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Bøger af Charles Bukowski

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  • af Charles Bukowski
    183,95 kr.

    A classic in the Bukowski poetry canon, Love Is a Dog from Hell is a raw, lyrical, exploration of the exigencies, heartbreaks, and limits of love.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    123,95 kr.

    Henry Chinaski is a low life loser with a hand-to-mouth existence. His menial Post Office day job supports a life of beer, one-night stands and racetracks. Lurid, uncompromising and hilarious, Post Office is a landmark in American literature.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    123,95 kr.

    The autobiographical coming-of-age modern classic by one of the greatest authors of the twentieth century

  • af Charles Bukowski
    133,95 kr.

    He died in 1994 and is widely acknowledged as one of the most distinctive writers of the last fifty years. Neeli Cherkovski was a close friend of Bukowski and is the author of Hank: The Life of Charles Bukowski (Random House, 1991)

  • af Charles Bukowski
    128,95 kr.

    Charles Bukowski examines cats and his childhood in You Get So Alone at Times, a book of poetry that reveals his tender side. He delves into his youth to analyze its repercussions.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    123,95 kr.

    Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame is poetry full of gambling, drinking and women. Charles Bukowski writes realistically about the seedy underbelly of life.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    138,95 kr.

    Poems deal with writing, death and immortality, literature, city life, illness, war, and the past.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    181,95 kr.

    Charles Bukowski (1920-1994), der ofte betegnes som kultforfatter, var en af efterkrigstidens mest markante amerikanske forfattere. Han beskæftigede sig i både lyrik og prosa hovedsagligt med den hvide underklasse, og hans skrivestil er kendetegnet ved sin forening af rå beskrivelser, en poetisk tone og befriende sort humor. Han er især kendt for sine fem semibiografiske romaner om Henry Chinaski: Ekstrabudene (1971), Alt forefaldende arbejde (1975), Kvinder (1978), Med det hele … (1982) og Hollywood (1989). ”Ord var ikke kedelige, ord var noget, der kunne få hjernen til at nynne. Hvis man læste dem og lod sig indfange af magien, kunne man leve uden smerte, med håb, lige meget hvad der skete en.”Med det hele … (1982) er en hudløs ærlig skildring af det fattige hvide underklassemiljø under den økonomiske depression i 1930’ernes Los Angeles. Den unge Henry Chinaski kæmper med tilværelsen i et barndomshjem præget af en passiv mor og en voldelig far, der lader sine frustrationer gå ud over sønnen i form af systematiske prygl. Tæsk er der også at finde i skolen, hvor børnene lader deres hårde opvækst gå ud over hinanden gennem slagsmål og mobning. Det er først, da Henry stifter bekendtskab med alkoholen, men især litteraturen, at han finder et fristed i en verden, der fremstår absurd og uretfærdig. Vi følger Henry fra hans første erindringer om sin barndom til Amerikas indtræden i 2. Verdenskrig.”En ting er, at bogen er så velskrevet og morsom, at man suser igennem den. En anden er, at bogen giver nogle pokkers gode svar på gåden Bukowski.” – Kim Skotte, Det Fri Aktuelt”Bukowski driver de bløde følelser frem i læseren i stedet for at smøre dem ud over bogsiderne.” – Thomas Bredsdorff, Politiken

  • - Selected Poems 1951-1993
    af Charles Bukowski
    183,95 kr.

    A selection of the best poetry from America's most iconic and imitated poet, Charles Bukowski

  • af Charles Bukowski
    143,95 kr.

    Henry Chinaski arbejder for det amerikanske postvæsen i Los Angeles. Han står tidligt op om morgenen, tager på arbejde, uddeler breve, tjekker ud og bruger resten af dagen på hestevæddeløb, kvinder og druk til langt ud på natten, før det hele begynder forfra. Hans liv er en rejse igennem den amerikanske slum og fattigdom med alt hvad dertil hører af alkoholisme, sex, vold og umulig kærlighed, og hver dag byder på oplevelser, som hele tiden svinger imellem dyb alvor, fordærv og tragikomik.Ekstrabudene er Charles Bukowskis debutroman fra 1971, oversat at Jette Drewsen efter originalen "Post Office", og den indleder forlagets udgivelsesserie Mesterlige Debuter.Nummer 1 i serien Mesterlige Debuter

  • af Charles Bukowski
    148,95 kr.

    YOU CAN TAKE THE MAN OUT OF THE GUTTER, BUT YOU CAN'T TAKE THE GUTTER OUT OF THE MANLow life writer and alcoholic Henry Chinaski was born to survive. Now, at the age of fifty, he is living the life of a rock star, running three hundred hangovers a year and a sex life that would cripple Casanova.

  • - A Novel
    af Charles Bukowski
    178,95 kr.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    148,95 kr.

    'The best poet in America' Jean Genet'He brought everybody down to earth, even the angels' Leonard CohenThe definitive collection from a writer whose transgressive legacy and raw, funny, acutely observant writing has left an enduring markHere is Bukowski eating walnuts and scratching his back, rolling a cigarette while listening to Brahms, showering with Linda in the mid-afternoon.Here is Bukowski knowing that the secret is beyond him, that people who never go crazy live truly horrible lives, that there's a bluebird in his heart that wants to get out.Here is Bukowski at his most hilarious and heart-breaking, his most raw and profound; here is Bukowski at his best.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    118,95 kr.

    The perfect gift book for the literary cat lover - musings on the magical mystique of our feline friends, from American icon Charles Bukowski

  • - A Novel
    af Charles Bukowski
    153,95 kr.

    Charles Bukowski's brilliant, fantastical pastiche of a detective story. Packed with wit, invention and Bukowski's trademark lowlife adventures, it is the final novel of one of the most enjoyable and influential cult writers of the last century.Nicky Belane, private detective and career alcoholic, is a troubled man. He is plagued not just by broads, booze, lack of cash and a raging ego, but also by the surreal jobs he's been hired to do. Not only has been hired to track down French classical author Celine - who's meant to be dead - but he's also supposed to find the elusive Red Sparrow - which may or may not be real.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    153,95 kr.

    This collection of short stories gives an insight into the dark, dangerous lowlife of Los Angeles that Bukowski inhabited. From prostitutes to classical music, Bukowski ingeniously mixes high and low culture in his 'tales of ordinary madness'.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    153,95 kr.

    Beginning in 1967, Bukowski wrote the column "Notes of A Dirty Old Man" for the underground newspaper Open City. Perennially drunk, broke and in search of a woman, Bukowski takes on the guise of a wise fool as he ventures through America's seedy lowlife.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    118,95 kr.

    Raw and romantic, On Love captures one of our funniest, fiercest, and most daring writers on a subject that touches all of our lives

  • af Charles Bukowski
    123,95 kr.

    Charles Bukowski lays bare Hollywood, revealing the absurdity and egotism behind the glamour

  • - A Novel
    af Charles Bukowski
    178,95 kr.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    138,95 kr.

    To ikke tidligere oversatte noveller af Charles Bukowski − med illustrationer af Robert Crumb. Oversat af Henrik List "Tag din kærlighed med til mig" Gloria er indlagt på et psykiatrisk hospital langt hjemmefra, og hendes mand Harry, der er checket ind på et motel i nærheden, kommer på besøg. Uden at dette ligefrem vækker begejstring hos Gloria, selvom stedetspatroniserende overlæge mener, at hun gør store fremskridt og snartbliver rask … "There’s No Business …" Den afdankede komiker Manny Hyman er en Las Vegas-veteran med fast jobpå et andenrangs casinohotel. En aften før endnu et show banker det pådøren til omklædningsrummet, hvor Manny dulmer nerverne med et ølglas fuld af vodka. Det er hotellets mangeårige booker Joe, der gerne vil have en alvorlig snak … Efter at have fået udgivet en række digtsamlinger blev Charles Charles Bukowski (1920-94) i slutningen af 60’erneomsider berømt og berygtet i hjembyen Los Angeles på grund af sinepolitisk ukorrekte “Notes of a Dirty Old Man”-klummer. Det litteræregennembrud kom i 70’erne med romaner som “Post Office” og “Factotum” omalter-egoet Hank Chinaski; en sjofel, fordrukken gammel gris med svaghed for dåseøl, unge piger, hestevæddeløb og klassisk musik. Indtil kultforfatteren blev 50, hustlede han sig igennem med tilfældige jobs og levede mellem ludere og lommetyve i nogle af L.A.’s mest skumle kvarterer. Bukowski er tabernes, bodegaernes og rendestenens digter, der ikkemindst i sine noveller formåede at skildre livets skyggesider med bådepoesi, realisme, galgenhumor og stramt sprogligt mesterskab. I seks årtier har Robert Crumb (1943) chokeret,underholdt, pirret og udfordret fantasierne og hæmningerne i sine ofteselvbiografiske tegneserier. Crumb var frontmand i den såkaldteundergrundsbevægelse indenfor den amerikanske tegneserie i 1960’erne. Crumbs afsky for amerikansk kultur og værdier fik ham i 1991 til atflytte til det sydlige Frankrig, hvor han siden i samarbejde med sinkone, Aline Kominsky-Crumb, har udsendt en række værker, hvor de åbentberetter om deres forhold til kunst, sex, kønspolitik, berømmelse,religion og mindreværd. Når Crumb ikke svinger pennen, spiller han banjo og mandolin i R. Crumb & His Cheap Suit Serenaders.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    118,95 kr.

    This second posthumous collection from Charles Bukowski takes readers deep into the raw, wild vein of writing that extends from the early 70s to the 1990s.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    228,95 - 298,95 kr.

    The definitive collection of works on a subject that inspired and haunted Charles Bukowski for his entire life: alcohol Charles Bukowski turns to the bottle in this revelatory collection of poetry and prose that includes some of the writer's best and most lasting work.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    128,95 kr.

    Betting on the Muse is a combination of hilarious poetry and stories. Charles Bukowski writes about the real life of a working man and all that comes with it.

  • - Poetry
    af Charles Bukowski
    198,95 kr.

    Edited by Abel Debritto, the definitive collection of poems from an influential writer whose transgressive legacy and raw, funny, and acutely observant writing has left an enduring mark on modern culture.Few writers have so brilliantly and poignantly conjured the desperation and absurdity of ordinary life as Charles Bukowski. Resonant with his powerful, perceptive voice, his visceral, hilarious, and transcendent poetry speaks to us as forcefully today as when it was written. Encompassing a wide range of subjects?from love to death and sex to writing?Bukowski's unvarnished and self-deprecating verse illuminates the deepest and most enduring concerns of the human condition while remaining sharply aware of the day to day.With his acute eye for the ridiculous and the troubled, Bukowski speaks to the deepest longings and strangest predilections of the human experience. Gloomy yet hopeful, this is tough, unrelenting poetry touched by grace.This is Essential Bukowski.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    218,95 - 228,95 kr.

  • - A Novel
    af Charles Bukowski
    173,95 kr.

    In what is widely hailed as the best of his many novels, Charles Bukowski details the long, lonely years of his own hardscrabble youth in the raw voice of alter ego Henry Chinaski. From a harrowingly cheerless childhood in Germany through acne-riddled high school years and his adolescent discoveries of alcohol, woman, and the Los Angeles Public Library's collection of D.H. Lawrence, Ham on Rye offers a crude, brutal, and savagely funny portrait of an outcast's coming-of-age during the desperate days of the Great Depression.

  • - The Uncollected Columns
    af Charles Bukowski
    163,95 kr.

    The sequel to his famous book, More Notes of a Dirty Old Man reprints rare Bukowski columns unseen in decades.

  • - New Poems
    af Charles Bukowski
    161,95 kr.

    "if you read this after I am deadIt means I made it"-"The Creation Coffin"The People Look like Flowers at Last is the last of five collections of never-before published poetry from the late great Dirty Old Man, Charles Bukowski.

  • af Charles Bukowski
    153,95 kr.

    Charles Bukowski was one of America's best-known writers and one of its most influential and imitated poets. Although he published over 45 books of poetry, hundreds of his poems were kept by him and his publisher for posthumous publication, This is the first collection of these unique poems.