all about teaching you to think like the iconic players who created these unforgettable guitar parts. Players likeMick MarsReb BeachWarren DeMartiniMichael ShenkerJames HetfieldEddie Van HalenYngwie MalmsteenGeorge LynchPaul Gilbert...and more!A Battery of Powerful Rhythm Guitar RiffsNot only will you instantly expand your riff playing, you'll also get equipped to write your own face-melting rhythm guitar parts.You'll master a range of creative rhythm-writing skills, including...Killer Zakk Wilde and Slash-style riffsTotal dynamic masteryTight part writing using harmonised scalesSpicing up common chord sequences, just like Eddie Van HalenThe secret chord fragment approach used by Schenker, Malmsteen and NorumDiscover a Trilogy of textures ...Turn note subdivisions into musical ideasUltimate palm muting technique to cleanly blend notes with chord fragmentsSparkling, chorused clean tonesGuitar Riff Writing that's Heaven SentBonus: Hear the music as it should be played! Download 100 free studio quality audio tracks and play along with Chris before getting creative on the backing tracks.Ready to go On With The Show? Supercharge your rock and metal rhythm chops and buy 1980s Rock Rhythm Guitar Mastery today**Mullet sold separately!
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- 208,95 kr.
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- 128 musikalische UEbungen fur das perfekte Economy-Picking - Aufbau von Geschwindigkeit, Genauigkeit und Technik
253,95 kr. - Bog
- 253,95 kr.
- 90 musikalische UEbungen fur die perfekte Wechselschlagtechnik - Aufbau von Geschwindigkeit, Genauigkeit und Technik
253,95 kr. - Bog
- 253,95 kr.
- Produce a thesis to be proud of and sail through the viva
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- A guide to your research project or dissertation in accounting and finance
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
253,95 kr. - Bog
- 253,95 kr.
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
253,95 kr. Das wahre System für das Erlernen von Sweep-Picking auf der Gitarre Eine umfassende Aufschlüsselung von allem, was du brauchst, um das Sweep-Picking wie ein Profi zu beherrschen Ein systematischer Leitfaden zur Beherrschung der Technik und des Griffbretts Entdecke und wende die 6 essenziellen Bestandteile des Sweep-Pickings an Komplette technische Entwicklung durch 100 Übungen und 17 Etüden Umfangreiche Bibliothek von Arpeggio-Formen und über 100 GriffbrettdiagrammenSweep-Picking-Speed-Strategien für Gitarre ist die Fortsetzung von Chris Brooks' sehr erfolgreichem Buch Neoklassische Geschwindigkeitsstrategien für Gitarre. Es ist ein akribischer Ansatz, um die Biomechanik des Sweep-Pickings aufzuschlüsseln und geht weit über Übungen und Gitarren-Licks hinaus, um zum Kern der großen Sweep-Picking-Technik zu gelangen. Beim Erlernen des Sweep-Pickings wirst du Schritt für Schritt alle wichtigen Konzepte verinnerlichen, von der Plektrum-Haltung und grundlegenden Ansätzen bis hin zur Ausführung perfekter, großer Arpeggio-Formen für jeden gängigen Akkordtyp.Du wirst zum Sweep-Picking-Monster werden, von dem du nie wusstest, dass es in dir schlummerte!Sweep-Picking-Speed-Strategien für Gitarre Möchtest du Sweep-Picking richtig vom Anfang bis zum Profi lernen? Möchtest du häufige Sweep-Picking-Fehler vermeiden? Möchtest du Gitarren-Arpeggio-Formen lernen, die für Geschwindigkeit und Kontrolle des Griffbretts entwickelt wurden? Möchtest du Strategien haben, die auf jede musikalische Situation zugeschnitten sind? Möchtest du, dass deine Sweep-Picking-Arpeggios so gut klingen wie die deiner Lieblingsspieler?Das bekommst du: Ein kompletter Sweep-Picking-Gitarrenkurs, der von den ersten Prinzipien der Bewegung ausgeht und solide Grundlagen schafft Ein facettenreiches System, das Optionen präsentiert und es dir ermöglicht, deine eigenen Entscheidungen zu treffen Ein logischer Prozess, um wichtige Formen und Klänge akkordweise anzugehen Prägnante, entwicklungsorientierte Picking-Übungen und Studien, die einen klaren, Schritt-für-Schritt-Weg zur Beherrschung aufzeigenBonus Eins: Klare Illustrationen, die dir dabei helfen, Plektrum-Haltung und -Ausrichtung besser zu verstehenBonus Zwei: KOSTENLOSE Audio Downloads und Begleitaufnahmen für jede herausfordernde EtüdeViele Gitarristen verstehen bereits die Grundidee des Sweep-Pickings auf der Gitarre, erreichen aber nie die Geschwindigkeit und Flüssigkeit, die sie sich wünschen. Oft liegt es daran, dass sie nicht durch die Grundzüge und Strategien geführt wurden, die es ihnen ermöglichen würden, ein persönliches System für sie zu erstellen.Sweep-Picking-Speed-Strategien für Gitarre hilft dir, die unzähligen Faktoren zu beherrschen, die deine Sweep-Picking-Technik beeinflussen, und führt dich von den Grundprinzipien zu beeindruckenden Geschwindigkeiten und umfangreicher Griffbrettanalyse. Dies ist nicht nur ein Buch für Licks - es ist ein komplettes Sweep-Picking-System für Gitarre. Neben einem vollständigen biomechanischen Ansatz zum Erlernen des Sweep-Pickings hilft dir diese Methode, deine Stärken in einen personalisierten, musikalischen Ansatz zu systematisieren.
- Bog
- 253,95 kr.
253,95 kr. Meistere das Ultimative Speed-Picking-System für Neoklassische Gitarre¿ Eine definitive Studie über Speed-Techniken und Biomechanik für Shred-Gitarre¿ Ein systematischer Leitfaden für Fast-Picking und Saitenwechselstrategien¿ Beherrsche die 9 Prinzipien des Speed-Pickings, da sie auseinandergenommen, analysiert und angewendet werden¿ Vollständige technische Entwicklung durch über 90 reale Musikbeispiele und ""In the Style of"" Licks¿ 18 originale neoklassische Studien zum Aufbau der Gitarrentechnik und zur Konsolidierung aller wesentlichen Speed-Picking-PrinzipienNeoklassische Geschwindigkeits-Strategien für Gitarre¿ Hast du Schwierigkeiten, die Probleme zu überwinden, die dein wahres Geschwindigkeitspotenzial beeinträchtigen?¿ Brauchst du eine authentische Methode, um den Picking-Stil von neoklassischen Gitarrenmeistern wie Yngwie Malmsteen und Ritchie Blackmore nachzuahmen?¿ Möchtest du eine makellose Picking-Technik auf der Gitarre aufbauen?¿ Willst du ein System beherrschen, das auf innovativen Lösungen für häufige Probleme basiert?¿ Bist du besorgt, dass du dein wahres Potenzial nicht erreichst?Neoklassische Geschwindigkeits-Strategien für Gitarre ist das Ergebnis von 27 Jahren, in denen die neoklassischen Gitarrenstile eines der einflussreichsten Picker der Gitarrengeschichte studiert wurden. Diese Prinzipien werden dir helfen, die perfekte Gitarrentechnik für jeden Stil zu entwickeln.Du wirst Biomechanik, Technik, Theorie und Hunderte von Licks meistern, um dich in ein wahres Monster der Shred-Gitarre zu verwandeln.
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- 253,95 kr.
253,95 kr. - Bog
- 253,95 kr.
188,95 kr. - Bog
- 188,95 kr.
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- 253,95 kr.
253,95 kr. - Bog
- 253,95 kr.
- Legato Technique Speed Mechanics, Licks & Sequences For Guitar
208,95 kr. Discover Perfect Legato Technique for Rock Guitar Do you want to master fluid, clean legato guitar passages? Do you need to build speed, control and perfect feel? Do you want to play jaw-dropping legato licks that avoid clichés?Cutting-edge guitarist Chris Brooks has been teaching perfect guitar technique for three decades, and in Legato Guitar Technique Mastery he spills his secrets of incredible legato technique on guitar.This method is a complete system to play legato in the style of the masters, like Alan Holdsworth, Guthrie Govan, Greg Howe, Brett Garsed, Steve Vai and Joe Satriani.Guitar Legato Technique MasteryOver 150 exercises, impressive licks and musical etudes guide you on your journey to incredible legato guitar technique. Everything is structured so you'll lock down your legato technique before learning a whole host of fantastic licks and runs. Discover the secrets of precise guitar legato to play whatever you want! Master exciting diatonic and chromatic fretboard drills for ultimate dexterity on guitar Learn efficient practice routines for quick, meaningful progress Apply legato technique to both three-note-per-string and CAGED shapes to suit your style Easily combine Sweep and Hybrid Picking Discover liquid licks and scorching sequencesBonus: Learn to master the whole fretboard with scale mapsBonus: Get creative! Chris teaches you how to make your own great music with unique legato guitar passages.Bonus: Clear legato demonstration videos you can watch for free No More Boring Legato Guitar LicksLegato Guitar Technique Mastery teaches you real insight into how the masters approach the style. You'll learn to break out of the "scale jail" boxes in which amateur guitarists often find themselves trapped…
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
208,95 kr. Master the Ultimate Neo-Classical Guitar Speed-Picking system• A definitive study of speed techniques and biomechanics for shred guitar• A systematic guide to fast picking and string-change strategies• Master the 9 principles of speed-picking as they’re dissected, analysed and applied• Complete technical development through over 90 real-life musical examples and "In the Style of" Licks• 18 original Neo-Classical studies to build guitar technique and consolidate every essential speed-picking principle Neoclassical Speed Strategies for GuitarDo you struggle to overcome the issues affecting your true speed potential?Do you need an authentic method to emulate the picking style of Neo-Classical guitar masters like Yngwie Malmsteen and Ritchie Blackmore?Do you want to build flawless picking technique on guitar?Do you want to master a system built on innovative solutions to common problems?Are you worried that you may not be reaching your true potential? Neoclassical Speed Strategies for Guitar is the result of 27 years studying the Neoclassical guitar styles of one of the most influential pickers in guitar history. These principles will help you develop perfect guitar technique for any style.You’ll master picking biomechanics, technique, theory and hundreds of licks to turn you into a shred guitar monster. Here’s What You Get:A complete guitar picking course that starts from the first principles of movement and works around your own unique body mechanics, illustrated in detail.A multi-faceted system used by some of the best guitarists in the world to build incredible, efficient picking technique and devastating speed on guitarInventive exercises that combine shifting scale lines, sequences, single-string phrases and string-changing mechanics.Concise, developmental picking drills and studies forming a clear, incremental path to speed-picking mastery Bonus One: A definitive section dedicated to Neo-Classical scale choice, theory and applicationBonus Two: 18 musical studies to build speed, fluency and Neo-Classical vocabulary Are you Hitting a Brick Wall in your Quest for Ultimate Speed Picking on Guitar?Speed is not about natural ability. It’s not about mindless practice, and it’s certainly not about luck. Playing fast starts with a method that will unleash your true potential.Neo-Classical Speed Strategies for Guitar is about breaking barriers, systemising strengths, and helping you overcome the common hurdles of speed picking by analysing a true icon of shred guitar.By understanding motion and mechanics, picking orientation and pathways, and by implementing strategies conducive to economical and effortless speed, you’ll break free of the issues that have held you back in the past.Part technical compendium and part Artist style-file, Neo-Classical Speed Strategies for Guitar brings together mechanical solutions and stylistic vocabulary, with 93 musical examples ranging from drills to etudes.All examples are delivered authentically in downloadable audio.You won’t just learn to play fast on guitar, you’ll learn to pick perfectly… This product is not associated with or endorsed by Yngwie Malmsteen.
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- 208,95 kr.
- Creative Arpeggio Studies for Modern Rock & Fusion Guitar
208,95 kr. Build powerful guitar solos with creative arpeggios Do you struggle to get the most out of arpeggio soloing? Do you feel limited in your arpeggio vocabulary? Do you want to create sophisticated sounds with just a few simple elements? Is it time to go beyond standard licks and drills to make real music?Advanced Arpeggio Soloing for Guitar Discover the ultimate creative resource for applying arpeggios in modern improvisation Build a unique vocabulary of arpeggio concepts and phrasing tools Create melodic phrases and high-speed lines applicable to many styles Learn over 130 ready to use arpeggio licks and when to use them Instantly sound like a seasoned pro from the very first example!Chris Brooks' tuition in Advanced Arpeggio Soloing for Guitar is the result of three decades' work as a busy working guitarist and cutting edge educator. It is a complete bible of arpeggio approaches that builds into a cohesive strategy for any advanced rock guitarist.Advanced Arpeggio Soloing for Guitar takes you to the next level of musical and professional-sounding arpeggio usage, and draws inspiration from rock and fusion soloists alike.You'll master advanced arpeggios and substitutions while learning the theory behind each exciting concept, so you can apply these skills in any musical situation.Advanced Arpeggio Soloing for Guitar goes way beyond any other rock guitar arpeggio book by drawing inspiration from advanced jazz theory to teach you the sounds you won't learn anywhere else. You'll master advanced concepts like triad pairs, triad stacks, extended arpeggios, scale integrations and more…Every concept is taught with creative licks and melodic ideas, so the theory becomes instantly musical.Here's what you get: Deep insight into triad pairs & triad stacks Multiple musical sequences & permutations Arpeggio and scale integration exercises Sweep picking, legato & tapping application Over 130 cutting-edge licks Professionally audio tracks to download for free Clear diagrams, tab & notationBonus one: Modal backing tracks help you to practise each idea and get creativeBonus two: Soloing summary tables provide a shortcut to the best sounds in any situationAre you stuck in a musical rut and looking to get more creative with guitar arpeggios?Shred guitar virtuoso Chris Brooks is here to show you how to take even the most humble triad and give it new purpose. He'll teach you how combining arpeggios can evoke modal and exotic scale sounds to create a truly personal guitar solo. You'll also learn how triad stacking can enhance basic harmony to make you sound hipper and ignite your audience.There's exclusive insight and cutting-edge material on dynamic control, upper extensions, directional sequencing, scale integrations and much more.Hear it!With over 130 licks and studies forming a comprehensive guitar method, Advanced Arpeggio Soloing for Guitar will expand your vocabulary, multiply your melody, accentuate your arpeggios and turn you into a creative, experienced improviser.Take the next step in guitar education and buy it now.
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- 208,95 kr.
- Essential Guitar Techniques, Arpeggios and Licks for Total Fretboard Mastery
208,95 kr. The Complete System to Learn Sweep-picking on Guitar A comprehensive breakdown of everything you need to sweep pick like a pro A systematic guide to mastering technique and dominating the fretboard Discover and apply the 6 Essential Rudiments of Sweep Picking Complete technical development through 100 drills and 17 Etudes Extensive library of arpeggio shapes and over 100 neck diagramsSweep Picking Speed Strategies for Guitar is the follow-up to Chris Brooks' wildly successful book Neoclassical Speed Strategies for Guitar. It takes a meticulous approach to breaking down the biomechanics of sweep picking and goes way beyond drills and guitar licks to get to the heart of great sweep picking technique. You'll master everything from pick grip and fundamental rudiments to the execution of perfect, large-scale arpeggio forms for every common chord type as you learn sweep picking on guitar. You'll become the sweep picking beast you never knew you could be!Sweep Picking Speed Strategies for Guitar Do you want to sweep pick the right wayfrom go to pro? Do you want to avoid common sweep picking errors? Do you want to learn guitar arpeggio shapes formulated for speed and command of the fretboard? Do you want strategies that apply to any musical situation? Do you want to make your sweep picking arpeggios sound as good as your favourite players?Here's What You Get: A complete sweep picking guitar course that starts from first principles of movement and builds solid foundations A multi-faceted system that presents options and allows you to make your own choices A logical process for tackling important shapes and sounds on a chord-by-chord basis Concise, developmental picking drills and studies that form a clear, incremental path to masteryBonus One: Clear illustrations to help you better understand pick grip and orientationBonus Two: FREE audio downloads andbacking tracks for every challenging etude Many guitar players already understand the basic premise of sweep picking on guitar, yet never achieve the speed and fluidity they desire. Often it's because they weren't guided through the rudiments and strategies that would allow them to create a system personal to them. Sweep Picking Speed Strategies for Guitar helps you master the myriad factors that affect your sweep picking technique and takes you from fundamental principles to devastating speed and extensive fretboard coverage. This isn't just a lick book - it's a complete sweep picking systemfor guitar. As well as a complete biomechanical approach to learning sweep picking, this method helps you systemise your strengths into a personalised, musical approach.Hear It!Sweep Picking Speed Strategies for Guitar includes 100 exciting examples (in tab and standard notation) with audio you can download for free from our dedicated website. There are alsobacking tracks for the 17 etudes contained in the book. Buy Sweep Picking Speed Strategies for Guitar today. You won't just learn to sweep pick, you'll learn to strategize your entire approach to developing speed and fluency on guitar!
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- 208,95 kr.
188,95 kr. - Bog
- 188,95 kr.
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- 401,95 kr.