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Bøger af Charlotte Lindhardt

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  • af Mette Glargaard & Charlotte Lindhardt
    188,95 - 268,95 kr.

    De lyver. De manipulerer.De stjæler din glæde og din tro på dig selv. De afskærer dig fra dine venner. De bryder dig ned, lige så langsomt, ord for ord, svigt for svigt.De får dig til at tro, at det er dig, der er galt på den, dig, der er bindegal – måske dig, der er narcissistisk.De ødelægger dit selvværd og din selvtillid.Narcissisterne.De tager dit liv.Tag det tilbage!Med denne bog i hånden får du indsigt og viden om narcissisterne – i familien,i parforholdet og på arbejdspladsen.Bogen gør dig i stand til at gennemskue deres spil og metoder, og du får øvelser ogredskaber til at håndtere deres adfærd.Bogen giver dig også indblik i konsekvenserne af at være tæt på en narcissist, og hvordan du kan håndtere eftervirkningerne.Når du kender konsekvenserne, bliver det nemmere at gøre noget ved dem – og finde tilbage til dig ude på den anden side.

  • - - slip følgerne af din opvækst
    af Mette Glargaard & Charlotte Lindhardt
    78,95 kr.

    Du kan ikke slippe af med din barndom, men du kan slippe for, at den styrer dig!- Er du optaget af, at andre skal have det godt – før dig selv?- Er du optaget af, hvad andre tænker om dig?- Er du god til at komme med undskyldninger – for andre?- Går du nemt i forsvar og føler dig angrebet?- Er du afhængig af andres anerkendelse og godkendelse for at føle, at du er god nok?Det kan være nogle af symptomerne på en opvækst i en familie med uhensigtsmæssige mønstre. Du kan være blevet hæmmet på en måde, så du ikke er god til at tage dig selv alvorligt, mærke dig selv og drage omsorg for dig selv. Du kan føle dig som et offer og føle, at du ikke selv kan gøre noget ved det der er svært i dit liv.Helterejsen handler om dig og den rejse, du skal ud på, for at blive et helt menneske. I myter og eventyr kæmper heltene mod drager og andre farer, måske med støtte fra en hjælper eller magiske redskaber. I denne bog består hjælpemidlerne af S.A.R-metoden, som er udviklet af Mette Glargaard. S.A.R står for Selvbevidsthed, Autenticitet og Relationer. Det er hverken mystisk eller magisk, men handler om udvikling af dig selv og din egen helterejse. Bogen er fyldt med cases og øvelser, så du selv kan arbejde med dine udfordringer et langt stykke ad vejen.

  • af Jim Lyngvild & Charlotte Lindhardt
    298,95 kr.

    Det siges ... sådan lød det, når vores bedsteforældre fortalte os om nisser, spøgelser og uforklarlige hændelser. Det siges, at der var en karl, som blev bortført af elverkongen. Det siges, at den går dame går igen hver nat Det siges, at pigen på gården fødte en skiftning ...I Danmarks magiske væsener og fabeldyr tages vi med om bag den danske folketro. Med udgangspunkt i særligt Evald Tang Kristensens indsamlinger af folkesagn og folkeviser fra hele landet præsenteres vores hjemmehørende fabeldyr og sagnvæsener, som her bringes til live både i ord og i nøje udarbejdet AI-kunst.Grundig research, nysgerrighed og fortællerglæde mødes, når bogen dykker ned i de spændende sammenhænge mellem Danmarks geografi og historie og de sagnvæsener, der er vokset ud af den – og måske stadig findes derude et sted. Har du nogensinde fået et glimt af huldren eller gravsoen, af en lindorm eller en havhest? Hvis ikke, får du muligheden i bogen her.Danmarks magiske væsener og fabeldyr henvender sig til alle med interesse for folkesagn og overtro, fantasi og magi både i generel forstand og med udgangspunkt i Danmark, hvad end man har hørt sagnene før eller møder dem for første gang.Historiker, konsulent og forfatter Charlotte Lindhardt har skrevet teksterne, og designer, fotograf og forfatter Jim Lyngvild har skabt billederne. De er begge vokset op med fascinationen af mystik, magi, overtro og varsler, og nu deler de ud af deres kærlighed til Danmarks rige sagnverden.

  • - 10 Strategies to Deal With Toxic Wives, Mothers, Girlfriends, and Co-Workers
    af Charlotte Lindhardt
    163,95 kr.

    The narcissistic wife. Mother. Girlfriend. Co-worker. Co-parent.She abuses you, cheats and lies. She manipulates. She takes away your joy and your belief in yourself. She cuts you off from your friends. She breaks you down gradually with gaslighting, demeaning words and shame. You might think you are going crazy, but you are not. You are being played! The narcissistic partner will make you believe you are amazing and then slowly tear you down.To a narcissistic woman, no matter what you do, it will never be good enough.She makes you believe that you are wrong; that you are a bad person - maybe even that YOU are narcissistic. She destroys your self-worth, self-love and your self-confidence. Expose the narcissists. They steal your life. Take it back!This book provides insight and knowledge about the narcissistic wife, mother and other narcissistic women. It enables you to see through their playing games and methods, and it gives you exercises and tools when you are dealing with a narcissistic abuser.It covers topics such asNarcissistic abuse.Dealing with a narcissistic abuser.Understanding narcissism.Co-parenting with a narcissist.Being a child of a narcissist.Trauma BondingA walk through of their methods, ie Gaslighting, Triangulation, Ghosting.Narcissistic relationships (Mother, Spouse, Relatives, co-workers).Getting away from a narcissist.The book also gives you insight in the consequences of being close to a narcissistic abuser, so you can deal with and heal from them. When you are aware of the consequences, it is easier to deal with them - and to find your way back to the person you want to be.

  • - 9 Ways to turn Childhood Trauma into Empowered Living
    af Charlotte Lindhardt
    118,95 kr.

    You can't get rid of your childhood, but you can make it stop controlling you!Do you recognize these characteristics of an adult raised in a family with dysfunctional patterns?★ An exaggerated sense of responsibility for the actions and moods of others.★ A tendency to mistake love for passion by "loving" persons, whom you can help and show compassion.★ A tendency to do more than your share, all the time.★ A tendency to feel hurt when others fail to recognize your effort.★ An unhealthy dependency within relationships. You will do anything in order to stay in a relationship just to avoid the feeling of desolation.There is nothing wrong with you - these are all symptoms of dysfunctional patterns and can be changed! You may have been influenced in such a way that you are not good at taking yourself seriously, standing in your own truth, and maybe you are also not so good at taking care of yourself. You may feel like a victim and feel that you are unable to do anything about the challenges within your life. This book is about you and the journey many of us have to set out on before we can become a whole person. In myths and folktales heroes are fighting against dragons and other dangers, perhaps with the assistance of a helper or magical tools. Among other helpful tools, this book offers the S.A.R.-method which is developed by psychotherapist and author Mariah Wolfe. S.A.R. stands for Self-Awareness, Authenticity and Relationships.It is not mystic or magic, but is about developing yourself and your own inner hero. The book is filled with relevant case studies and exercises that can help you on your own healing journey.We salute you for doing this for you! ♥

  • - 10 Strategies to Deal With Toxic Husbands, Fathers, Boyfriends, and Co-Workers
    af Charlotte Lindhardt
    163,95 kr.

    The narcissistic husband. Father. Boyfriend. Co-worker. Co-parent.He abuses you, cheats and lies. He manipulates you, so you think you're going crazy! He takes away your joy and your belief in yourself. He cuts you off from your friends. Breaks you down gradually with gaslighting, demeaning words and shame.You might think you are going crazy, but you are not. You are being played! The narcissistic partner will make you believe you are amazing and then slowly tear you down.To a narcissistic man, no matter what you do, it will never be enough.He makes you believe that you are flawed; that you are a bad person - maybe even that YOU are the narcissist. He undermines your self-worth, self-love and your self-confidence.Expose the narcissist. Take your life back from the emotional vampire!This book provides insight and knowledge about the narcissistic husband, father and other narcissistic men. It enables you to see through their playing games and methods, and it gives you exercises and tools for dealing with a narcissistic abuser.It covers topics such asNarcissistic abuse.Dealing with a narcissistic abuser.Understanding narcissism.Co-parenting with a narcissist.Being a child of a narcissist.Trauma Bonding.A walk through of their methods, ie Gaslighting, Triangulation, Ghosting.Narcissistic relationships (Parents, Spouses, Relatives, co-workers).Getting away from a narcissist.The book also gives you insight in the consequences of being close to a narcissistic abuser, so you can deal with and heal from them. When you are aware of the consequences, it is easier to deal with them - and to find your way back to the person you want to be.

  • af Charlotte Lindhardt
    298,95 kr.

    I denne smukke bog får du et indblik i Jim Lyngvilds mest poetiske side, når han præsenterer sine nye fotografier af roser.Han har selv lagt navn til rosen 'Jim the Viking' og været med til at døbe flere andre roser, og hans have ved Ravnsborg på Fyn er naturligvis prydet af skønne roser, nøje udvalgt efter farve, duft og udseende.Bogen er en kalejdoskopisk rejse gennem forskellige aspekter af rosen rolle i kunst, kultur og gastronomi. Rejs med, og bliv inspireret.