Bøger af Carsten Henn
178,95 kr. - Bog
- 178,95 kr.
174,95 - 258,95 kr. Carl Kollhoff er en 72-årig boghandler og bor i en lille tysk by. Efter lukketid går han rundt i de pittoreske, brostensbelagte gader og leverer bøger til sine med loyale og særlige kunder. Han kender deres smag og ønsker, og han udvælger omhyggeligt de helt rigtige historier ud. Disse mennesker er næsten som venner for ham, og han er deres vigtigste forbindelse til verden. Da Carl uventet mister sit job, får han brug for hjælp fra bøgerne og en niårig pige for at få dem alle til at finde modet til at genopbygge deres bånd til hinanden. Bogbringeren er en charmerende international bestseller om et umage venskab mellem en gammel bogsælger og en niårig pige, som ændrer hans liv, og om det magiske ved at læse og den evne, bøger har til at bringe os sammen.
148,95 kr. - Bog
- 148,95 kr.
198,95 kr. "An unabashedly sentimental, determinedly uplifting novel about friendships forged through books." —NPR Small-town German bookseller Carl Kollhoff delivers his books to special customers in the evening hours after closing time, walking through the picturesque alleys of the city. These people are almost like friends to him, and he is their most important connection to the world. When Kollhoff unexpectedly loses his job, it takes the power of books and a nine-year-old girl to make them all find the courage to rebuild their bonds with each other. A bestselling phenomenon internationally, Carsten Henn's The Door-to-Door Bookstore is a feel-good novel about books and friendship."The feel-good novel for all book lovers." —Der Spiegel
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
363,95 kr. "The charming international bestseller about an unlikely friendship between an elderly door-to-door bookseller and a nine-year-old girl that changes his life. Small-town German bookseller Carl Kollhoff delivers his books to special customers in the evening hours after closing time, walking through the picturesque alleys of the city. These people are almost like friends to him, and he is their most important connection to the world. When Kollhoff unexpectedly loses his job, it takes the power of books and a nine-year-old girl to make them all find the courage to rebuild their bonds with each other. A bestselling phenomenon internationally, Carsten Henn's The Door-to-Door Bookstore is a feel-good novel about books and friendship"--
- Bog
- 363,95 kr.
323,95 kr. The charming international bestseller about an unlikely friendship between an elderly door-to-door bookseller and a nine-year-old girl that changes his life. Small-town German bookseller Carl Kollhoff delivers his books to special customers in the evening hours after closing time, walking through the picturesque alleys of the city. These people are almost like friends to him, and he is their most important connection to the world. When Kollhoff unexpectedly loses his job, it takes the power of books and a nine-year-old girl to make them all find the courage to rebuild their bonds with each other. A bestselling phenomenon internationally, Carsten Henn's The Door-to-Door Bookstore is a feel-good novel about books and friendship.
- Bog
- 323,95 kr.